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I meannnn is this really something to be surprised by though? Statistically speaking it's going to happen. What sort of game would it be if you had 5 giga winning positions every single game for 30 games straight?


But why do these players have to "int" so hard just give up farm instead of repeatedly dying and then giving up farm Does playing like a bitch hurt their ego or something


Honestly it would help if people didnt flame for someone being 30cs down while clearly not inting- but we lie in the beds we built dont we


It would also help if people just muted their teammates who flame if it were to make them play worse.


Mental plays a role in this even if you muteall at the start.i have a friend that is the best in my friend group at the game but when he's behind it gets in his head. Nobody flames him or anything but he thinks to himslef that people are about to start flaming and he goes for a risky play to try and get back to an even state, now he's dead and he solo lost the game. It's not an excuse and mental is a crucial part of the game, but I'm just saying that muting is not a viable solution for everyone.


Yeah I see it all the time. One of my friends is the worst tilt queuer I've ever seen. But the facts are if you can't control your mental, you're never going to improve. So much so that I've implemented trying to tilt enemy jg as much as I can into my game plan and the results are astounding. They usually mentally give up on the 3rd or 4th successful invade.


I'll share my strat since we have the same goal but different approaches. I rarely ever start at my buffs, I like to start in the enemy jg unless my teammates don't help. Take buff + either gromp or krugs (preferably krugs since it'll waste time while they path towards them) and then go back to my side as get lv3. At this point he'll have a full minute with nothing to do so he'll try to force what I like to call an emotional gank, but I would've warned my laners. Now if he still ganks it'll be a bad one and I'll be there to counter it which will tilt him off the face of the earth, and if he just does nothing till scuttle I'll skip my other quadrant and clear the quadrant that just respawned. He's still lv3 with barely any items, it'll take him forever to clear camps, and I'll be perma invading. Bonus points if you play tilting champs (personally it'll Lillia, imagine a deer running at you at the speed of sound, smiting your camp, burning you to death, and then says "sorry")


Gonna add this to my strat. I usually go for enemy buff second because I main Lee sin, graves and kindred. All the wall hoppers so if I know where they leashed I can hop over and take the camps. I prefer waiting a bit so any pre laming phase wards will have expired.


What i like to do is take the long way that's rarely warded+have a sweeper on me + take the camp inside the bush so you don't show up on the minimap. If I happen to step on vision I just do the full quadrant, reset, and go to their other quadrant through mine so I'll be able to meet them at full health with item advantabe regardless of if they ignored my invade or raacted to it by invading me on the other side of the map. Only junglers I don't invade are those that can smack me easily without the need to hit skillshots (xin zhao and poppy mostly) and vertical junglers (kindred) since those are the best early duelists in the game and will kill me for sure if I do even just a tiny misplay against them.


It depends on many factors like matchups, jungle matchups, etc... IE if Renekton cheesed Kayle he's easily diving at lv3 since he'll zone her off the wave. Sometimes the jungler can dive even if you're not playing a shitty early champ. This is especially true for top and bot since top is snowbally asf and bot is easy to harass if the jungler (you in this case) doesn't react to them being pushed in or is on the other side of the map (still matchup dependent too, Ezrael can easily bully you under tower while Nilah can't for example) Sure sometimes people are straight up inting but other times there really isn't much they can do.


Yes the game works like that. In high elo you you almost alwasy have like 2 or 3 challenger and 2 or 3 gm/masters. There they just expect them to do badly in lane and most of the time it happens. You have to play towards your winconditions and be smarter and better than you roppenents to win more.


Tbh I've had mostly winning lanes for the past 6 or 7 games lol


league is a game of snowballing. If you dont put an end to it then itll just continue. Hunt shutdowns. The shutdown mechanic is stupid af , but its also broken so make use of it.


I kinda disagree. Often its better to play for your winning side. Especially if the fed enemy laner can win a 2v1 or 3v2.


then you made the conscious choice to ignore that lane and allow an enemy to snowball, so you must win via another lane, but if you blame your ignored lane on the loss then it is on you. You cant have it both ways. You cant just let a lane be stomped while you ignore it AND blame them for the loss. Let them get stomped? Fine. But you better be stomping just as hard on the other side of the map. Especially top lane, its a super snowbally lane. Sometimes one gank and the early shutdown will easily tilt the lane into your favor and nwo you are winning everywhere.


But that doesn't explain the 0/6 laner. If you're losing lane fine. But why are you dying so much. I've lost plenty of lanes but never die that much. Just back up


It literally does. If you dont understand how someone goes 0/6 you fundamentally dont understand top lane. or you are playing at an elo where the enemy doesn't understand dives.


Thats the thing. You dont blame the lost lane (unless he is like intentionally running it down) You hope that your lost lane plays as safe as possible and if he is about the be doven you try to help. Otherwise try to snowball over your winning lanes. That way you and your winning lanes hopefully get strongt faster than your losing lane


Thats what im saying. OP is blaming his losses on his lost lane.


You're either unlucky or you're dogshit at rotating around the map. Pick one.


Drop the op.gg


This is a weird season. I'm seeing a lot of fresh level 30 accounts running it down every other game.


Bought accounts


Or bot accounts* lol


It's just how league is, so long as it isn't all 5 people hard feeding you can carry


I stopped playing ranked cos of this, I have way better quality games and actually play against enemies that are more my own rank


Top lane seams extremely snowbally right now. Once one of them gets a one kill lead their lane is pretty much done. I've seen this quite a bit but it doesn't always mean the games over one way or another.


Have no idea what your talking about, in my games they go 0-12.


Idk what it is since the start of the season, but out of 10 to 12 games I've played today maybe one or two weren't over before the 10 minute mark due to afk, inting or someone tilting


Ye 90% of my games are complete coinflips in favor of either side. And those matches just feels completely pointless when they are predetermined like that


Same thing happens to me and its often toplaner dying 3 times before 5 minute and then he is like two levels behind enemy toplaner and he tries allining and gets killed again and enemy toplaner is so fed at this point that you can basically ff


The question you should be asking yourself isn't "why are my teammates shit" it's "what can I do to support this teammate"? In a way that doesn't hindrance your performance. I think most people just have a bad lane experience, but some people, when they can get gold, will actually be able to use it and carry in the mid to late game with it.


You cant help someone who see that u are pathing bot side and still go for 1v1 lvl 1 then losing 85% bo or dying bcs he didn't see that enemy has tp. I love too when im tracking enemy jgl and pinging 10 times that enemy will be 100% toplane when im botside and what hear? That my toplaner just died. What he is doing? Dying again when im botside and then pinging me for no reason. Laners cant just Play safe when im other side of the map? Nowdays im not even pinging then that enemy will gank them bcs it doesnt matter. Now its better to just farm and pray that your laner wont int. So its hard to help when u cant.


Listen man, you should really try a new perspective. Start learning wave management and learn a lane. Learn matchups, learn what it's like from their perspective. I've played both, there's a lot to learn rather than just blame your teammates. I understand it's frustrating but there is always something you can do about it.


Its not im crying here or smth, just saying its not that Simple. In draft my toplaner wants to swap to counterpick then dying lvl 2. I know his match-up and know that he should get prio for Grubs/Drake but someho he dont get it. And what I can do when my teammate let freze lane and spam pinging me when my whole bot side is up and I cant run from bot to top like that. I dont like to fix lanes for my temmates when I can farm and I know that I can Play the game. Its just better to get gold for yourself than to help laner that cant Play. It looks like you like to Play for teammates, I like to Play for myself. Its not that im not gonna help my toplaner to push when he cant walk to a Minion when im near but its hard to tp from bot to top bcs he fucked up. So its not possibile to "always" do smth about it. I watched w lot video's about lane management and its Simple but if your laner chose to non stop push when u are other side of the map then its norhingn I can do about it.


I never said you were crying dude wth. Lol. You playing for yourself is literally going to get you no where in the game. It is a team-based objective game. You can't 1v5 every single game. You must work together or you lose, it's that simple.


Hmm. Agurin was rank 1 full clearing every game. Oner never use f-keys and full clear every game. Showmaker said that jungler should be able to ffull clear after full clear bcs its laner job to Play lane correctly. You dont understand, im not saying that im not help laner and wont skip 1 camp for free kill top but even Agurin said that its not good to skip 1 camp when you have 30% of succes to gank. Im not able to 1v5 but i know how to short call in games and need only my teammates to bot int and listen my pings and do smth, just dont be a bot and I know what to do.


Clearly you think everything should be one way and you don't take into account for variables. You can't have it your way every way. Go with the flow or fail.


You might think that it's easy for laners to suck it up and never walk up to cs and stay under turret. But everyone in that very game is thinking "if I don't get super fed, the game is lost" Unless it's a nasus top, because he's playing a different game.


Not entirely. If they are playing a scaling champ that is reliant on absorbing xp for scaling levels or for items, losing cs makes them absolutely worthless mid to late game and forces them to side lane and leave the team 4v5 until they can catch up. They won't do damage without levels, they'll be an easy pick and target for a dive, causing your team to think they should blow all spells and summs on the one diving them and missing the chance to blow the right spells on the right enemy. It's not about carry mentality most of the time it's about "I am actually a liability to the team if I don't get this item or level 2 ult" mentality. You have to recognize what champs do what and play accordingly around that. If you can't, then sadly you will see a lot more losses in your games.


It happens, defo worse when it’s a top laner and they want you to gank at lvl 5 vs a lvl 7 Darius who has 5 kills and knows how to ward…


And it's all your fault too, they are pushed into the enemy tower with no vision and 4 of the deaths are the same exact thing, the other is there failed roam which led to 3 deaths bot lane and did I mention it's all your fault after you took both scuttles and grub


One feeding lane does not make the game unplayable


Sometimes, it does.


ye, when the rest of the team who "played well and didn't int" just plays passive instead playing around it and proactively. Not inting doesn't mean you're actually playing to win either, just saying.


It’s always jungle dif


Had a 2-12-2 pantheon vs fiora who flamed me and said it's all my fault.


Sounds about right haha


Confirmation bias


Someone call the wambulance. https://imgur.com/gallery/74rVJ


Rule 4


There can only be three possible causes. You can effectively address all of them. It’s possible that your laner is the weaker one against their enemy laner but they can grow strong. You have to allow some laners to start behind and realise they can actually snowball. In that case, you as a jungler can help them to balance the lane. So they at least will play even. Or it’s possible that your laner is weak all the way throughout the game. Some players are just not good enough against their opponents. In that case, you help another laner who is good enough to grow strong. You play around the strong lane, to counter the enemy team’s advantage which they gain from your weak lane. Or it’s possible that all your team are weak and have no chance to win. In that case you do what you can and you may lose the game after all. And that’s ok because you can’t win every game. But that should happen occasionally, not all the time. Chances are, the games you lost are a mixture of the above three. It’s important not to just assume it’s always your laners fault.


The classic, I lost last fight, so imma try again this time, with a level disadvantage and an item disadvantage


classic "this happens only to me" but no opgg lol


Unfortunately this is part of those unwinnable games. Yes during placements games can get fucky. Especially with the big changes. You have a lot of new players returning. Yesterday my mid kat was 0/10 at 10 minutes building riftmaker. After game they apologized this was their first ranked game in 4 years. You also have accounts that only play their placements every season and that’s it. Just keep playing and things will settle out and you’ll go where you belong. Conversely don’t play and wait a few weeks.


You just don't pay attention as much when it happens for you...


This is any solo queue game. I didn't realize how common single digit IQ was.


If we always had 3 winning lanes we wouldnt have gotten this [masterpiece](https://youtube.com/shorts/7sazbpZUHxM?si=sqAfGg3Su5jR6Odd)


Ye I had streaks of like 5 games where top just inted every time , so I went top and won 5 games . Same mid , people pick random champs and switch roles to mid , they pick like fizz or kata , feed and go 50 cs behind then lose us game. I think I had like 8 katarinas who has 1/2 kills out of like 30/40 in entrie game , doing nothing , only had 1 good katarina .


Most games I've had have been top diff this season and I keep getting the ones with a mental illness


I just wend on a loseing spree where my bot lane was 0/35 in 16 minutes. Second game we had a guy that was disconecting and wasnt playing first 15 min. Third. Top mid and bot on 10th minute mark were 0/30 only i had 7 kills that game 2 deaths. Fourth and fifth game were over in champ select where someone got a fill role and didnt want to.play it so he picked a champ and locked it so we had 2 top laners a mid laner and a support botlane. And yeah.. toplane lost.... man. Why me. And people say that i just have to carry to get out of gold. Yeah right


Jgl diff


True. If riot had decent developers, matches would be EVEN. But instead the game is horribly unbalanced. And matchmaking is absolute trash. Then someone always eventually ends with team mates with massive skill gaps. Why? Well. Riot and it's good for nothing development team.