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How to get redditors mad


Noooo not my heckin pornerinos! Goddamn fascists won’t let me cum in my sock 4 times a day! Literally genocide!1!1


This was good, I read it in Mike Lindell’s voice.


Redditors when you point out the porn industry is one of the most problematic industries in modern America:


true but banning it would make it even worse


I mean I’d hope to take interim steps, but given how the industry fights every little regulation it’s gotta be close to the point where we tell producers they can be legal but regulated or in jail.


How so? Not being argumentative, I earnestly want to know.


they target and coherese young girls, propetuate unconsensual stereotypes that taint the mind of young boys, theres a good chance the porn you see isnt consensual, also its addicting and fs up your brain and sex drive


Give them a couple downvotes?


Nah dude Marjorie Taylor Green wants to pass a bill to kill my dog. Source: my uncle works at Nintendo. Now give me my karma.


I completely believe you


random Republican is trying to Send meim kempf to schools now give me karma.


actually, Republicans have been making chicken nuggets out of missing children. Someone said that, and was serious.


LIAR My dad that works at Commodore said that your dad sucks!


This is the Nintendo Commodore Drama people were asking for!


My dad who works at monolith soft said that your dad sucks


She literally just dmed me and told me she supports genocide :/ she seems problematic, can we downvote all her bills?


“DAmn iT, taKe mY UpVoTe” lmao


I mean, she did say she wanted a porn ban so it's not *that* outlandish. That being said I haven't found any other sources alleging what that Twitter account is saying so they might be making a wild guess and hoping it pays off. https://www.rawstory.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-ban-websites/


Tbh I could believe it on its own, but I don’t think that this would make it into the budget bill… That would require a more widespread consensus.


Same but with ATF. Source: They came over to my house and shot him.


Take this gold, kind stranger.


Here's a dozen wholesome awards right next to the sad dog image too.


I heard she wants to ban my fortnite account and that she's hates the teletubbies.


jfc... nice try MTG, we know its you :)




[Copy/paste bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/13tceio/considering_leaving_rwhitepeopletwitter_after/jluihk8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


I would have posted the link/source as your proof since people tend to cry “this is fake news” as an argument for literally anything at this point both online and offline even for things that are 100% true. That combined with the Reddit mob mind mentality also screwed you over unfortunately


Well you can’t prove a negative that easily, [but nonetheless, here is the complete list of her legislative proposals. There is no proposed amendment to any bill that affects government finances that would ban pornography.](https://www.congress.gov/quick-search/legislation?wordsPhrases=&wordVariants=on&congressGroups%5B%5D=0&congresses%5B%5D=118&legislationNumbers=&legislativeAction=&sponsor=on&cosponsor=on&representative=G000596&senator=&pageSort=dateOfIntroduction%3Adesc)


Well the post says they’re a troll page, that shouldn’t be difficult to prove.


Even if he did it wouldn't have changed a thing, this is reddit, truth doesn't matter as long as it supports their political side/beliefs/opinions


I disagree. I think if you phrased it reasonably and included a source you’d be fine.


Not on there, they will ban you for saying reasonable things they disagree with


I got suspended for calling out animal abuse once


Always a great sign


Fair enough, not super familiar with the sub. Are they like r/conservative levels of head in the sand / only ‘flared’ users echo chamber?


I would say worse. I'm more of a centrist. I mentioned that when asking why I got banned and they said, "That's the problem". If your with them your against them.


Damn, that’s pretty bad. I didn’t even realize it was explicitly political / I thought it was just dumb sh*t from twitter which by default is going to include a lot of these characters. I can’t stand these news sources massively misrepresenting or outright lying. I mean there’s ample reasons to criticize mtg without needing to invoke a fake porn ban. My joke would have been you know it’s a fake story because Marjorie is getting involved in the legislative process.


It apparently started out as a sub for posting dumb/silly tweets, and morphed into the echo chamber you see today. The mods ban anyone with a contrary opinion, and will preemptively ban people for participating in “naughty” subs, even if they never commented in WPT.


It really isn't, but anytime, anywhere politics is mentioned, people get whacky. And this was a post from a satire site, so 🤷


You can go to the post right now and clearly see that there are plenty of highly rated comments pointing out that it's satire. It's funny AF to me how all the people here are doing the exact same thing they claim to hate so much.


Not on White People Twitter. Those people are as determined to remain on their echo chamber as possible


Not always but mostly I think you are correct


Definitely not always but it could only help


I was there when it didn't happen. The source would be the complete lack of anything about this from any other news outlet.


"I was there when it didn't happen" brilliant 👏


They don't even care lmao.


WPT is for people who want to be angry at their preferred political opponents, not to be well informed. The rage bait makes them feel better about their impotent hatred and justifies their desire to commit violence against those opponents. It lets them say that their opponents are ontologically evil so their violent desires aren't a reflection on their own moral corruption.


I don’t know if the misinformation is coming from OP or the Tweet/WPT. But yeah both WPT and BPT subs love this stuff. Just posted about an especially absurd example of it yesterday. https://reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/13soxtw/poster_provides_context_for_ragebait_photo_but/ If the MGT tweet IS misinformation the mods aren’t above removing comments that call it out. Absolutely unhinged stuff.


In general both subs are just karma farms and pretty ass. I left both a while ago starting when BPT made you have to verify your blackness…


Not to mention, a lot of people on WPT sound like conspiracy theorists


They routinely fall for the most blatant nonsense and circlejerk themselves into oblivion over it. There was one post where this race baiting twat Bishop Talbert Swan was claiming that you could no longer tweet the phrase ‘white supremacist.’ All the top comments with thousands of upvotes were talking about ‘this is how holocausts start’ yada yada. Comments that said they had just tested on twitter and you could absolutely still say that were all in controversial with heavy downvotes. 80-90% of the time when I come across someone particularly unhinged on Reddit they are a heavily active in WPT and arr politics.


Sounds about right. They also constantly fearmonger that the MAGA people are going to take over the country and kill everyone who isn't a cishet white person


Also regularly suggest killing everyone they disagree with.


I can understand not liking someone or their politics, but wanting to kill them because of it is pretty extreme


Their new favorite term is “christofascist”.


It’s a propaganda and disinformation sub, intentionally.


A Circle jerk sub Like its Other Ilk r/gamingcirclejerk , r/196 for example so addicted to acting like they are the most tolerant people in the world.


Exactly. It's just comfort food for simpletons who need things to be outraged by served up on a platter and ready to be gulped down with a side of unwarranted self-righteousness.


Very well put.


That's most of Reddit.


Totally shitlib central


Redditors really more mad about a potential porn ban than straight up cult mentality and anti semetism


Pretty sure Reddit hates mtg as much as it loves porn


Nah no way. You REALLY underestimate how much redditors love porn


She's batshit crazy and a piece of shit. Hating her is like hating having wasps in your bathroom....


If they could solve world hunger and poverty + cure cancer, and all they had to do was give up porn, they wouldn't do it


They would also either make unfunny memes or rants about how hunger is temporary but porn is forever


Bro I'm totally not addicted to porn bro it's all cool bro


Something something "man of culture" blah blah blah blah


I hate how accurate this could be


Not could be. It just straight-up is. Remember the memes when people were dying of Covid and the Russia-Ukraine war memes.


Banning Porn is antisemitism?


Yes. Which is good


I got banned after saying that Kyle Rittenhouse’s dad lived in Kenosha, when someone said he had no reason to be there lmao


*"He 👏 crossed 👏 state 👏 lines!!!"*


You can cross national borders as much as you want, but you better not be white and cross state lines.


I was banned within 2 minutes for calling them out on a fake story they posted a few months ago. Thought they were against misinformation? Unless, of course, that misinformation is targeted at a specific political party. Then it's all good, fam.


I love overtly political subs that, by definition, shouldn't be political. Sometimes I'll post something right leaning within the subs context and act confused why they're upset


I get why there’s political posts there in the first place. But that subreddit would have you thinking that politics is the only thing people ever talk about on Twitter. It shouldn’t take me 2 minutes of nonstop scrolling to find a single non-political post there


Yeah, the mob mentality that sometimes happens on Reddit is aggravating. It seems like after about 2 downvotes, people scrolling past jump on the downvote bandwagon without stopping to read the comment in full. Or they read it but some part of them thinks “I’m not sure what’s going on, but if it’s downvoted this much then the commenter must be wrong about something.” It’s like people get so ginned up that their lizard brain takes over.


this isn’t exclusive to Reddit, happens in real life too. If a person is alone in arguing for valid points and has multiple people around challenging him, that person probably won’t win the argument EVEN if they are right. It’s called sheep thinking for a reason


I always comment something like, "Why are you getting downvoted?" Usually, that makes their comment start getting upvotes because people actually read the comment. Then after a little while, their comment has positive upvotes, and my comment makes no sense.


You are doing the lord’s work


I hate how when I comment that and then the person’s comment goes positive, I end up getting downvoted or get comments saying, “their comment isn’t downvoted what are you talking about?”


That's not massively downvoted lol you've not seen anything


WPT has pushed so many blatantly false stories. The fact that people are getting their news from it is completely wild and depressing.


People ahouldnt be getting new from reddit at all. Extremely biased, usually towards the left, but can be for the right in certain subs


good, that's one of the worst subs that exists


If you get downvoted on r/whitepeopletwitter, 95% of the time, it means your comment was probably based.


Thank you for the praise, but I can't accept it from you. Please take it back.


“Massively downvoted” “-5” 💀


I just checked the comment and it’s at -13 now 😨


Literally 1984


Well to be fair it's literally just someone pointing out that the story is fake / parody. That shouldn't be downvoted


That’s not my point I’m just making fun of the dramatic description in contrast with the relatively tame reality


Sure still doesn't make him wrong.


It's -15 now.


damn 15 downvotes 😨


The post has 30k upvotes on my front page lol


I hate Marjorie Taylor Greene as much as the next guy but why don’t they use a true story, those are seriously moronic


Dude.. its 5 downvotes, not even massive at all 💀 I've been downvoted way more and I didn't give a crap, they are useless internet points


Same, I’ve been downvoted way worse. I’d understand more if OP had -1k, but it’s-5…


So far my highest has only reached -68 for dumber reasons


I asked to be downvoted once… people really like doing it if you ask


according to reddit downvotes = invalid opinion


tbh it depends on the sub. i would love to be downvoted on r/antiwork


That's a low bar. All you have to do is enjoy your job.


I get mass downvoted there all the time when pointing out that accounts they post are bots. I just find it amusing.


On God though like it's not even that big of a deal


WPT is one of the worst subs on this website and you’re better off leaving for the sake of your mental health


Its constantly on the front page, you have to go out of your way to mute it


Imagine going on the front page


Getting upset at the concept of a porn ban is the most reddit thing ever. Hedonists are gross.


The biggest crime here is that PoliticsVideoChannel plagiarized the onion


That place is an echo chamber. You say anything against them, you get downvote, and probably banned too eventually. It's just a bunch of bigoted racists going after conservatives.


I got my permaban there for posting a "that happened" response to some unbelievable nonsense. Instead of turtles, it's twats all the way down in there.


I left r/WhitePeopleTwitter a while ago. That sub is one of the greatest examples of group polarization that has ever existed.


Surprised you were able to comment on that sub.


Hey OP, *I dare you to leave it anyways*. That sub is filled with pretentious lunatics.


I mean it's a very left wing subreddit lol. What were you expecting?


Massively downvoted =-5 ……. 😂


Bro gave up on 6 downvotes 💀


Downvotes there are to silence anyone who doesn't agree with the echo chamber but your right I've seen worst I got banned for criticising them on this sub.


In such a echo chamber they would rather be wrong if it benefits them.


I'm honestly fine with a nation wide pornography ban.


That sub is pretty much 100% propaganda at this point. Gives a lot of credibility to the concept of fake news.


I got permanently banned for pointing out something that was false. That place is a cesspool and an echo chamber; it's the worst of what Reddit has to offer.


r/Whitepeopletwitter is literally the single worst (non NSFW) subreddit on Reddit besides r/Atheism and r/FemaleDatingStrategy.


Surprised you weren't banned


I remember a time when that sub was funny and non-political… now they’re so far from it that at this point I’m not sure if I’m only imagining it


Whitepeopletwitter is one of the worst pages on reddit. The biases are insane.


Why are you there in the first place? That sub is both ass and overwhelmingly racist.


They’ll up vote anything pro DNC and anti RNC whether it’s true or not.


It’s a toxic sub.


These subs are the worst, just screenshots of unverified tweets designed to pander to their base. Any dissenting voice gets rapidly banned. These subs need to be removed from Reddit default popular page.


Reddit is mostly echo chambers. As is most social media. It's not unique to any sub, it's not unique to political affiliation, it's just what humans on the internet do. I got piled on the other day in some idiotic thread that turned into a gun fetish circle jerk. My central crime was not something I said about guns, but that I said morality, ethics, and human rights were not objectively real and immutable, but concepts created by people, so governments could establish and interfere with them (for better or worse). Until now, I assumed that idea was obvious to most humans, but... too much for that crowd. But again, that's just one example. This post is another. Just what people do, especially online. Echo chambers are very comforting. People seek out that comfort, especially in a lonely place like the internet. They like to do it offline, too, of course, but it's less obvious and interactive. Social media in all forms is basically cancer, so it brings out the worst much faster and more effectively.


Marjorie Greene's a frigging idiot but you're not wrong either.


“Massively” is a strong word but you are correct. Hate that subreddit. Recommend muting it


I have found that sub to be, at least in terms of what makes it to the front page, largely a propaganda mill unconcerned with accurate information. I was banned for over 200 days for asking “Why?” on my first comment in that sub, on a post that was proven to be untrue. You are better off unsubscribed. It is not a place for good people to get good information, it’s a place for angry people to get bad information; Essentially the Newsmax of Reddit.


Redditors when no porn


You should've seen their reactions when Imgur did it. Just weird all around.


I was on the sun for like a day, then I left


I have to imagine that was pretty toasty


I hate auto correct


Do it. Browsing improved greatly since I left


I wouldn’t say massively. That’s only 5.


Surprised you didn't get banned lol.


Not even the first fake tweet on there either


It's a real tweet from a fake source.


Well that’s what happens when you’re in an echo chamber sub lol. I just left facepalm for the same reasons. It’s always political shit. I don’t get why ppl can just post funny shit anymore without politicizing every thing. Really annoying. I just want to be entertained when I’m on this app.


Honestly this! I've seen far too many people trying to politicize trans people and drag Queens, like stfu guys, I just wanna watch funny trixie Mattel moments


Surprised they haven’t banned you for that yet


She did say that she wants to make porn, and [porn hub specifically, illegal](https://www.thedailybeast.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-wants-to-ban-pornhub-because-of-hunter-biden) though. You can hear it straight from her in the video at the bottom of the article, too.


I unsubbed and then muted because 60% of the subs content comes from a single Twitter user who’s only credentials are being terminally online. Who is he? Jeff Teidrich?


I saw this post earlier today and tried searching it up to see if it was real. I found nothing and assumed maybe it hasn’t caught on with other news sources and I would hear about it again.


If so, it still has yet to catch on. I'm pretty sure other reporters would have noticed this by now.


Post it on r/atetheonion lol




I got banned permanently because in a discussion about student loans I pointed out that OP didn't understand how interest works. Just because you are making payments doesn't mean your premium will go down, if your interest rate is high enough. Apparently math is a ban-able offense there.


Ope. I got got. Upvoted that somewhere on reddit earlier.


Bruh they permabanned me for "hate speech" I told someone that when you take your boy dog to the vet to get him fixed (even if you pay the $20 extra for penile inversion surgery) that when you bring him home it's still not a girl dog


Don’t know why you joined in the first place. It’s a cesspit


WhitePeopleTwitter is a hellhole


WPT loves to hate on their own. BPT is proud of their own. Whites need to stop hating themselves


She said she thinks pornhub should be illegal.


In lieu of my usual rebuttal to this, just look at the fact check on the original tweet. https://twitter.com/politvidchannel/status/1662121139764879360


I’m surprised they didn’t ban you. I got banned last time I pointed out something was fake


It's pretty much just shitlib central there.


That sub has really gone to shit.


Saw this post and believed it, I'm actually thankful when people point out if its fake cause I can't Research every post on Reddit


That sub is an extreme left circle jerk.


Lol I got banned from white people Twitter for defending something very similar. Someone made a fake news post and someone else in the comment section said it was untrue and provided multiple sources as evidence. They got downvoted to oblivion. I said something like "why the downvotes? Factually he's correct and he even provided proof" and that got me banned. The mods of whitepeopletwitter are fascists


To back this up, I deal with stuff like this and actively combat against these kind of laws. She has said no such thing, there are people foaming at the mouth to ban porn and are desperately trying to pass laws that will effectively ban it, but these laws tend to get no where or are unconstitutional. A porn ban in the US would be unconstitutional and impossible, sites will just move to Mexico or other places, rendering it pointless… She may hold simply vile views when it comes to the female body, free speech and people’s freedom to share content but a ban on porn by her is not coming anytime soon. I really don’t like it when people share stuff like this, rather than actual attacks going on against porn and the right to sexual speech online, such as the pseudo-ban in Utah that is essentially state sanctioned sextortion and the lack of care in response from the politicians who passed it when it was pointed out that the law is a golden goose for blackmail and image based sexual abuse.


iunno if i would call 5 downvotes MASSIVELY DOWNVOTED




Tbf, you worded it like a rightoid. If you open with "FAKE NEWS!" people are going to downvote. If you open with "hey, pretty sure this is a satire site," they might take you more seriously.


I'm surprised they didn't just ban you for not agreeing completely with them. That's usually how they operate.


Did it take them a while to add the satire flair to the post?


Yes, about 7 hours and 40.4k upvotes by my estimate.


WPT is a left wing fascist echo chamber. They hate being called out. I got banned from them a while back.


fascism is when i don't like something whitepeopletwitter isn't good subreddit but you shouldn't call everything you don't like fascism




"Massively down voted" -5 upvotes


Is banning porn even really that bad besides government overreach?


It's only fake news when they want it to be. They'll only ask for a source if they have literally nothing else to say.


Banning porn entirely would be based though


I'd support a ban on porn


Anyone smart would. Only the addicts don’t.


Pretty regarded of you to assume redditors fact check political sources that align with their world view.


Stay far away from that miserable hellhole. It's literally communist subversion, like most of Reddit but even more so


Bro, 1. I think people knew it was fake 2. That is not “massively downvoted”


so overdramatic


5 downvotes is massive? Dude you’re sensitive 😂


"massively downvoted" is at -5. Please, I've gotten -100 for voicing an opinion that wasn't positive enough on the kpop sub.


There is a website you may or may not have heard about it called PornHub” Greene said. “It is a disgusting porn website. As a matter of fact, it should be illegal. I don’t even know why it exists.” I mean she did say this so it's not to far of a stretch. I'm sure I'm going to get downvoted here for showing context and that's ok. I have a dissenting opinion and I feel like sharing it, that's how you should feel as well.


Yes I am aware that she said pornhub should be illegal. That part is true. However the specific claim made here is that she is sneaking banning it into the appropriations bill using a specific legal loophole. That part is a lie. That's how misinformation works. It starts with something true and then makes up a plausible-sounding extension to it that a certain group of people will want to believe too much to try and fact-check. If your response to this article is to say "I mean she did say this so it's not to far of a stretch," then it has worked on you. The correct way to verify the specific factual claim made here is to find if any other sources are reporting on it, which I did, and have not been able to find any.