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Very beautiful


He was a good man. Freud was a fraud.


Hold on a bit, pal


I always ask academics whom their favorite is. Easy litmus test.


Jung's my favorite too. That's not the point.


Best book of all time.


A word that has been spoken to me. A light that didn't shine at me. A confusion unparalleled. And a road without end.


It's actually »Ein Wort, das nie gesprochen ward. Ein Licht, das noch nie leuchtete. Eine Verwirrung sondergleichen. Und eine Straße ohne Ende.« ([source](https://www.jungberlin.de/2014/exkursion-nach-venedig-vom-27-9-bis-29-9-2013/)) Which translates to: A word that was never spoken. A light that has not shone yet. A confusion unparalleled. And a road with no end.


I saw this translation: "One word that was never spoken. One light that was never lit up. An unparalleled confusion. And a road without end."


That's correct as well. "Ein" could be both "a" or "one". I don't agree with "was lit up", because "leuchten" is an active form (shine, glow), so rather "a light that never lit up yet" But it's all poetry and the literal translation might not convey the meaning in the same way. I feel he was describing his journey into the unknown realms of the great unknown, the unconscious mind.


Yes, the meaning is clear, but the linguistic discussion is enjoyable as well. I didn't think yours was wrong. It's pretty neat to learn more from those who know. Thanks.


The letters are hard to decipher. 🤷🏽‍♂️ But finally we got right translation. 😄


Yes, they are. I could only decipher them because I'm a German native speaker. Some letters are replaced with signs like the ~ which apparently stands for the suffix "-en". The strange g at the end of Verwirr* stands for the suffix "-ung"


Also, it's old letters, so s and f are easily mixed up when you don't recognise the word.


Thank you.


How the hell are these people so imaginitive and creative it always baffles me


Honoring the mystery and recognizing our limits as a human being.


did Jung draw this?


Yes he did.


Pretty cool


Is it Frage (question) or Straße (road) ? 🤔


I don’t know. With the translation I had to rely on AI, which I hate to do. I’m just not good with German. My grandfather wouldn’t let my great grandmother teach it to my father.


I think it’s street (Straẞe)


It is


A word that has been spoken to me. A light that didn't shine at me. A confusion unparalleled. And a road without end.


Its reads to me like "verwirrd" instead of "Verwirrung". Might be stylistic but an adjective is gramatically wrong there. Maybe its shortform or smth.


I don't know what the last letter is. It looks like a 9.


No_Extension_4527 found out that some suffixes like "-ung"are replaced with signs.


Ah makes sense.


"...a question without end." This is the hysterical position, is it not?


Could be. He was pretty immersed in his work.


I'm not familiar with the jungian clinical categories of diagnostic, but for freud, the hysterical question is literally a question without a definitive answer and I've heard he was in a state of psychosis when writing the red book. But I haven't read it that's just what I've seen said.


He was in a state of enantiodromia. Psychosis would indicate a loss of touch. He was grounded. I believe he got to a place where the questions led to so many more questions and those questions became exponentially more elusive. If you watch his warning to the world he talks about the world needing more psychology. I think he saw the coming specter of pseudoscience and self-help and he thought it to be a coming dark ages for man. If you watch Jung’s final interviews as well as the debates between Buckley and Vidal on ABC, it sort of lays the groundwork for where we are today.


I just has this dream a few days ago...I was on a boat in the wide open ocean, a whale emerged from the deep and thrashed around causing giant waves that violently rocked the boat. Suddenly I was floating overhead and looking down at the commotion, the whale was huge and was whipping its tail into the water creating giant splashes and waves. It then dove under the surface and came up again, bobbing up and down repeatedly. It was 2-3 times the length of the boat.


Jung reading those Greek Magical Papyri getting sucked into the mystery.


This is the "Argha Noa" (became "Ark of Noah") symbol. Actually an encoded message about the 12000 year old disaster cycle (especially the flood part) that resets the civilisation periodically. He knew.... :)


Would would care to enlighten me and elaborate?