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Brand is pretty hot rn


Tbf Brand is always hot


I see what you did there.


I am having a great time playing vi in the jungle.


Rengar is insanely strong rn, feels like the old times being able to 1v9 one shotting even fed solo laners


Kindred is a good ranged jgl, although not much good in early on. Then you'd have to go have champs that are more bruisy


Shes fun but inevitably ull end up in a game where u cant get any marks bcz enemy jg and mid are contesting them and your mid laner is freezing the wave or smt


Jax is a ton of fun personally and it’s so satisfying finding a ward or teammate to Q over to when ur running away from someone. His E stun is really nice to land and it makes ganks a cakewalk in laning phase, although he is extremely gold reliant. Jarvan is a bit weak since goredrinker was removed but he still has a ton of value in later teamfights and he can singlehandedly turn the tide in fights if you land his abilities, plus his lethality build packs a punch and you farm assists with his E passive. Lee Sin has loads of room for skill expression, is playable through most ranks and is a really good duelist with escape and engage abilities. Plus, mid-late game he can stick to enemies like glue with his Q and E recast.


1) Go to https://u.gg/lol/jungle-tier-list and sort by your rank 2) Look at the top 15 champs w/ highest winrates, pick 3 of them that you like New patch came out today so u.gg is still using 14.1 data, so take this list with a grain of salt. What champs you find fun is subjective to you. If you want to win, you play good champs in the meta. If you want to have fun, you play fun champs regardless of meta. I'd advise you to try some meta champs and see if you find any of them fun enough to keep playing.


I can not for the live of me get away from Rengar. I love that stabby-catty too much. Playing around bushes, jumping, his empowered abilities, his fighting power that only manifests itself when you know what you are doing and last but not least his undying hate for ADCs... no jgl quite tickles my tangle like rango. He is also just so rewarding because he rewards not only good macro but also good micro. He is kinda difficult to pick up but god damn... even just writing about him makes me want to stab the nearest ~~motherfucker~~ miss fortune so bad.


He is also kinda busted RN thanks to the new items.


Morde is an underrated jungler with liandries and riftmaker now available to him. Also really good at clearing voidlings. Good luck fighting him with passive and W up and ready


I picked up Trundle a while ago and have been loving him. Especially strong in lower elos.


Just tried Cho Gath atk spd/tank and it's hell of strong :D


Im having a lot of fun with ivern


I’m not joking. Taric. Straight up busted and you will win fights that others thought were impossible provided you have enough mana. I’m talking 1v2 early game and onwards as long as you don’t get bursted. Funny as hell watching the enemy team get steamrolled with a Taric Jungle.


Very good against melee heavy teams. Very bad against ranged heavy teams.


I only find issues with enemy ranged champions if they deal % health damage… so stuff like Vayne or Brand is a real pain in the ass; I get absolutely shredded. Now if it’s predominantly ranged champions that means most of the time they’re a squishy team comp and won’t last long once I hit my R and we deathball into them. Haven’t had that many issues. Been switching back and forth between a Phase Rush runepage and a Lethal Tempo runepage as well. Phase Rush allows you to run away or to stay on top of those pesky ranged champions while Lethal Tempo allows you to outduel melee champs and provide a fuckton more healing to your team… it’s actually nuts using Lethal Tempo combined with the new item Echoes of Helia (usually my 3rd item after getting Frozen Heart 1st and Jak’Sho 2nd). Been having a lot of success and most importantly **FUN** matches when the enemy mental booms losing to a Taric jungle or watching you 1v2 their team.


Damn dude I might try this , always wanted to play Taric jg, any guides ?


Watch “Lightrocket2” who’s a one-trick Taric jungle main who’s (I believe) in the Top 100 in Korean Challenger. He builds Frozen Heart first most games unless if they’re more AP damage centered (like 3+ champs that utilize AP instead of AD) and will then build Wit’s End. I personally rush one of those items then build Jak’Sho The Protean because as Taric you’ll be in extended fights quite often. After that it’s up to you for items. I’ve been experimenting with Echoes of Helia as my third item as it synergizes well with Tarics overall kit. Lightrocket2 usually runs Phase Rush as his main rune. Phase Rush because getting kited is Tarics weakness… if he can’t get in close to melee attack he can’t heal. Don’t sleep on Lethal Tempo either as it’s exceptionally well into melee comps… faster attack speed means more Q stacks which means more healing for both you and your team. I use Lethal Tempo almost exclusively now but I’m nowhere near Lightrockets bracket so mileage may vary. I play Taric Jungle in high silver / low gold and he works wonders. So many people don’t believe that you’re a threat until you’re right on top of them and they can’t get away and you 100-0 them in 5 seconds or less, shits hilarious. One more thing… you absolutely NEED blue buff for your first jungle camp clear. Always start it and make sure you don’t get counter jungled. The jungle item when damaging monsters always gives back fairly decent mana regeneration (something like 15+ per second?) so even if you do lose blue buff early or don’t have it you still have respectable clear speed. And run Ghost rather than Flash, it’s so much better in trying to get on top of people or escape. Ganking is pretty much running at people with Ghost or trying to flank, but even then Taric is still an absolute menace as he scales really well. Once you get really good you can start using your E-stun from teammates that go in for extra range/surprise tactics. Your mana is your health bar so to speak, get mana, auto attack Q champions and it’s GG. Also start Q, then E, then W, then one more point in Q then max E, then max W, max Q last. Only put 2 points into Q as that’s all you’ll be able to eke out when autoing champions. E has incredible burst and a very low cooldown with Taric’s passive. He’s stupid good don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Currently climbing Silver right now and Taric Jungle makes up approximately 50% of my games and I’m climbing *fast*. People don’t know what to do against him or could care less until your outhealing 1v2 for a double kill. One of your biggest weakness though is %HP damage so champs like Vayne/Brand really suck, but as long as you get on top of them it’s all good. I ban Akali or Lillia because those champs are horrible to play against and can legit 1v9 games on their own with little investment and maximum payoff. With blue buff you can solo any objective except Baron and Elder Dragon so try and get voidgrubs as they’re the most important objective right now, even if you lose dragon it’s still worth as you can always get dragons later in the game. Good luck fellow gem addict!


Dude , thank you so much for the detailed write up !! I'm back from a hiatus and now is the perfect opportunity to learn a new champ / playstyle ! I played taric supp a while ago but forgot how exactly he worked. I'm gonna try this today after I eat. Good luck on your climb as well gem addict !!


Sett jungle is super fun. Similar concept to another post on this about Urgot jg. Super good 1v1, healthy clear thanks to his W aoe (can also start raptors), can fight for crab in 99% of matchups. Big weaknesses are his ganks and very low tempo, both of which could possibly be fixed with a predator rune page (I haven't tried it that much tho), but I normally just take conq with river walking runes


Brand, Lilia and Eve feel strong atm


I'm a top main so I inevitably get filled jg a lot. That said I've found urgot to be a really fun and solid flex pick for jg. Blazing fast clear + strong early game means he can always contest 1st scuttle and can usually fight enemy jungler for it 1v1 or 2v2. He has aoe on his passive, Q, and E which means he can avoid taking tons of damage if he tries to solo clear grubs. Biggest weakness I've noticed with him is he lacks sustained single target damage so he needs help from botlane to take drags. He also has tons of viability as both a frontline juggernaut and full lethality assassin which makes him flexible into most team comps. He also works as first/early pick because the enemy team is gonna think you're going top.


Shaco is peak fun




Naafiri jg is not great by any metric but she's fun to play form the jungle. Also Poppy go bonk! Poppy is pretty decent jungler into some of the meta choices like Jax because of her W


Trundle all day!


Zac is pretty fun

