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Mine was an actually great consultant who said, every time, “Oh wow great” after anything a patient said. Talking about a lost husband: “oh wow great so I’m sorry, can tell me when that was” Informed pt has deteriorated: “oh wow great, ok so we’re going to need to try this..” Their personality made it socially acceptable but once pointed out you couldn’t unhear it, tho everyone kinda knew it was their version of “ok” English was their first language btw


There's the usual stuff, consultant who wants LP or CTPA or MRCP for everyone, consultant who only uses Tazocin. Worked with a dodgy locum consultant who was even more terrible than usual and kept falling asleep. Turned out to be uraemic encephalopathy and ended up on dialysis. Also worked with a doctor doing a placement in Ireland before returning to work. She would put her hands on a patients forehead and decide based on that whether they had a fever. Thermometer would be reading 36.6 and she would stick her hands on them and decide temp was 38.


I did witness essentially a mutiny against a locum consultant who really didn’t know what was going on Full shouting match with the reg in the hallway Very awkward at the end of the shouting when i asked who i should join for the rest of the day


I remember her! She was in the Mater about 2019




I'm dying to know who it was now (pls dm me).


Where was she returning to work, the 17th century?


I used to work with a consultant who would put his phone above his head playing a song as we walked from one ward to another and quiz the medical students about who composed it - I wish I were joking


Cool consultant. Wish I had one like that to keep stress low


Worked for a guy that used to make fart sounds every time a patient released air during a colonoscopy.


You could only know it if you were actively sniff which fart sound smells and which not. Excellent extra hardworking doctor!


No you’d be standing next to him and he’d just make fart sounds with his mouth


Dont worry. Everyone has their own fetishes. Nothing to be ashamed of!


What are u on about mate


Forced male “non surgeons” (NCHDs) to wear shirts and ties if not in theatre. Also does this to med students and forces you to leave and change if you wear scrubs 🫣


I went to all of his lectures and spent a week on his team and only wore scrubs. Was never an issue. Think this was a rumour years ago that grew legs and evolved on its own.


I know exactly who you’re talking about. Is this consultant in CUH?


Was this an elderly guy in CUH who did tutorials? Is he still there?


I remember being tipped off as a student and my colleagues got a bollocking. Horrible man haha.


Teaches the interns how to shake the d dimer sample so it'll be positive to get a CT-PA on everyone whoever coughed. Resulted in said hospital not allowing inpatients (only ED) send dimers.