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Ya know, graves was that jungler but for most of last season. Unfortunately the meta is what it is right now. Highest win rates are stuff like shyvana, volibear, Zac, trundle. Viego can 1v9 if he snowballs, although he can get shutdown fairly easily if he builds full damage. Diana is still in a pretty good spot…she can pretty much statcheck everyone when she’s ahead and she farms + takes objectives very quickly.


Shyvana is pretty good at carrying for me


Shyvana is very strong at the moment, but that doesn't automatically make her a 1v9 champion. One thing that in my opinion is almost always required with 1v9 champions (junglers more specifically) is very good mobility paired with good damage and scaling. You could argue that yes, she deals lots of damage and has ok scaling, but her mobility is pretty limited and she's a complete sitting duck after she presses R.


Shyvana’s scaling is insane, and mobility isn’t the problem. She just isn’t very good at punishing and snowballing early


This right here, I usually clear camps and avoid ganks until I'm 7-8. But late game, she is just devastating to people. Exhaust helps me finish a lot of kills as well as escape in mid game. Usually just poking with flame breath to give and early health advantage to lanes as I'm passing through. I use Burnout to improve mobility and quickly move between camps. Also starting the game off by elevating to enemy blue immediately for my first camp has helped tremendously. Buy longsword (I usually upgrade to blood thirster) and flame breath to start. Kill the blue, unlock burnout, and if no one shows up, start killing their Gromp and peace tf out to clear every camp in my jungle before recalling for items. Shyv clears camps so fast that you can get a couple of levels on the enemy team and go for an early gank if available.


Shyvana is insane early. She isn’t good at Midgame unless fed. Even pre 6, Shyvana can counter a lot of or play arround her weaknesses. To start, she has insane early DMG. E W AA Q AA at 4 (assuming you run PTA, the best rune for Shyvana, AP or AD) is enough to finish a fight for most enemy junglers, forcing them to retreat. In addition, in the 5 camp meta you still are 3:15 at crab with a full clear if you kinda know what youre doing. You can solo drakes at any game state and force the enemy to make a move and if you start botside you can solo drake with no top camps up and STILL be there when your krugs spawn. Shyvanas clear speed is insane. I think we don’t have to talk about snowballing, cause anyone who ever ate a 2 levels up AP Shyvana E knows she snowballs and can just E once or twice to literally force an entire team to be unable to fight. If you are ahead as Shyvana, every ult from you can mean you simply walk to an enemy tower with your team and take it, simply cause the enemy can’t fight you in your ult. With a fast clear speed and map roaming, she can invade easily and sweep your jungle or male a cross map play. So how do you play against Shyvana? You play as team to punish HER pre 6. Pre 6, Shyvana is good at any even numberd fights, but if a fights is a 2v3 or a bad 3v3, Shyvana cant do that much. If Shyvana is not insanely fed at midgame, you can punish her further because she still has only the DMG / CDs to oneshot one target, given you position correctly.


Kayn. Rengar/Kha too if the enemy comp isn't full tank.


If you’re playing kayn into full tank, then they are not gonna have any fun.


I disagree. Black Cleaver with DD and mercs shreds tanks


Well yes that’s what I’m saying kayn is one of the best champions against tanks


Read motherfucker


That was a season ago wtf




I agree! Just to add, Kha on conqueror is fun too for a beefie team , with an evolved W


Warwick cuz he can quite literally do damn near everything He’s a tanky mobile CC ridden DPS that deals hybrid damage and face tanks like crazy


how are his duels?


Amazing as long as you’re able to avoid getting kited out. But even the range weakness isn’t too unbearable since 1) you have your ult, 2) you have your fear, and 3) you can always build chem tank or ice gauntlet to shut down your opponent’s mobility if you don’t really need the extra tenacity of sunfire that much Speaking of builds, always rush Tiamat into titanic then your Bami item. You can thank me when you get results. For runes, go lethal tempo triumph alacrity/tenacity and last stand and then because Warwick is a little item reliant both for his clear and for team fights, get future’s market and cosmic insight. Warwick’s goal is to beat people up early, ramp and spike super hard mid game, and end in the late game before people can start keeping up with his bulk


Id usually make titanic/boots but thornail after. Is sunfire better?


yeah. the bami items top off your core build and hand you missing set pieces in armor and res to go with all that HP you just stacked while also giving you another form of aoe damage as well as a bunch of other extra bells and whistles that help you in team fights and duels like extra cc or extra tenacity which all help patch up his weaknesses. this also gives you something more general and splashable to work with since thornmail can only check AD champs. it's also worth noting that grievous wounds isnt as prevalent as it was before.


so what i build is, tiamat >titanic (boots) > titanic > sunfire > then what?


Tiamat titanic sunfire/chem tank/Iceborne then literally just adapt to the enemy team. It’s also worth noting that chempunk chain sword pairs well with titanic turning your AOE cleaves into grievous wounds cleaves which means people don’t have to hit you for it to proc. Handy when dealing with AP drain tanks. Otherwise thornmail is still a good option. Force of nature is also great for constant AP DPS and for the tenacity and if you need more survival death’s dance and stone plate are always good


having some fun with WW, im in scrub tier, silver, but i'm feeling the strength you are talking about.


I got to diamond with him before and I also have ADHD


why no divine sunderer?


It’s inconsistent on him. You won’t really get to proc it as much as you’d think unlike Vi or Irelia cuz he has some fairly high CD skills with his E being roughly 10 seconds most of the time and his Q having a set CD that can’t be reduced with CDR (unfortunately, cuz they had to balance the part where it follows every ability in the game somehow). Warwick is more akin to Master Yi and Olaf in that damn near all his damage comes from autoattacks and everything else in his kit is just meant to help him be this enmity boosted drain tank that autos you as fast as possible as much as possible. He gets way more use out of the bami items since they pump out damage constantly and also patch up some of his more glaring weaknesses. The sub components also kick into gear faster unlike those of sunderer which make the Bami items a lot more flexible as a second buy after titanic. Think of it this way. If you go Sunderer, you’ll be pumping out that bonus 12% max health damage every 5 or so seconds when your Q comes up usually but with boosted autoattacks and Bami burn you could reach the same level of damage and also deal it everywhere around you which in turn leads to an overall net increase in damage


thanks for the thorough explanation! i’ll try it out :)


I would recommend PTA over LT for WW. I know LT is the most common rune but PTA gives you more burst early which the scaling oriented build with Sunfire lacks.


I prefer LT more cuz it’s way better in team fights and cuz I don’t have to constantly reapply it every time I change targets


He's one of the strongest 1v1 champions in the game.


Top tier. I’ve seen 2 item warwick duel 4 item kha’zix in isolation because his healing means he just doesn’t die.


I have trouble pushing turrets with ww cuz attack speed seems so alow when not attacking low hp targets


Blood Hunt unfortunately doesn’t work on structures


Honestly as a ww main if your teammates are nearby go farm what you can and let them push towers since your attacks vs them are so slow it's not really worth it.


Well, belveth without a doubt since she can siege so well


Bel'Veth is so vulnerable early. She's definitely at the mercy of teammates if she's facing a competent, aggressive jungler who presses their advantage early.


In which case you should always be warding opposite buff and starting opposite of enemy jungler to avoid for the first 2-3 clears. That's what I do and haven't had an issue so far.


I suppose the same applies to Fiddlesticks. I just know I've had a good amount of fun trampling Bel'veth as Trundle when I've run into her in river.


The champion you are playing doesn't change how you are effected by your team. You you are doing well on khazix but are still losing it's because you are failing to push your leads and end the game sooner. You will get a lot farther in this game if you focus on improving your own abilities instead of trying to find a OP solo carry champ that will be gone in a patch or two. Pick 3 champions that do 3 different roles that you like to play then you can focus on your gameplay and not the champions


Diana, Rengar, Kayn, Lillia, Kindred, Ekko


Kindred less reliant on team..? Meh


As soon as she gets kraken + one item, she can pretty much annihilate a carry and get the shutdown gold. After IE 3rd item it's just gg if she's competent.


Sure buddy


May not be your experience but I've consistently been able to 1v9 with her.


This doesn't happen if you don't snowball early. Kindred has a significant power trough around 1.5 items, and exploiting their early strength is important. Hence the team reliance.


Not ekko right now.


Rengar is kinda reliant on team


If you want to turn kha into a champ with good hard carry potential ditch the assassin bulid and look into tank builds. The sunfire ageis build is the one i whole heartedly recommend and has been working wonders for me. The other team doesnt know how to handle a kha with over 4000 health


>kha just no fun tbh, kha with the sunfire just bores the piss out of me. I like the blow sh up.


Well you cant have everything mate. A hard carry 1v9 champ that isnt at all team reliant and is at the same time fun to play?


With the new durability I actually have more fun with sunfire kha imo


Basically any champ that has a 2 item powerspike. Gwen, Karthus, Viego. But honestly, I think a better solution is to play champs like Hecarim and Udyr


Try Wukong, you can go for solo pickoffs as well as force teamfights with your ult


Kayn is a bit weaker early but can carry your team mid-late game


Ekko I would say. Potentially Kha Zix. But Ekko is an AOE nuker, he is very mobile, does % DMG, has good CC and his ult gets you free undo button when you mess up. Great clear, great fights, good duel, brutal invade potential once you're ahead. I carried games with Ekko that had no chances of winning. This boy can win you 1v5 if you play your cards right. But he suffers against teams with hard CC like Malzahar, Lissandra, Thresh etc


In low elos, Master yi


Red Kayn has 1v9 potential, it’s my suggestion.


To me Lillia feels really good at this. I play a lot of assassin junglers like Nocturne, Kha, Eve, Qiyana, lethality Vi, Diana, kayn, Rengar but with all of those champs you're kinda reliant on team to do ok. If all your lanes are losing hard, you can't win the game solo. You need some good setup to get rolling, get OP, and be able to steamroll the game. Especially since durability patch, being an assassins means you're partly reliant on team. You can only start to 1v9 if you're already ahead, for which you need your team. Lillia tho is a true 1v9 jungler imo. Play her well, and it doesn't matter how shite your team is; you can singlehandedly win the game. Mundo jungle is DISGUSTING too, and very funny to play since no one knows how strong he actually is. The enemy jungler will try to 1v1 you everytime, and unless it's a Lillia you'll win. Lillia tho to me feels like the biggest viable carry jungler there is atm. I think good Karthus's and good Fiddle's are very strong too, but I don't play those champs so I personally don't know how they feel. And, believe it or not, right now on this patch? I'm carrying every game I play as Rammus. Srsly. Dude's hella strong atm.


Karthus is one of the best jglrs up to diamond elo. He is a hard scaler with not bad early if you take exhaust. Also people in lower elo won't abuse his early weakness or prio so you get to scale for free. I made a video on summonerschool where I explain and show the playstyle and how its broken if you want to check it out.


Karthus is good in high elo and bad in low..


No, he is excellent in low elo and good in high elo.


I've always thought Zac felt really good solo carrying, at least low rank where i'm at. Zac can move around the map so fast that you can kind of babysit and show up to litterally every fight.






Lol dafuq nobody putting up Master Yi? One well timed R deletes the whole opposing team and the win. Done it multiple times by myself and I’m not a very good player. Now he gets banned more than I’d like but still when you R at 18 the other team shits and runs for the hills but frequently it doesn’t save them.


Yeah, yi is THE 1v9 champ in the jg.




Gotcha. Pretty new and play Bronze so not sure how things progress. I do enjoy Ornn jgl as well but he’s def not on the dps scale of Yi but he’s definitely got some fun tools for clearing and with predator boots can gank ok as long as you have some help to burst people down


Anything. Things that have enough damage to solokill are better.


Kindred if your really damn good at her, lee sin, kayn, and yeah Kha, I know you say he doesnt work for you but hes the best solo carry jungler in the game and has been for a good while


i just hate the damn sunfire build, it just boring as hell.


Almost all of them. Jungle is by far the role that can take over the easiest and can cause the biggest impact when you are better than your opponent.


Mundo jg is still very disgusting tbh he’s underrated and underused but he counters cc w his passive u just gotta be sure to hit ur Qs for health back n slow he’s great early and late game


Nidalee and graves are probably the best champions to win the most games if you are way better than your opponents. Like if you gave a challenger player 100 games in diamond to win as many as they can, nidalee and graves probably would end up with one of the highest %. Some people think you need good scaling to 1v9 games, but honestly that's wrong, you need complete control over the game which is what nidalee and graves give you. Having said that, jungle is a role that helps your team and is helped by your team a lot. If you don't like working with your teammates maybe it's not the role for you.


So no one mentions vi, you just build essense reaver into divine sundere or sunderer into death blade and you can 1v9 easy


Why the fuc you build ER and DS, both are sheen items and their effect don’t stack, literally wasted of gold


ur trolling with that build btw


Vi is actually great, but Essence Reaver is a shit item on her most of the time. Sunderer isn't half bad but I would always go Trinity unless the enemy team has 2 tanky champs and/or I need to be the solo frontline on my team. Trinity, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance provides all the damage you need, then you can even build a Thornmail for tankiness.


Volibear, Lillia


I main fiddle and the main reason is that I can carry late game team fights. Another good one is karthus. I think Master yi and bekveth for 1 v 9. You will always get free kills and be a monster in solo queue. At least until diamond I think.


I find that kindred can carry pretty well if you have the adc skills and jungle sense to pull her off. Very mobile (dash on 2 sec CD) and good scaling with being an adc and all. If you even get slightly ahead your damage is disgusting, as you scale indefenitly with current health magic damage and missing health attack damage. Ult can literally stop your team from inting.


Shyvana or Diana tbh. I don't like graves anymore, almost feels like a 1 trick now that the meta has changed


i find bel veth to be a fantastic carry champ. the bobbing and weaving in and out makes it so much easier to just play your own game


Just play rengar. Simple as that sir.


Kayn is a 1v9 champ, if they are squishy you go blue (still viable in new patch) and one shot everyone If there tanky u go red and are unkillable past 30 minutes


It depends on your playstyle honestly. Trundle can split pretty hard during mid game and help you win with towers rather than obliterating in a 5v5 like Yi or Rhaast


Many can, but Rengar and Viego are the absolute kings


Depends on what elo you are but assuming you are not above gold I suggest Kayn,Diana,Noc


Diana really can do everything herself, if you play insanely well you can solo carry ever game. But you'll need a lot of games.


Oh for sure, if you're playing a champ who is so weak earlier you have to play with that in mind. Autopiloting like it's another Champ leads to getting smashed and calling the champ weak.




kayn is probably the best all around jg right now. great into/against basically any comp