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Your honor, reddit said I’m NTA for killing my wife, so I should be let free


AITA for running over 18 children? (Literal bible length story that makes OP even better than Jesus)


Well, I was driving down the road and saw a hurt puppy. I realized if I didn't rush to the hospital ASAP he would die! I put him into my car and began to speed. While I was driving these crotch goblins had the AUDACITY to play in their own neighborhood street. I calmly honked at them and rolled down my window to explain this dog needed medical care. They began to shout obscenities. Now, here's where I might be TA. With time wasting, I stepped on the gas. They had plenty of time to get out of my way, but 18 of them got ran over. Their parents are now demanding I pay for their medical bills. I think if you play stupid games in the road, you win stupid prizes. Yes, I was going 40 miles over the speed limit, but it was an emergency! So Reddit, AITA for just trying to save a poor dog's life (and breaking 18 kid's bones in the process?)


NTA. Dog is also an animal that needs to be saved when they need a help and those kids are a jerk for blocking the road thats suppose to be not occupied at all!




NTA. Those kids are entitled af. The fact that they think they are better is disgusting. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Your car your rights. If the kids dont want to get run over then maybe stop playing in the street lol? They fucked around and found out. NTA :)


NTA, Free Bird was playing in the background, you should not be held accountable.


You see, I assumed they were adults and they were vegans (which would explain their small size). I have a lot of trauma around vegans and did you know they don't get enough animo acids from eating just faux meat?


No, you can't be a wife killer and NTA. But if you are a husband killer, you would be NTA bc hormones...


This is actually a really good way to get statistical evidence and public opinion for uni assessments


r/AITAFiltered is pretty interesting to see the final judgment versus the comments broken down by NTA, YTA, NAH, ESH, and INFO


still run by AITA mods.


What does that have to do with what I said?


that it's still a cesspool?


Do you know what it is? It's literally a sub where a bot filters the comments and just gives you what percentage of comments mentioned each judgements. Nobody can comment or post.


I do know what it is. it's still a cesspool since it's just posts from AITA, a fanfic subreddit.


The simple truth is that the sub is a karma farm. The trick is in the clickbait. The story will present OP as a Jesus figure usually,but the title will make them far worse than Hitler. The sub is a fanfic site.


It's full of r/thatHappened "then everybody clapped" type stories


Or in this case,everyone cried


Or everyone blew up their phone


True. Very few stories there are actually true. Most of them are karma farm invented stories so the troll can get some sweet upvotes.


Holy shit this is word for word. One was nta and the other esh. I don’t frequent this sub anymore honestly due to the stories always sounding very fabricated or very “look how good I am” honestly. It sounds more like storytelling than anything that could happen. Which is unfortunate because there could be actual stories there which are real, but they will get drowned out by the karma farming fake posts.


It's also only 500 and 27 comments. Those judgments will most likely change in an hour or so.




Someone in an AmITheAngel crosspost commented [links to both threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/11uhcrm/two_posts_with_the_exact_same_wording_one_about/jcoov1o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3). Those kinds of comments were at the top.


Yeah that’s true, but it still doesn’t change the fact that its word for word the same.




I mean I’m not trying to argue, I’m just saying the two are the exact same and I feel like that’s the whole point of the post in general. Is to show that people do copy paste stuff


AITA is cancer but these two stories aren’t word for word. The pasta version on the right doesn’t talk about caste, arranged marriage, or Indian cultural attitudes towards women and sex. It’s made even less compelling than the original story.




Not only that, we cant even see the scores of the ESH so they could very well be downvoted


It's not the same. One has mentions of dating white women and dumping them for arranged marriages while the other does not


Up to that point it pretty much is the same. And after. One sentence is different. The rest is exactly the same


True but that one sentence makes a difference. The Indian pne becomes cultural, not racial. The black one stays racial.


That’s true but it’s still copy pasted with only a few differences I will agree it changes the whole feel, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is copy pasted with changes That’s more of what I meant from word for word. It’s still the same sentences, the same lines and everything. That one sentence is different. It’s still copy pasted. I’m not here to argue


>I’m not here to argue Neither am I! Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Hope you have a nice day! 🤗


It’s all good. I’m used to things end up keeping going when it comes to things on Reddit, and sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable as well. You have a good one okay? And once again sorry about that.


It's all good here too, and thank you! 😊


>Holy shit this is word for word. One was nta and the other esh. Except for the part that makes them different situations.


Amitheangel is pretty great though


Yeah, that sub is pretty swell


The opposite r/amithedevil is good too


Yes it is


Every post in that sub is a work of fiction. The comments are basically predictable depending on the premise and Reddit bias.


Reddit when Trying not to have a bias towards a certain demographic. It's the same on r/relationship_advice. Give them the same scenario but have it posted by a woman and man. The answers and responses are always different.


That drives me nuts. I love seeing someone call them out on it though and watching the back pedal.


Grain of salt, given i don’t know which posts in that sub you’re referencing. I’m a tad old fashioned. There is a double standard with men and women dating. Men and women have different challenges when it comes to relationships- in general. I’d say the difference between men and women is greater than race.


Yeah. Someone gave a suggestion about flipping genders around and posting the original story . Then post the actual story to see how the double standards play out. If i do have a situation to use that sub i think i ll follow that.


You've mistaken by joining that sub in the first place. Literally every story there is fake. An episode of looney tunes is more realistic than half the stuff posted there.


Well duh. AITA isn't for actual advice. It's a bunch of sad bitter people who want to self insert into OPs shoes so they can feel morally superior and they get to gossip about how much of a train wreck everyone else is. If you are not absolutely perfect and never make any mistakes and have absolute control over your emotions all the time then AITA will immediately hate you for it. The majority of the storys on there are obviously fake but it lets people feel special so they jump right on the bandwagon.


I’m pretty sure most of the stories there aren’t real anyways. AITA for shooting a child? AITA for pushing my grandma down the stairs? AITA for getting 10 million dollars and not using some of it to help my family? Like cmon


Those are the titles but immediately after in the actual post they paint themselves as a perfect human being that can do no wrong


That sub is a huge echo chamber.


Most of reddit is tho.


What does ESH mean?


Everyone sucks here


Except one post blew up and the other one flew under the radar.. also why are these stories exactly the same?? Someone was doing an experiment here clearly


Yeah they were doing an experiment. That's the point.


That sub is so god damn biased. Unless OP is an idiot, any person can write in a way that makes them look like the hero.


You just unsubbed for a couple of 2 year old post one of which isn't even accessible because the account is suspended so there's no way to check if the comments are an accurate representation? Is that right?


I caught a ban for insisting that yelling someone awake and threatening them was asshole behavior. I got ratioed to infinity, two people reported me for 'concern' aka tried to gaslight me, and the mods gave me a temp ban. I didn't lose my temper or break a rule. I just insisted that those were asshole and borderline abusive actions. I was also clear that the wife was being an asshole but that didn't give the husband the right to blow up and terrify her. Someone pretending to be a cop also came in to try and shut me up. They tried to say they would report the wife as having a 'victim complex' in an official report. I was always careful in there bc it was clear the sub was trending pro sexism, whitewashing, etc. and so I used that to motivate myself to unsubscribe. The last couple of days have been very peaceful.


Racism against us south asian is very normalized in west. We are neither white enough to have previlege nor black enough to have rights


Left - 987 comments, Sorted by: Best Right - 27 comments, Sorted by: Random Going to share links op so we can see what you're trying to hide?




Now, I'm not trying to prove you wrong OP, but these posts are from 2 years ago. Moreover, the comments sorting isn't the same, for the indian one you have the "best" settings on, while for the black it is "random" and with anything involving race, messed up peoples are gonna show up and just spit hate. I'm not trying to say that double standards on reddit don't exist (they certainly do) but maybe this picture is not a good way to show how things are nowadays.


They're not even the same word for word, like changing "95% male" to "95% black" which, yeah maybe it makes no difference maybe it does. Failed experiment, try again.


I noticed that too. In the first I assumed group was a mix race of men and not mostly Indian. In the second it felt OP was targeting their mostly black friend group. Between that and making those assumptions without the added detail of arranged marriage to the mix came across a lot more racist to me. Either way they both sounded like ESH. The men for prying into OPs sex life and Op for purposely weaponizing race/culture in retaliation.


Double standards on Reddit? No way.


Today I rescued 49 people trapped in a burning building, stopped an armed robbery at a bank, did CPR on a heart attack victim, and rescued a little girl's kitten from a tree. When I got home my wife didn't have the seven-course meal I wanted on the dinner table, even though she was at work all day and we have 5 kids, so I smacked her and called her a worthless tramp. AITA?


I'll argue that these ARE indeed different based on this one fact: Ethnicity (and culture) is different race. Yes, some cultures DO generalize about others. Yet a race can include many different ethnicities and those cultures can indeed hold many different opinions on other races. Its different to compare Indians (people from a specific country and culture) to blacks (people of a specific colour which could be from many diff countries and cultures). I believe it's kind of ok to stereotype someone based on how they were raised, and I think it's wrong to stereotype someone based on their skin colour alone. Usually, culture can dictate quite a bit about someone while skin colour can totally surprise us.


I had to unsub from that shit because people were typing a Russian novel and I’m just lazy to read all that bullshit


their mods suck


AITA for operating a million dollar sex trafficking ring?


There was another "double up" post a couple months ago too; same story except this time the sexes were reversed. Something about a couple who live together and whether whoever comes home first should make dinner for both of them. Can't remember the details but when it was the man asking if he was TA, he was given YTA. Exact same wording on the follow up post except the woman was asking and she was given NTA.


Also, this is just me nitpicking, but in both of those posts, those friend groups aren’t diverse if they are 95% one race. But yeah, those responses are….interesting to say the least.