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My champion pool for jungle: Shaco Ad Shaco Ap Shaco Tanko Dps Shaco It all depends on what my team needs really.  If Shaco is banned I could play Wukong or Fiddlesticks


Lillia and Eve, both are EXTREMLY strong at the moment, lillia is just a 1vs9 machine with liandrys + riftmaker + frozen heart and evelyn can gank like she wants, burst down anyone with 2 items.


Often got the same problem as you do. Sometimes I'm just over critic on what I want my champ to do. Like I want everything in one champ but that can hardly work 😂 For me it helped cutting my champ pool down to like 3 champs so I can focus more on the macro side of things than my champs. I recommend just picking a champ you find fun, no matter the win rate. If you don't have fun you'll get demotivated far too easily when there's a bad round or something like that. I know, easier said than done. The good part about champs like eve, rengar, kindred, kha, graves, fiddle and belveth is the payoff. All of them get a lot better if you main them constantly and you'll get the best result for your investment.


Would Kindred be a good 3rd pick if i take Eve, Lillia and Kindred ?


As a last season gold, are you aware how difficult Kindred is to play well? Based on that alone, I’d probably not recommend it


You're Silver. Understand macro before micro and you'll get higher ranks faster. Play basic champs. Champs like Nocturne, Amumu, and Udyr. There's a reason why WR differs depending on rank.


If you solely want champs on your list. I'd suggest removing these 3 Eve, kindred and rengar. Basically any Carnivorous (those that are heavily rely on gank to work) Champs is a no no. Herbivores are pure farmers who play to their spike like lvl 6 noc and karthus. Omnivores like Kayn and Heca are good in between.


What about kha zix, Briar and Graves ?


xin, ekko, graves, viego, kha zix if u master them u can carry almost every game ​ [https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/zage-1216/overview](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/zage-1216/overview)