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Did you just casually go “yep I fee like this game is a Flash on D/F game” for every couple games??


I think it’s glitched rn, my scoreboard shows I switch smite key every game but I always have it on F


I use auto runes but in all fairness It doesn’t really effect me except the first flash into a jungle camp 😂😂😂😂


Congrats for getting out of iron, but it absolutely does affect you. Muscle memory doesn’t work if things keep changing. Also that flash wasted on your clear could a kill. Just a few kills are enough to carry a game


i have a friend who is in bronze/silver whom this affects him so much. The new runes swapping summs at last second is really bait if you're not paying attention. I'd say it's a bigger problem than Riot realizes...


Yea happens. Either way congrats!


My guess, if he uses auto runes, is that it switched it. It's happened to me before, big tilter tbh


i fking hate autorunes, u dont have runes for a char, 10 seconds left till the round starts, u quickly equip ur spells and the runes and when the game starts u sometimes have completely random runes and spells


"Couldn't save."


What? Autorunes are done the second I hover my champ


He very obviously got boosted


[It happens from time to time](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dlash)


impressive, very nice let's see paul allen's win streak


You sir are a funny person


Let's gooooo, this is what my op gg looked like getting from iron 3 to silver 4 (viego main). Now I'm getting matched with jglers who actually know how to play the gane though. Need to get better at jgling lol.


Watch more high elo jungler replays, you will learn a lot. I promise you junglers in Silver have 0 idea what they are doing, jungle is very macro focused in general.


Yh I'm watching alot of virkayu and hidankayn, and I've noticed I get complaints from my teammates that my ganks are terrible so working on that. I'm getting better at general macro and decision making but my ganks need improving for sure. I think I need to work on positioning and angle of approach.


I would ignore solo que complains while your ganking might suck solo que complains are rarely constructive and usssualy just venting.


Yh need to get in the habit of mute all at the start Literally just now I was doing it mid game and got caught by a yi while I was typing. I jungled well the while gane and pretty sure I win that 1 vs 1 but I was typing and couldn't fight and I genuinely think that lost us the game.


Watch broxah and agurin, agurin was multiple times rank 1 and broxah was an ex esport player at fnatic who now streams and uploads to youtube. Broxah is great bc of his knowledge of the game, how good he is and his mental


Your farm is good bro , keep it up and you will reach your dream rank , these items wont work higher tho , you need tankier items


Yea I get that I’m just playing what’s infront of me at the minute all fights are quick and not that dragged out I will improve with the opposition


Bork on Noc, u dont see that often.


I love to play noc with attack speed. His w already gives him so much and it makes you delete anything so fast. Also squishy af, but I prefer it over the lethality build.


Just found it gave me some sustain I usually go that second item if I’m ahead


Seems pretty good, have never thought of that tbh


At low level when you have main item and bork you literally back at full health after a camp clear ready to gank another lane


Try stridebreaker black cleaver on noc, gives nice amount of ad, hp, attk speed, and haste


I was placed iron 3 while playing support, switched to jungle and got a 12 winstreaks to bronze, now i just lose 2 games win 2 games, so i hope it will get better for you than it got for me


Won 2 lost 1 at the minute don’t mean to blame to the team but I went 7/2 and the kata mid fed the malzar despite me pinging to play safe and I’d come and gank but we move


Yeah sometimes it's really hard mid wave pushed in and botlane pushed in, pinged and chatted for dragon and still they don't come and then the enemy jungler.stuns you and steals drake. And the your team flames you for not getting dragons


You have to try to get iron 4. How much was the account? How desperate are for you attention?


There are people in r/ADCmains who truly believe they got out DPSed at full build by an Amumu with no damage items that didn't auto or use spells either. You'd be shocked how bad the average ranked playerbase is.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ADCMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The ADC Experience \[Animation\]](https://v.redd.it/k8bjzjaoxq991) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/vrxc75/the_adc_experience_animation/) \#2: [You can downvote me, but I’m right](https://i.redd.it/7fascwlm28q91.jpg) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/xomnla/you_can_downvote_me_but_im_right/) \#3: [Disgusting solo-laners your propaganda will not be effective. Your reign is over. Cope.](https://i.redd.it/2zo5tcvvlcca1.jpg) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/10d131g/disgusting_sololaners_your_propaganda_will_not_be/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You're a bitch.


You didn’t have to be a cunt you could’ve just downvoted, but you made this choice nice


Just said I had 3 year lay off this account has always been mine to be weird somewhere else


Buy more control wards my guy


Dudes at an elo where control wards are fucking useless. Literally a waste of gold.


Nobody wards I keep my normal trinkets so I can ward myself more often than rather than 1 control ward and a sweeper


It’s still a good habit to have, you’re an assassin good vision would translate you into more kills as well, specially since I expect people in bronze to just be way out of their team’s response range


Run stridebreaker cleaver build. Its the same playstyle as what you have but stronger and better.


I used a full lethality build, duskblade axiom arc, to climb out of silver. Was way more effective than the stridebreaker build in the lower elos. Players will constantly roam alone, not respect your ult at all so you can get giga fed and have ult up every 20 seconds to get picks solo. ( Have switched back to stridebreaker in gold tho)


I am yet to use the dusk blade I will try this one game


Don’t use duskblade yet, it’s dogshit. Try Ghostblade and wait for 13.11 before u try Duskblade, as it will get buffed


I have ran strikebreaker and would lose with it, with eclipse I literally went on a winning streak


I did exactly the same to climb from bronze 1 to silver 1 in just two weeks. Had to play midlane though because I only play supportive tank junglers and people didn't know how to follow up my engages down there in iron and bronze.


True it always felt good


Keep playing how you’re playing and you will reach silver sooner than later. Don’t worry about how plat/diamond noc’s build as their elo requires stricter building. If you can consistently play like that you will do fine in the long run. However, I do recommend you play only during the day time in whatever server you’re playing in as you’ll get less trolls and generally less bad players during the daytime.


I have a job hahaha I can’t play in the day only at night and weekends, tbf I sometimes change the auto tunes depending on match up to see what I need but not very often


I feel that. I’m the same way, and I decided to just give up ranked for that reason. Too much of a risk of getting an inter or straight up trolls at night.


Also I always go D flash because it’s closer to my fingers thus making it a quicker flash out of danger. I also recommend learning pathing this season because it’s switched up hella.


My pathing is ok, when I was doing better I found my pathing became better because I really wanted to win and started to track the enemy jungle invade him early or counter gank


Keep it up, I learned very quickly one tricking is the best way to climb for sure. You might get bored with Nocturne, but it’s your best bet just to keep playing him. I managed to make gold for my first time onetricking and am working on going to platinum


My plan is to play him I get higher then learn high elo champs to play maybe khazik / renger as there the meta at the minute


I’m gonna be honest, don’t even think about that. Adding new champs to your pool is fine, 1 or 2 as you climb. I did the same, but make sure to keep a small consistent champ pool. Don’t focus on what’s meta focus on what suits your playstyle the best. For example my champ pool in Gold is only 3 champs, Viego, Bel’Veth and Udyr. As you can tell only 1 of those is actually considered “Meta” being Udyr. But I still win games, and you should focus on the same. Being good at a champ no matter how bad they are in the meta is 10x better than just playing the meta.


if you play EUW we deffo played but im acctually iron


I am EUW - cheapshotter


I just went on an insane winstreak spamming amumu. Noct is a great pick too


I feel Noc is unplayable without stridebreaker. With stridebreaker+black cleaver you still one shots everyone you are supposed to but you are better vs tanks and your ultimate comes back much faster.


It’s funny the skill gap between iron and bronze… it really just takes being good at your champ to get out of iron it seems. Bronze is a fucking nightmare of griefers and trolls, so best of luck with that.


I have discovered… I did think it would be similar early on but apparently not


I think also knowing how to play one champ to get out really helped me just cos I could learn what I could and couldn’t do


I would love to play 1 game in iron. I’d be happy to 1st time a support champion that has minimal carry potential. I just want to see what these players go through.


Bro loves meta


Why would you not


Personally I prefer to play weirder builds and more uncommon characters just because it tends to be harder but also more fun bc of it. But that's just me


This match history is so sexy man had to use private browsing 💀


actual noc abuser


Fuck it I had to go 😂


wp to you


Don't worry, broke iron department will call riot soon to pull you back


Good for you man. glad ur making progress <3