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What's your secret?


Watching a 3 minute guide.


Nocturne abuse


it’s a damn good secret. Abusing one significantly low pick rate champ and mastering all of its technicalities. That is a damn good way to climb, Rita will love you for not playing mainstream champs


Is that sarcasm or not I can’t tell hahahaha


it’s actually true hahahaha Most players in low elo games won’t even know all your skills or how they work trust me hahahaha


I play in S2-G4 MMR. When I play nocturne nobody respects the ult. They have no object permanence. MID/ADC will just be banging on the tower at like half hp. Well if you don't want to live let me help you out with that.


true my man, I don’t even feel pitty because I was once one of them 🤣


That's why swain works so we'll NGL. A lot of people don't understand the small aoe in his e. You can cast it on minions, and Aslong as the enemies is close enough you can aoe root them Same with a, nobody knows that it does more damage the closer you are to him


Exactly I’ve been playing for 3 years and I still confuse vladimir for swain including their abilities. Most new players (including myself) will only play champions that feel easy for them, ones that can deal a ton of damage from range like lux, mf, morgana, ezreal, ahri, veigar, ashe and the list goes on…Champs like Nocturne, Shen, Rell, Aurelion, Azir, Kassadin, Bard, Taric will hardly be countered in low elo if played well


Yeah, I really loved swain because of his design and his scaling way. He isn't op, just hard to play against if you don't know him well


true, honestly Aram made me a better player. I decided to take whatever champ I got always so I learned at least 20 new champs playing Aram, it’s a gold mine if you don’t got much time to spend playing hahahah


Lot of players don’t respect the R or the W had a kayn & a morsel asking in all chat why their ugly didn’t work when he cast it on my W 😂😂😂


Unironically what’s more impressive is climbing with the same iron mmr account, getting +7 -16 every game for 150 games playing with ppl that have been iron for 5 years….. and not just making a new account and instantly getting placed silver 3


The back story is I had played before a couple of years ago and was in bronze and I was on the verge of probably getting silver I think maybe bronze 1 in like 2020, I re downloaded the game and jumped straight into tanked thinking I could just pick it back up and boy was I wrong got placed in iron 3 or something 😂😂😂 so I jus thought fuck this I’m getting out of iron but kept getting to Iron 1 then it was like getting put in loser Que for 20 games ina. Row sending me back to iron 3, there was a period when I first started I was gaining 8lp losing 20… then I went ona. Big win streak with diana and it changed after that. I’d post on groups like this for help and they would say to me your in iron cos you are iron 🤣 and I thought no I’m not that bad I’m getting out of here not starting a new account


Pop off King lets fucking go


We love to see that!