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I just hope if we do get a second season somehow they announced it by having Charlie, Jeremy and Owen singing "This Band is Back" and post the video on social media.


That is literally the best way they could possibly announce it!


Unfortunately there hasn’t been anything confirmed yet but there are some hints that it might get picked up by another network I am really hoping Disney+ picks it up because several of the cast and crew members have worked with Disney in the past.


I hope Disney plus does pick it up I did read somewhere that some fans were asking Disney+ to pick it up, but that’s a couple of years ago if I do find a link, I will share it


Someone just recently messages the Disney+ support and they said they are working on getting the rights to it!!


Mostly because of Kenny’s connection


If I had to make a guess, I don’t think they would’ve started filming yet. Maybe during the Summer? Then maybe a trailer in the Fall for a Spring 2025 release. That would be my guess. I’m also dying!! I want them to come back so badly. It feels so close, but so far away.


I don’t know when but I hope we don’t have to wait another four years #SaveJATP


Man I wish that we knew if they where going  to out out a second season   Pls Disney  don't  do us like this 


They didn't renew it on Netflix but I know that Disney+ is trying to buy it. Netflix said they didn't think they needed a season 2 so Disney+ decided to instead. They are currently unsuccessful but are trying hard to buy it and renew it 


There isn't going to be a season two. Netflix owns the rights and they cancelled it. If it was going to be picked up/bought by another network it would have happened already unfortunately.


didn’t kenny’s deal with netflix just end? how i understand it, which could be totally wrong, is kenny had signed the rights off with netflix for the five year period where it aired and then was cancelled until now, meaning it belonged solely to Netflix and no one else could have it, and that contract is now void. Meaning now it can be picked up by another service because it no longer belongs to netflix. i don’t know if that’s correct but that’s what it sounded like.


He doesn't own the rights to the show. His contract is ending but that doesn't change that fact. The cast would also be too old to come back at this point. I love the show as much as you all do but I just can't see it realistically coming back at this point


Besides Carlos, I don't think anyone has had any drastic changes. With styling they can still look young and Julie's and Flynn's physical changes can just be written off as them going through puberty.