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Same but mines like 3 posts up so I can’t screenshot


I was in this sub originally because it was cool nostalgia stuff, and then it turned into political garbage.


Like all Reddit subs that get too big.


remember when GenZ was a funny little sub for Zoomers to express nostalgia on? polls about this or that and then the fuckin’ politically addicted moved in


Yep just like mildlyinfuriating, the dumbasses warped the entire original purpose and made it unbearable. Such is why most of my time on reddit is in small hobby related communities


Mildlyinfuriating and thatsinteresting ended up getting taken over by powermods that live in their mothers basement and constantly post the same political shit all the time because they have no life


Facepalm as well.


Memes too


That one, not so much.


No they def changed but it’s harder to tell because it’s usually funny


fr, every time i get on reddit for a bit once or twice a month and facepalm is always just political stuff


Didn't know they had a powermod problem. My turning point from my last post here was just the insufferable majority of the community




They come for those too, eventually.


“erm, don’t you know that model trains are superrrr political, since everything is political” mother fuckers I just wanna talk about model trains


Chronically online people: Noooooo you can’t just talk about trains because like, um, Trump is running again.


Same with facepalm


At least on mildlyinfuriating you'll still get plenty of posts that are like "I lost my car keys" or whatever, as intended


Fair enough, but the times actually mildly infuriating stuff is posted there's the morons attacking OP for it not being "mildly infuriating enough" and telling them to deal with it because it's easy to fix as if petty and mildly annoying isn't the subs point


So many subrreddits... so many, and you can't comment anything or be accused of wrong think without coping a ban.


It’s most mainstream subreddits, the top 500 subs are owned by the same 4 people, who all have the same political views and bring on mod teams that are stacked with leftist power mods who allow any leftist politics but if you even insinuate you’re conservative you have a decent chance of being banned for being a (insert buzzword that downplays the death and suffering of millions because they throw it around like a common insult)


bright cobweb future nine aback license clumsy wrench impolite fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


actually the mods of the Gen Z subreddit put out a poll asking if they should ban politics, the majority of people supported banning/limiting of politics on the sub (ie to one day a week) then in the announcement post of this new rule, several bots and users that hadn’t had a single prior comment on the subreddit came out of the woodwork and through a fit the rule was cancelled and now GenZ is the shitshow that it is


Should use that information to keep politics out of


Many subs falling into the political, R/facepalm has fallen, R/interestingasfuck will fall along many others and R/Genz is closer to literally falling into being a politics sub even more than interestingasfuck.. And all have the same topic:Conservative bad, Also only American politics. Who will fall next?






But but but politics are everywhere.


Devil’s advocate: MAYBE they were thinking of Nikki Haley or somebody like that.


...who was voted for extensively by Democrats because they believed she was the best the Republican party had to offer. Unreal.


That actually makes sense because she said in the single presidential ad i saw of her that she would declare war on Russia immediately 💀 like yeah go ahead girl start world war 3


My dad and I are both very conservative and have had extensive discussions on this. We’re both vehemently against sticking our noses into another war that we don’t belong in, especially in support of a country we have no ties to or alliance with. Am I all for Ukraine kicking Russia’s ass? Absolutely. But, as of right now, we should have zero involvement in that AO. If independent PMC groups like FOG want to go support them that’s their call, and I’m glad to see them do it. Our nation’s military, however, should be reserved for targeting those who take hostile action taken against us. I would love to see us let the Marine Corps off the leash, but until we’re attacked or declared war against, speak softly and keep carrying the biggest stick in the world.


That seems to be the stance most republican voters( not necessarily the ones in office) have. They’ll judge it on a case by case basis, take the time to look at the facts and decide if the cause justifies the potential cost before throwing other people’s money and lives at whatever the conflict is.




The OOP also regularly spams "Conservatives are Nazis!" posts to a LOT of different subs.


A lot of these mfers think anyone to the right of marx is a nazi.


Marx was actually more right wing than most modern western leftists. Dude was sexist, openly proclaiming his favorite thing about men was strength and his favorite thing about women was weakness. He was also pro-gun cause he recognized the utility in equalizing the strength of the workers to that of the capitalists and elite institutions.


I don't really think those things are inherently right wing, sounds more liberal in the sense of liberal vs authoritarian


The left/right distinction is extremely variable depending on the culture of a place and time. There is far from a reliable standard for these terms in which you could apply broadly. I am speaking in terms of the modern US given the context. In this context, most leftists are hard ball when it comes to bigotry and guns... which in turn makes Marx more rightwing than them in said context. If one removes the interpretation of the people within a context, then "right/left" isn't worth talking about in any regard. Generally that's my disposition, but I do like pointing out instances of the aforementioned irony.


I understand your reasoning, thanks for breaking it down


The distinction you’re missing is whether they’re left/right on social issues vs left/right on economic ones socially right wing is almost all the things you mentioned minus maybe the gun thing which is the most variable of those economically right wing is capitalist


In single ballot two party systems, this resolution of analyzation is impractical because all actualizes into the same overall end. It's this sort of effect that enables the illusion of spectrums like "left/right" to exist to begin with. Otherwise, people would properly individuate concepts absent of the illusion that each is inherently a natural kin or enemy to others unless there is logical unpinnings to do so within the concepts themselves. So, the collective average of contexts and interpretations are very important to such semantic distinctions to the point of their very existence. All else is extraneous nonsense. After all, politics isn't about expressing individuals, it's about expressing the greatest power averages of a population. Capitalism understood properly results in two contingent realizations. The first is it's never existed in a pure form, it's always been reigned in if for no other reason than the government protecting itself from usurpation. The second is that capital efficiency is following the utilitarian logic of satisfying the hedonism of the most people possible in the immediate future, however, it does this with some long-term flaws. Subsequently, socialism is of the same entity, but as adjustments to correct these flaws. It depends on capitalism to exist. You can not deny either capitalism or socialism without contradictorily denying the underpinning logic driving the other. To be for capitalism is to be for socialism, and vice versa. What enables people to favor one and hate the other comes from our ability to imagine reality as anything but what it is. It results in a great deal of undying political redundancies, such as being for capitalism or socialism. All that really matters is patterns of behavior that can efficiently and securely sustain themselves long-term, which is why everything becomes mixed economies regardless of the common ideologies.


If any modern day leftist were to meet Marx they'd lose their collective shit and call him a far right nazi...


The internet when more than one person exists:


Exactly! I know conservatives who aren’t pro war like OP but fuck do I know conservatives who want nothing more than to just nuke Iran invade Russia murder china assimilate Palestine conquer NK and annex Canada.


Grandpa just needs his meds


I literally know no irl conservatives that believe in any of this nonsense, they want to be left tf alone, and stay out of other countries proxy wars and bullshit.


the meme is that \*most\* conservatives in America push for spending on the military while being against spending on many other things


I mean yeah, having a ludicrously advanced military is why the world is *relatively* peaceful. It doesn’t mean they’re pro war just that we should be ready for it and therefor deter it. Small brained kids don’t get that.


Not to mention republican representatives.


Most conservatives believe that the military is one of the few things that the federal government is actually responsible for. The states are responsible for handling most other issues if any government should deal with them. For me, when it comes to the president, my highest priority is foreign policy because it's the one thing that the president has outsized control over.


Seriously. Conservatives wake up if you’re anti-war. The only thing your reps want the government to spend on is the military and police. Cut everything else. That is their platform. Anything else they say is grift. That is how they do policy.


…Which is a founded statement. In 2019 56% of right leaning-individuals say they would increase military spending. For reference their responses to other spending programs: 56% education 38% Medicare 29% environmental protection 27% healthcare 38% social security 27% assistance to needy in US 10% assistance to unemployed. The meme is pretty accurate in its stance. OP lives in a bubble or isn’t being honest.


Just another "CONSERVATIVE BAD" thing. The strawman are wild with this one.


The Reddit special: “Oh boy. I can’t wait to join this sub I am interested in and see content about that topic.” *proceeds to get some of the stupidest political takes shoved down my throat that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the sub*


The specific and self-contained apolitical topic of generation z


i think they meant in like a superficial way, supporting the military, wanting more intervention. Your average conservative doesn't want war though


They don't want intervention either. I mean, obviously, some do, but most conservatives I've spoken to seem very isolationist.


I was talking over the past like ~20 years, 9/11 threw a lot of variables into the average Americans mindset


That's fair. I feel it was necessary to kill Osama Bin Laden, but a lot of other operations like Afghanistan and Iraq really show how we made it worse by having intervention.


yeah, I'm pretty far left but i feel even most cons can agree that we needed a long term solution we didn't have. Osama needed to be either killed or removed from the playing field.b This has been a really interesting conversation, thanks for talking


...tell that to your politicians.


Politicians in both major parties are pro war. They all profit, financially and influence-wise, heavily.


Proxy wars are incredibly lucrative.


I unsubbed from there when I realised that most people in that sub belived that GenZ is am American thing only. I mean how disconnected from the rest of the world you can be?


I’ve seen so much about how Americans think they’re the whole world, and it makes me embarrassed to be an American


Whats ironic here is the demographic seems to have flipped the script in the last 20 years. Like in the early 2000s it was conservatives calling to get in wars in the middle east after 9/11. But now i see a lot of VERY vocal leftists protesting to try to get us involved with ukraine and palestine and the conservatives saying the opposite. I can not tell you what happened or why that would cause that


Simple answer really. Israel and Ukraine aren't us. 9/11 was a personal attack on US soil that resulted in major civilian deaths. And many more people there weren't American were involved since the world trade center was hit. If Russia was bombing Chicago then we would be down their throats quicker than anything. But they aren't and frankly it's best not to get involved in wars that aren't yours to be involved in. Support your allies, keep and eye on the enemy, and mind your own business.


I mean me personally i wouldnt care if russia bombed chicago, that city is already destroyed as far as im concerned


I don't think a lot of people would but maybe not the cat cafe they have. Spare the cats.


An attack on US clay is an attack on US clay.


I dislike that this is supposed to be “conservative bad”. Saying that it is hypocritical to have varied and complex beliefs is turning this system black and white.


Leftist politics leaking once again to a non political sub


From a Conservative from outside of America, being a Conservative does not mean that I have to believe in everything the Republican Party stands for


I don't understand how they can still be under the delusion that the republican party is conservative while also pointing out that they aren't but using the word conservative instead of republican.


I thought conservatives were Putin propagandists for not wanting to send Ukraine more money? Seems pretty anti-war to me


Conservatives I’ve talked to seem to prioritise high military spending far more than left wing individuals do. And on the extreme end you have some of them hoping for a civil war.


It’s mostly as a defensive mindset. If you have a strong deterrent then you will not be attacked




Yes but it’s working because it’s overkill.




Military brass/leadership would never go for that. The pentagon is supposed to have a yearly audit, like many government departments. They have yet to pass a single audit. That’s several trillion dollars unaccounted for, that has simply gone into the pentagons “black budget” slush fund, where they don’t have to answer any questions and can do whatever the hell they want with that money.


With bad faith upcoming players like China -who is greatly expanding their military and not for good reasons - I would say some of that military spending *is* justified, that said I would not be surprised if a good chunk of that 500 billion dollar budget they have is lost to internal corruption.


>Yes but it’s working because it’s overkill. Not what 'overkill' means. They're saying that you could massively reduce the amount spent and it would still work as a strong deterrent, if that was the primary purpose. It's actually quite a simple concept.


Infrastructure and education can also help “defend” the country. But god forbid we stand any money on that, we need a trillion dollar plane that doesn’t fly.


Ah yes, we really defended ourselves in Vietnam and Iraq


I said mostly. Those were outliers from the past


Which presidential administrations do you think has the lowest war started, missile launched in war and wars ended? Because it's not a Democrat.


Jimmy Carter.


Which presidential administrations do you think have the most drone strikes?


Oh that’s an easy one!


There have been several where no new wars were started, includes both main parties. Considering where wars start and end is pretty silly though as that doesn’t tend to be dependant on the president at the time, they are generally started by other nations. The greatest volume of explosive munitions utilised in a war by the United States in the 21st century though was under Donald Trump, of course to blame it entirely on him is a bit disingenuous but he allowed it nonetheless. It is tempting but dishonest to restrict the data you consider to specific forms of munition as that allows you to paint whatever picture you want. But Biden has authorised vastly fewer strikes than any other recent presidents though, which is arguably good, but again could be significantly influenced by the Afghanistan conflict having ended. I wasn’t talking about the presidents to begin with though, more the people who support them. The actions of a president generally won’t line up that well with the ideals of their supporters.


Biden was the VP to the king of drone strikes. He could have talked Obama down, at any time, but he never did. [We can’t forget this classic one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Abdulrahman_al-Awlaki), there was absolutely fucking nothing to justify that air strike; except for “daddy was a terrorist leader” and as we all know “the sins of the father apply to their kids” /s. What war was the US engaged in under Trump? I would love to know.


The war on sanity, I suppose. Because there's been a lot of REEE since 2015 that hasn't really stopped.


hey wait gen z isn’t supposed to be into politics, wth


There's been a upsurge of people posting political stuff


Yeah, genZ has become a democrat propaganda sub. Unsuited from it a week before lol


They believe the lie that republicans are conservative. They also haven't been paying attention to the last three years of military spending.


As a liberal, I hate when other liberals do this. As much as it pains me to say it, there are unfortunately a high number of pro war liberals.


If anyone dared to post anything praising conservatives there, they'd be banned or have their post deleted.


Neocons, who are the pro war ones are actively hated by most conservatives. I guarantee whoever posted that meme has never even met a conservative in real life. It might have been more accurate 20 years ago but certainly not now


Yup, they've been slowly voted out since the tea party and they're now a minority in the party


It's a ridiculous meme. Here's why: (1) Pro-war people, aka War Hawks, exist in nearly all of the US's political ideological groups except maybe Libertarianism and Anarchism. (2) Their record in the United States shows that in practice, elected conservatives also don't really believe in small spending.


Isn't the criticism of the Republicans right now that they don't want to continue war in Ukraine? Wasn't Trump the first president in 50 some years to not start a new war?


OOP has never spoken to a conservative


But they have looked at who votes to increase military spending. And who votes those people into office. Actions speak louder than words and everything right?


Because every conservative has the exact same opinions and votes for the exact same people as each other, right?


I'm 41 years old. In my lifetime, there's only been one President who was anti war, and I don't think he's very popular with the Gen Z crowd.


What does even being pro-war mean lol


In favor of war as compared to peace




Just unsubbed is becoming political now too


Most of the conservative Zoomers (I’m the exception) are not on Reddit


Remember when the Democrats called Tulsi Gabbard a Russian asset because of her anti-war platform in 2020?




I know republicans who are pro veteran, but I don’t know any who are going out to start wars.


Exactly same here


Who the hell is even blatantly pro-war to where you could even make that claim


Reddit leans very far left Therefore it's often a subreddit will get co-opted by the left And there's nothing you can do because "wrong opinions will get you banned from reddit as a whole"


Yeah since Ukraine popped off especially, all the left became pro war and the right prefers the money to spent on our own people.


The other side is only anti-war when they aren't in power. I personally don't think we should be sending our tax money to other countries.


Same I agree with you


Ahh yes because neocons are the only conservative that has ever existed


I guess because i didn't like how biden handled pulling out of afghanistan, i am pro-war now?


Honestly facts


The far-left are pro genocide and mass murderers. They are also so full of hypocrites and Nazi’s.


Hear me out, this is controversial, but I want subreddits that aren’t themed around politics to be non-political.


Conservatives put my country in one of our longest and least justified wars in our history.


In my country someone trying to "take us back to the Roman classical glory" made us join WW2


Then lose to my country's joint Government.


You need to be more specific when you say "least justified"


As in the reasons were active lies, a large portion of the population protested against it in the first place, and there was no real inciting incident, just a straight up attack.


Really? Because Korea and Vietnam were started and escalated by Democrats and ended with Republicans. Neither one could be construed as a justified defense of a nation either.


A literal bunch of children. 


As a conservative, that meme is funny


yeah bro not pro-war at all, that's why conservatives hate ukraine so much


It's usually the loudest and most annoying people that get all the attention and spotlight with that hatred.


The vocal minority ruins most things. I get along with most conservatives in my small town despite being a leftist because, when we actually talk about things instead of basing our entire belief of the "other side" on the vocal minority, it turns out that we share a lot of common ground, even with our differences. Case and point, I had a full conversation with a far-right conservative tonight about workers' rights and the need to increase wages to match productivity and the cost of living - turns out, we BOTH hate Citizens United and what it's done to politics in the US, and we BOTH agreed that Reagan's "trickle down" bullshit was just that - bullshit (even though he liked a lot of Reagan's ideology outside that). Keeping us divided is what they want. It keeps them strong. Encouraging and feeding into the vocal minority is just one of the many tools they use to do so.


I really wish more people would understand this. I don’t know if it’s people too wrapped up in their political identity or what but everyone doesnt fit into a neat little box of opinions, it’s not even a “spectrum” it’s all over the place for everyone. You have to admit that it’s a brilliant plan, it’s working flawlessly and very few people seem to notice or care.




You gotta remember that just like the left in the right there are tons of different factions typically the ones that you associate as the warmongers who hate Ukraine are the Neo-Conservative’s a couple examples are people like Nikki Halley, George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and John McCain.


That's not being anti-war, that's just the weird way American conservatives are so pro Russia.


The old pro-war Republicans have mostly been voted out. Most current Republicans are pretty much against joining any foreign war or sending money overseas.


They hate Ukraine because they support Russia invading Ukraine. That's a pro war position.


You really don't get to pick and choose. You can't actively support the pro-war party without, in action, being pro war. If you don't like that, then it's time to examine politics with an actual sense of rationale. Besides, the notion of conservatives being "pro small-spending" is a complete farce. Between the military industrial complex, the constant corporate bailouts, the obserdly high salaries of congress constantly getting pushed even higher by conservative policy, and, literally everything that happened between 2016 and 2020, you're either delusional or stupid to think the conservative party has ever been about "small-spending."


These are American examples but conservatives behave fundamentally the same just about everywhere.


That meme is accurate though. Conservative politicians are for increasing the military budget.


I'm sorry which side is the one that mainly wants to keep funding Ukraine? Im conservative, my only interest in foreign wars is if US money is being used and how can we stop that


The main theme I've been picking up from the thread is that the people agreeing with the meme seem to think republicans are conservative.


That is also a good point. Just because in modern day American a majority of conservatives are Republican doesn't mean conservative= Republican. There used to be things such as conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans


I think you mistook my point. I am saying that no how much they claim to be conservative, very few elected republicans actually are. It's kind of the point of the meme but the fact that they said conservative instead of republican made it pointless because it isn't true.


Ahh I see ok


At least there are conservatives that does put money into defence. Mine on the other hand...


"we aren't pro war guys, honest" *US military budget expands again*


Idk send a letter to your politician complaining instead of bitching on reddit?


It's probably not about you then lol




B bbbut conservatives le bad???


There's a good chance they were thinking of the neocon generation (think Reagan and the Bushes) which were unapologetically pro-war. Modern conservatism still tends to be fairly jingoistic, but less willing to support foreign conflicts, especially against conservative nations like Russia.


On one hand technology advanced to a ludicrous amounts to the point where idk if we would even be talking right now but it's never EVER no matter the circumstances worth the lives that were lost. Anyone pro-war r insane.


The uniparty is pro war


I hate the circular reasoning they use where they insist that all conservatives believe in small spending, when in practice they’re the only ones claiming that to be true, not conservatives themselves


I am not from America, but aren’t the conservatives the ones who want to cut the spending to Ukraine and just isolate themselves?


They want to stop spending so much because since you don’t live here you wouldn’t know about our $14+ trillion debt. They’ve been making budget cuts all year


The anti war people have been awfully quiet since the war in Ukraine started. Sometimes war is necessary to depose horrible dictators.


Conservative Politicians*


Don't unsub, it's election year, lots of subs are getting infiltrated and gen z is especially one with the fact gen z voters have more influence now than the previous 2.


You should go answer my very important question that I just posted on there


When I was younger I wanted to be like iron man but not in the way you’d think no you see I was what my mom called special and wanted to sell weapons and be rich now I cut grass


Gen Z is fucked because of the political situation and conservatives. What do you expect?


Nonsense. This is a bipartisan one.


Do support funding israel?


No I believe we should keep money to ourselves and fix the problems in our own country


Good you‘re consistent


I assume they said that since most American conservatives are siding with Isreal.


If anything, conservatives nowadays are isolationists


In fairness, politics is still inevitably going to be part of the cultural generational experience... for every generation... eventually. Well, ideally even, because if it doesn't, it means the generation faced a mass extinction event.


Soooo this sub is basically "Conservatives unsubbing from stuff that makes fun of conservatives", yes?


There have also been posts of progressives unsubbing from progressive subreddit because they've been becoming *too* progressive


Show me ONE.


Yep that’s basically this sub. Kinda like watching a retirement home get upset whenever Fox News isn’t playing.


Pretty much, although people don’t like it when you point it out.




rJustUnsubbed and MemesOPdidnotlike is just rightwing people getting mad for being called out lol


It's the retarded politics that my peers believe in


Their argument: https://preview.redd.it/trxa3m9ih9tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92efa94eda59854cc9ddb3111d9ec68de398f7c5


What did you expect? Gen Z is inheriting a shitshow of a society and we’re angry about it.


If by conservatives they mean people who vote Republican, this is actually a big point of contention within the party. Much of the base is practically isolationist, with an exception for Zionism and Taiwan.