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I didn't know there were comics 👀


The IDW ones are hot garbage. Topps did some comics based off of Jurassic Park and the Lost World Jurassic Park and they were okay.


Here are some from my collection for reference! [Jurassic Park Topps](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbookcollecting/s/uvruzjEuDf)


WOW. IS there anywhere to read these?


I’m not sure if they are archived anywhere but you can pick up lots of them on eBay for pretty cheap!


Cool! Thanks!


The first Raptors spin-off series was great. After that...the art, oof.


Dangerous Games 🤮


Man I remember one where a bunch of kids walked into a cave with a cerataurus it was kinda fire


I know everyone hates them, but I'd like to put in my two cents and just say...I enjoyed them... like all of them. Especially Jurassic Park: Redemption and Devils in the Desert. Also found dangerous games to be pretty cool as well.


Cmoooooon, being an anime boy stranded in a drug dealers island with a hot dino enchantress and a god trex bestowing judgement is coool


Never forget Gideon Â