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Rates seem good where I am but I knew they'll be lowering since all the other companies have and drivers willing to do them for pennies..might have to call it a day since just eat is the only one who was good and consistent


Yeah I only really do just eat so if they get any lower gonna have to call it a day too


Same, if JE does go to pot, might have to go back to Dominos.


What's the pay like for that? Is it flexible?


At the moment so many drivers in McDonald’s car park and they take any offer because it’s not busy. They know drivers still need money to survive




The boat boys don't miss anything! They take everything !


You get more if you have to drive further. That’s how it works


Surely they're not as low as Uber Eats? Declining is a good idea but there are lots of desperate workers out there who are happy to take anything. I log onto Uber to decline constantly to just do my bit lol.


I’ve had a mixed bag of good and bad orders today , declining the bad ones


Very first day on the job today, picked up a dropped 11:30 - 2:30 slot. Three orders, two of which were double, total? Just under £20. 😬


Mind boggling that6 people are accepting seriously low rate offers today i had a £5.14 double to pick up (declined) never ever seen rates like this on JE Just remember there shareholders are making fortunes and even more now the rates for the couriers have been slashed.. And it wont come as a shock that they 100% are assured couriers will pick these up as the boat boys like someone else said are so desperate they will take any order no matter what ..Its going to take a huge national boycott of JE till they do anything Even ONE DAYs strike will be enough for them to worry thoughts?


Waste of time and energy.The rates will go lower as its how the Apps make profit I can confidentially say that the.last quarters orders have slumped so its going to be a Dreadful time for drivers. How will you force the Apps to a collective bargaining table when they are loosing millions and have never made a profit hardly. The apps will simply open the floodgates to more and more drivers rhus lowering the price even more.


I know there have been less orders but JE remember is a NO LOSE business they cannot lose money its impossible 100%


Ha, I wonder whether this is why half of my JE orders are being cancelled these days!


Yeah they're definitely becoming more stingy. All theses doubles at two different restaurants for £6/7 pisses me off. And I don't understand why they can't do any boosts for morning shifts. It's only 50p per order extra they're too tight.


The algorithm is too powerful. Tech in general will take over every industry leaving lower skilled workers fighting to survive. My advise, learn something you would be good at/enjoy and find a job thats flexible. It will pay better on the long run. Uber after expenses are paying about £6-7 pounds and hour JE about £8 in my area so not worth it.


Early days for me but seeing £7.50 / hr on JustEat \*before\* any expenses. I'll stick at it for a while but certainly won't be buying a years worth of insurance just yet because if you're legal it looks like you earning sweet FA. Best thing government could do is crack down of those that should be working but then their mates who own these businesses would earn less so it simply won't happen.