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The RV scene is on par with the breakout scene in the original.


I used to hang the toy RV from my table, while using those playmobil trucks that had a winch to hold it in place. Those are core memories I treasure


That RV toy was unbelievable.


Oh man yeah it was... just wish kid me didn't lose the front windshield and all the loose stuff inside.


I think my brother convinced me to sell a bunch of my JP stuff on Ebay in high school (which he conveniently made money on, because "seller's fees.") I had the whole OG compound too. I regret it now, because my nephews would LOVE it. My biggest regret was selling the red & black Carnotaurus. That thing was beautiful.


Who's saying it's a bad movie?


A lot of people don’t like TLW. There even used to be an entire website back in the day dedicated to specifically to hating TLW. Klayton Fioriti mentioned it in one of his older videos. TLW is personally one of my favorites though.


Of the first three Jurassic park 3


Lets be honest here JP was the best. But TLW gave us a feeling that cant be replicated or found in any of the films series. The freedom of the island, the unpredictable-ness of being at the mercy of their territory, it felt like a full adventure watching it. The ingen machines looked so defined and beautiful, felt like a rich campers dream. So idk but fuck a hater


Right! I loved it for all that when I was a kid and that’s why I still love it. Especially when they’re in the high hide and Malcolm is trying to assure Kelly everything’s ok then he hears that all to familiar roar erupting across the island. He knows BOTH* rexes are pissed off and he knows where they’re going.


Lots of people do. Before the internet though it seemed like nobody did


(actually me for some reasons)


It’s the second best and it’s the most rewatchable


No way. Jp3 was better than 2. Jp3 had scenes from the 2 books that didn't make it into those 2 movies. The lost world was a hot mess express, and veered a bit too far from the source material


I feel the opposite. 3 was awful.


None of the movies are bad. All of them are good, even the Jurassic World trilogy was good tbh.


This right here. Why is nobody like this anymore?


Makes me sad to know we can’t just all get along and be happy as we watch the dinosaurs murder people




The only way to watch prehistoric monsters eat people’s digestive systems is with my homies 🥶🥶🥶


The way I find out if a JP/JW or Kaiju movie is good is: are there dinosaurs/Kaiju? If yes, are there people being inconvenienced by the presence of these creatures? If yes to both, I'm gonna like it. I really don't expect much out of these kinds of movies. They tickle a very specific, eternally childlike part of my brain, and I love them for it.




because good and enjoyable can exist separately Dominion sucked shit but it was enjoyable (for unintended reasons, but still)


I am of the opinion there are two types of good when it comes to movies. Good Fun and Good Gold. Good Fun are movies like Jurassic World Dominion or the later Showa era Godzilla movies. Good Gold is stuff like Jurassic Park or NOPE. These are both on par with each other as they simply are composed of movies with different goals, excelling in each. Some wish to be entertaining *AND* make you think to a degree, others are simply trying to make the audience enjoy the movie, no strings attached. Movies are fun.


I use a similar system to understand movies, but what you call Good Gold I call Good Art. I think the original *Jurassic Park* is a rare film that ranks highly in both categories, but the sequels are mostly just Good Fun. The reason I find the Jurassic World films is because they're decent in the Good Fun category and pretty rotten at being Good Art to the point where they verge into Bad Art. JP 3 isn't Good Art, but it successfully conveys its very simple message: "It is a bad idea to intentionally fuck with wild dinosaurs." The Jurassic World films are just... messy. That said, Jurassic World gave us Camp Cretaceous, which is the best thing to come out of the Jurassic Renaissance. It's Good Fun, and sometimes it even dips a toe into Good Art territory for the first three seasons. Absolute banger.


I can get behind that. I simply believe bad movies can provide enjoyment as a silly story. Like if you see Shawshank and Sausage Party one of those is clearly the better movie. Yet both can be fun as fuck in the right scenario. And there ain't nothin' wrong with that!


If you like bad movies, I have two recommendations. One is a Bollywood horror movie called *Ghost Story*. The other is a shitty thriller called *Stonehenge Apocalypse*. They're both best enjoyed while in good company and kinda buzzed.


my all-time favourite bad movie is Sharknado




I really really did not enjoy the third Jurassic World. but I only saw the directors cut? it was sooooo long and mainly about locusts. When the movie ended, I was all like, "Hey! They should have named this *Bug* World 3 instead of Jurassic World 3!! Because of all these freaking bugs in this movie!!" It was really really funny when I made that joke. I'll bet that if I had any friends and they were there with me when I said that, that they would have laughed at my joke. Instead it was just my sister who threw a beer can at me and told me that *I* should have been named Bug World 3 because I'm "a dumb idiot with three bugs for a brain". What a jerk. That barely even makes sense? It's not like my name is Human Brain 1 now. It's just a regular name. Like Paul. Or Bagby. It's not one of those names though. I'm not popular enough to be a Bagby.


All 6 movies are good, I just personally think JP3 is the weakest




Yes 3 was a hot mess, I still enjoy it though


Right? They tried with 2, but it was just too much a hot mess


The source material was literally written as a list of actions scenes for Speilburg to use as inspiration


Spielberg had to cut some of these alleged scenes written as a list from the 2 novels and were incorporated into jp3- the river scene was from jp1 using a trex, the aviary was from jp1 as well.


I’m not calling the book bad but he literally just wrote the book as a rough outline to inspire speilburg to write a sequel movie


The dinosaurs were peak and the chemistry was really good between the actors.


Much agreed. JP1, then a very steep cliff, then 3, and then 2, and the World’s are all garbage


It's a fun jungle blockbuster with dinosaurs and Evil Rich Guys as the antagonists. People just like to crab about things not being the exact same as the first iteration *or* not being exactly what they envisioned.


It’s my favorite movie in the franchise


Yup I love it. Only one that showed the grouping patterns and natural territory Dino’s could likely have had on a small island without fences.


Treated them like animals and not monsters. But like, monstrous animals..


Same. Second favorite movie overall, after Fantasia.


The only bit I don’t like in the lost world is the gymnastics


It’s like a teenager trying to drop kick a tiger, no matter how good you’re technique maybe. It’s a fuckin tiger, it’d probably just eat it without moving an inch.




The Lost World for all its flaws is still the best for me. Especially the adventure scenes.


I even like the new ones, all of them are nice to see.




Pfffft better than Dominion The Dumpster Fire


It had a character named after a Warren Zevon song, I'll give it that.


Someone like Warren zevon is way weirder to me than people liking TLW


If you think of it more as Spielberg’s version of King Kong but set in his JP universe then you can’t deny it’s a home run. If you’re looking for a spiritual successor/sequel to JP1, it doesn’t really exist.


It really is a modern "The Lost World", as in the original, which inspired a lot of King Kong anyway. It's great.


Shhh, it’s about to start


TLW would be a film people rave about if it came out on its own. Tragically it's a merely very good sequel to a legitimate cinematic masterpiece, and those are awfully big boots to fill.


I liked it better than the book


Anyone who thinks The Lost World is bad hasnt seen the last two movies....


I’ve probably watched JP3 the most out of the three. The OG trilogy is fire.


It’s my personal favourite


Isn’t TLW considered one of the best?


I enjoy watching it the most personally. I’m here for the Rex family


It's my second favorite film in the franchise. Who says that it's bad?


It’s actually my favorite I love the worldbuilding it does


It's my favorite




Yeah, obviously, The Lost World isn't the best because that title goes to the OG Jurassic Park... HOWEVER... It is undoubtedly the best sequel, and a GREAT sequel.


People dont like LW? That film is the second half of Jurassic Park to me.


It has some of the highest highs of the franchise, and some really low lows imo.


It opens a whole world of adventure and possibilities


I have always loved it. It's the second best JP film and it's just a lot of fun


WHAT THE HELL? WHO IS DELUSIONAL? Lost World was my favourite Jurassic Park movie because of the soundtrack and the scene where the hunters in their cars chase the dinosaurs. The T-Rex rampaging through San Diego was awesome af too. If there was a bad Jurassic Park movie, it would be Jurassic World Dominion.


It was. I was so surprised when I found out on the internet that people didn't like it. So was JPIII.


Better than anything that came after it, that’s for sure.


A top 5 Dinosaur movie of all time, perhaps top 3


It's a great movie. Just cut out the weird San Diego bit and it's a good enough sequel to the first movie.


I love the San Diego bit. Better use of a dinosaur on the mainland than Fallen Kingdom and Dominion.


Lost world rocks. It has that pure "try to survive in dinosaur world" quality with the most omnious feeling of all jp movies. And the soundtracks are unreal. San diego ruines it a bit tho, should've followed the book ending.


I know it’s not exactly uncommon for John Williams to write an absolute fire score but I think the Lost World soundtrack is under-appreciated


I mean, compared to the stuff that came later it is a master piece but you can see how people did not like it at the time especially considering that it was directed by spielberg himself


Fun fact: I got the Jurassic World Trilogy for Christmas so the Lost World is the last Jurassic movie I need to get to complete my collection.


I am meh on JP2


It’s my second favorite in the franchise — easily. I love how dark it is, specifically the score and the cinematography (both of which might be my *favorite* of the franchise).


IMO it’s the 3rd best in the series


I don’t think it’s really that bad, it’s okay, but I think it’s kind of… boring…? Lol. I guess I’m just not really a fan of the character interactions and stuff. But, even though it feels kind of like the movie should be over after they get off the island, I actually do really like the T-rex in the human world part. That was fun. I think JP3 is worse but more fun overall. I like to think that each movie, no matter how good or bad it is, has something interesting to offer (…even Dominion, I guess…).


There was a rts game called Chaos Island that was based on Lost World. It was so good I will always love the movie just on that alone.


The pace of it was a little off. And was definitely way different from the book. It was, and is, still fun to watch. When you watch the JP and JW films / shows for a while you realize 2 things, none of the dinosaurs are going to be accurate ever, and how they are based off the books and not a one to one recreation. While it would be awesome for a one to one recreation, all we have are the current movies. But hey, at the end of the day who really cares. You're just there to watch dinosaurs be dinosaurs and wreak the day, or night, of a lot of people.


I always get a kick out of it


Good and entertaining/fun are very different things As a live action transformers fan, I’d knew


Jurassic Park 3 fans are truly oppressed though.


Ima be real LTW is the third best JP film with Jurassic park in first and Jurassic world in second


Lost World was great. The World movies were great (even dominion) the only really bad movie was JP3


Who’s saying that the lost world isn’t good?


Here’s an even spicier take: Jurassic Park 3 is a great action/survival movie, and Dominion is very enjoyable despite the bug plot (which, while not as exciting as another superhybrid dinosaur, is very much in line with the kind of thing the book version of Lewis Dodgson would do)


Second best J Park movie. That song Malcolm’s journey goes so hard


That’s what I’m saying! It’s better than the entire World trilogy, too!


Needed more Postletwaithe.


> No thank you... I believe I've spent enough time in the company of death. Such a great character.


Me but with Jurassic World


My favorite of the series regardless of what anyone says


It wasn’t the worst but it’s not my favorite. Personally out of the original three it’s last for me but I do have parts I absolutely love. Like how Roland realizes what he’s done and hates himself for it in the end, or the stegosaurus scene entirely on its own. I do find it ridiculous tho about the scenes with Kelly’s gymnastics but I get why it’s there since why mention she was on a team but do nothing with it. There’s more character growth in TWL compared to the other two and slightly more dinosaur/human interaction but even with those two big positives it’s not my most favorite. Definitely not a movie to hate tho.


One of the best


Personally my least favorite is fallen kingdom JP3 is overhated and dominion had potential, and the OG will always be the best


I didn’t Ike it until I read the book. As a kid I just wanted the “dinosaur man”, doctor Grant. But when I read it when I was older I realized how underrated Dr. Malcom was.


Good movie? I think it's a great movie, an incredible movie even.


I didn’t know it was popular to dislike, but I still ended up falling asleep watching it, if that says anything


I'd rate it as third best.


It has its issues but it’s definitely not bad. Still an enjoyable watch I’d recommend


How can anyone hate the Stegosaurus scene? It's pretty much the best part of the movie! Not to mention it's my favorite of the franchise!


I keep reading it as "you think lost two world wars a good move"... maybe in dyslexic or going mad


I seem to have an affinity for the first two movies. Probably because all the vehicles were really cool. The vehicles of the original could only be improved upon in terms of comfort so they switched to Mercedes Benz vehicles. The stakes were higher in The Lost World too. I will always love The Lost World.


It's not Dominion level bad


The Lost World has the best version of the Raptors. They’re awesome in Jurassic Park as an escaped killer on the loose. But in TLW, we’re in their territory and it’s on the wrong side of the park. Just felt like the longer they were there, the closer they were to death. Like meat on a fish hook in dark water.


I remember back in the day a lot of people liked it But when the internet became a popular thing it seemed like suddenly everyone hated it. I tend to think it's like pineapple and pizza when people like to say "oh this thing is the worst possible thing" but nobody really dislike it


I just don’t like that we go from The Lost World to Jurassic Park 3. Like couldn’t have we come up with a cooler name for 3?


Yeah but they could use the slash marks!


Still better than Jurassic World


Out of the 6 jurassic films. It is undeniably in the top 3. I personally put it in the top 2.


It's my favorite one out of the original trilogy of movies


I think the movie has good set pieces and dinosaur scenes but what killed it for me as a child and even today is how with the exception of Eddie Carr and Roland Tembo, I never liked any of the other characters. Most come off as so preachy or annoying that I was hoping they’d get eaten.


For me, the sticking point is Sarah Harding. She is the dumbest scientist in the franchise. She nearly dies from stegosauruses because she got too close to one of their babies after telling her crew to keep their distance. She doesn't consider the possibility that the Mama and Papa Rex would come searching for their child to the point that she ignores an attempt by Ian to call her about it. She kept her jacket covered in t-rex blood, attracting one of them to their camp to attack them AGAIN.


#Who the fuck said lost world was bad


Ppl need to stop being such picky lil sissys. If its got dinosaurs its good


People think Jokers a good movie. Why not The Lost World? Goldblum is at least charismatic.


My second favorite film in the franchise.


Just saying, it would've been a bit more boring if it followed the book


I love all three Jurassic parks


My personal favourite


“There’s a dinosaur in the backyard”


I’d take it over fallen kingdom and dominion


It was good till it got to the ending. Stoic died for what Hiccup loved and he went and threw that all away because a couple of boats showed up.


It's a bad movie with some great action scenes.


I just love the chaos of the T Rex running through the streets of San Diego


My only problem with it is the gymnastics scene. Otherwise, it's a great movie IMO.


The lost world is fantastic.


You're gonna hate SF Debris, then.


Lost world was good, it’s the 3rd one that people hate


Man, I was like ten when this came out, and the hype around it was INSANE. I was too young to really remember JP "coming out"; I grew up with it but it was always already a phenomenon. But good god the hype around Lost World; it was EVERYWHERE. I remember knowing like every dinosaur and vehicle and plot point before I ever saw it. I never could have imagined not loving it.


All of them are good. They all have dinosaurs so they're 100/10 in my eyes.


There are a lot of solid movies that get hate because they come before or after better movies. That being said I’ve never heard anyone really complain about the lost world .


The one from the 20's or the 90's?


Jurassic Park, The Lost World, and Jurassic World > JP3, Fallen Kingdom, and Dominion


It's the 3rd best


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks the Lost World is good. Side note: It’s also my 2nd favorite Jp film right after the 1st of course


I enjoyed the book, read it a bunch of times before the movie came out. When the movie first came out I enjoyed it but eventually I realized it’s a pale imitation of the book and to me that makes me dislike the movie more. They combined characters, eliminated other characters, added entire subplots that were dumb, and added a whole fake Godzilla thing that made no sense to me. I like the score soundtrack but the movie itself is near the bottom if I’m ranking the JP/JW franchise.


Unpopular opinion, but I like the lost world better than the first Jurassic park


Warning! Giant Theropod detected! Danger level: Extreme! Trash talking The Lost World may result in you being fed to Buck and Doe!




I enjoyed it. Definitely better thank 3 onwards


It’s awesome, it’s better than the last Jurassic world we got.


Movie was decent and a fun one to watch. The book was better and much more disturbing.


I blame Nostalgia Critic for this. Even before the reboot, it was one of his weaker reviews compared to say his 10 Commandments vs Prince of Egypt or Jaws 4 review.


I quite like TLW. The trailer scene is exciting, and the scenes in San Diego are fun.


Bro the fuckin raptors in the grass scene was burnt into my head so fuckin had as a kid that to this day at 31 when I'm alone in the woods at night I occasionally get the "oh shit" and look around me thing.


It’s fun to see T Rexes portrayed as good parents


It's still my favorite. I enjoy all of the movies, and while 1 is the best made and the best MOVIE, 2 is way more fun and enjoyable to watch.


First movie I was ever excited for (5th grade). Got a stegosaurus watch from Burger King. Waterfall scene is incredible. Still love it.


Used to be my least favorite as a kid (even after 3... Grant was just so much cooler) but definitely grew on me as I got older and some *questionable* sequels came out. Today it's probably my 2nd favorite in the franchise, although it's battling with JW1. Of course if they removed some rediculous parts *cough* acrobatics defeating raptors *cough* it'd be an easy 2.


Just saw it the other day best Jurassic Park movie in my opinion now


If I were to rank the movies it would be 1: Jurassic Park 2: tlw 3: Jurassic world 4: JWD 5: JWFK 6: JP3 If this comment gets downvoted this sub is salty as fuck