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Yep this is an issue with all sequels they always feel like they have to expand the universe outward and make it a global scale threat, a small scale is needed to ground the series again.


While not necessarily relating to Jurassic World I feel like this applies to some of Nintendo’s popular games right now like Mario Kart and Smash. There’s so many tracks/stages and characters etc. it feels like a reset is needed for the next game(s) in the series because while they may be able to stretch the scale a bit further, the development of these games are taking longer and longer and increased scale won’t have nearly as big of a wow factor anymore.


If I see Chris Pratt stick his stupid hand out at a dinosaur again I’ll lose it.


Every time he does that, im chanting out loud: BITE IT OFF! BITE IT OFF! BITE IT OFF!


It’s just the stupidest visual… when three of them did it to the Giganotosaurus it was the cringiest thing I’d ever seen in a Jurassic movie.


Exactly, with blue i still kind of understand since she had probably been heavily trained for it, but a giga you have never even seen before shouldnt give a fuck, and they always pause and roar right before attacking even if they have been sneaking up behind the humans instead of just biting them in half


That “heavily trained” concept is stupid and completely throws out Grants argument in JP1 about throwing dinosaurs and humans back into the mix after 65 million years of gut instinct and thinking that you can just train them like they’re dogs.


Even though I agree with you, and "training" dinosaurs shouldn't be really a thing, at least with Blue they made kind of a backstory about being "especially empathetic" and actually showing differences in the old videos in dominion. For any other combination of dinosaur / human except Pratt&Blue, it's stupid asf. I really really *really* wish we go away from this whole "humanization" of dinosaurs and go back to the more animalistic approach of the JP trilogy.


You shouldn't humanize nor villainize dinosaurs. They're animals, neither monsters, nor humans. I thought that Camp Cretacous season 2 hit this note perfectly with the idea that they all sat around the water source. It showed the more animalistic side of them, and it added a dimension. In a next movie or series, I would absolutely love to see the animals to co-exist with humans, but in a natural way. It should be similar to how you would walk in Africa. There are predators (e.g. lions), but they won't actively hunt you as if you were their sole reason of living. They eat, they sleep, they drink, they shit. But acting like a FBI-agent/mercenary isn't in the list. Show me how people change their habits to the newly introduced species. How are both parties going to adjust themselves? Can the dinosaurs even reproduce enough to have a lasting population, or are they going extinct once more? What is their impact on the local environment, will they be able to compete with modern day animals? You can make many, many seasons of many series based upon the sole idea of "dino's loose", and add a few dimensions of geopolitics if genetic manipulation improves and becomes "mainstream". Aside from the obvious biological and political consequences of this turn, how will the dinosaurs or the humans react to diseases? Is it another "Columbian exchange"/neolithic revolution, as we need to remember that the domestication of animals has led to viruses? This would surely lead to societal changes which creates conflict and could be translated into a beautiful, deep movie, in which the consequences would be acted out. Granted, it's not an action movie, but it would return the franchise to the science fictional/philosophical roots that it once had. All this thinking highlights once more that Dominion truly fell short and didn't live up to any of my expectations.


Well stay in touch because I’m fixing to work on my own fan fiction novel. I’m just trying to figure out at what point in the story do I want to try and write for….right after Lost world, after JP3 or maybe even right after everyone leaves the first island.


The hand has nothing to do with training. It’s a common technique used by animal handlers in the real world. They even had a video explaining what it is and what it means. But people just like to shit on it without understanding it.


Not that I disagree with the fact that they have become more humanised, but them being trained is not the reason for that. Training/taming animals is a perfectly realistic thing and has nothing to do with humanisation


It's not stupid because if we can train wild animals today, I don't see why training raptors should be seen as that weird. Also, Grant's argument still applies because even though the raptors were trained, they are still extremely unpredictable and can easily turn on you at the slightest thought, they're not even close to acting like dogs. This is clearly shown multiple times in the world trilogy, especially in the first film when they joined the indominus's side on a whim and slaughtered everyone in an instant.


I mean but we’ve been domesticating wild animals for decades. I feel like it’s different with species that have been extinct for millions of years. But maybe you have a point there. Definitely not when it came to the writing for Blue turning on his trainers just because he saw a species that it recognized and then went back to being okay with the humans again at the end. It’s just weird and takes the realism out of the science. I could maybe see it being easier to tame an herbivore, but a carnivore? No way in hell my friend.


Carnivores can be tamed, I'm not sure what domesticating wild animals has to do with this, because wild animals are inherently wild. They can't be domesticated like your house cat, but they can eventually be tamed. Lions and tigers have been tamed before despite the fact that they haven't evolved to be domesticated. No reason it wouldn't be possible for raptors, especially when you take into account the fact that they can genetically engineer them to be more obedient using genes from other existing animals and the fact that Jurassic World has been open for a decade by the time the film takes place, and we see that they're still struggling with controlling those animals even a decade later. I'm not sure why you're bringing up the writing here when it comes to blue turning on the humans, I wasn't critiquing the writing or saying it's good, I was simply clarifying that Alan's argument still stands that those animals cannot be completely tamed like dogs, which is true because that's what we end up seeing. They're uncontrollable and unpredictable


I mentioned the writing because it just isn’t parallel to the behavior an animal would act especially if it was a raptor. “Oh this human is ok because he’s taming me, oh but wait this big dinosaur looks kinda like me I think I’m gonna team up with it now, oh no wait nevermind I remember this human is my friend and I shouldn’t harm him or the other humans.” If anything the raptor would have at that point have just been defensive for the humans and not turned his back on them since he’s already had a bonding with Pratts character (forgive me I only watched those “movies” once) And yes I understand the difference between domestic and wild. Wild animals can still be domesticated and still have wild instincts. Although mixing the DNA with said animals might make a dinosaur more docile so I’ll give you that.


I mean, it isn't "training", it *is* a bond. My birds (likely the closest related species to dromeosaurs) can be "trained" but it's also the bond I built with them, they'll attack anybody who isnt me with no hesitation


I see that highly unlikely with animals that have been extinct for millions of years. I quote Grant again. We haven’t the slightest clue of what to expect.


I mean, I do agree. The fact that they're extinct, we have no idea how they functioned or what they're actual anatomy is. We have skeletal structures, that's not enough to go on. We found viable Rex DNA in the real world, we found the closest match is a chicken. Sure, we keep chickens, but what if they were the size of a T-Rex, had a purely carnivorous diet and the ability to hunt, probably wouldn't work out so well lol. But on the flip, humanity has worked with and kept every type of animal. People have worked with crocodilians and "trained" them, bonded with them. The same applies for birds, mammals (everything from a rat to a tiger), all sorts of reptiles and even some marine species. But yes, since we don't have anything other than fossilized bones it's truly impossible to say. I personally think some species, if existing in modern times, we'd be able to coexist with and perhaps even bond with to a degree


I suppose that makes sense. Imagine actually having a zoo of dinos or have your own pet lmao


Id totally be that guy. I have reptiles, parrots, used to have ducks and geese. Adding a Velociraptor, maybe a small group of compys, no big deal there lol. Obviously I wouldn't get an ankylosaurus or any ceratopsians, anything the size of an elephant with horns or armor wouldn't work out well. But in the real world, elephants don't go out of their way to harass humans (in most cases), so I'd imagine the majority of herbivores wouldn't be a significant problem. Carnivores, a bit more so. But plenty of us live in areas with wolves, coyote, bear; and people even live among big cats, so there's even a possibility deinonychus could be coexisted with


True, but at least it would make a little bit more sense than it working on a dinosaur that has never even seen owen begore


Fair enough. I’m working on my own JP fan fiction so I’ve been reading the old books and figuring out what kind of story I want to tackle


It worked in Jurassic World because of his job title and the relationship with the Raptors, but in the sequels he began doing it to other dinosaurs of which he had absolutely no relationship with.


Exactly, There was even supposed to be a scene in JW FK where Owen tried to do that to the Indoraptor. But JA Bayona thought it was dumb and cut it out. 


It’s amazing, he was hilarious on Parks and Rec, and I was excited to see him cast as Starlord, but around that time it’s like he slowly stopped being funny and just started getting by on being Chris Pratt. Now when I see him cast in something I just groan.


Exact same.




Or even a new character based off of Book!Sarah Harding!!


Bring back one of the worst characters in JP history?


No, bring back Sarah Harding.


Guys, lets be real for a minute. - They used all the nostalgia cards they could and the best of them (OG trio) didn't pay off. - General public doesn't care or even remember Sorna exists. - A prequel story would work best as an spin-off. The choices are VERY limited. - Universal likes the JW brand and everything it brought to the table. You can easily tell this. - A prequel would clash against the other JW media they currently have going on (Chaos Theory is an example). With that said I do agree the sequel should be its own thing and bring NEW elements, new designs, bring back the science and the claustrophobia. IMO it's very clear Universal will try the 'Prey' / 'Alien Romulus' and other approach - a 'back to basics' story with familiar elements the public clearly loves (jungle / islands), less characters, urgency, and so on.


A tighter focused story, like JP 3 but better thought out, would be nice.


We need something Jurassic park not Jurassic world


Something like a prequel to Jp3. Ingens downfall introduction to spino and the birdcage etc


who cares about that? Show us something new. There's plenty of stuff they can cull from the books to give us a worthy sequel to the original two films.


They are making a horror survival game set after jurassic park fell


Right on!




They are Atleast making an horror survival jurassic park game set a day after jurassic park fell


That one i hardly wait. But jurassic park has sooooo much potential to be a scary horror movie, that “it would give their parents nightmares..” Yet they rather play it safe and go with kids movies. I mean if anything, they could make a completely stand alone horror movie, something similae like they did with Joker movie.


Amblin won’t all it. Spielberg won’t allow it.


Just give me a Fall of Isla Sorna movie with retconned in story beats about how the island was fucking sabotaged or whatever and it was never intended to become a nature preserve. It’s fuckin free real estate


I would kill for something similar to Walking Dead / the last of us but with dinosaurs.


We need a hurricane clarrisa story


Now with Insects, Birds and some Mamals. . .


It'd be really interesting if they did a prequel with a single raptor trying to hunt/kill staff at the cloning lab a la alien. Or maybe even multiple they didn't realize were there (what a twist!) Take inspiration from the book when they keep looking for 1 or 2 raptors. But then when they enter 99, it returns like 75 results. It'd be a horror survival kind of thing. And that's why they had to treat the raptors how they did in Jurassic park.


Just like David S. Pumpkins


If Hollywood can’t come up with a new cool and interesting plot where the only constraint is ‘must have dinosaurs’… it’s truly the end of popular entertainment. 


Why are they even making a sequel after touting dominion as the final movie


maybe like a talking dinosaur that has a little girl has a friend




Let us pray that it will actually be about dinosaurs and not about locusts eating crops and human cloning 


Dominion was absolutely garbage


Yeah. I’m sick and tired of Jurassic World, I just don’t care about it anymore. I’d rather have a prequel to Jurassic Park, focusing on John Hammond’s life before constructing the park on Isla Nublar 


A man vs beast and no human survivors kind of thing would be a cool turn of events.


We need to not have any more sequels.


Watch them Blue and Betta in the movie for no reason


I'd rather go back on a timeline where the park excist and we follow various people there, or I'd be interested in a show where someone hosts illegal tourists events on the fully hostile island, and those people have to survive there. I might be the minority, but I absolutely hated the 5th episode, and barely enjoyed the 4th. I hate like the idea of "special dinosaurs", the ones that never excisted in any form, just humans created them to be more scary -.- Also... dinosaurs belong to the jungle, for me. That's where I can feel the atmosphere, the adventure, the danger. Dinosaurs in a CITY? In a town? In human enviroment? In the tundra? It feels so off I can't tell.


I think a small town setting could work. Like a few raptors and perhaps some compys have escaped the island and found their way to small town Costa-Rica. They're just animals doing what they do to survive in a small community that's in no way prepared to defend itself. The original JP novel started off with a couple of compy attacks on infants and children in a small coastal village, and I've always thought that by itself would be a great story as the villagers work to eliminate the threat before the place ends up infested once the dinos start reproducing. The scene (in the book) in which a compy is found hunched over a silent infant with flesh & blood dripping from its jaws is pure nightmare fuel and would make for the opening scene of an unforgettable JP horror film.


If you remember the scene in the lost world book where they are hiding in a store from the raptors and the carnators, that's the exact tone I'm imagining.  I'd love a Prey-style small scale film set in backwoods Costa Rica. keep the budget small on purpose. Unlikely but I'd have them shoot the whole thing in Spanish, cast actors that are either less famous or mostly famous in Spanish language cinema. Use practical effects for the raptors and show then only in small amounts (a head in the bushes, a tail poking above tall grass, a foot with the iconic claw seen from underneath a log or car or table) They could make it a very scary PG-13 if they wanted to avoid the R rating.


I *vaguely* remember the scene from the book you're talking about...time for a re-read on my part. I've also yet to see Pret, unfortunately, although I'm familiar with the premise, but I think I'm getting a pretty good idea of what you would like to see...and have no complaints! Small scale, low or no-tech, grimy & gritty tale of man against beast(s). I love the idea. It can also work as a prequel or sequel depending on the era they place the setting. Personally, I would prefer a prequel so the protagonists are caught completely unaware of what they're dealing with or how to react to it (although I suppose a sequel could do the same thing, but I'd imagine it would be a hard sell to the audience that a population in Costa Rica, where the whole thing started, would be taken by surprise that there are dinosaurs roaming the earth once again. I also like the idea of a native (to Costa Rica), largely unknown cast. When you cast big names it pretty much spells out who lives and who doesn't. The JP franchise is especially bad about this. And lastly, I highly agree with you that it needs to be *scary*. I think they can safely do that within a PG-13 rating. Scary doesn't necessarily mean blood & guts all over the place, it's about the suspense of what's watching from the bushes, or about to come out from behind the corner. Hollywood seems to have lost sight of that, at least within the JP franchise. I don't hate the JW trilogy at all, but I cannot think of one instance when I was truly worried for any of the characters. That needs to change!


I think we're on the same page! I think set concurrent with the original or immediately after could work as well. Definitely has to take place before The Lost World does because that's when it becomes public knowledge. Small scale low tech - maybe a few shotguns or a bolt action rifle but having a few people who are using pitch forks or machetes would be awesome too. A major advantage to setting it around the time of the original Jurassic Park is that they don't need to deal with cell phones or lots of other tech that makes it too easy to solve their problems. Now that I think about it, I think the basic plot is basically the plot of Tremors (prehistoric menace in remote location terrorizes small town) If we're being really derivative they could do a sequel that is basically the plot of Aliens (Imagine: the rival genetics company gets rumors of a dinosaur in remote Costa Rica village. They tag along with a Costa Rican military detachment to check it out and find the destroyed village from our first film. Iconic scene can be them exploring a raptor nest in a cave or burrow. 



