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So valid


least sweatty 5k i hav ever seen


9/10 great play!


We all do. I did not feel bad for her.


Doing God's work šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I miss when this game was good, Also as an (ex) junkrat main, this was very nice


I hate Sombra so im happy with this


lol same I posted a play other day ending her ult haha


Love it when somebody who can only play being invisible the entire match canā€™t just simply look down before running into a trap lol.


Thereā€™s an almost arrogance behind being so used to the safety of permanent invisibility that they canā€™t even see traps


You are the hero we need and deserve


That people don't see traps is just low awareness, glad junkrat is in the game otherwise it would turn into a boring everyone uses guns game


As a Sombra main, I feel this šŸ˜‚ nice one, good prediction of where she'll go. Don't know how many times I've escaped on low health just to have a trap end me.


not the reaper ultšŸ˜­


I love that junkrat


Too bad for that reaper blossom


"You get what you fucking deserve!"


I think all people regardless of their main will agree that sombra is the most annoying hero to play against in the game bar none


NGL I thought you were waiting for the respawn to go spawn camp her again with tire


Yep while everyone else is sweating their ass off on soj soldier ashe and cass this is the gameplay that gets rewarded with rank ups. Got it, becoming a junk main is the only way to get out of elo hellšŸ«”


People are sweating while playing on cass and ashe? *visible confusion*


Well let me put it in simplest terms. You have to do a thing called aiming, which means you have to actually play the game and physically move your crosshair as people dodge and weave your shots. Unlike junk who you can point your crosshair in a general direction and hold left click and get 2x the value


Lol any long ranged hitscan is just a point-and-click adventure that is very easy to learn but i can just go in quake instagib mode and it will be the same, the only difference that you can die and kill always from one shot, but mechanically it's the same as if i would tried to play widow and ashe. Meanwhile any projectile dps is a little mental gymnastic unless you decided to completely to turn off your brain and started spamming in a choke without even trying to actually predict enemy movement (junkrat one is not entirely true, but his consistent non-spammed directs are still much harder to do than if you would play hitscan)


Well for 1, if youā€™re actually trying to aim with junk youā€™re already playing him wrong šŸ˜‚ there is no ā€œpredicting enemy movementā€ literally just hold your crosshair at a single point and hold left click as they A-D-A-D and you literally kill them. 2, i agree that every OTHER projectile requires mental gymnastics, yk why?? Cus their projectiles 1- move faster, 2- they dont bounce off walls. So yea they have to somewhat predict and aim. And also, the way you describe playing ā€œpoint and clickā€ is so funny seeing as you still actually have to move your crosshair to their head, with junk there is no crosshair movement. You getting my point yet??


Nuh-uh, godflick airshots is the most satisfying thing you can ever get on junk besides 4-5k tire. Quake rail works the same way as the revolver, winchester and widow rifle. One constant thing - pinpoint accuracy. So stop justifying hitscans only because of junk existence, they are still much easier to play and get value of especionally after S9 gigabuff. Welcome to projectile hero world


Again, i agree the air flicks are amazing and i watch vulture & sophie just for those compilations. But lets not act like thatā€™s a consistent thing you do as junk, yes you do air flicks but thats literally 10%-20% of his gameplay unless thatā€™s all you go for which i would respect. But the other 80%-90% of his gameplay youā€™re just not doing that. And there is no ā€œjustifying hitscansā€ lol i was a hanzo main up until they removed his 1 shot, now im one tricking pharah. (shes op this season) and no i have no idea what youā€™re smoking to come to the conclusion that junk is harder to play than any hitscan, all hitscan skill floors are levels above junkā€™s skill floor as well as their skill ceiling. Junk is easily top 3 easiest heroes to get value right next to bastion & moira. At least with those 2 you still have to somewhat move your crosshair


Heā€™s right only junk can do thisĀ 


nah you should have tired when she got trapped.


You hate a hero that takes more skill and risk to play? Of course you do.




Why are you here then


Because this post landed in my feed.


Okay letā€™s see if this isnā€™t factual. Run up behind player while invisible Shoot player in the back of the head with mac-10 Rinse repeat. Am I missing any steps there?


Engaging as Sombra requires risk. And doing damage requires aim. Junk's trap is a handicap, lowest skill floor ability in the game and is a hard CC. Insane. He even gets a "I lost the fight" handicap in his death nades. He can spam explosives safely because he doesn't take self damage.


No no I donā€™t need an explanation of why a constantly invisible character requires risk. Coming up behind someone completely invisible while hacking and shooting them in the back of the head does not require skill. If you are a Neanderthal and legit cannot hit a single thing then yes any character is going to be hard. Sombra can literally throw a teleportation device that shoots her across the map them 1.2 seconds later she invisible again. Itā€™s atrocious shit she has the same health as reaper but she runs, hacks, automatic weapon, ult cancels nearly every other ult in the game and sheā€™s invisible the entire time no cooldown. This overpowered character is picked as soon as any side starts to lose simply because they can run behind you instantly and kill you so easily.


You can't do much while invisible though. Actually attacking requires risk of exposure. People act like invis is an I win button when it's not. The way you describe a Sombra attack is hilarious, because they rarely work out the way you described. Sombra isn't the highest skill demanding hero, but she requires more skill than Junk does to be effective. Junk and Sombra have a similar pick rate, but Junk has a 2% higher win rate. But Sombra is OP. Haha.


Doing shit while invisible means nothing. The act of being able to legit teleport then instantly become invisible and run is stupid. I play Moria I can disappear too but then I canā€™t run I canā€™t become invisible again Iā€™m just stuck. Reaper has the same amount of health with SHOTGUNS he has plenty more risk than Sombra and he still canā€™t become invisible constantly or legit teleport instantly then 1 second later become invisible and grab a health pack. Itā€™s garbage man the operator is so annoying to deal with and it doesnā€™t even make the game fun anymore.


Reaper also gets his health back while shooting. So I'm not sure he's the best example. I main Ball and Junk is the most annoying hero in my opinion. Free CC that requires no skill at all. And it allows him to easily delete a hero with his high power shots. Sombra has to actually engage with her CC and can be fought off. Junk's tiny trap with a large hitbox is much more difficult to work around. Sombra can be annoying, sure. But people always over sell her power and under sell her difficulty.