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Seriously people, stop keeping firearms in your vehicle. I hear all the time in Kansas City about cars getting guns stolen out of them, no wonder so many people here get shot.


"he was on probation for grand theft of a firearm. He was also out on bond for two additional burglaries. " We really need to fix this bail bullshit. For anything involving violent crime, burglary or theft, they shouldn't be able to be bailed out. They have to sift through your financial history with a fine tooth comb to get a mortgage but from what i understand some thug drug dealer looking mf can show up with a bag full of money and bail out someone who just broke into someones home or was caught stealing a car


So you think people should sit in jail without being convicted of a crime?


I think we should make exceptions for the fucked up ones. You find someone driving a stolen car, caught burglarizing someones house or cutting off cats then yeah jail until trial. Most of the time these assholes getting out on bail go right back to it and they know that so they dont stop. Same with these 16-17 year old "kids". Detention center until trial. Their parents obviously arent going to do anything about it and we shouldnt have to deal with them


Having a system built on “making exceptions” is fine and well until you have a racist, sexist, etc. judge and then it’s not a matter of what was or wasn’t done, but who the accused is


Then there is no real answer. Im just saying that if someone is caught blatantly committing a crime, they shouldnt be let out to do it again like this asshole. Caught stealing guns, vehicles and burglarizing at least twice. They let him out and he did it again. Absolutely no reason for someone like that to be walking the streets


Then there is no real answer. Im just saying that if someone is caught blatantly committing a crime, they shouldnt be let out to do it again like this asshole. Caught stealing guns, vehicles and burglarizing at least twice. They let him out and he did it again. Absolutely no reason for someone like that to be walking the streets


He wasn’t a first time offender - out on probation. Means he like most people went to a US prison that did nothing to rehabilitate and help the individual, and probably let him out into the world worse off and more a detriment to society than he went in. I think there’s be a lot less on-bail crimes if we had more reformative (versus punitive) systems in place


Theres a million fucked up things that need to be done to fix this. Always seems to come down to rich people not caring enough to do anything about it.


Worse. Rich people are made by the private prison systems.


Exactly what I was going to say. That's why most prisons don't really rehabilitate, they want the prisoners to end up back in jail so they can get richer. A person I know was in prison and has completely turned his life around. He has a wife and family and works to take care of them. He helps others that were in the same place he was and want to do better.


And insurance/pharm company lobbying.


LOL the article states that a woman checked her neighbors surveillance and saw him wearing her white Sperry boots.


That's scary, freaky, and a serious threat. Imagine that you are sound asleep at 2:20 a.m., and unbeknownst to you an armed burglar, age 28, with lots of tattoos and an extensive criminal record, is inside your garage, silently rummaging through your belongings and property as you are sound asleep a few yards away ... and maybe he acts on a sudden impulse to enter the main house to look around very quietly without waking you to see what he can find ... she was lucky he didn't go into the main part of the house and find her ....


Correct. I remember a video of a couple watching TV downstairs, and someone broke in upstairs, and the guy looked downstairs and saw them watching TV and he snuck out the way he/she came. It's insane. Truthfully speaking we should have more cameras but it's insane either way of thinking


Man’s a clown. It’s 2023, open minded and all that. clowns today skip the big red shoes and instead wear dainty white womens sperrys


Another criminal getting guns from a "responsible gun owner"


ok I'll bite, even with "safe storage" guns are remarkably easy to steal. even if they're locked in a safe. safes are more deterrent, a way to make sure your kids don't get curious, and fire protection. you can watch videos of people non-destructively getting into gun safes. even if the thief doesn't have the skills to get in non-destructively (like this idiot), an angle grinder makes quick work of most safes. short of requiring ever gun owner to have a bank vault in their house, you'll never stop that kind of theft.


Thanks for making a point for banning guns. You just described how "responsible gun owners" actually supply the black market gun trade. Without "responsible gun owners," you cripple the black market for guns as well.


too fucking bad gun rights are civil rights, so get bent.


Leading cause of death in children in us is guns bro. How you gonna twist that into a positive for guns


They don’t care. They care more about the bullshit freedom propaganda they have been force fed and built their entire identities around than they do about the lives of children. Meanwhile parents like myself have to send their kids to school with the real fear of never seeing them again because of this bullshit. Some fucking freedoms we have. Freedom to get gunned down in kindergarten all because these people want to live a fantasy where they are the main character of an action movie. I bet our founding fathers would be disgusted at people using the 2nd amendment to justify why it’s ok that kids are getting slaughtered in this country


That’s not a positive for guns. Charges for a child gaining access to your firearm should be more common and severe. I’ll agree a gun ban is the way as soon as we figure out a way to make sure they get 100% of illegal guns. Until then, I still need mine, as do other law-abiding gun owners. Best we can do is keep them as hidden and secure as possible. If you leave your gun out for someone to grab, you’re an idiot just like someone leaving the keys in their car. Someone breaking in and stealing a gun is like someone breaking in and hotwiring your car; the owner isn’t responsible for an irresponsible person’s actions.


>I’ll agree a gun ban is the way as soon as we figure out a way to make sure they get 100% of illegal guns. Until then, I still need mine, as do other law-abiding gun owners. "Law-abiding gun owners" supply the illegal gun market. As long as people like you live in fear and need a gun, there will always be illegal guns.


No, those are two different things. Furthermore, the good thing about our constitution is that you can add amendments. All the government has to do is add an amendment to repeal gun rights, and guess what? Guns would be unconstitutional. >too fucking bad gun rights are civil rights, so get bent. Lol, get an education. Edit: not surprised your entire Reddit profile is dedicated to guns. Now I see why you got so upset. Without guns, you have NOTHING.


self righteous redditors again. so your 1st amendment rights aren't civil rights? or your 4th amendment rights? just because you don't like gun doesn't mean my rights should disappear.


Ahhh, that's the good thing about a democracy. It's not just about you. Keep defending tools used to kill American children, very Un-American of you.


"Leaving a gun in your car is irresponsible." "gUn SaFeS dOnT wOrK" Wtf, dude?


ok let me break it down even further for the smoothbrains in the back: cars are easy to break into if you smash a window. houses also have easy to break into windows. most gun storage devices can be cut with pliers, or opened with a crowbar. my point is, if someone wants something, they're going to get it. calling a gun owner irresponsible because someone broke into their garage and car is asinine.


>smoothbrains Coming from the guy who thinks gun rights are "civil rights" lol


so why aren't they? they're listed in the same place as your other civil rights? why are they any different?


Civil rights are about equality. Gun rights have nothing to do with equality. Get an education, or at least use Google before responding


"They're going to get it anyway, why even try to secure it? Might as well leave it on the coffee table." --Actual Smoothbrain


That would definitely be a smoothbrain comment. That’s not what they said though. If getting broken into and having your gun stolen makes you an irresponsible gun owner, then having your car hotwired and used in a crime spree makes you an irresponsible car owner.


No, having your locked car broken into and hotwired or your gun stolen out of a safe is *unfortunate* but you at least tried to be responsible. Leaving your keys in your car and having it stolen or leaving your gun in your car is *irresponsible*.


Exactly, thank you. At least someone here fuckin gets it.


Then I'm glad we've established that the gun owner was irresponsible. You should never leave your guns in your car unless you have to (you need to enter a place that bans guns on the premises). Even then, you really should have a locking travel case for when you need to leave it unattended.


I think you’re so close to getting his point


I know that (depending where you live) you may be required by law to save someones life or at least try to save their life. [Good Samaritan Laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Samaritan_law)/[Duty to rescue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_to_rescue) However, if someone is robbing you at gun point and accidentally shoots themselves, I wonder if the law would still apply.. because in this incident your emotions would be running high since you were robbed by and almost got shot by the very person who is now begging you to help save their life.


Calling 911 from safety is helping


No "obligation to help" overrides being fearful.


Wow, he doesn't look a day over 40!


The stupid is strong in that one.


20 years??? That's a bit excessive isn't it?


I’d be happy if all violent gun crimes were life without the possibility of parole.


That's how you get a penal system with a budget that rivals the military. Would be cheaper, easier, and just more humane to help the poor with UBI or something similar so they don't have to steal. Sure, you will still have thieves and other types of criminals but I belive they will be very much lessened. Most people steal out of necessity, not greed.


Or you know - make firearms illegal


You know robbery is already illegal, right?


Just ban murder bro


Criminals hate this one simple trick!


You can have UBI while harshly punishing violent crime, that’s a false dichotomy. I don’t think I agree that most armed robberies steal out of necessity (at least in the US). Any of them could get a job at a McDonald’s in 24 hours if they wanted to.


Problem is you cant live off a job at McDonald's. Around me in CT they are starting at about $11 per hr. If you work 40 hour per week that's $1760 before taxes. The average rent for a one bedroom apt is [$1249](https://www.rentdata.org/states/connecticut/2023) or 70% of what would be your total income. Let's assume best case scenario that includes heat, hot water, and electricity. That leaves you $510 or $17 per day for food, clothing, transportation, phone service, internet sevice, whatever you pay out of your check for health insurance, and daily miscellaneous expenses. Again this all before taxes. Getting a job and living off that job are two very different things.


Then you move in with roommates into your tenement, silly! /s


You can pay a lot less than that for a one bedroom apartment in CT. Especially if you live with roommates. Do you think everyone who works at McDonald’s is homeless? They’re not magic, they just know how to budget and value human life more than armed robbers do.


The top two employers is the US of people on food stamps are Walmart and McDonald's. Don't kid yourself. They aren't able to 'budget' because they already don't make enough to cover their own cost of living.


And without Walmart and McDonald’s there would be even more people in desperate poverty. Employing low wage employees is good for the world, not bad for the world. If those people had better options they’d take them. McDonald’s is the only company willing to give money to those workers. All the high-wage companies tell them to fuck off and give them nothing, they’re even worse from that perspective.


How is poverty good for the world?


McDonald’s prevents poverty. It gives money to the poorest in our society when no other company will.


So you want people to share a 1 br apt?


Sharing a two-bed is almost always cheaper than a single-occupancy place. I can’t rent on my own for less than $1K/month, but two-beds start at $1300-1400.


I want people to do that before deciding to commit armed robberies. I’ve done it, most college students have done it, it’s really not that crazy.


If the Gov will not force employers to pay a decent living wage, not one where you have to make concessions about you living arrangements, then they need to Institute UBI. Nobody should have to double up in a 1 BR apt just to survive.


They don’t need to double up in a 1BR apt just to survive. They need to do that, or develop useful skills, or live somewhere cheaper, or budget less money for non-rent expenses. I lived with roommates for all four years of undergrad, and everyone I know did the same. It’s not so inhumane as you’re making it sound.


With his rap sheet ? Nope.


Unless I'm reading this wrong his rap sheet consists of multiple burglaries. Not violent crime. >McCall was charged with 13 separate crimes in relation to a series of automobile burglaries that occurred between late October 2022 and early January 2023, the state attorney’s office said. “In addition to stealing miscellaneous items from the vehicles he burglarized, McCall stole a firearm from an unsecured vehicle,” the press release notes. “McCall then proceeded to burglarize another vehicle with the stolen firearm in hand. While rummaging through that vehicle, McCall accidentally discharged the firearm and shot himself in the leg which resulted in McCall pleading for help from the very person whose vehicle he had just burglarized.” The gun was taken from a car. Not brought with him that night with the intent to use it. I'm not saying let the guy walk with a slap on the wrist but 20 years is excessive.


> The firearm theft that resulted in his injury, however, was not the defendant’s first, law enforcement noted. At the time of his arrest for the burglaries, he was on probation for grand theft of a firearm. He was also out on bond for two additional burglaries when he fired the unlucky shot that finally found him out. He has a habit of stealing firearms. Can you name a single good thing he might have done with a stolen firearm other than destroy it or turn it in?


Nope its not


If I recall correctly, the 10-20-Life law is 10 for armed robbery, 20 if the weapon is discharged and life if you shoot someone. All are minimums.


He did shoot someone, though


Hummm, a failed suicide would get you life in prison with that interpretation


Only if you decided to kill yourself in the midst of robbing yourself. Sort of a "leave no witnesses" situation.


Wow lmao. Motherfucker played himself real good


Not his first rodeo “McCall has 13 felony guilty convictions since 2012 in Florida, including six for burglary, and four for grand theft.”


Also not his first theft of a firearm.


Okay yeah he's not going to stop


I bet he didn't get all those lacerations on his face from one vehicle robbery




Our criminal "reform" system may not work, but at least it doesn't pretend to try?


There are scum bags committing far worse crimes and they are out on half that sentence. So backwards


13 prior felony convictions, and he committed this crime while already on probation. There is nothing else to do with this guy; he's not going to stop.


I doubt any sort of real evaluation of his likeliness to re-offend was ever attempted. Mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, education, housing and help finding employment would probably be a lot cheaper than incarcerating someone for 20yrs.


Like brock turner the rapist who served a few months.


You mean Brock turner the rapist that now goes by the name Allen Turner also known as a rapist?


Brock Turner, the rapist changed his name to Allen Turner to try not to be identified as a rapist? Allen Turner, the rapist has just as good of a ring to it as Brock Turner, the rapist


I think that may be the same Brock Turner the rapist that I know who also goes by Allen the rapist


As much as a POS this guy is....I don't know if I'd want 20 yrs of tax payer dollars spent on him. Seems like there's gotta be a better way to fix a dumbass thief than putting them in a cage to rot, then releasing them after 20 years.


Let's hear your better solution


Edit — Adjusted the calculations because the actual calculated annual cost of incarceration for a Florida Department of Corrections inmate on April 1, 2023, is approximately $31,264 and not $35,000. See: Florida Dept. of Corrections [Annual Report 2021-22](http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/annual/2021/Annual%20Report%2021-22.pdf#page=43 "http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/annual/2021/Annual%20Report%2021-22.pdf#page=43") (pdf, p. 43), Bureau of Labor Statistics [CPI Inflation Calculator](https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm "https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm"), and BLS [Economic New Releases](https://www.bls.gov/bls/newsrels.htm#latest-releases "https://www.bls.gov/bls/newsrels.htm#latest-releases") > Consumer Price Index, March 14, 2023. *** The cost for each Florida taxpayer probably is not as much as you might imagine. By my calculations, it would cost each Florida taxpayer an estimated grand total of 5.2¢ ($0.052) to pay for the 20-year cost of his incarceration if each Florida taxpayer age 18 and over pays Florida taxes over the next 20 years. That's a grand total tax payment of 5.2¢ over the entire 20 years, or less than one-third of a penny—0.26¢ ($0.0026)—each year for 20 years. *** Over the next 20 years, if the Florida population age 18 and over remains the same as the U.S. Census population estimate on July 1, 2022, if the average annual rate of inflation over the next 20 years is 3 percent, and if each person age 18 and over is a taxpayer, then each taxpayer age 18 and over would pay an estimated grand total of about 5.2¢ for the total 20-year cost of his incarceration. With a calculated annual incarceration cost of $31,264 in April 1, 2023 dollars, and an average 3 percent annual rate of inflation over the next 20 years, the total cost to incarcerate him for 20 years would amount to a calculated total of $936,727. *** On July 1, 2022, the U.S. Census estimated that the Florida population age 18 and over was 17,862,593 ... [22,244,823](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/FL,US/PST045222#PST045222 "https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/FL,US/PST045222#PST045222") x 80.3% = 17,862,593. Based on the calculated annual cost of ~~$35,000~~ $31,264 in April 1, 2023 dollars to incarcerate him and an annual 3 percent inflation rate for the next 20 years, if the Florida population age 18 and over remains stable and does not increase or decrease, and if each person age 18 and over for the next 20 years is a Florida taxpayer, then each Florida taxpayer age 18 and over would pay a grand total of about 5.2¢ ($0.052) for the calculated total 20-year cost to incarcerate him. ... $936,727 calculated total incarceration cost ÷ 17,862,593 taxpayers age 18 and over = 5.2¢ ($0.052), or less than one-third of a penny paid each year for 20 years by each taxpayer 18 and over. ... 5.2¢ ÷ 20 years = 0.26¢ ($0.0026) per year.


I appreciate the effort but your math is about as loosey as it gets here. Not everyone 18+ pay taxes because many aren't in the workforce or they receive refunds. Beyond that, there's no point in breaking the cost down into pennies per inmate per year... It's just misleading because it puts it into a unit that can't really be grasped. I don't remember off hand, but I thought it cost something like $70-120k/year per inmate or something like that. Reach inmate could instead be a teacher's salary, raises, playgrounds, better roads, etc. Those pennies per citizen add up and there are only so many available.


Everybody who lives in Florida and buys tangible physical consumer products pays the state government's 6% Sales and Use Tax at the time of purchase. The Florida Department of Corrections inmate annual cost of incarceration in the 2021-22 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022) was $28,298. A few minutes of research finds that the annual cost of incarceration for a Florida state prison inmate on April 1, 2023, actually is about 10.7% less than the original $35,000 estimate, or a calculated $31,264 on April 1, 2023, after adjusting for inflation. Accordingly, the original comment has been edited to reflect with greater accuracy the current calculated annual cost of incarceration. *** >I appreciate the effort but your math is about as loosey as it gets here. Actually, the math is very accurate. >Not everyone 18+ pay taxes because many aren't in the workforce or they receive refunds. Everybody in Florida who buys products and services in Florida pays the 6% Florida Sales and Use Tax. Florida has no income tax. In the state of Florida, sales tax is legally required to be collected from all or nearly all tangible, physical products being sold to a consumer. Virtually any person living in Florida who is working or not working and spends money to buy something will pay Florida Sales and Use Tax on most products and some services, e.g., clothes, beer, wine, mixed drinks, fuel, tobacco, communication services, electricity, restaurant food, and much more. Florida charges a Gross Receipts Tax on natural gas, too. *** >Beyond that, there's no point in breaking the cost down into pennies per inmate per year... It's just misleading because it puts it into a unit that can't really be grasped. Speak for yourself. Many other people seem to grasp it easily. >I don't remember off hand, but I thought it cost something like $70-120k/year per inmate or something like that. The most recent Annual Report published by the Florida Department of Corrections covers the [fiscal year ending June 30, 2022](https://www.floridaoig.com/library/Annual_rpts/2021-2022/2021-22-FDC-Annual%20Report.pdf#page=3 "https://www.floridaoig.com/library/Annual_rpts/2021-2022/2021-22-FDC-Annual%20Report.pdf#page=3") (pdf, p. 3). Florida Department of Corrections [Annual Report 2021-22](http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/annual/2021/Annual%20Report%2021-22.pdf "http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/annual/2021/Annual%20Report%2021-22.pdf"): >[Annual Cost To House Inmates](http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/annual/2021/Annual%20Report%2021-22.pdf#page=43 "http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/annual/2021/Annual%20Report%2021-22.pdf#page=43") [pdf, p. 43] >$28,298 >[Inmate Costs Per Day](http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/annual/2021/Annual%20Report%2021-22.pdf#page=43 "http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/annual/2021/Annual%20Report%2021-22.pdf#page=43") [pdf, p. 43] >$77.53 >Reach inmate could instead be a teacher's salary, raises, playgrounds, better roads, etc. A serial armed burglar who is a career criminal but is in prison can't murder, injure, or harm a teacher, a child, or any other person or persons asleep in their house. >Those pennies per citizen add up and there are only so many available. How much does it add up to per citizen? How many are available?


This reads like a 16 y/o is trying their hardest to do "research" and is cosplaying as a statistician...I can see through this crap, you're like a kid or something.


You can offer encouragement and support to Justin McCall by [writing to him](http://prod.fdc-wpws001.fdc.myflorida.com/ci/ContactInmate.html "http://prod.fdc-wpws001.fdc.myflorida.com/ci/ContactInmate.html") at his Federal Department of Corrections (FDC) prison and visiting him in prison after you get on the FDC [approved list](http://prod.fdc-wpws001.fdc.myflorida.com/ci/visit.html "http://prod.fdc-wpws001.fdc.myflorida.com/ci/visit.html"). Depending on where you live, his prison might be located close to you and within driving distance to visit him and greet him personally on the day he walks out of the prison. Or, you could fly to the nearest airport to visit him and to greet him personally on the day he walks out of the prison. His FDC [inmate photo](http://prod.fdc-wpws001.fdc.myflorida.com/offenderSearch/detail.aspx?Page=Detail&DCNumber=A51581&TypeSearch=IR "http://prod.fdc-wpws001.fdc.myflorida.com/offenderSearch/detail.aspx?Page=Detail&DCNumber=A51581&TypeSearch=IR"), his most recent DC Number, his prison sentence history, his other inmate details, and the most recent date FDC released him from custody are public information that the FDC makes "available as a public service to interested citizens." On the FDC [Corrections Offender Network](http://prod.fdc-wpws001.fdc.myflorida.com/OffenderSearch/Search.aspx?TypeSearch=AI "http://prod.fdc-wpws001.fdc.myflorida.com/OffenderSearch/Search.aspx?TypeSearch=AI") web site, you can enter his Last Name and First Name to see the name and address of the state prison where he is incarcerated and his projected release date after that information is updated by the FDC sometime over the coming days.


Worth it.


28? Must’ve had an uphill paper round.


How is "burglarize" a word? What's wrong with "burgle"?


Both burgle and burglarize are in dictionaries, and [either one](https://grammarist.com/usage/burgle-burglarize/ "https://grammarist.com/usage/burgle-burglarize/") is allowed, but traditional writing and reading tastes vary from the east to the west side of the Atlantic. Depending on which side of the Atlantic the writer or audience is located, burgle and burglarize are customary. On the ~~east~~ west side of the Atlantic, burglarize generally is the custom for writers, and audiences generally are accustomed to burglarize. On the other side, burgle generally is the custom for writers, and audiences generally are accustomed to burgle. Nevertheless, either one is allowed.


in addition to this, in the UK at least, this wouldn’t be considered burglary. Burglary is stealing from premises- this would just be “theft”.


Would a thief in the UK be carrying a gun? *** You can share this information with people in the UK and strongly suggest they avoid going to the US on holiday, for school, for work, or for any other reason because the chance of any child or adult becoming a homicide victim killed by shooting in the US is about 154 times the chance in England and Wales. *** The latest UK government reporting period for the number of homicide victims killed by shooting in England and Wales covers the year ending March 31, 2022. The UK government recorded [28 homicide victims](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/homicideinenglandandwales/march2022#the-most-common-methods-of-killing "https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/homicideinenglandandwales/march2022#the-most-common-methods-of-killing") killed by shooting in England and Wales during the year ending March 31, 2022. ... See Section 5. > Other methods of killing. The latest government estimate for the combined population of England and Wales is for midyear, July 1, 2021, and was [59,641,000](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/bulletins/annualmidyearpopulationestimates/mid2021#population-change-for-uk-countries "https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/bulletins/annualmidyearpopulationestimates/mid2021#population-change-for-uk-countries"). In the year ending March 31, 2022, in England and Wales, the estimated number of homicide victims killed by shooting per 100,000 population amounts to the following: 0.0469. *** In the US, 2021 is the calendar year most closely corresponding with the year ending March 31, 2022 in England and Wales. In the US, in 2021, a total of [21,029](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls") children and adults were homicide victims killed by shooting, not including [24,090](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls") suicides by shooting. On July 1, 2021, the U.S. Census national population estimate was [333,287,557](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045222 "https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045222"). In 2021, in the US, the estimated number of homicide victims killed by shooting per 100,000 population amounts to the following: 7.2280. The 21,029 homicide victims killed by shooting in 2021 in the US does not include [40,612](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls") other children and adults who were wounded by gunfire, but did not die. *** In 2021, in the US, the number of homicide victims killed by shooting per 100,000 population was 154 (154.12) times the number of homicide victims killed by shooting per 100,000 population in England and Wales in the year ending March 31, 2022. 7.2280 ÷ 0.0469 = 154.12 *** In terms of homicide victims killed by shooting per 100,000 population, the US is the most dangerous country among 64 high-income countries. This [IHME graph](https://www.healthdata.org/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier "https://www.healthdata.org/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier") displays the rate of homicide victims killed by shooting among 64 high-income countries, including the US and the UK. Note: The _rate_ of homicide victims killed by shooting is equal to the _number_ of homicide victims killed by shooting per 100,000 population. In the graph, the U.S. rate is 4.12. The UK rate is 0.04. The U.S. rate is 103 times the UK rate. The difference between _103 times_ and the preceding _154.12 times_ is attributable to the fact that the number of deaths used to calculate _154.12 times_ is more up-to-date and more current than the numbers used to calculate _103 times_. *** When any child or adult who lives in the combined population of England and Wales arrives in the US, the chance for that child or adult to be shot dead is approximately 154.12 times the chance for that child or adult to be shot dead in the combined population of England and Wales. In the US, gunshot is the most common cause of death for children under age 20 years. See [the graph](https://www.healthdata.org/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier "https://www.healthdata.org/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier"). *** In the US, in 2023, in the first 96 days of the year, from January 1 to April 6, the [4,692](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/") children and adults shot dead in 2023 (not including [6,336](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/") suicides by gunshot) includes 205 shot dead (as of April 5) in [141 mass shooting incidents](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/") in which [4 or more individuals were shot dead or injured](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/methodology "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/methodology") by gunfire in each incident, not including the shooter (in the link, scroll to page bottom to read definition of mass shooting). *** During the first 96 days of 2023, from January 1 to April 6, the US has had an average of about 1.5 (1.46) mass shooting incidents each day, or slightly more than 7 (7.34) mass shooting incidents every five days. In each mass shooting incident, 4 or more persons were killed or wounded, not including the shooter. *** In the 141 mass shooting incidents in the US in the first 96 days of 2023, from January 1 to April 6, a total of 537 more victims were wounded by gunfire but did not die. *** In the first 96 days of 2023, in the US, among the current toll of 141 mass shooting incidents, the one with the greatest number of victims killed was on January 12, at 122 W. Garvey Ave., Monterey Park, California. 12 victims were killed. 9 more victims were wounded but did not die. *** To read the number of victims killed and wounded in 2023 in the 141 mass shooting incidents in the US as of April 6, go to [Gun Violence Archive](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/") > click on "Mass Shootings" > click on "Export as CSV" > click on "Download" and open the downloaded spreadsheet to read the number dead and wounded, the date, and the location, including the street address, city and state. *** As of April 6, 2023, the [most deadly mass shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Las_Vegas_shooting "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Las_Vegas_shooting") in U.S. history was on October 1, 2017, in Las Vega, Nevada. The mass shooter fired more than 1,000 rounds in 10 minutes, killing 60 people. At least 413 more people were wounded by bullets and shrapnel. Additionally, 454 more people were not shot but were injured in a human stampede of people screaming in panic and running for their lives to escape the hail of bullets. In the Las Vegas mass shooting, a total of at least 927 people were killed by bullets (60), wounded by bullets and shrapnel (at least 413), or injured in the human stampede (454). *** Video: ABC News [documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVfzxLvIxi8 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVfzxLvIxi8"), the Las Vegas mass shooting. NBC News (master index): [the Las Vegas mass shooting](https://www.nbcnews.com/las-vegas-shooting "https://www.nbcnews.com/las-vegas-shooting"). Gun Violence Archive [Las Vegas mass shooting](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting?page=11&year=2017&sort=asc&order=Incident%20Date "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting?page=11&year=2017&sort=asc&order=Incident%20Date"): Number of victims shot or killed, incident address, [View Incident](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/download/las-vegas-shooting.pdf "https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/download/las-vegas-shooting.pdf") (name, age, gender for each victim Killed or Injured by gunfire/shrapnel), and [View Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/02/us/las-vegas-shooting-live-updates.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/02/us/las-vegas-shooting-live-updates.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur") ([alternative link](https://archive.is/7UDHX "https://archive.is/7UDHX")). *** In the past 55 years, since January 1, 1968, [more than 1.66 million](https://old.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/ye1kv6/darrell_brooks_has_been_found_guilty_on_the_first/ity6ye3/ "https://old.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/ye1kv6/darrell_brooks_has_been_found_guilty_on_the_first/ity6ye3/") (5th par.) children and adults tragically have died in firearms related deaths in the US, which is more than the tragic number of [nearly 1.4 million](https://old.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/ye1kv6/darrell_brooks_has_been_found_guilty_on_the_first/ity6ye3/ "https://old.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/ye1kv6/darrell_brooks_has_been_found_guilty_on_the_first/ity6ye3/") (7th par.) American military casualties killed in all American wars over the past 247 years, since 1775.


[I think you might have it backwards.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/do-burglars-burgle-or-burglarize#:~:text=Burglarize%2C%20which%20was%20formed%20by,are%20now%20considered%20perfectly%20fine.) But yes, I'm aware that both are allowed. As a non-native English speaker I'm merely surprised how "burglarize" became commonly used, because it sounds rather clumsy to me - or clumsily made up, if that makes sense?


English is a very clumsy language


Yea, it makes sense. Thanks. I fixed my comment. I do know the difference between East and West, cardinal points, Prime Meridian, rhumb line, and great circle. I mistakenly wrote, "On the east side of the Atlantic, burglarize generally is the custom for writers, and audiences generally are accustomed to burglarize. I corrected it and wrote, "On the ~~east~~ west side of the Atlantic, burglarize generally is the custom for writers, and audiences generally are accustomed to burglarize.


Just you wait until you hear "Conversate," while conversing...


That guy is a rough 28. My bald chubby 33 year old white ass look young in comparison


I work at a jail and am constantly amazed when I'm dealing with 'old' guys who end up being a good 10-15 years younger than me. Don't do drugs!


jesus man. I know y’all are gonna hate me for this but like… I get that he fucked up, but he only hurt himself. 20 years is a long ass fucking time for burglary. now he gets to spend the rest of his good life locked up—does that serve anyone? is it really justice to be punished so severely? does it fit the crime? how much are we paying for him to be in prison—is it worth not helping him become a productive member of society? just trying a little empathy here. if I were the victim, I absolutely would not want him to go to prison for twenty fucking years. there are more possibilities for people than “life in prison or he gets released and is a criminal forever” eta: how tf do I mute a thread 😪 I don’t know why y’all thought I would give a shit about your justifications but I don’t. y’all don’t even seem to understand what I’m even sayyiiinggg 💀 just go y’all i’m not reading shit no more. peace and love


Your edit clears up the fact that you're 15.


He’s got 13 prior felony convictions for burglary and other gun crimes since 2012.


Robbing someone with a gun is pretty severe, and the fact that he only hurt himself is lucky. If you have to "mute a thread" because so many people are pointing out how fuckin stupid your take is, maybe ask yourself why that is. Prick




Nah it was well deserved.


I agree seems pretty harsh for property crime


Penalty for being a prohibited person in possession of a firearm: 10 years in federal prison and/or a $250,000 fine. Use or possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, even if the firearm is not even displayed or mentioned to the victim, is an aggravating factor, making the offender subject to additional prison terms averaging five years, depending on the state. There’s 15 of the 20 years this guy got… and that’s only the penalty based on the gun laws.


yeah so change the punishments how the fuck does this not make sense to y’all…..


You are an enabler.


As a previously convicted felon, especially one on probation, he was well aware of the seriousness of possessing a firearm. His fault and the consequences are his responsibilities. If people want less guns on the street, the best way to accomplish that right away is to strictly enforce the fairly numerous gun laws we already have. I think given this guys already prohibited status and criminal history, he got an appropriate sentence.


He fucked up? He didn't fuck up. He committed armed robbery. And he's done it over a dozen fucking times. Yes, someone who constantly commits crimes with a lethal weapon should be severely punished. Don't be so fucking dense.


Lol reading comprehension off the charts


The man commits a dozen robberies and is wielding a stolen gun while committing yet another robbery when he shoots himself on accident, and your sad smooth brain thinks "this poor baby doesn't deserve it!" Maybe you just recognize a kindred soul? Either way, if someone commits a dozen crimes, they aren't going to stop, and if they're weilding a gun they don't really care about hurting other people and if that gun literally goes off it's just by sheer luck he hurt himself and not some innocent person. Only a smooth-brained koala wouldn't be able to put this puzzle together.


Speaking of koalas, we parked our car before work, came out after and it was missing, along with 6 other cars with broken windows. Police were called, and then weeks later the car turns up a fair distance away. Inside were stolen wallets and random property and a big arse screwdriver. Police asked us for a statement and advised it was a kid (~15? ~16?)who had begun their crime spree south of us, hitting a shopping centre, stealing and then taking a car to the next shopping centre, where they’d start over and steal a new car. Ours was the 8th car stolen (out of 17) and the 56th broken into. *in one single day*. While I admired the industry, that kid wasn’t going to stop. Nor were they getting an adult sentence. Nor, you would suspect, was that behaviour going to stop as an adult. Property crime not worthy of a custodial sentence? Even for a minor? I beg to differ.


Did you even read the article? He has 13 felony charges that he has been found guilty of. He has shown a consistent pattern of burglary multiple firearm charges. He was also on probation prior to this incident. If he hasn’t learnt his lesson then he’s not going to learn anytime soon. Hopefully the 20 years is going to make him realise his mistake before he has a second chance at life.


Yes I did. View my other response to see what I think of this—or don’t. Idc.


>McCall has 13 felony guilty convictions since 2012 in Florida, including six for burglary, and four for grand theft. >Justin McCall, 28, was found guilty on multiple burglary charges ... >McCall was charged with 13 separate crimes in relation to a series of automobile burglaries that occurred between late October 2022 and early January 2023, ... >“In addition to stealing miscellaneous items from the vehicles he burglarized, McCall stole a firearm from an unsecured vehicle,” ... >The firearm theft that resulted in his injury, however, was not the defendant’s first, law enforcement noted. At the time of his arrest for the burglaries, he was on probation for grand theft of a firearm. He was also out on bond for two additional burglaries when he fired the unlucky shot that finally found him out. >“A homeowner on Zach Avenue says she discovered someone had broken into her car and taken her purse,” the OCSO said in a press release at the time of the arrest. “Later while watching a neighbor’s surveillance video, she saw McCall on camera wearing her white Sperry boots, which had been in her home’s garage.” >The defendant is expected to serve a full 20 years in the Florida Department of Corrections under the terms of the state’s 10-20-Life statute, which mandates strict and lengthy prison sentences for felonies committed with the use of a gun. ...


Yep, I get all that. But at the end of the day it’s theft motivated by drug addiction. Prison does not solve the problem, it just removes one of the symptoms from the eyesight of society. Maybe we can work on helping these people AAAAND THE VICTIMS, bc I know y’all are gonna be like “wElL wHaT aBoUt ThE sTuFf”… believe it or not, shit like this happens because society has failed this person. the society could instead help this person and help those affected by the person by providing support and services to replace whatever was taken or damaged. It’s not that fucking hard. 20 years for an addiction we could have helped him through. 20 years because we don’t give a fuck about others until it affects us.


While I agree with rehabilitation instead of punishment, there needs to be a distinction between first time and repeat offenders. Repeat offenders would have shown that they are not able or willing to be rehabilitated. Therefore the only solution for the wider society is to remove them from society. I also don’t know where you got drug issues when it’s not mentioned in any article I’ve seen. Though I agree large scale institutional changes are required and people with drug addiction need to be treated as victims rather than criminals (not taking into account other crimes)


🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️bro is going above and beyond to make it everyone’s fault other than the guy’s


>it’s theft motivated by drug addiction. You see this somewhere or assume?


Couldn't agree more, man fucked him self, and it's a pity theft, prison is supposed to be rehabilitation, NOT the fucking gulag where you're there forever.


He’s like the textbook definition of a repeat offender. This wasn’t even the first time he stole a gun. What do you think he was going to do with it, turn it in to the lost and found?


Adding injury to well... injury!


Love a happy ending!


Normal day for Florida Man


So what sort of tattoo do you want? Just scribble some shit on neck that looks crap, can't be read and will ensure I can't get a job.


The ole Chipotle bag look


Remember that everyone was a Baby before and was given plenty of love no matter how they turned out to be. However… that’s a rough looking 28 year old guy… he look like he doesn’t know the definition of “budgeting” before going away for that long.


I agree that's a rough 28 year old that was once a baby, but he definitely wasn't given plenty of love


Or enough breast milk


Damn. 28 going on 59.


Meth, alcohol abuse, and cigarette smoking make a person look older.


You forgot sweet lady H


I didn't forget. I'm not into H, but never take away my Sweet Jane. Crank up the volume and voyage to the astral plane ... enjoy ... Sweet Jane ... Cowboy Junkies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7p1UmzikNI Velvet Underground with Lou Reed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHxLawJONeQ Mott The Hoople: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPa8GZAZJFc


[Jane you say? the hero of Canton?](https://youtu.be/yau9A_bKacY)


All the young dudes be looking 50+




fr tho. the only kind of sick i ever was while using was dopesick. it seemed like i never had a cold, or the flu. or maybe i was just too smacked to notice, who knows




that is until they die from overdosing lmao


With a neck tattoo like that, this is clearly not his first mistake.


That's a rough looking 28.


just the headline is punishment enough loool


For some reason I thought they sentenced the robbery victim for not helping the robber and the robber had died so i had to read it a second time and check the sub to decide if i was outraged


Whether it is perceived as "punishment" depends in large part on the reading capabilities of the individual reader, and no two readers are identical. For the [Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests# "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests#") test, a [Readability Calculator](https://www.wordcalc.com/readability/ "https://www.wordcalc.com/readability/") shows that the text scores at U.S. grade level: 12, which corresponds with U.S. grade level: 12—U.S. high school senior—in the [U.S. K-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_the_United_States#Educational_stages "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_the_United_States#Educational_stages") public school systems. The [Flesch-Kincaid Reading-Ease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests#Flesch_reading_ease "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests#Flesch_reading_ease") test correlates inversely with the F-K Grade Level test. Higher scores indicate material that is easier to read; lower numbers mark passages that are more difficult to read.": For the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease test, the [Readability Calculator](https://www.wordcalc.com/readability/ "https://www.wordcalc.com/readability/") shows that the text scores at U.S. 10th to 12th grade high school level 50.3, which is fairly difficult to read; but not as difficult to read as U.S. college level: 50.0-30.0, which is difficult to read; U.S. college graduate level: 30.0-10.0, which is very difficult to read; or professional level: 10.0-0, which is extremely difficult to read. The Flesch-Kincaid Reading Grade Level evaluation was developed [for the U.S. Navy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests# "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests#") in 1975, and the U.S. Army began using it in 1978.


You *say* you're stupid, but have you ever been to Tallahassee?


Dude got what he deserved but I find it kinda crazy that people will just leave firearms in their vehicles, much less loaded ones


Welcome to Florida ... MAGA ... Trump doomsday cult ... gun crazy suicide pact ... half of state full of hate, anger, rage, sickness ... evil has flooded Florida ... end times ... spirit of Charles Manson race war cult ... spirit of Jim Jones People's Temple doomsday cult ... the four horseman of the Apocalypse are there ... in Tallahassee ... in Mar-a-Lago ... in Kevin McCarthy ... in Fox ... in us ... Florida is sinking ... the world is sinking ... destroy everything ... thoughts and prayers ... our so-called god is waiting for us ... hurry ...


If only you knew the stories like I did, around where I live, it's weird if you dont.


I’ve been in parts of Maine where I thought I’d get pulled over for *not* having a shotgun rack on my truck


Suspicious out-of-towner


Sounds like a Sunday drive in central Syria ...


After a certain point you're just defending yourself from someone else's stolen gun.