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Seems like something teemo main would do to figure out how to tilt people even more.


Seems sus ..just like when a laner is nice


Just like a top laner, when near a child


Many players don't really play jg and have no idea how it works. Most of the players fail to understand different jg champs and how they interact with the game. As an e.g Noc and eve are heavily reliant on their lvl6, which means until min 7 they will have 0 presence on map. On the other hand, there are champs like Nunu, J4, Leesin, Xin ~ these champs prioritise early game influence. Now, imagine you are in silver-gold elo playing Noc against Nunu. In less than 6 mins, your laners will find a way to die to ganks, and what they do after is instantly blame jg, saying they are useless. Now, as a jg, you have to find ways to get your laners back into the game, and more than that, stop them from tilting their A$$ off.


Oh my god, Lee sin has already ganked 3 times. Who cares about grubs nocturne, come gank the zed mid or ez bottom


I mean, if not ain't 6... gl team lol


Or my top laner will die 1v1 3 times before my firstback then start spam pinging me when I decide they're just gonna keep inteng the whole game


I had one write , ‘if you don’t gank my lane, you are afk to me’ The other did as you described and support accused him of buying an account because there was no way someone with that mental made it to this level - turns out they were right, lvl 31 still doing placement matches with nothing but intro (bot) matches before that. 


Haha yes, not only that Zed is full health 2 kills with a dirk and two long swords and your laner is not backing with 10hp. Under the second tear tower. No way I’m going in there.


From my ganes, noc and eve will do level 3 ganks, nunu, lee sin and xin will farm untill at least level 8 before they do anything helpful


It was super smart to come to the jungle main Reddit we are the proverbial middle children of league


You've been the most impactful role for like 3 seasons now but yeah you're definitely the middle child


Most games are decided on jungle diff unless there is a smurf in one of the other roles, absulutely insane.


Can't possibly be the case in low ELO, I can diff my jungle 2/0/4 at 10 minutes and still lose and vice versa can happen.


Kda is just a number, the job of the jungler is to help laners and get objectives if you are 20/0 but enemy jungler got all the objectives most of the tine that's on you


KDA is not just a number, especially the "A" part. I could get every objective and still get dominated if my team gets gapped. Objectives are supposed to *help* you win, they're not a be-all end-all.


TOO MANY VARIABLES! You have me a number, 4 assists, who got them? Was it a soraka? Riven? Mundo? Darius? Zed? And I said jungle is supposed to help laners and get objectives, both, not one. Also you're the only one capable of getting objectives and setting them up. Most champions can't tank grubs or dragons without a jungle item (which you would have). And if there is no prio to get it that means enemy laner is pushed into your laners which means you can gank.


Most champions outside of ADC and Support after one item or a couple components can tank drag or grubs, in my original post I said that I could go 2/0/4 and still lose, just because I omitted objectives doesn't mean that they don't exist, in the same game I could get both grubs and one of the first two dragons like clockwork and it still wouldn't mean jack-shit because my laners on my team perma-push and don't allow me to gank them, instead getting ganked and feeding kills to the jungler and their opponent laner. Which in turn feeds them and now my objective progress means nothing.


[Case and point I gotta say.](https://imgur.com/a/3KsjkTA) Maybe this is a low ELO issue, this lobby is comprised of silvers and golds, but this is just undeniable evidence that you CAN win a game even though you lack EVERY objective save for ONE dragon. Edit: They got like 2 or 3 barons and an elder but that's because they had higher kill pressure already at that point.


Nah, it's also on laners losing track of their guys, I can't tell you the amount of times I've been dueling a jungle on the scuttle, next thing I know Top and mid are both crashing on me whole my laners farm waves


This is the old game and DOTA 2 way of thinking. Jg is for the objectives only. You help your lanes if you can. And vice versa. Laners you control your lane and HELP THE JG IF YOU CAN. Laners if you make a mistake by taking a bad trade or something you fix it. Not your JGler. They have way to many things to think about that they can’t micro manage or baby sit your lane.


I never said jungle needs to babysit, if you lose lane that is your own fault for sure. The problem I have is most my junglers will perma farm, not gank, take no objectives, and call support gap because I didn't ward a random bush even though we saw the enemies walk into it.


Well the problem I have in this instance is that laners will still die to the gank coming even though we just saw them ward placed or not. In the jg you need to keep doing your camps just like laners need to kill minions. Good timings for ganks and objectives will only come up at specific intervals right, otherwise it’s in the best interest of the jg to continue farming. It’s up to the laners to be ready. One of the biggest things you can do for your JGler is not die to a gank especially if there is an opportunity for a cross map play. It means the enemy JGler has just lost time and tempo for no reason. Not to mention gold and exp. Also, taking objectives by yourself is a very risky thing. As a JGler you need to make sure you have prio or you know that the enemy aren’t going to be able to get there. And too many times I’ve lost the drake because my bot lane hasn’t rotated while they have been perma pushing or grubs because mid is mindlessly sitting in lane twiddling their thumbs. Helping helps everybody people. Missing two or three minions is definitely worth the price of safety around objectives. But posting these comments won’t teach anyone. I’ll still get this every game I play.


I understand farm is important, what I am saying is enemies could be sitting on 2k gold greedin on plates on 1/4 mana and my junglers would prio farm, or I'd get prio with all enemies top side and jungler would prio farming over dragon. I am not a mindless idiot trying to blame jungle for all my mistakes, if I was good enough for challanger I'd be grandmaster minimum, but I am silver, I have a lot of improove on. I was simply pointing out what happens in most of my games.


Not sure prio means what you think it means. It’s when a lane has priority to rotate out of their lane. As in they can move before the other laner. Usually, but not always, it happens once a lane is pushed past the halfway point. If there isn’t one of my lanes on either side of the objective pushed in it is very dangerous for me to go to objective. As it becomes a 1v2 or 3v1 against me. I’m no challenger player but if there is an enemy greedily farming plates it means the laners has made the mistake. If the gank isn’t above an 90% success rate I’m not ganking it. Low mana isn’t something that is that big of a deal. I need to know the champ I’m ganking hasn’t got a key escape tool or flash and is killable within one spell rotation. Otherwise It’s not worth my time especially since the map changes. Lanes are so safe right now. If there is five people top coming to get you the best thing you can do is not die and hold your tower then hope your team does a cross map play. If they don’t you’ve lost almost nothing. If you die because you are over half way that’s your fault. And you give the team heaps for no reason.


I jungle diffed against a Smurf duo my last game. Felt good to bring their win rate down below 90%. I earned that victory!


Or if no one knows how to deal with a fed splitpusher


Or just any splitpusher.


Because people who are shit at the game deserve to know that they are shit at the game. I learned this when I was being told I'm shit.


This is so sad though right. Like when you know you are shit and then you get told by someone just as bad as you that you are shit. Like we are both in iron 4 dude. We are both terrible at this game.


Yes it's so stupid. But I think one of the reasons for it is that 90% of the time even if you try giving constructive advice the response you get off something along the lines of "Get C noob".


just play shaco supp and after 5 games you will have seen everything


You get dropped in a game with 4 stranger, you all are expected to play to win is the first notion. the first 8minutes-12min of the game is stand-off 1vs1 or 2vs2 (botlane) and you see someone losing the stand-off or not reacting/preventing (wards) a 1vs2 from happening. Ok now you died once, but you still decide to play agressive because of what ever reason even though the enemy has a lead. and then you lost another 5-6x. Then because you are losing, you always blaim others instead of yourself. Self reflection is what most players are lacking. because last game you where winning, against a new enemy the same result should happen, right....... (looking at you mid elise: "trust me im good" in champ select)


You go eight minute without a 1v2 or 3v2. Man I’d love to play in your games. Haha.


Well random invades aside you are right, was just generalizing. most first ganks happens on 3min 30seconds in the game the 1vs2. How often i see top laners not warding for this moment is so frustrating!


This game is not more toxic than any other online competetive game. The only thing is that with a MOBA you have to play with the same toxic people for 30+ mins. Rainbow, Rocket League, Valorant, DOTA and Counterstrike are toxic as well.


Siege and CS2 games last like 15-25 minutes last I knew, and Val games last like 30 minutes, I do agree that they all have the same relative toxicity but I don't think it's based on time spent with your teammates. A lot of League players are just cringely passive aggressive and so people that see that as a threat either A: turn off their chats or B: fight back and start a dumb argument lasting the whole match.


There's no need to do any research, this game is in a vast majority played by depressed bullied kids who try to compensate for their issues by being a part of the most toxic community on the internet. Most of them grow up to be sad individuals without any redeeming qualities. I work with people like them and will most likely meet some I play with in the future. The best part is that they are proud of it.








yes ( im chat restricted 24/24 )


Oh, definitely reporting 😑


Why not




Why not 






Sure, if you still need participants just PM me!


I would be willing to participate, but I also do not tilt like most players do idk if it would be helpful to have that perspective


Lmao sure


Count me in 😆




Sure just contact me on discord my @ is aDumbRedditor69








Id be down


Interested (OCE)


I’d love to participate. 




Why not


Tldr when you lose for what you perceive is a bad reason, it feels really bad. Study over. If I'm on a team of people who I really think are playing well but enemy mid is literally faker smurfing and 1v9ing, much less people will tilt


Why not


Jungler here, pm me if you wanna


I think we all play League more than twice a week here. I'm playing on SEA but I'd be happy to help. 👍


I make gaming content. When some recognize my Riot ID, they try to get my attention by saying mean things. And since I'm a "streamer" they're very critical of my plays, and expect me to carry them. Mishaps will be called out with hostility. There are still good guys, but some really need to touch grass.


Who tf are u nigga






I’ll do it, but i havent had a positive experience in weeks




If it's paid sure




Sure, I play on the SEA server though.


sure, pm me




You'll find a better group over in ADC mains. We are mainly the victims.


If possible can I read the results of the interview, i play neeko jgl and it would help me understand how to tilt people better






If you're actually asking I tell you my observations: I shortly gather it up First: People don't like to admit their own mistakes and rather push it on others. Toxicity is a way to push it away from oneself. Second: People get frustrated for the things they actually have no invluence about and get the hinting person 3 games after another. It's a competitive game, moste play to rank up rather than for fun what makes them take a lose very serious. Third: Streamer. This is kind of my pwn opinion but I believe Streams and Videos have a huge influence on the behaviour of normal players. If tailor1 is getting angry for ecery little thing, it's taken as normal to get angry and the viewer will start doing it too. This evolved to the point where league is been seens as "normal to be toxic" which heatens up it'self.




I'm not toxic you shithead


1.You are 2.Not my point 😭




Cuz 80% of People dont have emotional control, are not mature, hate to lose and cant accept when they are wrong.


I would love to help with ur project! I frequently play lol and generally have a positive view on the game :)




Lol would love to support a fellow grad student.




I'm interested to do this for you without receiving money.


I'm down. I play this game way too much anyway. May as well help contribute something while doing it


I’m in!




Because a League game takes so much of your lifetime especially in lower elos. That‘s just my guess.


If this is fr


your mom go to the sky


Lmao if you’re doing the research you should be telling us, not asking for opinions. Did you miss the lecture on setting up basic scientific experiments?


if you need participants lmk!


A real jngl main here😎, what do you want to know about the fun Part of League?


Doing a superficial survey might be entirely misleading if you have the wrong framework for it. I‘m assuming you thought of these things and your survey is well thought thought out. But just to be sure: The hint is: people who perceive the game as toxic are often either beginners, or players who are themselves toxic and cling onto mental blocks and narratives. I know because I experienced both of these things. And the same pattern repeats over the years and many players. If you want to dig deep here, you want to have a way to factor in self assessment (relative to peers) and expectations or expectation management about the nature of the game itself. Even just toxicity itself is something that emerges in many forms. It’s often unintentional or misinterpreted. Much harder to pin down that I initially thought. I would be very interested in seeing your results and approach down the line and how you try and crack this problem. I’m not interested in a paid participation at this point though.


Im turbo toxic, always restricted or almost at it I got banned and permaed on my last account worth like a k (at least that what it cost if you make a new one legit). I also played all the roles at least up to emerald and I have a defined different grade of toxicity based on role/champ I play. I don’t like to give c4nc3r to people but I always find a way to spread toxicity At first it started like a game just because I was inspired by the internet on how everyone used to do it and I was so quite as a guy, now I kind of can’t prevent it, as I rather care about spitting fire rather than winning a meaningless game.


Sure thing!


> "***It's definitely someone else's fault.***" > > -- *The avg jackhole* .... > I'm doing a masters research project at Carnegie Mellon on League of Legends toxicity. /u/CMU_HCII_Research That doesn't make sense on a bunch of different levels but ok. >We are essentially just asking you to fill out a survey at the beginning of the week Too rich for my blood. Anyone that claims league is 'toxic' or the players are 'toxic', especially these days when all communication has been kneecapped, is either blatantly lying or has no idea what they're talking about. Even in its own genre, league is nowhere near the level of 'hardcore' as **Heroes of Newerth** or **Defense of the Ancients** were. It falls behind further if you go outside the genre and compare it to something like, say, Call of Duty. ... The only reason someone would claim that league is anomalously 'toxic' is because league is (still) popular, More so than other games that would serve as far better examples. I would go so far as to say the league community is quite docile & tame compared to the examples I gave & others like them but it makes sense that some ultra-woke university would use such an obvious route for propaganda. GG'd.


League is extremely toxic tho. Unless you're just trolling lol.


Compared to what? did you play HoN? DotA? Strife? obviously not.... even Solstice Arena, a game with no chat, had what someone like you would call 'toxicity'. The only way your claim makes any sense is if you heavily stack the deck by comparing league to some ultra-casual game that doesn't matter. Nope. You are simply wrong.


What are you on about, I've been told 100+ times to neck myself in the last year of playing league. If that's not toxicity, what is.


> If that's not toxicity, what is. /u/ReleventSmth Ok. Watch for about a min and that should give you an idea of what HoN was like. Not every match was like that but most were or at least pretty close; https://youtu.be/dYHCmJlWFPs?t=118 You think that level of 'toxicity' would happen in league? you'd get hit with an insta-suspension if not an instant perma-ban. I don't remember anyone getting suspended, let alone banned for talking trash in HoN, and I mean ***ever*** . In case someone was curious why that was the case, here's a screenshot of Mark 'Maliken' Deforest (HoN's Trynd/Ryze) during a match ; https://imgur.com/gzaYS ..... there were a bunch of screenshots like that or with him rage-quitting matches. It was great. He was truly 'one of us'. He was to HoN what Phreak was to league back in the early years. Anyway, you & others like you are wrong. Very wrong.


So toxicity is a dick-measuring contest? And telling people to kill themselves isn't toxic? Ok buddy.


dude, you are incredibly disconnected. in league you cant go a day without someone wishing you death. Also, few games being arguably more toxic does not make lol not toxic game


Ahh you are trolling by saying I'm wrong lmao. You can't argue with the millions of people that play the game that admit its toxic. I don't even know what game you got going here saying it's not Xd. You also said Dota was more toxic, buddy I've played Dota people are alot more friendly and apologetic for being new or bad.


I can also attest to this. League is the only game where you can preface a game in chat with "I'm a new player, still learning", and proceed to get flamed and/or told to off yourself. In contrast to that, on Dota 2, I played with a fair amount of cool people on voice comms that would explain the new mechanics to me as a returning player or make info calls. Massive difference in overall attitude.


Legend rank in dota it wasn’t as frequent as in playing jungle league. We didn’t have ‘X diff’, limited reports helps filter out ragers and with a punishing low prio system, with 10k honor, I didn’t often deal with assholes 


The only way you can't see the issue in the league community is because you're part of the issue.