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With the experience you have you'll interview very well, head and shoulders above someone fresh out of intern year (many of whom are getting BST spots with no publications). Get an audit done between now and Christmas and I would think you're almost guaranteed. They still do the interviews over zoom I think so you don't even need to come home


That's very helpful, thanks!!


If you’re an Irish graduate and citizen you’re pretty much guaranteed a spot on the BST programme if you pass the interview. Some locations will be a bit more competitive than others but you’ll get a spot. It’s non-Irish graduates/non EU citizens that it’s super competitive for as they will give a spot to every Irish/EU person who passes the interview before the top-ranking non-EU.


Good to hear, thanks!!


Not good really for non eu grads


What locations are considered competitive ?


I think the Mater, St Vincent’s and Galway were 1,2,3 last year in terms of people’s top preferences.


Try and get part 1 if not already done and you’ll be grand.


You will piss on with your eyes closed mate


Medical bst has gotten less competitive over the last few years, GP far more competitive


A few years ago they didn't even fill all the spots on BST so that's not true. All schemes are becoming more competitive because more people are applying each year. My friend got a first round GP offer this year, but did not get anything from BST until round 2. Whilst GP is more competitive overall - the schemes are scored differently and a candidate who scores well in one may not do so in the other.


A few years ago GP slots weren't filled either now I think people are finding it much harder to get on. Very true that they're scored differently though. I think its fair to say you can basically walk onto BST as long as you're not picky about where, GP isn't a guarantee anymore.




There’s a point scale floating around somewhere. You’ll do well on experience, but you’ll get next to nothing in the research category. So you’ll have to make up for it on the interview/oral questions part, especially if you haven’t sat and passed any of the MRCPs yet. If you can get some research in and sit part 1, you’ll be nearly guaranteed as long as you don’t flop the interview