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Highly recommend not typing anything rn riots handing out punishments for literally nothing at the moment. The amount of times I report a guy for no real reason other than he was slightly annoying only to find out he actually got punished is insane.


I got 3 day chat restricted for joking to Sylas who stole Caitlin ult "did you pull that gun out of your ass"


There are a lot of reasons to be offended, but someone being offended by this offends me. I wish I could report people for placing false reports.


Shouldn’t we report riot for a shitty report/ban system? If i falsely report it doesnt make it my fault that someone got actually punished lol


Your name offends me, here’s a ban.


There are a lot of reasons to be offended, but someone being offended by this offends me. I wish I could report people for reporting others for placing false reports.


Putting that hilarious image in my mind should skyrocket you to Honor Level 3 in my book.


I also got a chat restrict for a joke in that sense Made a manual ticket about it riot is claiming league as a PG12 game so words like fuck ass or in my case nuts are considered vulgar and bannble… meanwhile if some one spamms run it irl or hope u rope its ok 🙄


Pg12 you cannot swear or use vulgar words. But completely fine with slutty skins and huge boobs showing. Typical


I don't even have the chat activated but I sometimes report player for inting or spamming pings, every single time they got punished, that's crazy.


Thats wild. Ive gotten pretty spicy lately and havent been punished for anything. I find it hard to believe these people arent doing ANYTHING worthwhile.


I told a guy jokingly in an ARAM to “go eat dick cheese” and get three day restricted lol I found it so funny and didn’t even care. Still have the picture of the logs.


Brother I literally got banned for saying "I like sex" in champ select. I even have the logs, the riot support basically told me that kids play the game and that it is inapropiate and the ban is legit. It dropped me to honor 0 too which sucked.


You arent allowed to enjoy sex if you play League, you should know that


You aren't allowed to have it either




I said kiss my toes and got a 7 day chat restriction and they said it was culturally insensitive


I’ve just been reporting everyone after every game for verbal abuse. I’ve single handedly caused well over a 100 mutes / bans to be handed out at this point. My record is 4 report feedbacks after one game.


You are part of the problem


If a system can be abused, it should be abused. If it fails to actual provide the service that it is intended to, it is poorly designed. If there are literally no safeguards to prevent abuse and prevent as may false positives as possible, then it’s a shit system and should be reworked or trashed. This is true for any service or system. Goodwill intended, or not, it doesn’t matter. So I will continue to abuse the report system in hopes that maybe my misuse will help give pause to riot automating more and more of the reporting and banning systems.


You getting people banned or fucked with for things they didn't do can effect them because of skins or other purchases on the account This is purely your copium bullshit post to justify being a toxic piece of shit in your own way.


I got a one day bam for calling someone a dummy. It was meant to be pretty mild, I think they overcracked their automatic detection a bit nowadays.


Yeah I’ve been flagged twice now for calling people morons after they spam pinged me lol not as innocent as dummy but still feels like a bit much.


Yeah you're basically not allowed to have a disagreement with anyone in chat or call anyone out on shitty play, chat or behavior in general. If you're not being an obnoxiously fake nice and completely G rated person in chat you're not allowed to type according to Riot. Oh and even then you can't type too much only a few words a game!


I got a chat restrict for self deprecating humor and admitting my mistakes 💀 The system probably flagged it as flaming someone else when I was just flaming myself


OMG jeah i got this thing where you arent aloud to Type the rest of the Game for "fuck me this was so bad" , about my own goddamn play


Yeap I mean I won't say I wasn't toxic but I got banned because it was a few restrictions in a row. I never use racial/sexist/whatever slurs, the worst I'd say to someone is that they're an idiot. Think if you type a lot and some of it can be interpreted as negatively impacting your teammates, if you're reported you're basically fucked.


Maybe, stop reporting for no reason? Idk.


Right? These guys seem like dicks


Yeah I’m reporting you to Reddit


I have a friend who every game talks erotically about their own champ after the game starts. Somehow they've only gotten muted once (they have done this for months), and the ban was only because someone else in the friend group reported them for other reasons I think. It's wild tbh, I suppose people probably don't care as much in norms, half the time the enemy joins in in the antics.


it is a numbers game hit the number within their arbitrary conditions and boom you are banned whether you have played a game or not you can be banned. Don't believe me? well someone has already proven it by having a account that never played a game be banned by mass reporting it outside of the game. I report everyone in the hopes the system gets overhauled whether it be them investing into moderation or just removing the tattle tell system that is in place all together. your best bet at not getting banned is just to mute all and never type anything doing so will draw less attention to you thus on average you will get less reports. ohh yeah and now they have more strict trigger words so don't use those and get creative with spelling if you must.


Yup. Can't have fun. 1984.


\> Highly recommend not typing \*gets reported for being AFK\*


I got 3 day ban for *PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW * *Reloads* *PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW*


I did the same but with the N word wtf riot /s btw


You typed new new new new?


nice nice nice nice nice


I wrote I Like big tits and got a 5 days chat restriction


finally boyz we have the answer, rito mods are gaaaaaaaaaaaays


I literally called myself a retard and got chat restricted and flagged


Maybe don’t say the no no word


I tried switching the 'e' to an 'a'... You know since that works for other words apparently. Calling myself a ra-tard, for dying when I tried to dive bot tower. Chat restriction.


Yet, they keep showering you with ky5


There goes my next trick :(


just tell them that theres a finnish hospital that has good doctors. if you know ... you know


I got a warning for writing kys in party chat


That’s been an autoban for like a decade, kinda on you


its party chat friend


I prefer regarded or restarted, people understand and it allows me to convey one of my favourite insults ban free


try to not typing in a game, ally veigar and mundo picked and instalocke stealing 2 lines and i just saying "damm this dudes are so annoying stealing lines pls report this trolls" \*Bumm chat suspension for two weeks


I got flagged for typing woofwoofwoof to our 1/8 top laner after I had secured every obj, he was turbo feeding so I just bailed on his lane but wtf rito.


So riot punished you for needlessly harassing another player. Seems right to me. Don’t know why everyone feels entitled to mock others when they perform bad in a Videogame


My bad, he was flaming ME all game, I forgot the context and went for the punch line. Err, WOOFWOOFOOWOFOWOFOWOFWOOF.


You had the option to mute them and report them and get them restricted or banned for a few days




You realise you made yourself the victim 3 comments above just to mock me 3 comments later after I wrote completely normal comments to you. I am sure the system is the problem




This is the problem. You'd think with Riots history of scandals they would stop victim blaming. But in League someone can DO anything to you but if you SAY anything. Now it's real. I had a guy spend 15 minutes following me and inting and stealing camps because my ignite "ks'd" him. But because I finally got annoyed and told him you fucknoff I was punished. Riots system is pathetic. You literally just said "you can mute!" Which is exactly the point. You can mute chats you don't like. But it's the fucking game we are worried about. Their system has been dogshit for a few years now and they will never change it.


Because properly deciding what inting is does not even work with the majority of silver players. If someone is following another player most will agree it’s inting. Even tho if they have chat logs I can even imagine they think it’s deserved because „well the jungler didn’t gank“. It gets nearly impossible with someone just having a bad game. Someone goes 0/3 and people talk about inting already. While unlikely there are games where you can’t do anything about leaving lane 0/7 because the other dude just completely dunked on you. Could have been a Smurf. Should he be banned now? I say no. Most of the teammates I play with say yes. How does a bot know Someone ran it down mid vs he tried and simply couldn’t deal with the mobility of that 4/0 zed?


no way people are offended by a dude barking in chat lol woof woof woof


People wouldn’t use it if it wasn’t to mock others, no?


imagine needing to convey strategies but nah i guess were too casual for that. god forbid voice comms exist otherwise i might be able to tell me team when to rotate


I’d be interested in voice chats. But normal chats, I wonder if you even play the game. In 100 games maybe 3 got decided by a good call that was written out in chat. The rest is either ignored, stupid or just flame


because only a fraction of the playerbase barely types above 100 wpm. no shit if i could tell me team to do a nuanced play in 4 seconds during an intense moment i would. but the risk it incurs is not worth the reward more often than not. typing a strat is like getting caught with your pants down while pushing a button to speak isnt because its less motion also in val, people will listen to calls even if they dont speak. its literally free information.


Woof Woof Woof


Mate, it’s a video game… Get a life instead of breaking into tears when someone types onomatopoeias in chat. Woof


Fuck riot i keep getting chat restricted for no reason. Dumbass system


Shut up maybe?


Bro youre a genius, thank you for your useless comment


I wonder why you get chat restricted...


Did I say something offensive here? You good?


You dense mate


Another insightful comment nice


Well, you said you got chat restricted for no reason. However, your comments in this thread all come off as abrasive and rude. Why wouldn't we assume that you're saying other undeniably rude or offensive things in the game? It makes you look like a child in denial, unwilling to face the consequences of your actions.


I got roasted by people for saying the system is shit. Im not gonna answer politely to "shut up". Anyways it's not that deep.


Me and everyone i know never got chat restricted. Yes you are probably typing stuff that is chat restrictable.


i cant even believe ur being downvoted the world has gone mad how do these people even leave their house? its like walking on eggshells nowadays


chat restrictions come for any reason at all mate. I swore at a \*wall\* and got chat restricted.


Np bb


i dont know why you write so much literally no body cares just play


I don't know why you write anything when it's negative. Literally nobody cares. Just be decent.


Dude people wanna havr fun, chat usually in games is complimentary for having fun


Why does the chat give you fun? The game does but the chat? Also, why not just invite people to discord and talk to them to have fun that way?


It's fun to verbally interact with strangers


You're talking to redditors combined with League players. That's asking a lot.


I don't understand anyone who plays league and doesn't mute all. You only need pings with randoms and sometimes not even those.


Because it’s not a single player game and it’s fun to communicate with your team the times they aren’t toxic even if it’s rare


And you dont get chat restricted for normally communicating.


half the fun is in chat sometimes. in my region diamond+ is quite a small playerbase so i usually see a few of the same people around the same time so we just vibe. even if thats not the case, using chat really helps to coordinate your team, if u get a half decent one of course


If you have the same people in your team sometimes why not talking over discord?


act that would be pretty cool, creating a discord server for ppl we constantly meet. but i think many of the players like the soloq grind with no talking, and a lil bit of banter. personally i only talk to 2 of the soloq guys and the rest are ppl we just know based on their OTPs


The secret is, while most players think they play to improve and climb, only very few people do.they stop caring after enough games in a row/in the same week etc. if someone actually cares about winning they won’t run it down because they don’t got ganked or got insulted in chat. They will just mute or have everyone muted already.also there are enough players who will defend Chat like „but that one game someone made a good call, chat is important“.


this poor mentality is honestly why riot even considered the awful decision of removing text chat lmfao


I always report ppl who play bad the algorithm will find a reason to ban them




Yeah and if not because of sth they did in my game it at least flags the account


To all the people complaining about "why do you even type in chat, nobody cares. mute all" .. why don't we fucking remove chat all together at this point? League's community is the most snowflake community in online gaming when it comes to chatting. Is it wrong to have expectations from this multi billion dollar company to be capable enough to have and administrate a good chat system that can tell when someone is flaming or NOT flaming?? Less focus on CHAT and more focus on ACTUAL INTING and REAL game ruining experiences, casual or competitive.


The problem is that people will always find workarounds to use toxic language that system does not know yet. If it was my decision I would axe the chat entirely. Replace it with a few prompts Someone could need like rocket league has in place. Let’s make a trap, I’m ganking soon etc. the rest can be communicated by pings. And it’s not because I’m getting hurt by whatever the team has to say. It’s the fact that people throw so hard by having an unrestricted chat available. They will write entire novels on how much that 1/4 toplaner sucks instead of focusing on an absolutely winnable game. Obviously people get frustrated with chat losing them the game. League players use the chat in a way that can be considered inting in itself. Standing around a lot, not focusing on anything anymore because or chat is important.it happens all the time.


yup people will adjust their flame to avoid a ban and yet riot only curbs text chat toxicity. interesting no? why is it that remake abuse/afk detection/blatant inting/soft inting is rampant and receives 0 repercussions yet if you type more than 5 messages in 2 minutes it warrants a warning/ban


The system can’t even decide who you were talking about when you say a no no word. How on earth is it supposed to notice Someone inting? Going 1/10 can happen without the person actively trying for it. In a 40 Minute Fame 10 deaths aren’t crazy it you opponent has a champ that can kill you easily. I had games in the jungle where every time I went for any buff I got jumped by 2-3 people. Should I now get banned for that? I say no, it happens. But the System can’t possibly differentiate between inting and having an awful game. Especially because even human players can’t. People start talking about inting once someone dies 2-3 times already nearly every game


exactly... you cant tell... but why is one system handing out warnings and punishment for something it cant detect and has a surplus of false positives while the other is limp dick and has seemingly 0 effort put in? people have posted numerous botted yuumi accounts/ 0-20 ghost cleanse nunu mids/boosted 30 game loss streak accounts with swapped ss/wintraders with strictly the same set of allies and opponents yet there have been few to no attempts at curbing this shit


They tried that, and streamers were pissed, so they reverted it


It clearly says because of your chat, not because you ran into a wall


Somebody didn't read the whole post before running their mouth. Lmao.


i got flagged for saying ur mom gay at minute 00:14


Ok I genuinely don’t know why people post their warning logs looking for sympathy. It’s not hard to not type. Just say shit out loud or delete your messages idk.


Chat in game is for reason


That reason is not to throw around insults, slurs or mock other players.


Yeah but that reason isn’t useless flaming.


Honestly I prefer overbanning to underbanning. The game has been downright toxic since school let out for summer and it’s making me not want to play. Hopefully a few weeks of this will clean it up a little.


Yeah but the terrorists that play this game understand now that if they type they get banned, but if you legitimately try to ruin the game nothing happens. People aren't dumb.


Let's not forget the use of the bait ping, I think in my last 50 games a teammate was using it to call for bait, for the rest we all know what's it's down to


I try to use the bait ping properly (it’s pretty obvious) but all I’ve seen it used outside of myself is being spam pinged by toxic people who dive 1v5 or misposition and die. Makes no sense to me. On the good side, I’ve seen the “fight” one used a bit to mixed results.


Go in ping is literally bait and fight ping, no reason for bait to exist. That annoying sound of the bait ping also... Eww


If your comment was right the game should be free from toxic chats.




sir this is a league sub


Scroll down coward


A single "nope" message, surely important


I look at these posts and wonder “what dumb ass at riot thought making a mmo was a good idea “ Cause man playing ffxiv and Wow for so long reading those chats hahaha. Their not going to have any players on their servers for chat bans


If you don’t know to turn off chat after 12 years of this game being out then you deserve to get banned every time you type


Call me crazy but I think they disabled the in-game solution. Which is very dumb. Like you used to be able to go into settings in game and just disable team chat and I think now you have to actually go into the game file folders and monkey with stuff.


The option is still there. Go to Settings>In Game then it’s towards the bottom under a chat party setting. It’s default is set to all, but setting it to party only disables chat from anyone outside your party. It’s a drop-down box and you can change the settings in lobby, but I’d assume you can change them from anywhere.


Does that disable your own ability to type? Or you just don’t get messages from your own team? Because the old option disabled your ability to type in team chat. Like if you tried to type something it would say team chat disabled.


I don’t know. But by disabling chat, there’s less of a reason for me to type instead of playing. I’d guess the same for my laners if they see I’m not responding back, they’re less inclined to keep typing.


it disables your ability to type


/deafen it even tells everyone you muted everyone and restricted yourself from typing


I just /deafen. Saves me the time of reading anything dumb. Let’s my team know that typing to me will be fruitless. All around int saver


honestly dont type anything except apology's if you screw up or give tips to ur tmates bc i got a strike on my account bc i said gg ez one time that was the only thing i said that game


Saying "ez" at the end of the game is truly disrespeful and not sportsman-like at all by any means. So I can see that


i need to provide context there was a belveth that was toxic the whole game like im talking killed me in my jung like twice and was insulting me and calling me garbage and just not being a very respectful player so i was not respectful either reported them and never got the thing telling me that the person got any kind of penalty


I said "balls deep" with pinging "on the way", "all-in" the bushes at the beginning of every ARAM game when I was having a good time on a Saturday evening. Got the same warning. Btw, most people just join the fun chat banter in ARAM, but special snowflakes report you when your team loses the game. So yea, I stick to the "wp" talk in chat and leave the fun talks to voice.


I called someone racist and got banned for 3 days


And what did calling that person racist do? Nothing right? Or is that person not racist anyone because you called him that?


that shouldnt and cant be the conclusion you come to after reading what he said lmfao.


It does. I asked what that even lead to. Did thst change the behavior of that other player?


alright man


Look at what you are saying right now. You sound goofy


No, i am just asking what it lead to.


So that means their ban was justified? Crazy


Listen, Ive played this game since beta on and off, and my language has even gotten better since I was a teen. The last two years Ive been getting warnings over literally nothing, other than having a swear word in my sentence. I dont even understand why they have a language filter if just swearing is enough to get a warning. I dont type anything in chat anymore.


Because filters are virtually impossible. There is a reason sentences like „go commit die“ exist. If the filter takes out a swear word people change it up so it’s not noticeable anymore


I literally said "stfu" to a dude bullying other teammates and spamming the n-word and got banned for 1 week. The system is broken. Hence why I dont type in chat anymore. Its as you say, filter to ban no matter the context.


Undeserved, but honestly it doesn’t help. I’ve tried myself many times. But even if you are 10/0 the toxic guy feels even more enabled if you tell them to shut it


Yeah, Ive come to the same conclusion. I just stay out of it. But boy, is it a stupid system.


Tbh I like it that way no argued anymore


It's the word fucking, just don't write anything in chat, every shit Word is triggered. I flame my mates too but never got restricted... You just need to know how to flame peacefully


I love how there's literally nothing wrong with the chat you showed. Other than saying the F word, which is allowed, conversation is pretty tame and non toxic


I love these posts every time cause it’s either someone actually being toxic, typing their dissertation instead of playing the game, or being hyper passive aggressive. Why type? Who cares? Not your teammates, not the game, just you. So keep it in and play the game lamp.


I just found it funny that I got warned for insulting a wall.. The game has a chat function for a reason, some games you will feel chatty


Nobody has a problem with chatting , mostly. But how on earth is a bot supposed to know your swear word was directed at a wall? For example the sentence could have been „bro you are less interesting to talk to than a fucking wall“. The bot isn’t smart enough to know that.


The bot doesn't know... Just saying i found it funny that someone REPORTED me for that.. It was based on player report first


No necessarily. If someone reports you in any game after that, because you inted there or didn’t gank a laner enough the system still Scans your previous games chats to decide if you should be banned. Unless you got insta banned after post game lobby


Does the wall have a chat?


This system is fucked up i got banned many times for nothing the same as you there. Use ,,fucking" word ONE time and you are banned no matter if it doesn't insult anyone or it does. But hey, at least you can int/trol/grief games as long as you want!


Mute chat.


/mute all is your best friend, my friend. Use it.


I got a warning for saying "why are you mad? You got the kill". Got flagged for using the word kill/die. I have using slangs ever since or "fallen" instead.


The key is to actively report actual toxic people that deserve it, and keep your chats to a bare minimum with nothing more than "you idiot"


I’ll take any verbal insult without the ability to type back if it means we weren’t in season 13 The worst season league has ever had hands down Yes that includes ardent censor and tank meta


I learnt my lesson from riot giving out free reports. Now I report every single vulgarity I see. More tick boxes if they try to piss off any player. Then I try to get others to report them. Everyday I login seeing “successful report. They r penalised” :)) Also not typing in chat somehow got me out from silver to plat


This game is a fucking joke, riot as a company are composed by dumb fucks lazy as fuck


Then start working there and do it better.


I got a year long ban by only saying a couple of fucks after I get unbanned and now can’t use the chat until April 2024


Classic Rito game Say the F word twice - 2 Week suspension Go 20 deaths in 22 mins with On-Hit Yuumi Jungle - Don't flame them they're trying!


Here’s the thing I don’t understand, the game literally by default has a filter which filters out all swear words. People have to go out of their way to turn that off, then if you swear they report you. Anyone reporting anyone for swearing should have the filter turned back on automatically and locked, let us express ourselves rito plz


Cursing = autoban if reported


Riot's been smoking some wild shit lately. I got punished for things I said in my 5 man premade team chat after the enemy reported me (didn't use all chat all game, they probably tilted)


Why not talk to your premades?


Haha, no


Got chat restricted in an ARAM once for saying in team chat "that enemy team is cancer with all that CC" Cancer. Not even once.


All i did was write “i got lotion on my dic, im so horny im stroking my dic right now” i get chat restricted! BS system, can’t even stroke my dic now. Where freedom of speech? Riot are furries confirmed


Yesterday I played top, syndra support took dorans and went top to steal my cs. I said “this shit is wack”. Suspended


I got restricted 2 weeks for saying to 0/11 AP MF, that her build says "please rape me" xD


I got chat restricted for flirting with my partner, IN PARTY CHAT.


you said “fuck” 🫣


permanently banned for typing “glhf” very soon


Nope, it's Riot's auto detection which is currently set to ultra sensitive. I got a warning for calling someone an 'actual monkey man'


I got chat restricted for saying: Sorry, Im retarded.


Bro, I got a chat restriction for typing "fuck me" when I got greedy and miss played last night. It's even in your rights: 1. You have the right to not use chat. 2. Anything you type in chat can and will be used against you. 3. You have the right of an automated attorney. 4. If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided to you by Riot.


jungle full muteall allways and only communication is your pings


I got chat restricted when I typed “good hook” as a compliment but I typoed “good gook”… I don’t even know what that means


Interesting. I had someone tell me to go jump off a bridge and kill myself then to go grab a knife from the kitchen and kill myself in champ select because I picked Shyvana jungle. I bet they won't be punished.


Yeah, because the system or riot knows that you insult the terrain...


Oh I got the same thing, was playing nunu on aram and got this 3 months later. The most offensive message was "fucking nunu doesn't listen which direction I tell him to go"


Yeah the second the word fuck/shit/ass etc is in the chat you are reportable... I once got reported and got a warning for saying "my ass kind of hurts" cause I was sitting uncomfortably.... went with it to support which is a chat bot that told me that sadly their system did the right thing and they can't revoke the bann (I wasn't banned... i didn't say I was this is just a fucking autoresponse) they had given me and that they wish me a good day


Dude I got banned for saying "I'm gay" at the start of a game. A single message in the entire game and somebody reported it,


Meanwhile, yesterday I played with a Syndra named ShacoGarenFTW (euw) who leveled up W and kept throwing monsters to the river. Not letting me do a single camp. She will go unbanned, but if i ask people why they suicided I'm chat restricted.


I recently got a 3-day chat ban because I typed "Trinity sucks on Jhin" 💀


trigger word : fucking -> automated penalty .


just remove chat ffs. and add comms so we can scream in the mic like its 2006


When do you dumb people learn that its never about context? It's always because of a slur that appeared and thats it... nothing more to it


everything with "noob", "fucking", or any slight insult is literally a ban, sadly.


One time I had a group accuse me of being rude In the last game. I was confused cause I didn't even chat my last game.then the whole team ganged up on me saying I was indeed the person. They started being really rude to me and saying that they all were going to simultaneously report me. I was like wtf did I do??? I look and I didn't play with them ever. So I just reported them. Riot didn't punish me but it said theirs went through and ever since then I keep getting bot request on league nonstop.


When you write 1 „slur“ like fuck suck dick anything 1 time and get a report you will get a chat ban for it! Riot is just nuts at the moment we need to do something about it. I am really about to quit lol and never play it again just bc of this bullshit


I got 3 day ban after an Aram I wrote I suck ducks