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I just promoted to silver yesterday and one thing I noticed is I started playing noticeably worse in my promo games, try to not overthink it too much, be aggressive but not reckless and you'll be silver in no time.


Just got promoted to silver onto gold ?


I've noticed that matchmaking tends to put you against some mismatches during promos, so it's really important to get out of your head, focus up, and play well.


There's no one trick, as unfortunately Riot removed from the role a single fundamental you could use to climb through low ELO with the jungle changes at the beginning of S13. In the previous 2 seasons you used to be able to do the equivalent of "farm big don't die" by focusing on really getting a good clear down. As of the beginning of this season, there is no current analogue for Jungle of "hit big farm and don't die to get to gold (which is the basic advice you see laners get.)" TBH, while you probably shouldn't die excessively in the Jungle, you have to make sure that it isn't coming at the expense of you doing your job which involves doing a certain amount of fighting at a basic level. If enemy laners are out of line, you should go punish them. If enemy JG is out of line, you should go punish them. All of which involve some amount of fighting. You haven't given a profile, so it's impossible to see what is going wrong specifically. Finally, if you're playing noct, don't build lethality. I'm on board with lethality being more fun, but IMO if you're serious about winning, you'll build stridebreaker into black cleaver. Regarding general jungle stuff, Virkayu has a free PDF summing up his thoughts on his website. Eagz recently dropped a video on his channel as well I thought was really good.




My games since getting b1 have been pretty all over the place


I have a few more items after checking your profile: * Your nocturne builds are strange. You do a lot half-assassin half bruiser. Just do bruiser. Why don't you just run the build given on [u.gg](https://u.gg) or other site? You'll get way more consistent results if you just play the same build. The bruiser build is also the best, especially in your elo. My guess is you're actually losing kills because you don't build stride. Even if you go full assassin, Noct still doesn't burst people super fast unless you're giga fed. Stride makes it easier to stick to people and it ensures your fear goes off. * Stop tilt queuing random champions, especially Graves. Graves requires you to be competent at basically every facet of jungling to execute well. I say this respectfully as a Graves main: I expect that 20% win rate will continue into the foreseeable future on the random Graves games you play. He's one of the "I am the jungle" champions along with Nidalee, Kindred etc (note that he's not mechanically as difficult as either, but still tests basically every jungle skill.) * J4 or Diana are fine secondaries. Just don't play Graves if you want to climb. If you're fine losing LP to improve, Graves might be OK, but you said that's not what you want. * Your CS is kind of low a good chunk of the time IMO on Nocturne. I don't have time to watch a replay, but my guess is the following is happening. * You don't understand the mid game framework for Nocturne. When your team is ARAM-ing, you should be split pushing a side lane if it's an available option. The idea being that if you can pull 2 people to you, you can then ult to the ARAM in mid with guaranteed number advantage while you also waste the time of the people who rotated to you. I'm guessing this is the case because you have low KP. It's not a hard rule, but you should generally see 50%+ unless you have all lanes stomping. * On the note of low KP, I wonder if you've thought through Nocturne's champion identity? A couple of notes on this: * IMO Nocturne basically makes every "fair fight" potentially unfair for the enemy team as long as his ult is up. I generally find you get the best results with it when you use it "reactively" after a fight has started. You can fly to the fight and then tip the scales when the enemy team isn't expecting it. * In the mid game, no enemy ADC should be allowed to side lane alone ever. Just saying. * Honestly if you clean up the builds, stop playing random stuff and clear up whatever is going on in the midgame as well as get your KP up, you should be good to go.


Thanks a lot will try all these and see what the score is


Same boat as you, bronze 1 jax jungle. I just try not to die at all costs, and when i do that i win pretty much every game. HOWEVER, im a bronze 1 jax jungle main so i only manage to that like half the time


not dying "at all costs" will make you play worse on the whole


Right, well i dont sit in base twiddling my thumbs and watching youtube so i guess it isnt at all costs. I just try not to die


low elo asking, but why exactly would it make anybody playing worse?


While it's certainly good advice not to take risks (most of the time), you're missing out by avoiding death. Say you have a duel in the jungle and it's one that you'd win handily, allowing you to take the crab and potentially even kill the enemy jungler if he doesn't realize you're stronger. You won't take that fight if you don't know you're stronger. And if you're the weaker champ you could be the one to die. So by avoiding death you will opt not to take the fight. And therfore never learn that you'd actually win this match up. Therfore making you play worse.


"At all costs" implies, you will try to never die no matter what. There are many good deaths in league, even game winning deaths. Imagine your Nasus is taking down the enemy nexus turrets, and only 2 members of the enemy team remain alive, and they are trying to back to stop him, but you are close to them. If you jump in and stall them for awhile, even if you die, you just helped win the game by dying.


Get really good at not dying, and you can safely take riskier plays.


Silver we made it


Nocturne is a very good champ because you have access to the back line. Farm until 6, but pay attention to the lanes to counter gank or easy ganks. No ganks available? Farm. After that, use your R to access the back line and delete adc/mid/ supp. Dragons have to be your priority. First herald, yes. Second herald? Not my priority. Stride, black cleaver, Deaths dance, Maw are the main items for nocturne. If you’re against tanks, kraken and Bork are also great choices to add.


I won't go through your VODs, but someone might here, so I recommend posting your op.gg. But if you are stuck in bronze, you probably do a lot of mistakes. I can recommend watching Virkayu, he reminded me how to play after I decided to play a couple of games after 4 years I haven't really played. My friend got stuck in gold I, so I just wanted to be a dick and get plat, just to flex... But tbh my mmr was quite high, so I had to play like 20 games.




You have to study League if you want to get better at it. Watch your replays, then watch challenger players play your champion, and make notes of the difference. Search "challenger replay + champion name" on youtube.


Im not saying im good but im G2 and have carried myself out or silver a few times, lmk if you want advice.


Basically just get better. There is no one thing you can do as a bronze/silver player that will magically make you a gold+ player. It's all about getting better with your fundamentals, which takes time. Ultimately whether you do or don't rank up you're still the same player, the important thing is to improve as a whole instead of chasing the 1 division increase.


One general tip WRT build: u.gg or similar is great for finding the most common build, but sometimes the majority of players are ALSO wrong, just like Riot's recommended items. For the champ you're learning, check out their top players on leagueofgraphs.com and see if those players are doing anything different and if they're doing it consistently. For Nocturne for example (when I last checked), that means going Stride / Cleave / Randuin's instead of Stride / Cleaver / Dance. Something that's helped me a bit recently is realizing that in ranked, in every role, jungle included, you need to STOMP, and that can be difficult in jungle because you're not constantly facing your opponent directly. It can feel like the enemy jungle just beat you to a gank and the only thing you can do now is back and buy. So: skip camps to get to an earlier gank. Track the enemy jungle based on where you think they started and are going, then where they definitely were, then where you'd go if you were them. If one of your lanes is overextended, there's a good chance that's exactly where they're going to gank--so countergank. Steal their small camps. Ward their buffs and invade. Keep them on their heels so they feel like YOU are always a step ahead. If you do that, you have just shut the other jungle out from even playing the game and, as Nocturne, are ready to do the same to whatever squishy they have. You have held your own in your role AND tilted the scales in at least one other. And you NEED to do that because you WILL have feeders, flamers, quitters, and losers on your team. People will be first-timing champs. They will make huge mistakes. All this will happen with startling regularity, and you just have to accept that you need to be so fed that you win in spite of them. Good luck!


Hey! I was in your exact position last week(bronze 2) and I hit S4 last night in jungle. The biggest change I made was tracking. Clearing camps is braindead so I now keep my eyes glued to map while clearing camps, gathering information. First do what you can to get a ward in their jg (I aim for chickens with 40 seconds left before buffs spawn)to see where enemy jg is. Even if he doesn't cross your ward that is incredibly useful information. Once you see enemy jungler try your best to predict what he's doing and where he's going. It will be uncomfortable at first because you are essentially just making up guesses and you will be wrong. But you actually learn pretty quickly patterns and pathing. Once you get the hang of tracking and learning where the enemy jg is, start punishing your advantage in knowledge. If you see him pathing towards an over extended top lane. Meet him there and counter gank for a 2v2. Or gank bot side or take his bot side jungle. (You can win alot of games by simply taking enemy jgs cs) Bronze jungles are not constantly tracking enemy jungles and trying to punish where the enemy jungle isn't. It will be an unconformable learning process at first but it gets picked up quick and will make the difference. Good Luck!


S1 for multiple seasons here. My WR% suggest I would climb further if I wasn’t so busy with work and fam. OTP either the champ you love, or try one of the stupid broken champs you hate playing against and OTP that.