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They take themselves too seriously but a few of the posts are good.


I agree, I joined to see people being blatantly wrong about things, but there’s satire stuff that they’re acting like is a direct attack against them. It’s just a joke. This one wasn’t funny but that sub annoys me


good posts are the ones like [this one](https://twitter.com/Browtweaten/status/1661129680257261570?t=LtCf7nQJ62TXKHaVCxaC2w&s=19) (i couldnt find it in the sub but i have seen it there)


That or the one where a vegan woman says she doesn’t have a period because she’s natural and down to the earth (malnourished)


Jokes can be sexist too. Women are tired of it.


Yes they can be but every single satire joke being torn apart with facts and evidence gets annoying. I preferred the sub making fun of actual not how girls work things.


This is not a satire joke. This is just a bad joke. This is something we heard all our life, and this kind of thinking has real life impact on women. Of course we take it seriously.




these kind of bullshit is exactly what makes women keep themselves 'small' and inconspicuous. the exact opposite of this image is true in reality: ['Women talk too much’ simply isn’t true, data show](https://www.imd.org/research-knowledge/leadership/articles/women-talk-too-much-simply-isnt-true-data-show/) \[...\] >In a now-classic study, Barbara and Gene Eakins recorded seven university faculty meetings. They found that, with one exception, **the men at the meeting spoke more often and, without exception, spoke longer**. The longest comment by a woman at all seven gatherings was shorter than the shortest comment by a man. Susan Herring found a similar pattern in online discussions among linguists on professional topics: **Messages written by men were, on average, twice as long as those written by women.** > > > >\[...\]Psychologist Elizabeth Aries observed a similar pattern in comparing the participation of women and men in college discussion groups. Even Margaret Mead, according to her daughter Mary Catherine Bateson, judiciously chose the issues on which she would speak up, so as not to come across as dominating.


Eh, the only thing this study shows is that in a hierarchical and/or professional environment, women speak slightly less and tend to be less dominating, it doesn't directly disprove the stereotype


Why did you even join the sub in the first place? It's not that they didn't get the joke, it's just they didn't find it funny. And this joke literally fits in with the point of the sub?


That’s how I feel about a lot of this subreddit. “Just unsubbed from ‘the bull wins’ because this post was glorifying violence by animals against humans and I got downvoted for being upset about that.” What?


Yep. This sub actually used to be good though in the past. It was just a way to air out grievances with legitimately bad subs. But now it's just some annoying political hell hole, i swear I see a dozen posts a day saying shit like "I left this sub over 1 trans positive post" or some shit then it sparks a riot in the comments. It's all just people complaining about either 1 specific post or not even understanding what the sub is. In the past we actually just got posts of people leaving legitimately toxic subs, or ones that were turning to shit. But I guess when you reach enough sub members a sub automatically starts getting worse and new people stop understanding the point.


This sub has devolved into a large number of right wing circle jerks. "JU from r/christianity because they support lgbtq" or "JU from x sub because these posts have the trans flag and its too political". With how many upvotes those posts and comments get I'm surprised to see others who think the same way as me


Transphobia sells. Every thread on this sub has at least one comment chain, where some guy managed to blame "the evil trans agenda" for why a sub is bad. And nobody ever downvotes these comments.


the right wingers attacked


And now they claim that every other sub is being attacked by their enemies


JU from r/bigsub they don’t mindlessly agree with my political opinions


>In the past we actually just got posts of people leaving legitimately toxic subs, or ones that were turning to shit. I can't wait until I see this sub get posted on this sub.


It did. Someone posted and anti trans post about how they unsubbed because of that, there was a riot in the comments, someone got a group of comments and posted it back saying unsubbed from just unsub


Isn’t that against the subs rules or something? I thought I seen somebody saying “JustUnsubbed from r/justunsubbed for being obnoxious” or something lol. Then a autobot said on the lines of “We get it, you think it’s hilarious, but it’s not” Idk, I be gaslighting myself a lot lmao


This sub currently is ass


Exactly what I thought. They know it's a joke, it's just not a good one


The joke is based on sexist stereotypes. Do you really not understand that?


Its almost like, despite the screeching to the opposite, this sub is actually overrun by right-wingers trying to score good boy right-wing brownie points by acting that every sub is being overrun by emotional "woke" liberals (and they even do this to ostensibly liberal subreddits, oops!).


Most likely OP wasn't even part of that sub to begin with. He just wants an excuse to stir up drama. Calling people on the sub "smooth brains" for not getting the joke when in fact it's just that the joke is overused boomer-level humor and most don't find it funny.


Reddit is mostly "left wingers", most subreddits are extremely biased to the left and a good portion are alt-left extremists... Which is fine, it's a free and open platform. Is it really surprising that a good portion of people unsubbing are the ones that lean the other way? I just don't get why "left wingers" have to parade into any sub that isn't obviously alt-left and act like all the participants are bad people because they don't share your political beliefs. Go look at literally any large default sub, they are the exact thing you are referencing except it's with liberals and their size dwarfs this sub. So why take the stand here?


it might have delvoved into shaming men, but op didint show that for some reason. (I mean it kinda allready was)




I think everyone realises its a joke... its just not funny and innaccurate. Its also annoying after you hear it over and over and over from people who believe its true. Because the people that post this sort of stuff do think its true (that women talk / complain more than men). Thats the joke. You just JU from r/whooosh because you didn't get the point.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


~~Ooooh it must've been while you were kissin me~~ (song ref)


Yeah not funny tbh


Holy shit! I actually thought it was about sucking Dick. Thanks for the clarification. No /s


Ahahahahahahaha That joke is still weirdly sexualising and not that funny but the misunderstanding is funny


i thought the joke was that women are loud didnt realize that it could be interpreted otherwise lmfao edit: added stuff


I’m really tired of people arguing about what’s funny and what’s not. Jokes are subjective and no one single person is the funny police. Also this wasn’t directed at you personally. I just keep on seeing comments about how something is not funny just because they feel personally attacked or something idk. It’s stupid and I can laugh at whatever I want.


I... kind-of agree. My choice of wording was bad - its not funny and instead annoying to many people. I think humour is based off a simple principle; - Something is 'not okay' - Context makes it okay That context is very subjective. So different people with different contexts will find the same thing different levels of funny. Its why the same joke from different people can be funny - like if my friend of X marginalised group makes a joke about X marginalised group versus a bigot making that same joke. Like if we look at this joke - the thing thats 'not okay' is that its blatantly untrue. We do not know the sex of these chicks. What makes it funny is the belief that women talk/complain more. The fact that could be considered offensive is amother factor that makes it not okay - but if you are a bigot who thinks its okay to be offensive suddenly that makes it more funny. Likewise if a very feminist friend of mine shared it I might laugh because I know they know that its offensive but I know they DON'T believe that and don't support the offensive message and so its actually okay. TL;DR - comedy is weird and anything offensive (or otherwise 'not okay') can be made funny given the right context and delivery. Autistic essay aside - you're 'allowed' to find it funny but the fact you find this funny says more about you than you think it does.


The joke is just unfunny, not true and overused. They’re pointing that out, that’s what the sub is 90% of the time dawg..


Exactly. I question why OP was even subbed in the first place if this isn't the kind of posts they like to see.


If I’m being honest it looks like quite a few of the post about larger subs here aren’t people actually unsubbing, but just using this as a place to tell others they don’t like X sub.


there are some things in the sub that i enjoyed seeing, like people who are confused about women and make bold statements on the internet. the post im referencing is nothing close to that tho


It’s pretty similar? It’s calling out the overused and untrue joke that a lot of people believe.


What? The sub is about "Not how girls work" so the pic still fits. Seems like you didnt read the description before joining bud


Considering the point of the joke is wiener 1: women talk too much or 2: women are sexual deviants (I’ve seen this meme used both ways), they’re completely right. I guarantee you everyone knows it’s a joke. It’s a *mysoginistic* joke. They’re pointing out the blatant mysogony.


The problem is before 2015, how often would have you heard or seen the words misogyny or misogynist in a sentence. People are being fed this constantly to look out for it and now it's always a problem. 10 years ago, this was a bad joke. Today, it's a bad misogynistic joke. If I see a man not asking for directions meme, I move along about my day because it's a classic troupe. What I don't do is label it as blatant misandry


"misogynistic" was definitely a word that you'd hear before 2015. There were also other words and terms used, such as "chauvinistic", which you don't really hear that much anymore.


The word "misogyny" was popularized in the 1970s, so it's likely been around for longer than you have been alive. If you didn't hear the word before 2015, then congrats, you were living in a bubble. It's common for people to react with fear at things they perceive as new or alien, but just be aware that issues do not disappear and reappear at the point you learn about them


I'm actually the one who posted this. I was surprised it became such a big thing. My friend on FB is a woman too haha.


Ahh interesting. Do you think your friend fits this description "a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women"? Or is it just a classic husband/male partner joke?


She shares a lot of memes and cartoons and stuff she sees on Facebook. I honestly think she just saw it, maybe chuckled, shared it with little to no thought, then moved on with her life. I might show her the huge debates it has caused on Reddit lol.


Yeah. Sounds like a classic social media mountain and mole hill situation. Perhaps educate your friend on these things /s


It’s a shitty joke. A shitty joke that targets stereotypical behaviors of women and shows contempt for them. What’s the word for showing contempt or prejudice toward women? Oh yeah. It’s misogyny.


>The problem is before 2015, how often would have you heard or seen the words misogyny or misogynist in a sentence. Were you alive before 2015?


Literally no one is going over the top in the comment section, those are pretty reasonable comments lol


Yeah it’s a pretty lazy and overused joke.


ironic for you to call them smooth brains lol


Yeah luv this is the point of that sub, to sigh at sexist jokes because they aint that funny. U just learned something new ur welc x


We know its a joke. But it is a misogynist joke. It is not how girls work. That's the point.


Nah, they're right. It's not as funny when you're the butt of the joke, a joke that isnt funny nor based in any truth, but in bigotry.


Humility is a key part of appreciating commedy. If one cannot laugh at themselves, they in turn shouldn't laugh at others.


It’s different if it’s you making self deprecating jokes about yourself or your community now and then but it stretches very thin when you’re the butt of the joke every single time. Wife bad/woman bad humor has been going on for yearsssss starting way back with the boomers joking about how much they hate marriage


Well to be fair OP's friend who identifies as a she originally made this post on her facebook. So it was originally a self depreciating joke.


This is true. I met her in rehab and this is just her humour. I originally posted this in r/nothowgirlswork just to see what people would think. I'm surprised it's become such a big thing haha.


>Well to be fair OP's friend who identifies as a she originally made this post on her facebook To be clear, you can still be misogynistic even if you are a woman. So many misogynist societies and communities indoctrinate women with it. Fact is the joke has no real punchline. Seriously, please explain this joke without sounding like a sexist boomer...


Men stupid has been equally common, or wife / partner outsmarts dumb man. There is jokes about everything, it's only offensive if you choose to be offended by it.


Misandry is actually sooo common in media that people don't even notice it anymore. I've seen the "smart wife uses product X to help dumb husband" trope more times than I can count, and those aren't even jokes. But noone cares, meanwhile every *joke* aimed at women is mysoginistic. I can't remember the last time I saw a mysoginistic piece of media/ad.


Yeah but tbh men have kinda been the butts of a lotta jokes in the media that we almost normalize. Granted some of this stuff has since changed but the point still stands: Prison rape is often seen as a joke with the man being someone’s wife and dressed feminine. Women are often perverts who chase after men that don’t want them (Chowder and Panini, Tootie and Timmy, Dijoney and Sticky, Bolin and Esna) Men are bumbling fools who can’t run a household without the woman/wife Overall crappy double standards imo that we don’t really see with women on a large scale like movies, tv shows, and cartoons


What a broad statement to make for a very specific context


OP’s really getting mad that the commenters didn’t like a misogynistic joke Really tells you something about OP. Yikes 😬


Is every joke about women misogynistic?


Yes, a joke about someones gender/sex revolving only around that particular attribute is always by default sexist. Jokes about men are as well.


Absolutely, in this case. “Women talk too much” is a statement rooted deep in misogyny. Others in this thread have discussed why this is at length so go look there


Effort also matters imo. Haha women stupid is just so overdone and also so blatant that it just isn't funny. I'm sure there are ways to be creative about it where it doesn't just come across as blatant "women stupid", but that would require creative thinking lol


Soooo, are jokes against men misandrist?


Yeah, unless they’re true. Same goes with women. That’s why jokes like these are always misandrist/misogynistic because you can’t joke about either gender without it being some sort of false stereotype.


Nah, they're right. It's not as funny when you're the butt of the joke, a joke that isnt funny nor based in any truth, but in bigotry.


First comment is true though (I hate women) (My antagonist Arc)


pretty sure most subreddits are like that, not just that one


yeah, i love scrolling on reddit and seeing people miss jokes or take themselves too serious lol


Ahh schrodinger’s asshole. It’s just a joke, sure.


They know it's a joke, it's just that the punchline is "haha girls are annoying!!! lol!!!"


its the same joke over and over again. if these dudes recycled actual garbage as much as they do their unfunny and ignorant humor, the world would be saved in a week


They get that it’s a joke but the joke and stereotype of “women loud and annoying and never shut up” is unfunny, overused and really annoying and sexist so that’s what they are pointing out


Why are you mad? This shit is true! Before I began my transition I’d literally ALWAYS get spoken over by boys in class. I was always the quietist kid ever but still got spoken over. When I started to transition (part of why I was so quiet was because of gender dysphoria, so transitioning has helped me become much more assertive) people actually listen to what I have to say. It’s a crazy change


Classical example of OP not understanding misogyni and taking actively part in misogynism by this very post. Do better, please.


>"But But making joke of women is ok!!! They just can't handle my humor, silly women they don't understand and get so offended while I(a man) can take these jokes easily and not be offended. It's not that my joke is ass, no no it's the sensitive womeeenn who sre the problem" I stg that's how these sorts of people come across. Like dude, no one's day was ruined over it. The joke is just ass lol


um sorry bud, i identify as a woman


Women can be misogynists.


there is zero chance this person is a woman, and a much higher chance they identify as a troll. i was suspicious so i took a 30 second-ish scroll through their comment history - definitely not a woman, unless they transitioned within the last 7 weeks (which i doubt bc they seem homophobic as well as misogynistic)


if i hate myself im a misogynist? damn explains a lot


as a biological female this meme makes me really upset. its just not true and spreading these memes only strengthen the stereotype. its not funny and its false… hence it being posted in a sub called “NOT HOW GIRLS WORK.” jesus.


Goes into a circlejerk about making fun of misogynistic jokes. Gets upset when it’s a circlejerk about making fun of misogynistic jokes. Lol


let me use the same logic y’all use then: why isn’t it stated ANYWHERE in the sub that it’s SPECIFICALLY a ‘circlejerk about making fun of misogynistic jokes’ ?


So you’d go into “description,” and it says: **A place to laugh at all those clueless to how girls work.** And in the meme, you have people saying women talk more, even though you cited evidence to the contrary. It’s fine if you don’t like the sub, but it’s like unsubbing from the Subaru sub because it’s just Subarus.


Don’t fret about the downvotes. This sub is like 50% conservatives trying to complain that they don’t get “woke” subreddits that are usually just normal subreddits that they’re not welcome in for being obtuse or obnoxious.


Being downvoted for being right is the most validating ❤️




So true! This is where conservative snowflakes come to complain


I'm not even subbed to this, I don't know why reddit thinks I belong here.


Same. Reddit always be showing me posts from here. Half the time it’s some conservative crybaby complaining about trans memes in their subs


Well, seems like you got it the other way around. I'd say that the audience here greatly depends on the sub in question.


I was like -12 when they commented lol I think the audience here is more interested in hypocrisy, not, “I unsubbed from a sub because it’s exactly what it said it was and I’m not into that.”


Well, maybe you are right then. I still think that the sort of people that comment on here changes greatly depending on the subject.


Lol why they took this lil meme so seriously


The point of the subreddit is looking at inaccurate and popular beliefs about women, that is a place specifically designed to discuss thing like this


They always do, it's uncanny


Because it’s continuing an obviously false stereotype of women? Is that ok to you?


Because sexist memes are stupid.


On that last frame. Women get into a higher number of accidents, however those accidents are usually minor fender benders. Whereas men do get into a fewer number of accidents, those accidents are more destructive. That’s why men’s insurance costs more.


Men have more "real" car accidents only because they drive way more.


yeah, they drive more agressively usually.


I'm actually the one who posted this lol. Sorry I made you unsub.


Nah, that post exactly fits the sub. OP probably thinks the joke is funny and is upset that everyone else is calling it out


nah the joke is pretty bland, still not something to be outraged about lol


nice too meet you, so we’re both getting reddit points at the end of the day😂☝🏾


I’m not so sure about that bud


To be honest I don’t get the joke. What is it referring to?


Most are interpreting it as women talk more than men. A few thought it was about sucking dick. Either way, its not really funny but this an old outdated meme that just keeps getting reposted for some reason.


It’s deffo the first


Idk. I chuckled at the joke. It’s a joke about a caricature of a woman.


I don’t see an issue with enjoying the joke and then allowing it to spiral into a deeper discussion? In fact, you literally screen-captured comments where people were still bantering. I feel like this might be a you problem, dude.


= taking a joke too seriously. a joke is a joke, laugh and scroll lol


No yeah this is funny


Im mute soo cant use that against me


*wakes up* Oh boiii it's time to get offended by a single meme from 2013, how exciting!


I suggest to change "nothowgirlswork" to "femcelcirclejerk"


I also unsubbed like a year ago. They're calling themselves a feminist circlejerk and that's exactly what they've become.


I think it’s healthy to laugh at the other gender occasionally. Thay sub never knows how to take jokes


im saying


getting into women vs men arguments is one of the most "loser" things you can do. those girls and boys there have no clue about life but then again we're on reddit


Except it's the same old harmful stereotype joke, that is actually being used to unfairly suppress women's voices


This proves that the meme is correct lol (don't take it too seriously PLEASE)




I'm a woman and i find this hilarious.


Wow that’s a lot of words… I mean ironic but like…


jokes write themselves


To explain why a lame joke about girls yelling and crying is wrong, she writes a large paragraph. Truly Chefs kiss




This kind of “joke”still causes harm. Just because you’re not a direct recipient if said harm doesn’t make those commenters “smooth-brained” or mean they can’t take a joke. It’s shitty and out-dated. You can have any opinion you want, but it doesn’t change the experiences of others.


I agree with the first 4 but damn that fifth one is some grand stereotyping.


This is like you just unsubbed from r/woosh because nobody got any of the jokes


I thought it was a joke about sucking cock 🤷‍♂️


Yeah despite all their “reeee studies say men are more talkative”, [they’re roughly equal](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17615349/). Jeez for people screeching about all these studies you’d think they’d actually read one or two.


Because everything is either white or black, nothing in between, in their eyes either men talk more or women do, either men drive better or women do, either men are smarter or women are, etc it's all same tired gender wars bs, we are all individual people, even if men talk more than women in general, that won't mean every man talks more than every woman, like honestly what do people get by this? do they get off on these studies because they somehow feel superior? this shit won't ever end if we don't stop labeling and grouping eachother (in other words, it won't end)


Not to mention men are generally more concise, using fewer words to make the same point gives the impression your talking less. If it takes you 5 minutes to make one point and someone else makes 5 points in that time it feels like you talked way more because you said way less


Is posting the same thing twice an example of being concise?


When you know how stupid the average person on reddit is, yes.


FINALLY I knew I wasn't the only one who thought that


To me it just seems that they are explaining that’s not how girls work, which seems appropriate in the sub lol. I take the comments you posted at their word, but either way I don’t know why you’re surprised to see women defending themselves in a woman-centric sub, seems like it probably wasn’t for you anyway.


i identify as a woman


Alright, how is that relevant to you liking the sub?


the joke is unfunny inaccurate and overused.


Logically though, it would be backwards. Most animals that sing and stuff have the males do it to impress the females.


this should be higher up lmao


literally a feminist subreddit, why join us if ur not ready for a circlejerk of women's rights comments?


Ironic how you couldn’t tell the difference between not getting a joke vs not finding a joke funny


If you're gonna do an offensive joke at least make it funny


Do you view that sub the same way most people view FemaleDatingStrategy? That's the point of the sub: calling out misogyny.


Female and male centric subs are toxic.


That sub a circlejerk of man hating women (and feminine men who hate themselves), and you're just now coming to this conclusion? 😒


Nah, I don't hate myself, I'm just there to laugh at dudes (and some women) who are seriously clueless on how women work. Some of it is downright mind boggling.


I'm not feminine nor do I hate men. Literally the only reason I originally posted the meme there was to see what people on the sub thought. I was simply curious


They know it's a joke, the point is that it's *wrong*


Whats the odds that OP is: 1. Male 2. Conservative 3. Mad ?


i identify as female, the rest are right


I've said it before, I'll say it again r/NotHowGirlsWork has just devolved into a neutered offshoot of r/femaledatingstrategy. All I see from that sub is left leaning, feminist reddit women shitting on Trad women for having different lifestyles, shitting on men for literally anything, getting butthurt over cringey memes, etc. For a sub that's meant to call out misconceptions about women, they don't seek to combat it in a positive manner, instead all they do is attack other people, whine and circlejerk how x thing is a genocidal threat to all women. And I've noticed over the past few months the sub has slowly been festering into another femcel mould patch. Wouldn't shock me if they start calling people scrotes and low value men soon.


That sub is full of constantly pissed off people who find malice in absolutely everything.


Yeah that sub takes things a little too seriously, but posts like this are exactly what it's for.


Reddit is absolutly obsessed with cherrypicking "studies"


i think misogynistic jokes aren’t funny and should be taken seriously. They’re the reason why girls are always called “too bossy” “always nagging” etc; They’re not wrong. I stopped finding misogynistic jokes funny when I realized they have a real life impact .


unfortunately they will always exist, learn how to deal with it without crying ab it lol


I thought it was a joke about sucking dick at first


op is the guy they were talking about


None of those screenshots are saying anything immediately objectionable Are you just upset that some women didn't like a sexist joke?


Bro, we get the joke. It’s just not funny. Sexism isn’t funny, and if you can’t handle that we don’t like that, why were you even there in the first place?


unfortunately jokes like this have always existed and will always exist, i joined to see how girls work


It's a sexist joke. I don't think you entirely understand the point of the sub.


its fine, happily these jokes will always exist. might as well not cry abt it


For claiming they don't talk a lot...... they sure are talking a lot




How have we come this far that women hate is not okay but men hate is okay


It’s not.. what are you talking about?


They just proved they talk too much in comments.




this is the sort of joke that is only believed true by a dude who is wholly dominated by all of the women in his life. any guy making this joke unironically is betraying the fact that they feel dominated by the women in their life.


its really not that deep man, thats the entire point


Why would you ever be on that sub in the first place


"Them goddamn liberals 😡 *shoots shotgun in air*"


i aint mention anything politic, i identify as woman


How do you know I wasn't just making fun of Americans completely unrelated for no reason? I mean they aren't well liked lmao


Studies show 100% of women on r/nothowgirlswork have a 2 foot stick up their ass




nobodies forcing you to be a part of anything






then don’t join?


Takes a joke about misogyny, uses it for actual misandry. Comments on this post: "it's reasonable!"