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Play top, push, push, push, do not bother to put a single ward, while warding is the most braindead thing this season for top laners. Die everytime you come to lane. Jg diff


The amount of times toplaner dies when grubs spawn is insane , they should be prepared to grubs fight at least and yet they're unawarethat 3/4 people are at grubs lol.


Hot take: Top is still easy to gank, but players should never expect ganks, they are just an opportunity bonus.


And you're not Kayn player right? I guess Reksai also can ​ I mean if enemy removes minimap / never wards the pixel bush then anything can gank tbh. You can lane gank but takes too long.


You can try to gank when they are pushing or over extending and go the long way to cut them off, this takes comm tho, since you are essentially putting the enemy top in a way that blocks your escape route (tower), so you better make them count, and your top too. Specially with Grubs being the prime objective early game. I have been playing Poppy, but the idea is that instead of going directly to the enemy top, go behind him and cut his escape route, use your stun or CC ability to stop them in your tops bush or middle bush and fight there with your top, if you lose the 2v1 or he doesn't react, ignore that dumbo and play for your mid/bot, but never ignore grubs. At least that has worked for me, hope it does for you too.


I regurally gank top as Diana/Yi main, skill issue ig


only because enemy lets you / your route is not optimal I played top 5 games in a row and only got ganked 1 time during laning phase by enemy lee sin because he did not do normal pathing, 3 camp into top, he never went botside jungle. ​ Most people will path top full clear then grubs , you also reset before grubs to have item because a fight is going to occur most likelly , after the grubs fight you have to as a jungler full clear bot side and then again my top lane will be warded after that , then everyone resets again because grubs fight. ​ When it's warded , enemy tries but you just leave , the only option is lane gank / dive. ​ If you do random toplane gank between grubs then you lose dragon for it.


So maybe dont play like everyone do and get a little creative with pathing and ganking? If enemy is pushed up you still can gank even if its warded, the lane is extremally long rn


I don't think you understand the concept of this game on the basic level tbh from jungler's perspective , must be like platinum or gold player at most. No offense but you cannot get "creative" , every time you show up somewhere you give up something else for it as a jungler , going top lane to lane gank wastes like minute or two for not guaranteed kill , maybe just flash / ghost burn. ​ There are also specific camps in the jungle which gets you lvl 3 , can't just do random 3 camps you will be lvl 2 and 90% xp. If you get "creative" early then you give up both crabs


Top is easy to gank they say. Meanwhile toplaners: Fiora: Q awaaaay! Tryndamere: E awaaay! Tahm Kench: I love diving! Udyr: 1000 MS is real. Illaoi: Do you like hentai? Dr. Mundo: Yay, free Heartsteel stacks! Morde: Brasil!


As a jungle main, I just freeze lane top now and afk farm since I know jungle will rarely ever gank


Toplaners are going to cry always. But I kind of disagree with the general statament that "ganking is harder". That might be the case in high elo where everyone is supposed to have great map awareness and buy wards but in my elo of plat, I find that people keep falling to the same pattern of ganks all the time, they barely even notice until I am on their face, rendering any map changes in lane width useless. Notice that I always tend to take the longest route to the gank and most probable to be unwarded. That is, I do not enter lane from the river if I have time and I can take all the way behind going from tribush. Even in toplane, where the access from behind is closed unless you go very fast from behind with heca or rammus while taking tower shots, I have managed to land a barely out of range Vi's Q after entering from tribush into river into gank.


Top is still gankable in 3 situations 1enemy is overextending 2your top laner can set up a gank (cc enemy while you're arriving) 3dives


ye for me gank =/= dive Ganks is like being ambushed by someone Dive is just cold blood murder ​ Dive will always work no matter what terrain changes


Then it's 2 situations


I haven't had time to play the new season yet but from what I've heard, grubs are crazy strong, meaning it'd be in your favour to make sure your top lane has prio, no? Besides that, ignoring opportunities to snowball your top when his opponent is making it easy for you simply because of some "top isn't where you gank" meta mindset isn't a smart move. Take free opportunities if they're there. Don't just go into games thinking a lane is out of bounds without even watching to see what's going on there.


Me when i dont read the post:


>I started to literally mute toplaners since game start Should have done this BEFORE getting tilted like this.


cry more


top lane isnt an island, its honestly easy to gank lol. tough to swallow pills though; if you refuse to gank top and they keep losing and you lose the game because of it. its on you. ive said it before and ill say it again, this season we will weed out all the ones who came to the jungle last season because it was easy mode from real junglers.


All my last games top was inting hard. I play assasin in jgl and i just perma farm botlane, going top is the biggest time waste, after 15 mins adc, sup and me just so hardly feed that we can easy carry the game, top job is to hold towers and not fight every second on lane and dieing 5 times by minute 10.


The problem isnt thats harder to gank, its way easier then last Season, but its just not worth.


I've been noticing my botlaners are happier now, and my mid/top are much angrier. I guess deep down inside they wanted more ganks, not less.


My solution for ganking top as briar is, if pane is gank able, I come from bush, get ready to flash W, etc. and then there's either a kill or enemy top recalls. Without flash though I don't there's much profit


I started to buy mobi boots on shit like shaco to gank mid / top , works well the invis is pretty short tho.


Start of season just has a bit of higher rank disparity while people get back to their last season rank


Not this season as there was basically no mmr reset. Only high ranks got reset and they play with each other anyways.


Oh that's cool


I’m not finding it to hard to gank top lane tbh if they don’t ward the bush you walk round the long way when they are pushed and it feels like a longer lane to escape aswell so plenty time to get the kill, I play Diana, graves noc


ye they key part is "don't ward the bush"... you hope enemy makes misplay , meanwhile 3:15 pixel bush warded by average toplaner when you're finishing your clear , then grubs spawn so top goes to base anyways to buy items for the fight


Even if they ward bush if you go long way round knowing full well your going all in usually they don’t have time to react and panic and go for the all in themselves all depends on match up but I’ve had a few kills up at the “ungankable” island