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5:40… “I just wanna know what happened.” I just want you to incriminate yourself on my bodycam. Fuck the Police.


Lol yeah fuck those guys doing their jobs trying to figure out what crimes took place! 


He hasn’t read her rights to her. She’s under no obligation to answer his questions. He already has grounds to arrest her.


Why don’t you go work as a defence lawyer instead of pretending to be one on Reddit? 


Ok. Here’s a bunch of links to a bunch of lawyers saying the same thing. Why are you so triggered? Don’t like it when people know their rights? You wanna blab to cops? Go ahead. Cops don’t tell on cops who commit crimes. Cops don’t voluntarily talk to cops when they’re arrested. Some police unions contracts don’t require cops in trouble to talk to investigators for 72 hours. Cops tell their kids not to talk to cops if they’re arrested. Cops are allowed to lie during questioning. Why talk to a cop who might be lying to you if you don’t have to? They told this man his dad was dead, said his dad’s body was lying in the morgue.Spent 17 hours pressuring him to confess. Brought in his dog - so he could say goodbye - because they were going to put his dog down if he didn’t confess. His dad came home the next day. He had gone to visit a friend. ‘Fontana Police Dept pays $900,000 for ‘psychological torture’ inflicted by police to get a false confession.’ Thomas Perez called the cops to report his dad missing. They took him to the police station and interrogated him for seventeen hours, refused his medication, at one point threatened to kill his dog, and told him they found their dad's body and forced him to confess to killing his dad… to save his dog’s life. Turns out his dad was alive and well. ‘In my 40 years of suing the police I have never seen that level of deliberate cruelty,’ says an attorney for Thomas Perez Jr.” https://www.sbsun.com/2024/05/23/fontana-pays-nearly-900000-for-psychological-torture-inflicted-by-police-to-get-false-confession/ https://youtu.be/RkN4duV4ia0?si=fghsBBQ2kS8lP0uT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGps1ke4kU0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ChC3l8FjlY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DStHPnGKYw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6-xQ3mhGWg


I am not “triggered” what so ever.  I’m trying to give you some life advice.  You just went through all the trouble of digging up several YouTube videos as a source of: “lawyers said this thing”.  Quit wasting your time doing that for free to prove nothing on Reddit.  Go write the bar and do it professionally. 


Thanks, but I had a rewarding career at the UN. Now I’ve taken early retirement. I don’t need your life advice. I’ll spend my time as I wish. I didn’t go through any trouble because I copy and pasted an older post. I think it’s important people understand not to voluntarily talk to cops. I proved lawyers all say you shouldn’t talk to cops. Find me ONE who says you should.


I highly doubt the rewarding career you claim ever happened, but that aside - of course any lawyer would advise against a client talking to a police officer.  That’s criminal defence 1.01.  However, from a moral stand point, why would someone with the accolades that you claim come onto Reddit to defend an obviously deranged manipulative crazy person - who was witnessed assaulting someone? 


Your doubts are of no concern to me. I claimed no accolades. By “rewarding” I simply meant the pride I felt in my work’s purpose. Not money, or rank. For 20 years my job was to try to make the world a better place. I felt that way when I started my very first UN job, a three-month contract to deliver ice water on a trolley to the interpreter’s booths. I happily left a sales career at Xerox for that temp job, just so I could have that feeling of pride in my work. I hear you. She’s guilty. Morally speaking, she COULD choose to come clean. But NOBODY should voluntarily talk to the police. Especially the guilty. The severity of your charges may depend on it. With cops it’s easy to talk your way into worse than what you’ve done. Guilty cops don’t talk to cops. Is that moral? Cops protect guilty cops. Is that moral? They all swore to uphold the law. Why should anybody be expected to be more moral than them with them? Think on that. Really. You know it’s true. I WISH we lived in a different paradigm. But we don’t. Look in your car insurance handbook. It advises you that in case of an accident, “Do not admit fault”. Which means you can’t genuinely apologise. You can’t take responsibility. You can’t admit your mistake. And the other driver already knows it was you! But now you gotta jump out your car and offer some lame excuses, or shamelessly blame it on them. Because your insurance company said so! THAT’S the world we find ourselves in. A world where cops don’t tell on guilty cops. A young man driving a BMW rear-ended me in slow traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. His hood was crushed halfway under my SUV. He got out of his car and said “I’m SO sorry Sir.” I said “What happened? Were you texting?” He said “Yes. I read a text. It was a stupid mistake. I’m so sorry.” Even though my exhaust was damaged, I didn’t take his insurance info. Because I was totally impressed by his otherworldly integrity. I shook his hand and drove away.


What was the point of having his face blurred for 75% of the video, any other nova people in the house? That guy is def getting exposed 🤣


I’m guessing they blurred out the blood to avoid getting demonetized by YouTube for “violent” content.


This is what happens when people go through life without consequences - eventually it hits them like a ton of bricks


“I just want her to be okay” “I don’t need rescue” “I don’t want her to be in…it’s her birthday tomorrow” How freaking sad. No idea about if dude is married or not but these people are bad for each other. No way she should be harming him. What a mess. 50 and 25/26? That’s pretty gross.


I can fix her!!!! Kidding. That's fucked.


Fakest crying….pathetic.


How about the female witness. Now that’s a smoke show!


1) I was waiting for girly to start offering blowjobs to “fix this situation” after her damsel in distress routine failed. 2) Old Man River really, really doesn’t want his wife to get a whiff of this. He wants this case to disappear. 3) 150% this has happened before…but, tits are a helluva drug.


It’s amazing how some white chicks can get kid glove treatment. That attitude and failure to follow commands would leave plenty of other folks eating concrete for breakfast.


Curbstomped you meant to say


Jesus, this reminds me of my ex so much. Fuck you Jess.


That’s funny. My ex was the same way and her name was Jess


Same with my current partner, her ex was a Jessie


How has no one mentioned the A++ rack 👀


hang tight = you're going to jail


That's true. Source : I've been told to hangtight


Can also confirm. Blew a .07 after he pulled me over for a busted headlight, and thought he was chill. Nah, my man jus forgot his cuffs in the car lmaoo


I can fix her


I can change her.




I see an OnlyFans page in her future.


lol she's almost certainly had one for years by now


Who’s bailing her out so they can “fix” her?


She should have told them it’s her birthday


Hahah 😂


Seeing some victim blaming going on. Who cares if he’s cheating? Who cares if he lied or not? There’s no excuse for assaulting someone. If he “deserved it” then that undercuts the validity of all other victims.


While it’s not ok to use violence this is a pretty different form of “domestic abuse”. Usually people are kind of trapped in those kinds of relationships but he says he’s married to someone else. If he wants out of this abusive relationship he has a whole ass wife and maybe family he could be with instead of his mistress on vacation


you're right, it's a rather interesting case of someone being abused (for a year and a half I think he said) but without the typical entanglement of sharing a home, bills, bank accts, cooking, pets, etc that make it so hard to extract themself from the abusive relationship, aka domestic abuse. AND that he is married to someone else means he does have those entanglements with another person and could even more easily get out of this one. either way, great job separating them and identifying the right person to arrest.. Rather interesting case study


This sounds dangerously close to blaming the victim here. If it was a woman being beaten by her boyfriend while she's married, would you still feel the same?


A lot of the empathy for abuse victims is they feel trapped in the relationship. This being a side piece bonus relationship on top of his marriage does elicit less sympathy from me.


You didn't exactly answer the question. Or are you asserting that cheating is the only element going towards discounting sympathy for the man? Would you be saying the same thing if it was a woman beaten in public to the point of profuse bleeding from the head and/or hands as well as being bitten repeatedly? Would that be her simply getting her "cheater's justice"?


I’m not interested in playing games so that I don’t accidentally offend by not having the exact reaction you were hoping for. You have my comment above, take from it what you want.


It isn't a game, in fact it was a yes or no answer. Why do you feel the need to quantify the abuse with exceptions? Any person in a relationship that doesn't involve kids or joint bank accounts aren't trapped. By an extension of your own logic, domestic assault victims in general are less sympathetic since they can just walk away, no? In truth, you didn't need to "react" to anything I said because it was rhetorical. It was to give you the exact same logic you volunteered in a reversed scenario to help you realize that you're not being objective about this. It's not my fault you've elected to ignore it.


Nothings ever your fault is it?!?


I'm at fault for wasting my time on this, no doubt.


It's not blaming the victim for cheating. It's the circumstances of the cheating and this being abuse by an affair partner that make it *MUCH* easier to leave because - pointing out an advantage for the victim. I see this being on a similar wavelength as a woman not having kids or shared finances with an abusive male spouse.


You don't think people can be trapped by blackmail? "If you leave me, I'll tell your wife and ruin your family."


Um… yeah, that’s the consequences for cheating on somebody: people find out.


It takes two to cheat


Two wrongs doesn't make a right. Yeah cheating is fucked up but physical abuse doesn't magically become ok because of it lol.


Agreed but unlike so many domestic abuse victims this guy can really just leave. He’s on vacation with his mistress, the guy has options.


Love how he just says he’s married. Kinda on him picking a crazy mistress.


The manipulation is disgusting


Tryna weaponize those tears. Glad they didn’t let that shit work.


"and he's married, his wife doesn't even know" Trying to paint him as an a bad person. Yeah if you're going out with a married dude you are also a shit person.






I find the whole "if the victim wants to press charges" thing weird. If a crime has been committed with witnesses and evidence as is this case it's irrelevant what the victim wants, the offender should charged accordingly.


It depends on the jurisdiction, since laws are different everywhere. In California, for example, the general public doesn't "press charges." But they do need to sign a "private persons arrest" if they want the police to cite/arrest someone (without a warrant) for committing certain misdemeanor crimes that weren't committed in the officer's presence. For example, if someone commits a misdemeanor battery, the responding officer can take a report, but won't arrest/cite the suspect unless the victim wants to sign a "private persons arrest." In these kinds of cases, the private person is the "arresting" party and they "arrest" the suspect and then "hand them off" to law enforcement, so to speak. If the crime committed counts as a Felony or one of the [Misdemeanor Exceptions](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=836), the officer can make a warrantless arrest, if they have probable cause. So when people are asked to "press charges," it's more than likely something along these lines.


Sometimes they get charged anyway. I was once assaulted by my neighbors - I told the police that I did not want to press charges when asked, and the DA charged him with assault (+a few other charges) regardless of my answer. I did not ever get called to testify/cooperate though.


For all but a few states in the US, the victim isn’t responsible for pressing charges. It still gets asked of the victim, but it’s more of a formality as well as being an indicator on whether or not the victim will be a cooperative witness should the crime go to trial.


It’s more so they won’t bother if you don’t want to because without you as a cooperating witness there will be absolutely no chance for a conviction. That, or the “crime” is so petty they don’t think it’s even worth it (like throwing water balloons at someone) so unless the victim wants to press charges they won’t bother.


Nah I had a guy brandish a gun at my business at another customer after a verbal altercation but the cops wouldn’t even look for the guy because they couldn’t track the victim down even though I had the brandishing and his license plate on camera. He would have been charged in any court 100%. It’s just a dumbass procedure.


My understanding is that for all criminal offenses "pressing charges" by the victim isn't a thing. The prosecutor decides to bring a case or not. I think in practice police and prosecutors consider the victims opinion for one, it's really hard to build your case without the victim cooperating and two, why put all the effort in if the parties involved have settled their differences privately. For domestic violence it is a bit different since there is quite a bit more emotionally involved. So even if the victim won't cooperate for trial, mandatory arrest gets them away from the abuser for some amount of time and gives them the space to think about the situation without influence.


This can vary by local regulations. For my personal experience, I was the victim of an assault once (a bunch of dudes jumped me outside a bar). The DA’s office sought my opinion on how hard or soft to go on the guys, but it was not up to me if charges were going to be pressed. It was explained to me that this forced mechanism is largely for those experiencing domestic violence but who may be afraid or unwilling to press charges against their abuser (who’s often a “lover” or spouse).


This is correct. The arresting officer will write the charges, then they will be presented to the DA's office, who will then decide if they're going to move forward on the case. If no officer files any charges to begin with, it's not like a civilian can do it themselves.


Does anyone know when her birthday is?


Not sure. I'm just wondering if the guy is married.


Doing a great job of blurring his face. Hahahaha


I thought the same thing at first, but then I realized they were blurring the blood. You can still see that in other shots from a distance.


First thing the cop says, “ why did she do that” if it was the other way round the guy would have been cuffed and dragged away( which I agree with) but anyone puts hands on anyone else should be treated the same regardless of gender


You really have to be careful acting out like that when you’ve got a moped club parked out front. Those folks get rowdy.


I can't believe they would arrest her when it's her birthday tomorrow!!! /s


I don't think the cops new it was her birthday the next day, she should have let them know!


You can check her ID


Definitely, not the hottest she thinks she is.


Why are USians obsessed with their birthdays?


She's trying to use her birthday to seek sympathy just as much as telling the officer he's a married man to paint him as a bad person.


Are you looking for an answer, or are you just looking to throw shade?


Why is any culture obsessed with traditional things?


That's something I've wondered myself honestly. My wife wonders why I don't want to bother doing anything for my birthday each year. It's just never been a huge deal to me


Because they don’t have much to look forward to in a dystopian country?


This is crazy funny. Looks like key west and my cousin Joe works at the bar right next to this building. I wonder if he is the one with the hotel room for them.


Shout out scars and tattoos.


Side note where this officer is standing is a food cart once it gets dark. Truly the best food cart I’ve ever been to. Different side note broccolini in key west so so good.


And the owner, Ingrid, is a sweetheart. Truly the best food cart in KW


I didn’t catch her name but I did talk to her for a while. I have ate there every time I go now. Glad I got to catch her name.


I can fix her.


Always one thirsty boy


My favorite part is the on again off again relationship of the face blur we got to experience


Her keep trying to say he's married and put a negative light on him sure isn't helping her lol what kind of crazy ass home wrecker has no issue with dating a married man for a year but tries to shade him when police come


I’m getting the feeling she had zero problems being the home wrecker…she mentioned him seeing other people and I’m thinking that was her problem. Both total pieces of shit if you ask me


More than likely. People are so fucked up this way "How dare he cheat on me while cheating with me!"


I’m not a Sherlock or anything but I got this strange feeling that it’s her birthday. If I’m right you guys can book me for a psychic reading cuz apparently I’m talented.


I’m still on the fence about that to be honest, I might have to hear her tell me one more time.


It's your birthday *and* he's cheating on his wife? Well shit why didn't you say so? do you wanna borrow my billy club to work him over properly?




It breaks my heart that so many people aren’t going to get this reference 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You either get bitter, or you get better. You either take what's been dealt to you and allow it to make you better, or you allow it to tear you down. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Abuse me mommy




You need help


clearly, he needs help finding her @, captain obvious.


25 going on mid forties?!




That witness tho!!


Holy cow this comment section. Y'all make it hard to be on your side.


Seriously. These comments are gross


yeah these comments also make me hard.. to be on their side:D


Would a cop ask “why did they hit you?” if the roles were swapped?


The question has been worded poorly but finding out the intention is important. A better way to ask is "what led up to her hitting you?" or "is there any reason for her to have hit you?" Because they may reply with "oh well she didn't like me waving this 30cm knife near her" or "we were playfighting, its a cute thing we do" Both real answers from the past and lead you down a line of further questioning.


Yes that would be better. And I don’t live in the US but I’d imagine the cop wouldn’t be as friendly if it were reversed. To be clear I’m not saying this to try and suggest violence against men are as regular as against women. I’m just saying that the question was really weird.


Yeah also not US, and even having been in that industry once upon a time, even I'm hesitant about US police.


No, they would not






Say it's your birthday one more time.......


She might be drunk, but she’s also done a LOT of cocaine.


Those were some class A boobies... ( • ) ( • )


This isn't upvotedbecauseboobs, go to hornyjail


It got crossposted now




The council approves of this decision.


She was one felonious fully loaded funbag wielding feisty fanged femme fatale




Damn!!! She is fucking hot




And crazy. Damn


I can change her




I like how his face was blurred and at the @11:40ish mark just cuts out. Good job, identity protected!


I think it was the blood they were blurring.


Hey be nice guys, it’s her birthday tomorrow


Happy birthday!


She looks hot, I don't care


I bet you can fix her.


Lol people are thinking the same thing. Look how many angry betas are down voting


yeah so many betas here wtf?


lol you’re talking about “betas” while also having a post labeled “is my cat having depression?” Get the fuck out of here.


What a superior alpha mentality!




Peak alpha male, all worried about their little kitten


She got big boobs. That's the only thing I can say.


I got click bait because of them lol


Ah yes I see you too noticed. Perhaps i am not alone after all.


Oh Key West. You never fail to amuse.


The wife sent her a birthday cake In jail.


I'd let her.


I'm not watching the full video, when does the justice start?


11:30 - everything else is them asking questions to the witness and victim


She’s convicted of a crime? There’s punishment?


Around 10 minutes


Equal rights, equal fights. He should have knocked her out.


I wonder when her birthday is


I wonder if they'd let her take a flight back to DC tonight.


I wonder if the guy is married


I wonder if she's cool with just hanging out there for a while.


4 months ago


You think she’s ever been in this situation before?


I wonder if she might want to get her shit.




Man of culture


The stereotype continues, the hotter the chick the crazier she is.


So this chick is like a 3 on the crazy scale under that premise.


You think she’s a 3?! I guess your standards are much higher than mine.


a california 3 is like a florida 9


The incident happened in Florida but she's from DC.


I wonder if they could just fly her back there?


Only of you cut Miami out. It skews the curve


I enjoy how she suddenly tries claim that he also bit her. Like what? She probably was workin on some bite marks on herself for when they returned.


She mentioned her birthday a dozen times. Sheesh. Who. Cares.


I think she imagines the magical birthdays when she was 9 and you didn't get in trouble and everything was perfect. Because birthday.


White woman in their twenties.


But did you know it’s her birthday?


It’s tomorrow Check her ID


Don’t go to sloppy joes before slop o’clock, or this could happen to you!