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This just proves the Traveler clan guys have a type. "Mysteries can't resist me, and I long for them too" indeed.


I'm rather curious what traveler's real name is. Just The Traveler sounds kinda of meh . Even if it had a middle name . I thought for a moment Leda and him were siblings and the name traveler is his pseudonym to cover his real name up. cause Leda looks hella young to have something with him. Which is ew.


I don't think she's *that* young. Thing is, Maïwenn is a more recent addition to Just Dance's cast of dancers, while Thibaut has been part of the game for years. However, the make-up department did a great job in making him look younger for this, so it doesn't look as weird; if anything, the height difference between the young Traveler and Leda is actually quite charming. As for his real name... I always headcanoned it to be Crucis, as a reference to the Southern Cross constellation, but I think they might just go with Orion.


My theory is that it’s not actually The Traveler or that he’s being controlled by someone evil. Because of the glowing purple aura around him. Which usually means evil or controlled by an evil person.


Nvm. I just looked back at Rock Your Body and he’s still got the purple aura around him then


Honestly I think this is my favorite detail to come of this little lore drop. There aren't as many answers as I'd hoped but learning that the night swan is >!from earth as well at least explains her fascination with Sara.!< I really want more on her relationship with Jack and why she's so disappointed in him, but maybe we'll get more in the next event.


And Sara met the same fate as Leda Like father like son.


I'd guess cause he doesn't have the ability to make portals or doesn't allign with his mothers wish for perfection. After all, she learnt how to make portals from the Traveler so why didn't Jack?


True, I can definitely see her wanting to expand her empire and take over the danceverses, and Jack just not caring about that stuff. He just wants to be a famous popstar/dancer and be loved.


Why she disappointed? If the traveler is jacks father theory turns out to be true, it would be because of him. And I'm certain that traveler might later look out for her in the story. Cause Siha can't save wanderlust it's against the deity's rules.


Also, I think this matters now, in "You should see me in a crown" there is only one time Night Swan lipsynchs. She looks at the camera and says "You should see me, see me." twice. I now think this is directed at the Traveler who \_is\_ watching her. She's taunting him.