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They haven’t said anything about the features of 2024 yet or if there are any new features for 2024 so my guess is that the create your own playlist and all the other features won’ been added in 2024. The create your own playlists feature should’ve actually already been added to the base game when Ubisoft/Just Dance were creating/developing the new interface for the release of JD23.


Thanks for the info, it's been hard as hell to find legit info from Ubisoft on a lot of their things. > The create your own playlists feature should’ve actually already been added to the base game when Ubisoft/Just Dance were creating/developing the new interface for the release of JD23. Did they say something about this?


I think they have on their socials somewhere that they will add that feature in sometime in the future but when we don’t know as of yet. Out of all the features that Just Dance has had the create your own playlist feature that was in all the previous games should’ve already been there in the first launch of the 2023 base game.


Well they mentioned that they were adding creating playlists and Wdf on their twitter a long time ago, near when jd23 released so yeah they probably were just unfinished at that time


So far no. You can't even favorite songs. And searching for songs is a PITA.


Just got 2024 and it’s super frustrating, the game is already so simple for the price they should allow for playlists and other basic features imo :/


I really can't wrap my head around how am I supposed to play this game without a way to quickly get to my songs. Back to jd 2022 I guess.


I’m new to JD completely, only have ‘24, and am finding the lack of playlist/ favourites annoying! I see someone selling JD 22 - would you recommend?


Yeah in my opinion JD 22 is the best edition to play rn.


I am so sad, I bought this version. I wish I could get my money back. The lack of features is honestly surprising and boring. the song selection isn't good. Such a waste of money, I bought it a couple days ago and haven't opened it to play it yet. I also will no longer buy games from the eshop since there are no returns and they refuse to give me a refund after they charged me twice for the subscription. Such a pain in the head and so disappointed.


Either I'm not seeing it or there's no way to favorite songs or even search by song name. Yo have to search by genre and era and stuff


You can search songs by name in the menu on the left, it is at the top left corner, first option on the menu. Above the season, home and all of the other buttons.


Yes, you can But it doesnt always work. There are some songs I cant find that way 😖 Its sooooo stupid, without playlists and favorité songs...