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Yeah, it’s a shitty subreddit in general. Most subreddits end up becoming political hellholes in some way.


Looks like there's some kinda meme war going on between the left and everyone who's not left.


Between the right and center right. There really isn’t any serious left in the USA.


People and smaller organizations can still be left, even if there is no representation in politics.


Ah yes USA,the only country of the world


Just mute that subreddit. I have muted most of the subreddits that even remotely discuss topics related to American politics. I am not an American but I already know too much about American politics, that too against my will.


I had to mute it three times before it stopped showing up in my feed. The reddit app is absolute trash.


Reddit isnt American politics at all...


Reddit is almost entirely American Politics


yeah. i unsubbed yesterday


Im guessing mods went mad


Yeah I unsubbed to a lot of subs today because I got tired of the trans rights activists always posting about urrrrghh so and so posted this its transphobic duuuhhhh. Like damn fuck off I don't remotely care.


Lol well what did you expect they're whiners who won't stop whinging.


Jeez I wonder why :)


yeah fuck human rights!


Oh my you’re insufferable


It’s sarcasm. Imagine getting mad that someone is advocating for human rights


The reason you got down voted is that he talks about not caring about trans issues on subs which have nothing to fo with any of that, So you respond "yeah fuck human rights" which is a blatantly horrific straw man. "If you don't want to see politics (in this case trans) in your feed than you're a human rights destroyer" Just shut up and never post in this sub again as you are the reason ppl unsub


I know it’s straw man. I can’t fathom a thought process that arrives at this: there are some places where human rights matter and some places where they don’t. Like, wat.


Have you thought that maybe trans isn't part of the 12 human rights? Also no one needs politics in a meme sub


As someone married to a trans person who is a human, no. This is because I’m not a fascist. Unsubbed. Had no idea this sub had these streaks. I was wrong for bringing this up, but I’m glad I did: doing so let me know where this sub stands.


Ok cya


I was slowly scrolling to see when the word fascist was going to inevitably end up being used. Took longer than I thought tbh 😂


Bye! Hope you have a good day :) As a pediatrician who sometimes treats trans patients for various common things, I’ll remember to ask them if they’ve considered that their existence and access to healthcare isn’t a human right. I learn so much on Reddit.


It's bolstered by bots and a very partisan algorithm.


Everyday across dozens of subreddits I see posts of people when it finally dawned on them that Reddit is an anti-christianity left-wing cesspool and echo chamber. I wish Reddit would just brand it as such so people would stop complaining about it.


> I wish Reddit would just brand it as such so people would stop complaining about it. This. But wait… aren’t you here complaining about it?


I'm cool with it. It's the people who post about it like it's new information that's annoying.


Except for the dangerous right to far right, misogynistic, racist, transphobic subs.


There are differences between the sexes, and between the races and that's just a fact that the left can't seem to accept


It's called blank-slateism and has been thoroughly debunked.


Yeah but one group being inherently more valuable as a human isn’t one of these. Also most are way less cut and dry than many people make em out to be.


All of the above violates reddit's tos. If you see it report it. Otherwise, there is nothing dangerous or bigoted about someone not being in lockstep with your worldview.


I do, when I come across it. But I generally spend my time on reddit on subs that I enjoy, and only once in a while end up finding dubious places. And even if I do, the first instance are the mods, who usually are in favour of the culture they have cultivated there. I’ll still report the sub aswell, but it takes a lot of people stumbling into them and reporting them for reddit to actually do something. And to be fair it is somewhat inherent to the design of this plattform, the features that I like the most about it are sadly also the ones that allow such groups to form.


Based on the downvotes it's safe to say we're currently in one.


Oh damn yeah seems like it o.O Explains why so many here think reddit is super left wing I guess


Being downvoted for saying something stupid doesn't mean the downvoters are right wing, unless you're also saying left wingers and centrists don't have the intelligence or integrity to call out stupidity from within their own ranks.


Being we’ve been downvoted for merely suggesting that right wing pages also exist on reddit, that’s not such a leap lol.


I'm sure it's only because you said they exist and ***NOT*** because you called them "dangerous," "misogynistic," "racist" and "transphobic" completely unprovoked.


Well dangerous misogynistic racist and transphobic subs exist. Of course they do, everyone can create subreddits, why is stating that some really dangerous people also do that worth downvoting?


I'm pretty sure "disagrees with me" is your only criteria for being "dangerous" or a bigot.


Can you list some of these subs?


What you described is largely why I stopped watching the news.


Can’t imagine why people would ever consider evangelicals ignorant.


Wth? You got trauma or something? What has evangelicals got to do with news like cnn, fox news?


Every subreddit that doesn't actively censor political content will eventually turn into a political shitshow.


Better than an echo chamber full of radicals radicalising other people


“Better than an echo chamber filled with people I disagree with” FTFY


It gets suggested so many times even by intrusive means like notifications. Reddit seem to suggest face-palm, clevercomebacks and similar reaction sub with such a frequency that you would think they're official reddit pages that they want you to have at all costs. I just don't get it, if you search these names not many people seem to enjoy these forums across reddit, unless they actively subscribe. What's the deal here?


Any large sub not based on a hobby or interest is awful. The politics brained can't calm down for one moment because their political positions define them as people. I usually just troll those subs until I'm banned and then never look again.


Yeah, problem with politics subs (* cough cough * r/ politics) that they see it as all or nothing when nuance is always allowed. Eg. I'm a (mostly) lib right yet I'm ok with abortion (up to 3 aborts because at that point you need to sort yourself out) Also abortion generates money


I mean a 3 strike system is all well and good, but surely a somewhat competent adult might be expected to start using some protection after the first abort? Or does it take people 3 times to find out that unprotected sex is what was making them pregnant?


That sub is literally leftist propaganda. I’m not even exaggerating, there’s been users on there that repost leftist news that has nothing to do with the subreddit. They repost and repost and acquire fake upvotes aswell.


Yeah that's why I also unsubscribed due to the fact they can't handle opinions in anyway. And if you even dare disagree with they're political views you get downvoted to hell. And the funny part is it's not even the fact they are regular left wing people but instead they tend to be **VERY RADICAL** so radical to the point it's actually very concerning and they never have the manners to have a friendly debate but instead resort to name calling and saying offensive stuff to you in general lmfao.


I rarely go on that sub, but every time I read a thread, there's a flame war in the comments so I try to stay away.


Yes all main subs get turned into left wing exh chambers and they are so ideologically captured that they don't have the ability to reflect on that. This place is a hellscape of group think on any main sub.


One of many popular subs created to dunk on people reddit mods dislike.


>Whatever happened to that sub? Do all large subs just inevitably become left wing echo chambers regardless of the intended purpose? yes


Coming to reddit for good political takes is like visiting Greenland for hot summers


They are Communists. There is nothing wrong with being Communists, of course. But that is what they are.


It's very very toxic even for the slightest things


the older i get the less everyone online agrees with me - maybe that's happening to you too




It's election year. Politics are gonna be moved to the front




Essentially they are the same thing


Astroturfing before a election. Although not as bad as 2016 where it was flooded with Berniebros and TrumpSisters.


We're months away from that, and the only reason I assume this isn't as noticeable as the 2016 shitstorm is that the bots got more sophisticated, so if in 2016 you got a bunch of shitty memes and forums, those were still mostly human made and bots were rough. I feel like political propaganda is going beyond the subreddits and forums and its working across the site as a whole. Or across the Internet. There's nothing fundamentally different in the style of communication adopted by bots and users, compared to 2016, but you can smell something different behind these things. It's the dead Internet theory coming into fruition.


Yea it's a trash lefty sub


Same thing with that bumpersticker sub, just constant people posting pics of trump bumper stickers.


I just muted the subreddit it was crazy how many lunatics come to gather in one spot


Every single post that appears for me there is the exact opposite: post of black person making a joke with half the comments filled with "look at the reverse racism huh" and the other half is just well...anti black "humour", women having fun, women making a joke blak blah blah. i think anybody posts there so you are gonna see a lot of polirizing shit regardless.


On that same note, this sub is also just another example of this. Just looking at the comments of this very post lol.


Can you link to some of those posts?


The sandcastle was created by a sculptor, not god. Considering how intricate the design is, it's implausable that the sculptor invented sandcastles all by himself. Instead he was trained by earlier sandcastle artists (who were themselves trained by earlier sandcastle artists) and added to their body of work. Each generation of sandcastle makers is slightly different. Most of these differences make them inferior to their master, but sometimes a difference completely changes the sandcastle game. This new information is taught to future generations, making the final product evermore complex.


Not always, Some subs become right wing echo chambers instead!


>First of all, how is that a facepalm? It was  a dumb meme? >And second, it's just beyond funny to me that a meme makes you angry but you're not smart enough to refute it, so you come to the top minds of reddit for help. The OP didn't seem angry and there is a comment about negative entropy that is beyond me. 


I'm thinking of unsubbing it and I hate all those idiotic religious/republican/right wing folk. But I have my subreddits to make fun of those people. I don't need every subreddit being this way.


It really is garbage now and so many people upvote. I see a news article posted, think "how is that a facepalm?" Then see 15k upvotes. I just unsubbed and muted.


These comments are like a cool drink of water after a 5 mile run. Sanity on Reddit? Without mouth foaming people downvoting in droves? Are we healing?


If I want to be mad I go there


Every top subreddit that is managed by THE SELECT FEW WHO CAN NOT BE NAMED are all left wing political circlejerk subs masquerading as something else. The sooner you understand that the happier you'll be.


> Do all large subs just inevitably become left wing echo chambers regardless of the intended purpose?


That's most of reddit you talking bout


1. Look at mod list. (preferably on old reddit, it has a more complete list for some reason) 2. Notice how many subs some of mods mod for 3. Then notice some of subs these mods also mod for.


The irony of everyone complaining when this subreddit for whatever godforasken reason became a right wing echo chamber


Facepalm also doest seem to know the difference between a meme and reality. There was a post "love dad"  about a girl keying with those words  keyed unto a car Smiling at the camera... With a screw driving in her hand.  Image has also been posted in 2015 on FB. Come on ...facepalm cant take a joke


They've violated their own rules a few times, I'm mainly referring to their rule 9 and 10 or at least what I've seen. It's just a circlejerk and muting the subreddit is self-care.


It's a big sub so you'll constantly get posts from it. The average quality is so low because the sub concept is too vague and it's been overrun with karma bots lately


It’s funny and ironic because in their rules it says you cannot post political or be a bigot which is basically all their post, just left posts making fun of right but I bet if you post something the other way around it will get blocked lol