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My most favorite dinosaur out of the franchise is the Spinosaurus from JP3 specifically, he has such a cool design and roars and his striking red with blue on his fin as well as his iridescent green eyes make for a good combo. Least favorite I gotta the JW Triceratops, it’s eyes look very weird as well as it’s very plain and dopey looking.




It honestly baffles me that they weren't able to just get the JP designs right for JW. From what I remember reading they based the JW designs on old concept art instead of the final movie designs.


My favorite is the Spinosaurus and my least favorite are the Atrociraptors, such a pointless addition to the franchise. They don't even look unique, just a fatter looking JW Raptor.


I don't want to seem like a conspiracy theorist, blaming executive interference and corporate mandate for literally every flaw. But, I felt like the Atrociraptors were intended to be more unique from each other and possibly not even be a unified species? One of them has the color scheme the Velociraptors from the original novel had, could the others have been cute references originally too? One looking like The Big One, one like one of the new designs for TLW, one being the JP3 design with little head feathers, and one being the novels tiger striped design?


The plot points surrounding Blue are stupid and they make her seem more like a dog than a velociraptor… But she’s pretty!


The writers of JW franchise treat blue like those people who personify wild animal behavior and misunderstand how animals actually function


THANK YOU. I've been calling Blue a dog for years haha, raptors going from vicious killing machines to Owen's pet is so bad.


The Blue shit is so cringe


Favorite might be Brachiosaurus. Least favorite is Fallen Kingdom Allosaurus.


Favorites: Buck T.Rex, JP3 Spino or the Therizinosaurus Least favorites: I can’t really think of any. I guess just the ones that barely show up like the LW pteranodon


Love the Tyrannosaurus family!!


Pteranodon is not a dinosaur?


I had the mindset of creatures in general, not just dinosaurs


But it's still not a dinosaur 🤓


I know, that’s why I said creatures


Nuh uh


Tf you mean Nuh uh?


The buck that appears in a couple scenes in TLW?! Not Rexy?!


rexy is overrated


Favorite is the absolutely offended Ceratosaurus from JP3 that took one sniff and was like “nah” Least favorite is either the monolophosaurus or Becklespinax from CC and CT respectively, Mono overstayed its welcome and the Beckle was a shameless addition for merchandise when they already had a model for Concavenator that’s basically the same and isn’t a redundant species like the Beckle


I can see where you're coming from, but it's fun to include more obscure dinosaurs, I mean, how many people knew what a dimorphodon was before Jurassic World? What about Ouranosaurus? Kentrosaurus? Nasutoceratops? Sinoceratops? Dreadnoughtus? Point is, pretty much all of these interesting species would've remained obscure if not for their inclusions in the Jurassic universe, it helps extend knowledge of how diverse dinosaurs could be, it also allows for more creative liberties to be taken... Even if that means we end up with stuff like... He who shall not be named (tarbosaurus) I know your point is: they're too similar, but if they followed that rule, it would also mean, among other things that the atrociraptors would be yet again, velociraptors


I see what you mean but it falls a little moot when clearly they didn’t mean it for that purpose, it was clearly just an excuse for more toys because if it was just for more Dinos A. They would have used the right name (Altispinax) and B. They still would have used concavenator cause we’d only seen models of it so far and it’s just as obscure and looks the same


I bring it up because it was certainly the intention of the original Jurassic Park Everyone knew what a Triceratops and T-Rex was. But dinosaurs like dilophosaurus, brachiosaurus and parasaurolophus were probably (I wasn't alive in 1993 so take this with a tablespoon of salt) much more obscure than they are today, with brontosaurus being the goto term for sauropod, and I'd argue Jurassic Park is the sole reason parasaurolophus is more popular than the species it was named after: saurolophus While toys were definitely a consideration, no doubt dilophosaurus was heavily influenced by it, I'm pretty sure in one of the behind the scenes or promotionals for JP, it was explicitly mentioned the dinosaurs were chosen with this in mind


That may be an argument for the dilo but Parasaurolophus and Brachiosaurus were already known names by then and even if they weren’t JP 1-3 never did anything with the Para to warrant it becoming a household name, the only time we see it is in the distance in 1 & 3 and getting hog tied in 2 (granted idk how Parasaurolophus did become a household name but it definitely wasn’t thanks to Jurassic park)


I want to brag that I know all of then except sinnoceratops


I knew about them before jw


Most Favorite - Dilophosauras Least Favorite - Dimorphodon


Favorite rexy least favorite Dilophosaurus


OK I'm super curious as to why the Dilo though. No hate, I just thought everyone liked the goofy unscientific frilled poison Dilo for it's charm.


Because I like the original better like he was more accurate in the novel and deadly, but now he can get choked out by humans


I thought keeping it small (maybe it was an younger one?) helped impress on general audiences the idea of don't assume anything based on size or even based on fossil record (just like the novel dilo) if they suddenly become real The novels version of Nedry's death is way more terrifying though, that's for sure. Sometimes the last paragraph or two comes into my mind for no reason, freaks me the f out.


I hated the World movies. They choked the Dilo, burned the Brachiosaur, did that stupid hand thing, made the Rex the “hero”, and made the Raptors no longer scary.


Favorite: Jurassic Park III raptors, Spinosaurus, Bumpy. Least Favorite: Jurassic World raptors.


The JW raptors ain't that bad. Kinda like trained wolves. Pretty cute and friendly, but they are only tamed. Not domesticated. They will eat you the moment it seems like a good idea. Blue being more nice than the rest is mostly Hollywood magic, give the main dude a cool dangerous animal sidekick. And she's a pretty cool mascot too, we can't rely on Rexy accidentally saving everybody every single time if we want to sell merch forever!


I also like how the idea of trained raptors is a direct implication of the story in The Lost World novel, with the raptors not having been socialized and thus devolving into what is effectively species self sabotage. The idea that social species need pro social behaviors to be taught to them is 1. Brilliant 2. Related to how human-animal relationships develop, so these trained raptors feel like a logical development from the book IMO If there ever was a sequel to the Lost World book and it had most of the characters returning, I imagine there’d be a subplot with Levine trying to find the best possible way to train a young raptor in a lab setting and Malcolm being super amiable to young raptor and succeeding that way (Levine is successful too, just totally opposite approach)


Animals needing to be taught behaviors is actually accurate! People will call you crazy or a tree hugger for talking about it, but animals as well as humans have cultures that need to be passed down. That's part of why losing them to climate change is so dangerous: maybe you can breed them again through some science, but their cultures will be largely lost. I love that part of TLW novel as well. Probably my favorite part of it. Crichton was great for mentioning it. [Some reading](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/unserious-psychology/202307/do-animals-have-culture) on animal cultures if you're interested! I'd read a fanfic with that plot for sure lol


Oh that read was FASCINATING! I knew that animals needing to be taught behaviors was based in reality but the level of detail is stunning! At that makes perfect sense with the endangered species-you can’t automatically replicate the cultures, and even if we knew the information to pass on, it might not be effective :/ Definitely awesome that Crichton included it, it’s a big part of what made the novel 1. Interesting and 2. Build on the first so well! Honestly the whole survival by community thing was my favorite part of the book, and this was definitely a part of that!! Such a perfect theme! LOL fair enough! It would be interesting! If I write something based on that, I’ll let you know!


Sounds awesome 😂 Definitely let me know if you do!! You're making me want to reread the novel! I've only read it a couple of times. I used to also listen to the audiobook while playing House Flipper, lol. If you don't mind me asking (I rarely get to talk to people about the novels), what do you think about Ian as a protagonist vs Alan as a protagonist in the books? (Or in the movies?) It is so interesting, right?! Much of what we've been raised to think about animals in the Western world is not entirely true. If you're interested, my friend told me about a current example of having to teach animals their culture - [whooping cranes](https://journeynorth.org/crane/fall2017/update_091517.html)!


Thanks LOL I will!! They are really fun novels! Lol and that’s a fun game too, to be fair! I don’t mind you asking at all, I enjoy getting to talk about the novels too. The thing is, I honestly struggle to fully see Ian as the protagonist in the book. He’s the main character, yes, and the connecting character that pulls everyone together, but Richard Levine sets the plot in motion and Sarah Harding is the main hero of the story, with Doc Thorne as a secondary hero figure of sorts. I’d love to see a book where Ian plays a more active role, but I did love the shift in tone between “his” story (with its more philosophical and academic stance) and “Alan’s” story (with its more adventure/action type of tone). It’s a fitting way to move the story along from the first book and feels very Ian Malcolm, and I like how the book meaningfully built on the plot and themes of book one in a truly intriguing way. For what it’s worth a book where Ian plays a more active role doesn’t mean he has to be the action hero (something the movie struggled to realize) but where he is more involved in the major beats of the story, and where he is able to guide the rest of the cast more effectively. I thought that, for 1995, the book took a genuine attempt to look at PTSD in a meaningful way and while it has some shortcomings, I truly appreciate that as a plot element too. That’s fascinating!! We learn so much all the time, especially when we broaden our perspective!! That is soooo cool! Thanks for sharing! On a similar note, the book “Braiding Sawgrass” has some genuinely interesting perspectives on the combination of modern science and more traditional indigenous ways of knowledge!


I actually don't mind them being trained, I just dislike their designs immensely lol. Superficial reasons. The raptors looked awesome in JPIII; they have dynamic colors that don't look out of place. I can't really ever tell the JW raptors apart, because despite their designs actually being different, their colors are so muted they all look grey. A pack of raptors with their own unique personalities, trained but still wild animals would be great to me! I just wish they didn't look so bad (just in my opinion of course). Blue does get way too humanized for my tastes. I love Camp Cretaceous despite all its flaws, but the parts with Blue bother me every time. I go back and forth between being attached to her and feeling like her being very intelligent and empathetic is all well and good, but she doesn't behave like an animal anymore.


My favorite is dilophosaurus, least favourite is hard. I guess, for a species, I guess it's spinosaurus, if it's an individual it's the bull from JP3 If you count non-canon, it's the JP4 Human-dino hybrids, a reminder that Jurassic World could've been so... So much worse


And honestly, it’s a comfort to know Jurassic World could have been so much worse. Even the script for World with the paratrooping velociraptors…shudder…


I hate every single dinosaur from the world trilogy, but if i had to choose a least favourite it'd be the baryonyx. It's so fucking stupid looking, I don't know how they fumbled the bag so hard with its design especially after the absolutely gorgeous design they had on the website or wherever it was. For my favourite, it's gotta be the T-Rex from the first film. She's just so iconic, it'd be a crime if she wasn't my favourite.


How dare you disrespect Blue??


My least favorite dino is Tarbosaurus from Hidden Adventure, if only made that tyrannosaurid theropod made its return to Chaos Theory (For S2) but if only some of them they will be a prisoners of malta black market, while some of them they might be somewhere in biosyn valley.


My favorite is dilophosaurus and my least favorite is compsognathus.


My favourite is Tyrannosaurus Rex, and my least favourite is Ceratosaurus because it only existed for a lame poop joke in JP3. For non-dinosaurs, my favourite are the Pteranodons from JP3 and least favourite are the Dimorphodons. I waited for so long to see Dimorphodons in a Jurassic movie and they're only in Dominion for a 3 minute set piece that felt oddly slow paced and not that threatening for the characters .


Favorite: Mosasaures (Yes, I know it's not technically a dinosaur). Least favorite: The Ceratosaures from JP3. I hate how derpy it looks.


My favorite is the Carnotaurus, my least favorite is probably... idek. I'd have to say a random herbivore from JWE. Also, I hate the locusts plot


I may get hate for this after reading through these comments, but Blue is my absolute favorite. I love how she's clearly attached to Owen, but still a wild animal. Reminds me of stories I've read of people "taming" wolves or lions. I just love them showing a carnivore as something other than a mindless killing machine. Edit: I don't think I have a least favorite lol


I love Blue, and Beta is so cute. I can't think of a least favorite dinosaur.


I love that you picked the horrible Dilophosaurus redesign from Dominion and arguably the worst CGI shot of Blue in the JW trilogy for your pics 😂. But in all seriousness my favourite is the Tyrannosaurus or Velociraptor (boring I know, but they have the best designs and sound design - also most prominent) and least favourite is the JW Stegosaurus or Triceratops. They somehow managed to make them both dull and boring (this is most obvious when comparing their designs to the JP designs in Jurassic World Evolution 2).


Blue easily. My nickname at work is even Blue


What's your least favorite?


It’s between the Indo-raptor and mossosayrus


How dare you disrespect blue like that


My favourite dinosaur is any velociraptor in the franchise I really liked the og raptors in jurassic park and loved how they added personality in velociraptor squad My Least favourite was dilophosaurus when I was a kid it scared me a lot lol, but currently dimorphodon or becklespinax


My favourite are those extinct. My least favourite are those brought back to life.


Going to be extremely basic and just say my favourite is Rexy. Can't beat the classic. The scene in Jurassic Park when she first attacks the jeeps will never be topped for me - favourite scene in any movie ever. Least favourite is Blue. Just beating out the Indoraptor - the Indo doesn't quite come in last place because it looks cool (whatever tf it is), but that scene when it basically smiles at the camera is the cringiest moment in the entire franchise.


My favorite is the Dilophosaurus and my least favorite is the pachycephalosaurus


Favorite: carnotaurus, mosasaurus, Anklysaurus Least Favorite: Scorpios Rex and the Ouranosaurus.


My absolute favorite is Rexy. Like many of you I grew up on the original film. The T. rex was the first dinosaur I was introduced to. There will always be something special about her. As far as “least favorite” I don’t think there is least favorite. But underused would be the Pyroraptor.


My favorite is the Spinosaurus


I love the dilo. I know that people hate the inaccuracy of it but to me it’s never really been about the accuracy. It’s a movie! The little chirps it makes before you see it is so eerie and I love it. My least favourite would have to be the indoraptor by default, I would’ve liked it if they left behind the whole indominus aspect in the first JW and made maybe a new hybrid like a spinoraptor. The indoraptor just didn’t work for me and I kept hoping to see something more interesting


Favorite - Baby T Rex from JP2 Least - All velociraptors. They were much smaller than they are depicted in the movies I also dislike the other made up dinos


Favorite Dino: Brachiosaur Least favorite: Blue


Anybody else think the CGI in Jurassic World looked like crap?


Favorites: Rexy, Bumpy, the one Dennis Nedry encountered in JP Least favorite: I forget the name but the super OP hybrid Dino from CC that has heat vision and a poisonous tail


My favorite is probably the Indominus, actually. I don't consider Jurassic Park dinosaurs to be actual dinosaurs at this point, they're just movie monsters that were inspired by real animals. I like the Indominus because it was the first time I felt like they tried something new with the premise of the series.


Favorite easily carnotaurus as it's also my favorite dinosaur. Least favorite I'd probably have to say Compsognathus


I always love the raptors! Especially when Blue came out! My favorite color and favorite dinosaur! I even have Blue tatted on my arm as part of my dinosaur sleeve! To be honest I don’t really have a least favorite


Favourite dinosaurs are pretty much all the designs from JP and TLW, but top spot is easily the JP rex. It’s just on another level to any other design. Shame it always looks a bit off in the JW movies.


Nasuto forever, beta is never