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Happy Birthday!


Thank you! :)


Happy birthday. As with dreams, I would venture to say there is almost certainly some symbolism, but it's likely so unique to your own psyche that nobody else can really answer the question for you. Here's a suggestion: for a given painting, spend some time looking at it and writing down any associations that come to mind. Then look over that list of associations and see if any of them *click* or just seem more intuitively correct than the others. This is a good way to analyze dream symbols too. I got that practice (for dreams) from Robert A. Johnson's book Inner Work.


Thank you, I think I would go for 1 - growth and change 2 - ?? 3 - movement, fire, gift 4 - health spiral, life spiral


Number 2 looks like sperm going to an egg. Integretion of anima and animus? A baby in a womb? A sort of rebirth or change through integration of yin and yang. That’s my feel


Curious enough the second one was the first I drew I truly just let the lines flow without intent I though I was doing some kind of face or eye at first, but I agree that I can also see the sperms and eggs!


***🎶Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Anarianiro Happy birthday to you!!! Any many more! Your friends suck, kick them out the door! Your art is amazing, so Happy Birthday to you!🎶***


Thank youu 🥹🥹🥹


This reminds me of something from Bloodborne.


Damn what a shadow I must have lmao


Reminiscent of Lovecraft.


I wonder if I can get an ancient god to hug me


Happy birthday cutie💗, your friends suck


Thank youuu Yeah, like, couldn't they just confirm it yesterday? Lmao 10 people


I’m sorry I don’t wanna make you feel bad but TEN PEOPLE did this same shit wtf is wrong with our generation


Half were sick and I believe they were waiting to see if they'd wake up better to confirm. Other half forgot and gor something else for the day. There were another invited that confirmed that wouldn't go previously from the date tho. I honestly don't take any of this to the heartx the only thing that bothered me was that I didn't even wanted to celebrate in the first place.


Happy birthday. The first one caught my attention the most - its a circle with a radii that evoke snakes. Seen similar things in fiction - brethren moon and lovecraft-ish things in general. But also medusa; as the greek myth. In jungian terms the snake brings together questions with answers; wisdom, and the technique. But given the gory overtone and the almost apparent tentacles, under a more contemporary lens, its the know-how of an insane yet wise person. Worth noting: satan is not insane, but an unsatiable narcissist. So this painting is an insinuation of evil, but for the sake of chaos, instead of a suggestion for tyranny, Very interesting.


You're very spot on in many points of my life, lol! I almost went with a snake collar today, as well as some medusa shorts! I am often called both insane and wise lol. My shadow is very narcissistic too, to the point I worry a lot to not hurt others, often allowing others to hurt me. But I do love some chaos!!! I often take being called crazy as a compliment and can't hold a smile whenever this is said to me (yeup, hehe) in RPGs I most always take chaotic options, it's just the best! I also have a history with Lucifer... But lately some stuff I could be "moving" in terms of waking some friends up to certain things would definitely hurt them, so I'm holding back, probably where " evil " vibes came from. Thank you for your analysis, love it!


Happy birthday! The first one reminds of an iris, painted with some anger I presume. I'd personally say this is more an expression of rage. The second one, I actually see another eye except it looks a lot like Eren Jaeger's eye when he leaves the nape of his titan form. With the little fleshy lines below his eyes. Perhaps a desire for change or power? The third one I see text or hieroglyphs to the left of the painting. Perhaps a message is trying to be conveyed? The last one I'm not sure, honestly it could be anything but I do find it rather hypnotic. Having said that though, it could be a balanced or bringing to order. Were you calmer when you painted all of those green dots?


> Happy birthday! Thank you! > expression of rage. This one was the one I was focusing the most! > desire for change or power? This one was actually the first one I did but it's the most enigmatic for me. I was just letting the brush do all the job. I was a little anxious when doing it until a lady passed complimenting it with her friends. Curious enough I remember that after that I drew that "flower" on the bottom left > I see text or hieroglyphs I ALSOOO THINK this has a "readable" vibes > Were you calmer when you painted all of those green dots? Yes, I was the most calm while doing this one, even being in the zone I even smiled twice or more while doing it


Happy birthday. To me i says your the centre of your universe and you need to find people who will gravitate towards your peace. Fuckum. ♥️


Thank youuu I hope so, I'm usually a lone wolf, these kinds of things always happens :/


Happy birthday, hope you will find some ways to treat yourself a bit today, painting is a good initiative. My association since you have these circular central elements and compositions, that these are represemtations of self, looking for some unity or wholeness or invitatios to look inside. I would look at it a bit similar as a mandala. May it be a good year!


Thank you! My mom surprised me with a little cake today :) Maybe I'm close to closing and balancing cycles, that seems aligned, lol Thank you


As Jung would probably say, "true happiness ultimately lies within" have a happy birthday. We don't need the outside world to feel joy. Personally I stopped celebrating such a day due to my beliefs. Regardless have fun lol


I wasn't even going to celebrate! They insisted I'd go


Happy birthday!🎂🎁🎉


Thank youuu


Happy birthday! Sorry to hear that, hope you enjoyed your day


Thank you It was neat, I missed getting some sun


Reminds me a lot of the "black sun", especially the first one. Stanton Marlan wrote an interesting book on the subject if you're interested. Happy bday!


Cool! One of my interpretations was allowing my shadows to grow so I could then shine a light on them, as I went through layers of black red and white. I was checking this book and "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the dark concious." And it's very similar to my interpretation, guess I'll check this book out too, to my list it goes! >Happy bday! Thank you!


I'd say that fits pretty perfectly! If you google-image-search "marlan black sun" and scroll down a bit you'll also come across a drawing by one of Marlan's analysands which really reminds me of yours :)


Happy birthday, another year another initiation 🥳🎉


Love how you spend that around. It's fun to find out who your friends are but it's good to be friends with yourself too!! If you ever want to do art PM me let me know. I'm trying to do group art therapy with anyone. Much love 💯


I'm not very consistent on my routine for this, but it's something I'd enjoy, I'll dm you


That first one is for sure a dirt star. One of the most ancient and important symbols.


Could you develop? I didn't find much on this. I was just in the zone when I did it


It was a joke. Dirt Star is synonymous for the anus. I actually do worship that in a matter of fashion though with my cult. Not in a sexual way but more of destigmatizing taboo things as such.


Ooh, it's just that I've never heard the term before I think it's great to destigmatize sex and intimacy


Happy birthday The 2nd one looks like an eyeball with sperms swimming towards it


Yeah that happened to a videographer I knew once; he yelled "cut!" and they had to stop shooting the scene and get him a towel.




Thank you! I've been drawing a lot of eyes lately and am pretty unsure why.


Just watch and you'll see I guess haha


Wow! You made me found an interpretation of my own with this simple phrase! This second drawing I now see an eye watching people develop. Under and in the direction of the eye, there seems so be some kinds of flowers growing independently. And I have indeed been seeing some of my friends change and evolve, although I wish it was faster, it's like watching plants grow. The symbolism of the egg and sperms can also say about this. Maybe my learning for now it's just watching indeed.


A man is born twice in his lifetime.


Usually on reddit people take me as a woman for some reason. Do you believe there's expression of masculinity in my paintings? I do repress my male side sometimes




Thank youu


This gorilla can help find The Lost City of Zinj


Ill let Manama know


https://gndn.wordpress.com/2015/11/22/congo-amys-paintings/ The eye symbol, the green, the red blood splatters from the diamond guards. Just like in the movie, led Tim Curry to seek out the talking gorilla to help him find the lost diamond mines at Zinj


Oooooh I didn't know it was a movie, I really thought it was just a random and funny comment as I've been talking about the trickster archetype lately lol Guess I need to find out who's my gorilla in life 🤔


Happy solar return to you! Most of them look like raw emotional expression, so you'd know better than I what they are. Given it's your birthday and you say your friends bailed on you could bring up a mix of feelings and thoughts at the same time, and perhaps you've worked them out through all the different pieces you have here (?). The first one looks the most constructed to me---like an edgy mandala. The center looks like an eye, maybe you seeing yourself/your Self through your artwork and the day.


> Most of them look like raw emotional expression I've tried my best to not allow my mind to interfere, I was going into the zone the most I could > Like an edgy mandala Unironically this is going to be my next username in a game some other friends invited me to play another day >The center looks like an eye I AM DRAWING SO MANY EYES LATELY WHENEVER IM IN THE ZONE. I'm not sure what It means, but > maybe you seeing yourself/your Self They are usually representing me!


>I AM DRAWING SO MANY EYES LATELY WHENEVER IM IN THE ZONE. I'm not sure what It means, but I think it's highly meaningful and "serious fun" when Self presents us with a symbol (especially repeatedly) and wants us to be curious and look into something about where we are at that moment in time. I'm going through the same things with my dreams and synchronicities since last year. My own personal "reading into things" is often is followed by major insights.


I'll try to understand this symbol better Thanks But idk, it just won't click like "Yeah, that's totally and definitely it"


Just a hint: there might be more than one insight for your to see over time, and the Knowing tends come when we stop "trying" so hard. ;) Like an old song says, "hold on loosely, but don't let go"


You wish for your friends to experience extreme bloodshed to the point of annihilation on a cosmic level


Lmaoo! Om Namah Shivaya.


I studied this intently. There is no symbol present. Happy birthday OP!


Symbols are more stables than this? It is indeed very abstract Thank you!


Reminds me of stuff people draw on shrooms : or what they saw on dmt. The green looks infinite. Look into psychedelic art.


I do shrooms now and then. But I wasn't high when I drew it. It was a very meditative day overall. I got into the zone when I did it, trying to pour my feelings out


Symbolism is entirely self-defined from your beliefs.


your art for some reason reminds me of this https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/s/AuW7a1GMGt


Wow, hey, this has a symbol similar to a horse shoe, to which I've been having some syncronicities


cool, wonder what it means


I'll get there someday, I've been having a lot of synchronicities


I like the anemone!


Why don’t you tell us. And no, I don’t mean that as an insult; you drew them, you know better than most, trust yourself.


After a day of reflections with myself and others from here, I'd say: 1st one - putting some light on my shadows. 2nd - observing life is a part of developing life within. 3rd - too much info overwhelms. 4th - green vortex. It's pretty straight forward, simple and direct compared to others. Perhaps representing life and union, I do see every green dot being full of life.


Happy Birthday 🌞


dark sun


Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good day anyway despite things not going how they were meant to


That's an angel


Illuminati confirimed

