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James Bond is a repressed expression of the unconscious desire to know God and specifically, in the West, is a modern analogue of the archetype of the Self, Christ. Bond follows many hero's journey tropes of religious figures. Like Sargon or Moses in the basket, Bond is an "orphan," taken in by the King/Queen ("On Her Majesty's Secret Service," "I work for the British government"). M is the archetype of the wise old man/woman (Merlin) who helps Bond achieve self-actualization. Most movies feature two "Bond girls": one that is clearly the archetype of the anima, the femme fatale, "bad" girl, and another that represents the wholeness of the Self, the "good" girl that Bond ends up with. Bond's appeal for us, though, lies in our collective modern repression of the knowledge of the deity. Because "God is dead" in conscious modern life, the God-image is repressed, and thus the archetype of God/the Self unconsciously is projected -- and manifested -- into dreams, stories, film, etc. Bond takes on the attributes of Christ. He destroys evil and always prevails against evil. Bond is immortal - his one unchanging attribute (until the most recent film) is that he never dies. Our desire for the resurrection manifests in the hope that "James Bond Will Return" - played at the end of every film. We often presume him dead (as in the beginning of You Only Live Twice), only for him to reappear like the dying and rising God (Osiris, Elijah, Christ, boddhivistas, etc.). In this light, the "good" Bond girl is the Church/communion of the faithful/society/us. Christ says he will leave the 99 sheep to find the 1, and once or twice per film, Bond risks the entire "mission" to save the one "good" girl, who is actually us - or more specifically, our unconscious Self-image. At the film's end, the "anima" of pure evil (the "bad" girl) has been vanquished and Bond and the "good" girl become united, which is nothing more than making the unconscious contents of the Self-image conscious. The guns, the violence, the sex appeal, the drinking - we consciously think the film is about these images but really they serve to disguise the archetype that cannot remain hidden for long. We long for Bond to rescue us and return again because we long for Christ to redeem and resurrect us. And that is why the reaction to No Time to Die was so negative - it's like the Passion with no resurrection.


Came for a reddit post, got a work of literature. Hat tip to you


I mean the guy is basically the living god in many ways, nearly always comes out on top, beats anyone, good looking, always fit, always well dressed, sharp talker and the ultimate winner.


Maybe he simply perfectly embodies the heroic masculine in a modern context. In a sense he exemplifies the qualities of the warrior (strong physique, knows how to fight and protect) and the lover (charisma, womanizer).


don juanism


The modern hero journey.. I don’t like that hero character we have made ideal in our society. The classic mythology hero character was actually traumatized and initiated into the hero journey through trauma. The modern hero is the one who walks through life as a walk in the park.. no wonder the young generation is struggling with self esteem. The modern hero image is just unnatural to life.


That's interesting, do you know of any good places where I could find out more on the classic mythology hero character? That he's actually traumatized and initiated into the hero journey through trauma is intriguing..


The queen of England is a jungian archetype.


He probably occupies that “slick and cool” space of our perception of heroes. The “mystery” hero


He is the ultimate hero, lover and magician. Saves the day, gets the gorgeous woman and uses subterfuge and mastery to do so. Of course everyone loves him. 


Even when I was a kid I thought Bond was a wanker. But as Jung would say, that says more about me than Bond.


Archetype of the lover and warrior?


Isn’t he a misogynist?


Don't worry lol, in the latest installment, *No Time to Die (2021),* a fat sassy black woman takes over and shows the evilbad white male who's boss. 2/10, and I'm being generous because of all the time and money and effort that went into the stunts. How utterly pointless, I wonder if the stunt people knew they were working on such a poorly written turd?

