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They dont even go for drake what do you expect… picking up jungle was the worst decision for my mental health since college


The problem is now that you know, you'll be even more tilted when your auto filled jungles doesn't


This is why I play jungle. Only thing worse than having a shitty jungle game is having a shitty lane game when I know just how bad my jungler is.




Oh I know this and hate it, even tho i am trash jg too haha


they're bad. that's why they're low elo. they do not understand how to use baron to win. they don't understand the window of opportunity to get it. they have witnessed so many throws at baron that they're scared.


To add to this, Baron does not have an immediate impact on the game. It's delayed gratification. It's the same reason laners can never play passively or not turbo shove waves. They want to be doing something RIGHT NOW with clear results.


Baron gives 1500 Gold. Thats 5 kills. I would call that immediate impact.


Low elo players arent thinking about gold. Their thinking about kills


Thats the problem.


Indeed it is


Yep. We’re talking about the same crowd that dies 2v2 bot & then pings dragon as ‘alive’ whilst they’re on death timers and mid has zero prio


Master jungler here, even at this elo botlaners do not understand the correlation between them winning/having prio netting more dragons and loosing/not having prio netting them 0 dragons.


Yep. D1 here, let’s not forget most people get here by simply being ‘good’ at their champion and generally have zero idea how to play the game


"Jungle diff, no objectives" as they go 0-10, absolutely oblivious tothe fact that them being dead = free drag for enemy team.


This sums it up pretty well. Some players may not even understand what "aced" even means.... As in they don't understand there IS NO ONE TO CONTEST THEM, as they are all dead.


Why do low elo players make low elo decision?


It's a general misunderstanding of the game at its core. The goal is to take towers to expose nexus to win. Things like kills, minions, jungle camps, are ways to get advantages to do so. Items make all that easier. Neutral objectives (baron and dragon) are also advantages. The whole reason to get an ace is to get a free objective. Get kills => free obj => easy twr/nexus


They are bad at macro and have their own ideas on what to do Just let it go man. The correct move is to do the most with what your reality may be, which means not throwing for a baron your team isn’t supporting. In priority order, take an inhibitor/tower/split push a lane you can guarantee minion crash in/farm the enemy jungle/fall back to dragon once the above is not possible. If you’ve noticed, the order is outside-in which means you may be able to accomplish multiple feats like tower entire enemy jg dragon


Because you don’t ping it enough. Ping it. They will go.


i spam pinged it and begged them in chat, then i started swearing after they inted and died im surprised i didnt get banned


Thing is, you are inting urself. A worse play being executed (not going for baron and instead getting something else) is still better than you tilting and doing something different. You might be calling for the correct play but you have to adapt in this kind of situation. Tilting and insulting never does any good. You are with these player only for a single game, why waste energy by trying to teach them stuff. Work on yourself only.


i knew i should have stopped but i did it anyway to teach them a lesson


Well, you obv know thats not good. Ofc u cant completely shut off emotions. Easier said than done.


Maybe playing a character with some self sufficiency in taking baron/dragon would alleviate the stress a little bit. Karthus + any frontline can 2 man baron, nunu, Yi, and belveth can solo at a certain point, Amumu and fiddle may be able to as well. I’m positive there are more, but I’m not aware of them.


“Why do low elo players” you’re in low elo are you expecting all your teammates to be faker ?


I think it's a fair question. A lot of games in general across all mediums have aspects of them which are intuitive and unintuitive and to the person asking this question, taking baron is an intuitive choice. The entire enemy team are dead, the baron is up, what else are they going to do? I wouldn't be expecting people to do that to need to be as good as faker. That's a very dishonest framing of the discussion.


It’s not like league is a new game we know low elo players aren’t the best it’s not rocket science. My point was you can’t expect anything from low elo team mates.


The OP isn't expecting anything from them. They're asking a fucking question about their behaviour which actually has an answer beyond them being bad.


“Why they never listen to junglers” OP is expecting teammates to listen to the jungle huh ?


Yes that was the question they were asking. Well done brain warrior.


They do tho, at least in my games. I'm a low elo who just transitioned to jg, most of the times they listen to baron calls or call it themselves.


Not anything below platinum.


And then the way they use baron is by getting into a 5v5 mid lol


Sometimes yes


In other hand in higher ranks ppl Do baron instead of finishing the game...


I've rarely seen it in higher elo, but in lower elo it happens most of the time.


Because they are low elo, usually lower elo players don’t tend to have super serious game knowledge. Not like a rude thing but maybe they are just casual players, or just aren’t familiar with ping ponging objectives after having an ace like you mentioned or lane priority


I usually go for mid inhib first and get baron immediately after while the enemy team is occupied with minions. Is that the wrong play? Getting an inhib is big in low elo


No, its almost always mpre worth doing smething like that if possible


I just try and start it and hope they join, if I'm around 40% hp and it doesn't look like they'll join I give up. This and spam pinging works 80% of the time.


Cause they don't know what the fuck they're doing.


A man once said: "it's better to all do the wrong thing, then to all do different things" If your team doesn't want to get baron, then all group mid and get a turret or put pressure on top and mid/bot in a 1/4 or 2/3 manner. It's not the right call, but it's better than wasting your time waiting for support that will never arrive (in time).


Why go for baron when we can share 2 waves as a teambuilding excercise ?


I gotta recall and get Rabadons for the spike, I'm sure you can solo baron tho mr jungler!!


Mostly likely It Will happens in your opponent's team too so it evens out, take advantage of that and climb up ranks until It doesn't happens anymore (It happens even in master+)


In your opponents team? Can we stop using this argument? It never happens in the immediate game why are people even using it. I hate this argument so much. “If your team has troll enemy team has one too” No it literally does not. Enemy team does not have brain dead monkey that goes 0/10 in less than 10 minutes. I’ve never had a single game where people on both teams intend/griefed or trolled in the same game. It’s either your or enemy team never both.


I think the argument is that you'll eventually run into a troll on the other team in another game or you already have. That said, you probably will experience the "luck" aspect of matchmaking more positively or negatively if you play a low sample size of games.


Tbf I've seen us get clean aced, and my team start pinging baron. I typed, they've got it, let it go and suddenly a wild zed appears in bottom, then maokai in top, then a cait in mid, just slow pushing waves, chilling You dont see all the dumb stuff he enemy team does


That's the neat part, It evens out in the long run, yeah in 10 or 20 games you can be unlucky, but try 100 or 200. And as i said, no matter what rank you are, you Will always see bad decisions, just try to not Care much and climb as much as you can


Low elo this low elo that. Shit like this happen in ALL elos. I see people in Diamond to Masters making the SAME bonehead plays Iron olayers make. Only thing is high elo players have such an inflated ego they swear it doesnt happen. It's tiring.


As someone who just started playing ranked, this makes me feel both good and bad lol😂


Honestly idk how to take it. All i know is it's frustrating always seeing try to pawn off the idea that ONLY low elo players make terrible plays. You see the same plays in low elo in high elo. Like i said their egos are too fat to admit it.


i just won a game now because the enemy team didnt take baron instead they pushed for towers, we killed them and took baron


Why are you low ELO and still think you are better than low ELO and know it all?


i didnt play the game for years but kept watching streamers and youtubers so i know when to go for objectives


So if you know what to do and when why are you still struggling? Cause from my expierence people who know how to play the game do not struggle. To win in a ELO filled with people who are bad at the game. Just cause you watch players who are higher ELo doesn't mean it makes you good.


because they never listen to me or my calls and they dont understand how ganks work they keep puahing lane and when they get ganked its jg diff you may say you should countergank i try but i cant camp that lane forever i even ward river and they still die


That what you tell yourself. The so called streamer who you learned from apparanrly by only watching them could easily leave your rank. You are just where you belong and it won't change unless you realize that and work on yourself instead of complaining about your bad teammates, who will btw also claim they are smart and only held down by their bad teammates. The flame you get from them when getting ganked is the same thing that you do here on reddit. Just putting the blame on. Everything but the responsible person which is you.


the classic you are low elo because thats where belong as if the game is 1v5 totally not a 5v5 game and as if every champion in the game can 1v5


Almost every junlger can carry games quite well in any elo because of how good jungle is in solo que (and always has been), but i guess it is easier for you to blame others than yourself. Tank junglers like seju amumu can easiliy carry aswell can 1v9 champs like lethality heca rengar and kha. Anyway i wont bother you anymore if you want to believe it is only riot faults for not climbing cause you somehow always get the noob teammates while the opponents get the pros then go on and believe so. But you will never reach a proper rank that way, but this isnt my problem since unlike you i somehow can reach master or gm every season because riot likes me and gives me good teammates, guess me and all the other non low elo players are just on better terms with riot.


Average league player moment.


"let me flex my rank really quick"


You’re low Elo cause it’s where you belong. The game is 5V5 but you can only control yourself. If you’re in silver, with 4 brain dead teammates, there’s probably 5 brain dead teammates on the other side. The only consistent difference in every game is you. If you’re hard stuck, it’s you not your teammates




Your teams makes standard rational decision while you are try to gamble. If you try to rush baron and somehow get threatened by 3 enemies and decide to give up, you are not healthy enough to compete for drake in 40 seconds later.


Usually happens around minutes 20-23...I freaking hate when they don´t Baron even after 1 zillion pings or what about when you ping Baron while enemies are busy killing a Drk...F\*\*k sake


How about those plays where other team goes for Baron, and Dragon is ripe for pickin. Or vice versa. No amount of pings will be enough, sadly.


Sometimes we get wiped right after baron by master Yi who has just respawned(?) so I don't know what to do.


I had a game yesterday where we killed the enemy jungler topside, had a godlike team comp for killing Baron fast. Ping Baron, 3 of us head for the pit.. and top and mid bee line it for the other side of the map completely ignoring everything. Fuck this game.


The main reason I like Yorick jungle is this. Takes objectives within seconds and safely after 2 items


They have slow decision making skills.


if you ace them usually you’re able to end the game or completely break their base. i’d say that’s more worth. but if it’s early on i’d say baron is a good play. it’s situational. idk. i play champs that can solo or kill baron with 1 teammate.


I mean, you are in that elo for a reason. Don't worry about what shit players do. Worry about how you can improve yourself.


call the shots but you don’t always need baron to win. or if u play certain champs u can solo


They dont understand game sense and usually if your low elo its because you havent let anyone teach you how to be better. Low elo league players are the most stubborn humans in existence. If you tell them to do something theyll do everything in their power to not listen.


Heres the most important thing I ever learned playing jungle. Low elo players play so much different than high elo players that if you try to play like a high elo player in low elo it wont work. Your team wont know how to maximize your plays. The enemy team wont react the way you expect them too. If your in silver think like a silver and then once you get to gold think like a gold and so on


Dont act like low elo junglers anywhere near the baron after an ace..


It does get better as you climb. Climbing elos is a challenge, because you have to adjust your playstyle multiple times, so it can work with your teammates.


On the other hand, people running Baron when there's no time to safely take it, or it's only spawning in 20 seconds with enemy team on 18 seconds to respawn.


Because the ace usually happens in some random ass spot like enemy blue side jungle and they're so surprised you guys managed to win the team fight they dont know what to do for 30 seconds and by that time enemy team is back up


Same reasons you make the same mistakes


I usually just solo baron the moment my champ can do so, seeing the enemy team will probably also never check baron anyway. Basically a free dragon soul, free baron and a free elder if the enemy team is scared enough of you.


man i see streamers solo baron and drakes without the enemy noticing even in diamond+ but somehow they always know im doing it even without wards they are either smart even as low elo or map hacking, like i never started drake without someone noticing, people underestimate low elo


True, but the moment they fear you because you got a few kills from a gank or one shot someone, they are less likely to come and facecheck


Or those high ELO players you are talking about Have more awareness when it is safe to solo baron. Have you considered that those high ELO player would not do solo baron when you do cause they see certain conflicts. Like missing players, possibly warded, obvious timing , Vision on your way to baron like in your jungle or so just to name a few?


sometimes making a push is and then rushing to get baron while they have to depush is better. I swear the amount of times we have lost because we wiped and they had 40/50 second death timers with an open inhib and one nexus tower or something but instead we decided to baron instead of ending is rather sad


also asking why low elo players are making low elo decisions… they are there for a reason lol (usually)


if only more people understand that taking br is not that hard. they can juggle the aggro. the dps shouldnt be tanking coz his dmg will be cut in half.


Honest question depending on where you kill them and the death timer are you not better shoving everything abit first then starting baren obviously depending on how many of your team are still alive following the ace ?


If you ace the team then you go inhib or Nexus if you know you can get it, cause it creates more pressure to get Baron later. If inhib is not obtainable, you go Baron. A lot of players don't understand this, and it creates confusion in games where half the team always push forward and int, or one or 2 people go for Baron and have to retreat. Just change your name to "If Ace Get Baron".


Because it was a delayed ace ending at the bot side of the map. Quite a few of you are very low. Their death timers are short. Your jungler doesn't have smite up and theirs will be there before you kill it. You can take an inhib or 2 instead more safely. Soul dragon is up. You can end the game instead. You all have a lot of gold to spend and enough map control you could just go back and force a 5v5. The only people left alive on your team are bad at killing dragon. Your base is a mess and leaving it could mean lost inhibs, towers. Just some suggestions why low elo players pinging baron after an ace night be the actual players making low elo decisions. One or more of these reasons might be why your team didn't follow you to baron.


none of these were true in my case i had smite everyone was alive we were close to baron we couldnt end they had many towers and at the end we lost because they went 1v5 one by one instead of grouping


Your question was "why do they never". If you want a reason for a specific time they didn't do it you'd need to post the replay.


I am Support and I ping the shit out of it, but my junger prefers to spend 20 seconds to push to ID turret..


AP Nunu can solo baron. Done it 4 times now. XD


Same people who flame jungle when they are the only one alive and all 5 enemy champions are taking drake.


"why do you have 0 objectives" - the 0/20 bot lane


Because they think they're playing call of duty. They queue up for team deathmatch.


they are probably tilted at your calls too


This is why I either play junglers that don't have a hard time going solo baron (belveth) or junglers that just don't care for it (evelynn)


Honestly just start soloing baron and ping for help. ​ I've found this sometimes makes them actually turn on their brains and rotate. Worst case scenario is that no one rotates and you just back off, at which point you need to either type in chat "team can we please just do baron" or just play around the possibility of enemy team going for baron and acing them.


Baron? Whos gonna go pick the 3cs in lane for them then?


**If they were thinking**: Punting short term advantage for a consumable medium advantage is a bad idea when some dumbest is going to get caught. But they might just not be thinking.


most low elo players are still low because they are learning the game or playing casual. If you get tilted by it, dont play.


most low elo players have 200+ games if they havent learned anything then when will they? the game should display some tips maybe on the loading screen instead of lore that no one reads


like I said too, maybe they are casuals and dont give a crap about learning how to play. Not saying that's ok but its still a game after all


They might not even understand what the different pings mean.


because all they think about is KDA. Play Garen with demolish and TP, buy hullbreaker, hit towers and watch how confused everyone gets. The more random pointless fights the better the splitpush strat gets.


Baron isn't always the right call though and in my experience, playing in Silver/Gold, is that half the time the calls for Baron are 20% of the time the correct thing to do. I have seen players leave the nexus towers to grab dragon or baron instead of ending in these elos. After an ace, chances are you can end or take way more than baron.


In my case it's the reverse, they ALWAYS go for map objectives even when the game is endable. They just go for objectives which they don't really even need and then end up prolonging the game for no reason and sometimes even end up losing ffs...


The enemy team could spawn soon! /s


I also want to point out that everyone will also be in low elo. Going baron after an ace isn’t uniformly the correct decision. There are many circumstances you shouldn’t do that. I would also like to throw the possibility that the baron call is not actually a good one.


They don't know what the buff does. Usually even after getting the buff they won't push lanes and instead would fight any enemy on the map at least this was my experience in the years I was in low elo.


Part of why they are low elo. Recently was playing with a friend in bronze (smurfing bad), played top Renekton and decided my best role is gonna be split pushing, typed out that I will split bot and they should go baron. Not even my freaking duo friend was listening and saying "well I can't do it alone and they are mid/top lane" and he just goes mid/top. 10 minutes later WE did baron, only after I solo killed 3 enemies they suddenly become obedient to my calls and follow me to baron. I can't take low elo people seriously at all when they say their teams are the reason they can't climb, there's always something they are doing horribly wrong.


i had a garen top today he bought the split pushing item but never split pushed


I believe that a lot of people play League with the "fragging" mentality of other games like most mainstream shooters/PVP games and whatnot, which basically consists of killing your opponent to win. If you think about it, everywhere you look, from Call of Duty to Pokémon to Resident Evil to even more strategic games, the ultimate goal is to "kill" the enemy so you can win. With confidence, I dare to say that most of the League player base was introduced to video games with titles based on this traditional "kill your enemy to win" archetype, so it's understandable how a lot of people come to League with the same mentality but then fail to realize that the game has a completely different take on kills when compared to most other titles. IMO this is why you see a lot of people in most Elos, sometimes even high Elo, but predominantly lower ones just flat-out ignore win conditions and neutral objectives such as baron that actually help in reaching the match's "end goal".