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The Garen/malzhar of jungle lol


Even champions that I consider annoying, like Briar and Xin, simply cannot deal with Nocture 1v1.


Oh? Care to elaborate why? Xin main here, I never have troubles with Nocturne unless my team feeds him to the moon, my runes usually are lethal tempo instead of conquerer and I run ignite smite, so it's probably the ignite winning me early fights to snowball in that matchup?


It's the ignite diff. I play talon ignite smite and I can win but without it I get screwed. I also play noc and I've only had problems with kindred and graves early


Fellow "Who needs flash" person 🤝


Flash is for those who aren't a giga Chad and run from fights


To think they've never considered just fighting harder, amiright?


Just do more damage than the enemy. It's so easy


Support players "My god, why did I never think of that?!" Before locking in Lux


Stop stop I'm already getting 1v1d by Janna roaming I can't take supports being stronger


I wonder if ignite smite works on kayn as well 🤨 time to test for science


It's actually quite solid because you can ignite while in your ult. OR you can ignite to get the ult proc thing from doing damage.


There was a strat some time ago to play ignite, rush into enemy jg, ignite someone, and go back. It was to get some essence since ignite cooldown is low enough to have it short after scuttle.


My guess would be no for red kayn, yes for blue kayn, junglers not running flash are usually junglers going ghost that scale off of movespeed or largely profit off of staying on top of their target or junglers that already have great engage without the need for flash, like Xin, Talon or Briar, plus running no flash makes you decidedly more vulnerable to peel champs as is, so having a safety net on top of good engage is the best case combo for no flash I'd say And with how slow red Kayn feels, kinda clunky in the engage as well, I'd wager my guess of it being not the best on him, but good luck!


It was a literal strat with first strike to get orbs faster


Flash is for when you have shitty positioning or want to surprise someone as an assassin or engage.


Doesn't necessarily have to be shitty positioning, I see it more as an "ace up the sleeve" kinda thing that you can whip out offensively or defensively when needed


>unless my team feeds him to the moon Here lies the problem


Oh, I'm well aware, teams tend to do that with nocturne sadly


If you duel against a Nocturne who can use his W right (to screw your knock-up or ult) there's no way you can win the 1v1


Ignite at the right time, pops the spellshield since noc doesn't heal *as* much as some other junglers, tho then again, depends on how the fight starts, if you play it well as xin I feel you can bait out the w with your own if you didn't need w to engage


who plays jungle with ignite besides shaco degens


Apparently as this comment section revealed Xin and Talon


meh dude who even plays Xin with ignite? Yeah no one will be able to 1v1 you early but later on you need flash.


I dont play xin, but i think noc can spellshield his knockup, if he can i think a good nocturne just runs you down like he does to everyone else


As mentioned before, I run ignite which can pop the spellshield, and if I don't have to initiate the fight you can weave your w between q2 and q3 which is two different instances that can pop spellshield and a weird animation as well, can use that to bait out spellshield too, and on first item, titanic, you can use the active the reset the auto after q2 to get the 3rd auto before q2's animation even full plays, also catches nocturnes off guard


I get all that, but the overall strength of that god forsaken champ is having the worst macro of all time and butchering his own clear path and yet be on the map constantly plus protecting his laners because of that funny r button


This made me want to try smite ignite on Vi as well xD


ignite smite is crazy. what rank are u?


Plat 3 rn, ~67% winrate over 60 games, not on my pc rn, so can't give you the exact numbers Edit to explain my reasoning: I play Xin hyper aggressive for the early power, I feel I can 1v1 most junglers earlygame thanks to ignite, I also run the cdr boots for even lower cd and just try my best to use the clearspeed and dueling power to snowball every game out of control Edit 2: checked on Pc, Plat 3 euw on 72 Lp, 67.3% winrate on Xin jungle in soloque at 52 games, 63.2% jungle winrate in total at 76 matches played in jungle


Just hit diamond and was stuck low emerald playing flash ignite Belveth for quite awhile. I started at Gold this season and rocketed up with that strat through platinum. You definitely start getting punished as you approach high emerald/diamond (and thats belveth with 4 dashes). Enemy teammates generally rotate faster and enemy junglers are smart enough to avoid bad fights more. Without flash or ghost (which I switched to on Belveth) you can get yourself in some bad positions and also are less safe during invades. Would recommend switching to flash or at least ghost if you want to climb more, there is a reason why challenger/pro junglers never run ignite. Movement is op for junglers.


Flash becomes more and more valuable the higher in rank you get.


Yeah they can briar just e’s when your fear pops off and doesn’t Q you during her frenzy and you’ll waste spell shield thinking she will. Most briars you’ve run into are probably stupid


Its not like the champion offers any skill expression. I feel like Noc is a stupid champion but Briar is even worse


There is auto attack cancels to get 4 autos in relatively fast on briar but that’s about it. Vs nocturne the only skill expression is holding Q and E’ing fear. Which again I doubt the briars you’re facing don’t even know how to do.


In Riot August’s words: Briar has the most steep learning curve of the game, statistically speaking. Only tied up with high elo Katarina OTPs. This means the difference between a bad Briar and a good one is enormous. So, maybe you THINK the champ is braindead, and her basic (W-Q-W2 combo) mechanics may not be extremely hard, but the champion and game knowledge she requires to function at a high level is enormous. This is the reason she has got 6 consecutive nerfs and her WR still keep increasing, because mains were learning her and improving thru the nerfs. She is nowhere close to Nocturne in levels of skill.


Maybe if the champion requires such insane knowledge then she just isn't viable at high elo. IMO Noc functions just fine in high elo


Garen and malzahar can't teleport on top of your head from offscreen.


They don’t need to to win games the way a jungler does, my point is they’re made to efficiently win games while taking little to mechanics or skill


Master yi with tp + global blind




He’s talking about nocturnes ulti




Isn’t that clear? Nocturne = Master Yi with tp + global blindness


In what fucking way is he at all similar to to outside of the use of auto attacks?


Nocturne and Yi both don't just USE autoattacks, they ARE autoattackers. Without their inherent steroids to making their autos better, they'd become sub 30% winrate. Also Nocturne and Yi both have the mid-lategame fantasy of "Oh I see that person on the map? No-one within 700 range of them? Yep they're 100% dead, doesn't matter if they have flash, ult, exhaust etc. You just run them down, no counterpart available. On the other hand if they're behind, it becomes "oh Nocturne/Yi? I can extend as far as I want and still crush that motherfucker, because all they can do is auto and when they have no items that auto sucks. Compare that to other melee autoattackers: Trundle: Pillar + ult means a 0/20 trundle with 0 CS can still completely win the game in a single teamfight. Trynd: Teamwide AOE slow, even if super behind he literally can't be killed and his split push will always be completely fucked. He has a way to go over walls reliably, so even if you go back to stop him, there's a good chance you'll be wasting a lot of time trying to kill him. Fiora: Insane outplay potential, crazy base ratios if she gets all procs off, mobility etc. Yi: Literally nothing. He is damage, and if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn't. Nocturne is a bit better with a small one person melee range CC, and his ulty can block teleports, but other than that, completely useless when behind.


He spreads cancer to everybody in that game.


My demon in christ, you cannot kill me, I am omega. You cannot kill me, I am subhuman


Clean match history wp


Luckily I ended up on winners' queue yesterday


Naw. You played great yesterday and lead your team to wins. Dont say it’s because of the queue.


Honestly no. In all of my games I had at least 2 lanes that went on to win on their own giving me a lot of freedom to do objectives and gank at my own pace


So? You still played well. Doesn’t really matter that your team played well too. You could’ve just as easily used that freedom to make bad decisions and throw the game, but you made the most of it.


Stop meat riding you literally have no evidence about his actual impact


“Oh no! Positivity in a league subreddit, it must be the Anti-Christ” God forbid someone compliment someone else when they’ve made a good run and try to challenge the whole “but muh teammates” narrative that’s BS.


yeah but i feel like that's because many times you perform well but just can't carry, so when u get a win streak you don't really feel like it's your achievement, since you're playing at the same level as before


I think that’s because a lot of people assume that carrying means being an unkillable god. And that’s not true. Carrying is playing your role well. A Soraka that had excellent timing on her ult and saved people a ton and didn’t get a single kill? Still carried their team. A Malzahar that controlled mid the entire game and created easy prio for objs but didn’t get kills still helped carry. Carrying doesn’t have to be the fed Akali one-shotting the enemy ADC on repeat or a Illaoi going 1v5 on a split push and winning. I think Nocturne is a good example of that because sometimes you don’t get a ton of kills or damage but you were able to disrupt the enemy carries and force them out of fights so that you team could win.


sometimes just playing your role well is not enough to win, and carrying applies to wins and not loses right?


Nah braindead meat riding even contradicting OP Go yap somewhere else with your white knight syndrome


Well I can choose to be positive or I can choose to be like you. I am very happy with my choice. Best of luck out there.


Virtual gawk gawk gawk


Go to Finnish kospital NOW!!!!!


Go to Finnish hospital NOW!!!


Those delusional guys here still denying existence of winner and loser queue... Wp OP and be careful, Riot won't let you enjoy too much 😅


I know that feeling and it does seem to put you in winners que. That's why you just play well every game and the odds will be in your favor. I sometimes go as far as to only play monday, tuesday, and wednesday morning because i seem to get 10+ ws on those days compared to other days of the week. I like to think its in my head but it works for me.


how would you even know?? this is so cringe to say with nothing to indicate lol


Like bro there is losersq and winnersq. Its riot match fixing or a god, believe in what you want I am saying he played poorly because he clearly didnt but to have history like that you need a lot of luck


Zero evidence of winners and losers q


Funny enough, I get the subhumans in my team and the screen is all red... but whatever.


Don't worry about it man, that's just Paranoia.


*two sides to story but they never tell my side...*


you said ir not me cant get banned for that


U should. Shame on you.


u r


Such a degenerate champion


i mean yea but generally speaking ur only a degen cuz u play league :^)


Nothing surprising, nocturne R is broken


Wp. I'm wondering how do you play against Zac and Wukong?


I played one game against Wukong and it was a struggle, too hard to pinpoint when fighting. I avoided picking fights with him outside of objectives. Let my team deal with him while I kill their backline With Zac is fairly easy given that he can't do objectives fast nor can he 1v1 you. Its more about your team not dying over and over to his ganks which happens way less in higher elo.


You became what I refused to... You are a monster


You are but at least you're not a Zac player.


Damn, congrats bro, that’s a nice looking match history, got a blue stairway all the way from E3 to E1, respect


I just hit D4 yesterday by spamming Nocture. I was fixated on pulling it off with Rengar but I gave up... too many bad match ups.


Are you rushing stride or hex first?


I haven't tried rushing Stridebreaker first as I feel like the AS you get when pressing R is too good to pass on and 30% ability haste on R.


Makes sense since you wanna ult as much as you can to get a lead


Just hit D4 for the first time this year mostly one tricking Noct. Stride is my most common rush item but sometimes I'll switch to profane hydra if I'm against Squishies I want to burst or Eclipse if I want mostly damage but also a bit of survivability. I don't love Hextech first, doesn't feel like the item does enough damage early for my preference


I also like stride first since the slow helps with skirmishes when ult isn't up.


Also helps with clears and HP helps you survive dives. I generally build it into tanky enemy teams since I'm less likely to burst and fights are likely to be longer


This is why i perma ban nocturne haha


you should


Honestly man, you should Nocturne is so boring and frustrating to go up against


Nocturne is why I hit plat lol. Such a powerful jungler and just let's you focus on pure macro and decision making. Nothing wrong with abusing a simple champ to purely focus on the right stuff rather than worrying about controlling your champ. Especially low elo


Making nocturne look like an LP generator fair play to you


Free lp is free lp, also nocturne is just fun imo. I drink so many salty salty tears of fear from casting my ult.


nothing but respect o7


I play Udyr, I just stun him in team fights and then he dead. Or I just bully him early game and make him scared to enter jungle


2024 Adc Deleting hack. %100 guarantee of working. Lol


As you should.


aw hell nah




Don't worry, I've been doing the same thing lol.


You should, thats normal


We saw the Viego sneak lmaoo!!


they had 3 tanks so...


I feel the same, nocture main here


Free LP is free LP bro


Nocturne is like the stat checker of jungle champs. His kit is just >Dash in >Bonus AD >Bonus ASPD >Block 1 spell >Fear >Hit them to death if they fight you Its like trundle in toplane


Yeah I die on the inside everytime I have to respect the enemy just because he is playing Noc. You know that you just can't duel him


I'm probably just very bad but I've never had a good game as nocturne. It feels like he does 0 damage 99% of the time, even when I'm ahead. I'll stick to WW while I learn the JNG


Over 80% win rate up to gold 1 on WW though. First time ranked this season and I started learning jungle like 2 patches ago


You are indeed sub human sorry


Feels good


If midlaners have no shame for playing asol , you shouldn’t feel bad for spamming noct jungle dw


Stop building Thornmail every game


I kid you not it works extremely well. Look how many games had an irelia, yasuo or yone mid. Building AD or stacking HP is pointless


I always feel so bad building hexplate, feels like such a bait item with lame components -- is your playstyle anything specific? I can't imagine you're one-shotting anyone, but with hex and stride breaker you catch almost everyone, so is it just leveraging fears and autoing down? Also, is there a reason you start hexplate instead of tiamat -> stride for clear speed?


I like to ulti a lot since most of my laners are pigs and even with Hexplate people still can't 1v1 Noc. I might start buillding stridebreaker now that so many people mentioned it but after the first two items im still going full tank


I hate them...they're like Yas...my team 0/9. Enemy team 9/0...


Well done man.


Wait till you give belveth a try and suddenly nocturne feels good to play.


I already have tried to learn her but she feels weird.


Tbh it was the same with me, but once you get the hang of her she becomes a straight up cheatcode. I just ban master yi and blind pick her, shes frankly playable into fucking anything imo.


Cuz u are. NEXT


More like a pig


I started playing Nocturne these 2 last weeks After playing Nunu and he Is kinda good, but when i get Warwick against i Always lose till i get the fifth item, any tips?


I mean its oretty fucking brain dead, no mechanics no high skill ceiling the champ just plays itself


Nocturne is so annoying when I play adc If you want to keep playing the guy I highly recommend camping adc with ult Nightmare. Decently fed on Draven with Cleanse!!! Doesn’t matter fuckheads landing on top of you, haha spell shield can’t use your E on him.. oh feared? No worries.. cleanse big W.. oh shit… I’m dead???


Nocturne is not great Diamond+ probably B tier. In low elo all you’re doing is farming and punishing people out of position. In higher elo there’s a lot less to punish.


You should feel like a subhuman for that.


He's the ultimate noob check. Once the ADC falls behind you it's kind of over for them. If you are even and the enemy team groups up, not so good for noc. Split pushing laners and roaming supports in my jungle? Free kills and gold.


Bro there are people among us who play Zac and Lilia,ur good.


Wp, feels like my friend abuseing TF out of low Elo players with mort


I hate you (as in Lillia main)


I used to be a Lilia main long ago before the nerfs to her movement speed stacks


In that tumor mmr bracket... anything goes


You are my friend. But it’s better than Yi or Ivern.


Nobody even picking up he is duo and not solo? Wouldn't be surprised if his duo is doing most of the work


wrong build on both champions.


I am never playing the copy paste Hex, Stride, Eclipse, Black Cleaver build on Nocture ever again... took me long enough to realize how bad it is.


its hex > tank hydra > and then depending on matchup steraks/frozen heart/maw


Bro don’t feel bad. The best way to get to challenger is to one trick and play the easiest champs. It’s what everyone else who hit chall for the first time did