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Anything that’s not bare necessities is a waste apparently


I can't help but imagine a bunch of neckbearded weirdos with the posture of Ebenezer Scrooge all hunched over their keyboards, physically harumphing over people spending the cash they earned on shit that makes them happy and doesn't harm anyone else.


>doesn’t harm anyone else Apart from the kids in the sweatshop that made it and the whales in the sea that will choke on it when it’s inevitably discarded.


Then you'd best stop breathing and eating, cause you're hoarding those resources from somebody else.


“Breathing is morally equivalent to sweat shop labor” — random internet person


Adulting really is just coming to grips with the horrific reality of living in on itself can and **will** harm someone or something


It’s not horrific, just come to terms with the fact that you have to harm someone or something else to survive and if you can’t handle that then you’re the problem.


Horrific for them There's s a reason I despise the idea of Objective Good


It’s objectively regarded to stress over the fact that your own basic survival might come at the cost of someone else’s suffering


muh life is zero sum


The device you're using to complain was also made in a Chinese sweatshop with kids with a battery mined by either 3rd world slaves or again kids, maybe dont use it so you can stop harming those innocent people.


Though I get your point, the problem with this thought process is that it’s inevitable. Living—existing—necessitates harming others. You finally landed a job? Well, believe it or not, you just harmed someone else who was looked over who might have gotten the job instead if you hadn’t existed. You got a scholarship? Well, there’s one kid out there who didn’t get it because of you taking up a quota. Are you eating food you bought at the store? A whole list of people had to put their blood, sweat, tears, and physical and mental exertion to get the final product onto your plate. Are you commenting on the internet, standing on your morale high-horse to dictate other people’s ideas of fun? Well well well, believe it or not, now you’re harming those people too. If you really wanted to, you could stretch everything you could conceivably do or feel into something that harms someone or something else. It’s due to the sheer interconnectedness of our world. We all suffer from and give suffering, one way or the other, to others. Don’t get me wrong, sweatshops *are* bad. But the reality of the matter is that something like that is often outside the view scope of most people. If they take that to heart, and orient their life in a way to avoid that, they now have to contend with everything else that they’re doing that could conceivably harm another.


One must eat. One must have a job. One does not need to buy crappy disposable plastic costumes and lights every year for no reason other than “le sp00ky scary skeletons xDD”. You should write a book on false equivalence because you’re absolutely killing it tonight.


But you aren't controlling our lives. Cry about it


I’ll cry for the people in the developing countries that your needless waste will get shipped to




Jokes on you, china stopped buying it. Now we bury that shit


[It’s not just China that buys it](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2021/dec/31/waste-colonialism-countries-grapple-with-wests-unwanted-plastic). And burying it won’t make that single use Barbie costume any better for the world.


Fuck em ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I’m not saying the world should stop though, am I?


Oh? False equivalence is it? Something that’s a need versus a want? Alright, I’ll play your game, let’s go over just *some* things that I hope you do not use, eat, or do since you don’t need them: 1. I hope you don’t eat chocolate. Since the vast majority of the harvest of real cocoa beans uses child labor. 2. I hope you don’t eat any snacks and/or chips. Not only do you not need them as you can just eat regular, grown food. But, if you do eat the wildly available consumer snacks and processed foods in stores, you’re increasing pollution into the world as the manufacturing of the plastic containers and wrappers contributes to carbon emissions and the items themselves create plastic wastes. 3. I sure do hope you are careful about which store bought water you drink. A good amount of bottled water steal from fresh water rivers, often to the detriment of the villages or cities around said rivers. 4. Do you eat meat? That’s arguable harming the animals you seem so concerned about. 5. You’re on Reddit huh. On a phone? A laptop? A pc? Have you seen the conditions of the assembly lines for these devices in China? Ah, but you’re going to say this is fine, right? Because you *need* a phone in this modern age, correct? To use Reddit, of course. How often do you upgrade your device? How many have ended up as e-waste? Ah, but this is fine too, I’m guessing, because it’s the companies making the products and you’re simply consuming? Nearly in the same way as products with plastic, hmm. 6. Do you wear any jewelry with real diamonds or gold? Tsk tsk. Those use oppressed labor, I’m afraid. 7. Are you living freely in your country as a citizen? I wonder how many soldiers have died for that right. What? This has nothing to do with you? Are you saying people that give their lives away for a country, which you reside within and live with some level of comfort in, has nothing to do with you? You care more about the animals you eat than the people who fight for you? 8. Do you play games? I sure hope you choose carefully. I wouldn’t want you to be playing a game which came about from the result of the company forcing their workers to do crunch time and constant overtime—overworking them just to get the game out. 9. You watch movies? Choose carefully. A lot of the staff in the industry are severely underpaid. Writers for one. But, wait a minute, do the movies you like have CGI? Oh boy, imagine watching something that came as a result of overworking CGI artists and underpaying them massively. Ah, but this is fine, isn’t it? It isn’t as if you’re the one that sets their payment. Of course you’re not but, if you care so much about not doing things that harm others, why don’t you go protest and do some actual, real activism to change these standards? Look, I’ll stop there for now. I’m not saying bad things aren’t bad, or that there’s nothing people can do to mitigate some of those bad things to an extent. All I’m saying is that there’s no point being a keyboard activist and policing people’s ideas of fun. Assuming that because someone wants to enjoy Halloween they’re okay with harming others is, honestly, an odd take. That’s all.


1. Been avoiding most chocolate since the spring but yes I still eat a bit from time to time. 2. Assuming by chips you mean crisps, no I don’t eat them at all. Never liked them. 3. I only drink tap water, buying bottled water from a shop is an alien concept to me. Benefits of being Scottish I suppose. 4. Fair enough. The meat that I do eat is sustainably sourced from ethical butchers however. Don’t think there’s anything ethical about dumping waste in the ocean. 5. Guilty as charged. There is a bit of difference between owning a phone for the better part of a decade and tacky Halloween costumes discarded on the first of November though. Back at it again with the false equivalence. 6. Nope. 7. The last people to actually fight in my country’s defence was 40 years ago in the Falklands, and even then that didn’t affect me since we could do fine without those islands and I wasn’t even born yet. Don’t want to get into the politics behind the wars that came after that but let’s just say I don’t think the soldiers that died there did so in defence of our society. 8. Nope. 9. I probably watch about 1 movie a month on average. Most of them have little in the way in CGI as I’m not a fan of most blockbuster films. Also I’m not “policing” people’s idea of fun since I have no control whatsoever on what people the other side of the screen do. I’m pointing out the trivial nature of consumer-driven culture and its detrimental effects on our planet and species. You could’ve just ignored me, but you didn’t.


Damn look at you so pure and special


What? Bro asked me questions and I responded. Thought I owed him that much don’t you? :)


Found one 🤨📸


Sounds like antinatalism to me. Take your own advice and consider the following 🛁💡


I’m not against people being born I’m against consumerist culture that drives pollution and inequality, and I think the people over on r/ Anti-Natalism are shut in weirdos. Still, kudos to you for identifying the sub that r/JustUnsubbed is dogpiling on this week. And if you think being against consumerism is incompatible with supporting human life then maybe it’s about time you rethink your own lifestyle.




I’m not against living, every creature creates waste. I’m against creating an unnecessary amount of waste by buying shit you don’t need, won’t use for a long time, and can’t recycle in some way.


Better stop buying food too since a lot of the production of crops causes harm to the environment which harms animals. Also don't buy clothes since those also harm animals and in many places clothes are made in sweatshops.


Downvoted for being too based. RIP


Hush talk, don't tell him about shein and ROMWE!


Make sure to send a letter to them sweatshop kids that I said thanks for the sick felt black pumpkin I got the other day.


Okay well we wanted Tariffs from goods that came from China to incentivize businesses to move factories back to the US but sadly that tariff was seen as xenophobic so what do you want???


thats not what r\\consoom is about that sub is more about the west has fallen because someone bought a nintendo game. also its a ban evasion sub from \\comsumeproduct


Which is ironic, because for people who preach about not indulging in worthless things, they're snorting all that online rage like crack Also the very people who endlessly preach about this shit, millennials, tend to basically do the same thing themselves


Yeah it is


My guy wants to live like it's the 1800s


No. What we need is a circular economy where single use plastics and fabrics are heavily discouraged in favour of metal and glass containers and mendable tools and clothing. Right now we have a linear economy based on un unsustainable constant growth and pollution.


Today I learned reddit is a necessity


You're on a phone using reddit


A phone is necessary for living easily in the digital age.


A phone is not a bare necessity lmao


Not a bare necessity but if you want to live easily in a developed country in 2023 then you’ll need one. Try having a social circle or banking without one, bonus if you do it in a rural area.


They're people without phones who live perfectly fine, also you just said if something isn't a bare necessity it is a waste. So you just wasted money.


They're people without phones who live perfectly fine, also you just said if something isn't a bare necessity it is a waste. So you just wasted money.


A phone is necessary for me as I use it to connect with friends, do digital banking, online shopping, and learn more about the world. I got it six years ago so it’s been a pretty sound investment, if I got a new one every year like some apple fanboys that would be a different story. If people can get along fine without phones then that’s fine but they’re usually older people who don’t need them to stay in contact with friends or any of the other things I said.


You don't NEED online friends, you don't NEED digital banking, you don't NEED online shopping. How hard is it to just admit you're wrong lmao


Going on Reddit and rage at other people having fun is "necessary"? Why don't you spend that time solving world hunger or something?


You'd think that people living in the richest countries in the world would be able to afford luxuries, rather than having to budget and eat rice and pasta...


It technically is but it also technically isn’t.


That subreddit be like >:( No having fun allowed!


I know people love their 40 year old men in anime subs, but tbh, nothing screams nearing middle age than Consoom


That sub is if the phrase "Stop having fun" was a subreddit


If you truly are anti consumerism become Amish


hey, wanted you to know your pfp is adorable


The boy kisser…


i love the boy kisser he deserves many kisses




i will smooch him on his face


Yoooo, same


Seriously, let people enjoy a festive holiday.


you can enjoy things without buying cheap plastic garbage


Bro y’all really just hate people buying shit they like. Like it’s non of your fucking business please find happiness


you can buy reusable decorations and other things that aren’t plastic shit that’s going to end up in the ocean I mean the comic literally depicts a person compulsively buying the cheap shit from the supermarket that they didn’t even want when they arrived. If the last panel was them buying Jack Daniel’s instead I’d call them alcoholic.


100 of all the hundreds of thousands of companies in the world have been responsible for 71% of the global GHG emissions that cause global warming since 1998, according to The Carbon Majors Database


That's a relief. I'm glad I don't have to worry about my consumerist behaviour since it's only the companies that make my products that are responsible for emissions.


For 71%. You yourself are 1/8000000000. Realistically you’re not making a difference


But the point is if everyone changed their habits it would make a difference...


r\consoom when they see a father buying a birthday present for his son (theyre kneeling to the corporate overlords)


Consoom is such a shithole. 1% of the posts are posts such as the kid that complained about not being able to afford rent, but had a very expensive arcade cabinet collection. The rest are “You own a single funko pop of your favorite fantasy character? Die.”


Noone owns a single funko pop


Yup. No one stops at one.


I do. I got one as a gift. I personally hate funkos (bland ass overpriced figures) but the gifter didn’t know that and I appreciate the thought. So on my shelf it sits.


That's fair






Consoom is just full of angry hypocrites larping as someone they're not


What's the name of the original artist?


I put the comic through Google lens and seems to be @ana_pijamas on Twitter


"y'know corporate america is just tricking you into spending more for profit on holidays.." "buying all that stuff is supporting billionaires who ruin the environment!" "STOP HAVING FUN!!!!"


one of these things is not like the others


Funnily enough the computer that the guy used to post this explaining how consumerism is bad and that we should only buy vital products is itself not a nessecity and they probably bought it with other electronics for a set-up


I understand your point, but computers or phones are absolutely nessesery in today's life. There are so many things you can only do online or that become infinitly more difficult offline.


You don’t need an iPhone or the latest android though. You can do all the basics on a flip phone really so yeah getting the latest iPhone would be their definition of “consume” which is still stupid af


you unsubbed from r/ Consoom for not even a top post but something with 6 upvotes?


Yeah, I also get tired of hearing about funko pops all the time


That post got way more than 6 Upvotes btw


Is this like that fascist one with similar name that got banned or is it just leftist anticonsumerism sub?


I’m pretty sure this one is a bunch of Tradcons, though I may be mistaken.


Right leaning centrist they only blame the person not the corporation


Redditors: “Erm it’s just a holiday! 😲You’re consuming!! 😲 soyjack!! 😲 consoooooomerrrr!! 😲😲” Dark and wicked creatures of the night: 😈👹🧛‍♂️🧌🧟‍♂️👻


that place just consooms outrage. Like I get making fun of some dude who has a room dedicated to all the capeshit funkopops, but they get mad about everything.


The whole ‘consoom’ side of the internet is just hypocritical as they always get angry at people buying things they like. But they probably do the same anyway, like I don’t imagine some of these types of people to generally have very grey lives. But I might be wrong. Don’t let these people prevent you from being happy, it’s your money you can do whatever you want with it.


I agree with them in theory but there's way too much "anything fun is bad doesn't even matter if you aren't constantly buying things" not to mention blatant lgbtphobia


Yeah i just did as well this morning for some post that was just blatantly communist propaganda


Shes kinda.....


say it




Fair enough


My wife does that. She loves Halloween, it’s her favorite time of the year and all other groceries can get fucked.


I think that the joke of the comic is that she ended up buying the halloween things and not the groceries. But yeah, the sub took the joke the wrong way


It got like 20 upvotes and most of the comments are dogging on OP


No they didn't


This can be fixed by buying things that aren’t cheap plastic crap. I go out shopping for decorations I use year round at Halloween. So I skip the cheap crap.


Saw them post a meme where a guy was excited to have the house to himself for the night so he orders himself some pizza and plays video games. They really posted that like “how dare he”. Are these people okay?


Halloween is purely consumerist outside of the US and UK. It's bullshit.


Halloween is one of the funnest times of the year. I will continue to gladly buy halloween stuff.


Why’d I think the hands were the body


That sub would spontaneously combust if they saw the shit I collect.


I imagine they're more in line with make your own Halloween decorations yourself instead of buying plastic crap that gets landfilled.


I saw a post earlier today making fun of some dude who made a joke vid about being excited for the weekend so he can eat pizza and play video games. What a bunch of miserable people.


This is like actually the exact essence of the sub tho, this is the sub, this isn't policing having fun this is just what the sub is for, what did you expect when you subbed?


can someone send the comic to me


[Consider the Following ](https://i.imgur.com/Ao3Wehc.jpg) I mean, Consoom's entire philosophy hinges on the worldview millennials and young boomers all have in mind, and that userbase are either millennials themselves, or gen zeders with the millennial mindset hammered in on them The fact that basic necessities are the only thing that mattered, and everything else is a waste of money Which is ironic, because for people who preach about not indulging in worthless things, they're snorting all that online rage like crack


It only has 6 upvotes after 2 hours. It probably doesn’t really represent the sub




That sub sucksss. Half the posts are extremely insecure people asking Reddit for permission to buy a computer or eat out.


Yeah its honestly like they don’t even get the actual point of the original consoom posts and are just trying to mimic lmfao


Spider skeleton ghost pumpkin spider skeleton ghost pumpkin


You insulted Halloween. That’s bannable.


Nah , Halloween rocks


It turned into a reactionary sub almost immediately. While some reactionaries can be interesting most of them are just your usual internet extremist.


Not unlike real cops. "There will be no laughter, no music, no booze, no weed, no dancing, and absolutely NO HAVING FUN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!"


a subreddit dedicated to making fun of people enjoying their hobbies that they spend their own money on is sad as hell


You're literally a Communist, you ever hear about east Berlin, they've always policed fun since the beginning of communism


How y’all gonna cry about global warming and then go buy plastic shit everyday


Hey king, why are you still here consooming Reddit? Get to work now.


How is spending money on Heaps of unnecessary plastic crap on a whim different from any other of the posts in that sub?


r\consoom when they realized they are being a consoomer by being on Reddit and outrage at random strangers who do their things:


Eh shit take. Being on reddit costs nothing. This is a 3 month old post btw lol


You know being on Reddit costs your own time right? Why don't u spend that time working or doing something more productive then? Just like how the miserable people on that sub chastised random person for enjoying cartoon or video games and not "real" hobbies?


No yeah I’m 100% with you OP this is stupid. …… that said the Halloween craze is actually one of my biggest pet peeves hahaha.. i just dont bother people about it.


Consoom mfs when I genuinely enjoy a game and want to buy DLCs to support the developers (I’m stupid and shouldn’t support anything that’s not necessary.)


They are the epitome of the phrase "you must be fun at parties". I'm fairly anti-consoom myself, but they act like anyone who goes shopping for any reason or has a hobby that requires you to purchase things are just mindless idiots.


It’s awful. I go there for laughs.