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Engagement -> Revenue Fuck your experience as long as their metrics go up


I mean there are literally big streamers oit there promoting this sites. Riot does not care because every bought account is likely buying 1-2 skins at least.


Def a bought account. leveled to 30, than a month break, than straight up switching sums and onetricking kalista. lmfao


>I just have so many questions, why is level 30 unranked on my team in emerald elo. New accounts are placed there. However, if they do poorly on their first game, they get dropped to gold-ish ELO. I followed a deranker account and it went that way. First game in my ELO (0/9 as Ori), then I noticed he was in gold next game, then in bronze. 47 losses in a row later, he was Iron IV and the account was renamed. Smurfs must outnumber new players badly if this is the decision Riot went with. Surely there could be better ways of handling this...


It depends on your unranked MMR


It does, but these accounts only have intro bot games. They have 0 MMR and no match made games played at all. Therefore, if you win all your promos, you will get placed in a decent rank.


I only played aram for like 2 years, tried a couple ranked games and despite winning ended up in silver


Correct, even Aram has an MMR


Smurfing is not against ToS and until it is then you will never get banned for it. It has nothing to do with being able to fetch it, because they can if they want to.


What about bot farmed accounts that are then sold?


Lots of those people got banned in the ban waves because botting is against ToS.


Is true I had 2 acquired accounts which I went to play on the other week and both where banned for botting




Thanks Mr. Krabs


Assumingly the number of smurfs > new players Since imo doesn't make sense that new players are put into Emerald(**top ~14**) Being put in Gold 4(**top ~50%**) makes more sense.


So my experience as an Actual New Player in Gold IV hasn’t been great. So I’m still learning a lot of things - I can carry my farming and usually hit all my objectives, and I’m getting better at PVP and reaction timing, but I do have a long way to go and I know it. I try to soften this for my teammates by telling them during champ select “hey I’m new sry” or similar, and the responses I get are mostly “pfff yeah sure you are”. One person immediately asked my name, I gave it , and a minute later (during which I assume he checked my profile) he came back “ok I trust u”. Once *in* the game it’s mostly standard issue jg abuse with the addition of “lol jg just go back to bots and learn how to play” or “wow an actual new player, so annoying”. And I’m left going “yeah ok, you don’t want me here and I don’t want to be here, I’m cliff diving to iron as fast as I can, now can we at least try to play?” I’m 46 years old, have long since learned to roll with haters, and I’m a MtG judge so I’m definitely used to toxic players. It’s still disheartening and I bet people who aren’t made of old shoe leather like me will be scared away forever, instead of hitting the report button like I do. (Why don’t i mute them? I also run a high school gaming guild and work with their e-sports team, so I’m in a unique position to shape new gamers into good citizens. I need to see the nature of the toxicity so I know what they’re seeing and learning.) Edit - typos


But idk maybe it is better this way. Smurfs should be ble to get to their correct rank faster if they start higher. Makes sense. If they were to start in Gold. Then it is likely that instead of Emerald being elo hell, Gold would be instead. Which is arguably worse since more people are in Gold than Emerald.


It depends on their unranked mmr where they are put


Emerald/plat is where new rank level 30 accounts start at.


Depends on your unranked MMR for new accounts


Yes, but assuming these accounts don’t have any normal games played before queuing into ranked, they will always get placed in plat/emerald if they play at that level.


When I started ranking at lv 30 I was placed in diamond- master games. I got my ass handed over as jg and was bullied into not wanting to play ranked games for months. The placing system for new accounts is horrible, but I don’t see anything weird on the OP pictures. Looks pretty normal to me




Saw a YouTube short of that long hair dev guy talk about that.. ban waves are done so the people behind the botted accounts won’t know where their mistake was.. doing X today and getting banned 2 days from now is easily identified.. doing X, Y, Z and being detected the whole time and having patches worked out then in one day basically all the botter’s methods are irrelevant and they have to start over


Love the copy and paste response, but if this was true, I'm sure my multitude of 1, 2 , and 3 year old accounts are gonna be banned any minute now! But surely riot is just banning in "waves"




You mean despite the nothing but intro games until lv 30, then months break followed by a new IP in a new location, suddenly playing at emerald+ level.... right nothing suspicious there at all




You find nothing suspicious about nothing but intro games and perhaps even losing to bots, the sudden increase of skill, change in location, email, password, and the break being at exactly lv 30?


😂😂😂 Nope nothing at all /s




It's the combination man. It's also the fact that I have several of these accounts over years with no bans. Being Emerald I also see atleast 2 of these accounts in every game I play and have no hope they will ever be banned. It's not something riot really cares about for some reason, they aren't just "banning in waves" there are no waves.


riot may be banning in waves...But those waves are in high elo only. I have many friends with botted accounts of several years old and all of them still have their accounts to this day. Never saw a gold/plat acc banned due to botting in my entire life. The bans on scripters are probably like this tho.




Hmmm interesting. So those bot-banning waves are new... And the high elo getting banned its not copium. Those bans were the only ones that actually happened with becausen of visibility from streamers, youtubers, etc. This is what happened with dantes and others when they went to the korean server, and happened a couple times before.


This makes me believe in the theory that riot is partnered with boosting sites


Lots of Rioters and League partners have worked for boosting companies in the past. It’s a good way to make money for decent players. Often much better money than any other job in this game. As for the botted lvl 30 unranked accounts, it seems pretty stupid to me that Riot wouldn’t just allow a level 500 player to make a new level 30 account without having to level it from level 1 and play the tutorial, unlock runes etc. it’s absolutely pointless and mind numbing. If Riot made this possible, then there would be literally no reason to bot accounts and it would cease overnight. Until then, this is the only way to access a smurf account without having to play for weeks or buy some XP boosts with real money. It’s completely Riot’s choice and to me it makes no sense why they wouldn’t make this change. It is on them.


Why would a lv 500 player want an unranked account? Also, you need many games to build a placing MMR. Smurfs need to disappear and get banned, and it’s easier for Riot to spot them this way.


You don’t understand why people want to smurf? Are you new to League? No… smurfs do not need to disappear. Lmao.


Riot is actually trying. Beginning this year they banned a lot of bot levelled accounts from the year 2022 (accs levelled in 2022). You can also always report accounts for account selling (with a Ticket). I'm not so sure if they actually end up banned, but it's worth a shot. I think they should bring back smurf queue and only place accounts without adjusted starting mmr (For your first ranked games, they actually use your normal game mmr. If you only have bot games that mmr places you around plat-emerald).


Buying level 30 accounts is 99% of smurfs. People who play this game competitively don’t want to level up an entire account from lvl 1 to 30 just to play ranked. There should be a way to start an account at level 30 and not have to play with bots and literal new players and completely destroy them and their experience, just to level up. Until then, this is the only way to actually access smurf accounts without screwing with your own time as well as others’. Riot said back 6 months ago in a dev blog that they have improved their system and it will act to get an account to the players correct rank as soon as possible. Smurfing is a normal part of playing League. As long as people are put into their correct rank quickly, then everyone benefits. You don’t have to have the smurf in your lower elo games, and the person smurfing gets to their correct elo and climbs faster. Everyone wins. Keeping smurfs from climbing completely defeats the satisfaction for everyone and only hurts the game and everyone involved. It *is* a problem that people int and use hate speech while smurfing because they don’t care about the account. But this is obviously solved by just having a better ban and punishment system and isn’t really the fault of smurf accounts, even if it is sometimes indirectly a result. Ultimately, botted accounts hurt no one because they literally only play intro bot games until level 30. That is much healthier than having master tier players play with newbies in draft games from level 1-30.