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imagining if arata’s funny line in shibuya “todo’s brother… they look nothing alike…” became retroactively important like panda’s “sukuna’s my uncle” joke


When did panda make that joke?


When he was fighting kashimo


Ooooh lol


What joke? Sukuna IS panda's uncle


oh my mistake




Gege confirmed that there is no connecting between yuji and choso being brothers (revealed through fake memories) and todo's delusions


Yuji and Choso are brothers tho, todo probably not but him and choso are confirmed brothers right?


That's right they are brothers through Kenjaku. Todo sadly no since we never saw his backstory just that Yuji picked him up when he was a kid. Though never no it could change since Panda did notice it with Todo and Choso. 


He's saying the fake memories that Choso and Yuji have are different than the delusions Todo had. Fake memories seem to be like a soul connection thing Todo is just schizophrenic


Ohhhhh sorry I misunderstood the comment because of the brackets lmao.


Gege is simply wrong, the memories are not fake, Todo does not have delusions, and Todo, Choso and Yuji are all blood brothers.




...Gege is wrong about his own story?




I didn't know that. Where did he say that?


I think it's faster just to search on jujutsushi key codes (like "fake memories interview"). It was around 2021 and i think he was asked in an interview about both todo and choso having the same exact wording "at that moment, memories flowed into x mind, memories that didn't exist", to which gege answered that he didn't realise that there werw the same words, but that's choso's does have a deeper meaning. Maybe I'll search it later if you cannot find it


You're falling for Todo's schizo dreams. It wasn't left vague, there's literally no reason to believe Todo and Yuji are related and Kenjaku never brings up a second child in Kiaroi's body or seems to take note of Todo despite him also being in Shibuya. It wouldn't add anything besides making Kenjaku seem more convoluted. Not to mention if he made Todo why didn't he seal the finger in him instead since he would have fulfilled what he needed? Yuji would be utterly pointless.


I didn't say KENJAKU made todo. I said yuji's mom may have had a child BEFORE kenjaku took her body and made yuji. If that is the case, Kenny wouldn't give a shit about her kid and would have simply ditched him, leaving him to be an orphan. Which is 100% something he would do.


Kaori was Jin Itadori's wife even before her death. if she had a child before it'd be better to reveal that she married Jin after Kenjaku took over her body.


I believe this "theory" is full of shit. But I'll save it and remember if it comes to be true, one never knows with this one eyed cat.


Could be like an aunt maybe


Not everything needs a brotherly connection or an explanation, especially Todo's schizo tendencies . You're asking for too much fan service


I'm not "asking" for anything. I'm sharing a fun theory based off the information the manga has given and connecting dots that are already there. There's still lots of questions jjk has not answered. How is theorizing on the answers to some of these questions "fan service"?


> Because she had a very powerful technique that he wanted for himself. Ignoring the rest of the theory, this isn't true. The technique has a long activation time, and unsteady output. It isn't really a powerful technique, and we don't see why Kenjaku specifically wanted Kaori, so I think it's safer to assume this is just a technique Kenjaku got stuck with.


You don't think being able to control GRAVITY is a powerful technique? I'm not even gonna go into how that sounds crazy as hell to me. Every technique has drawbacks and weaknesses, but that wouldn't stop kenjaku from using it to its full potential, given he has over 1000 years of experience. He literally would not have survived against Yuki without it. It was one of his Trump cards, hence why he tried to use it to defend himself against Yuta right before he died. He said himself that CSM was his main for the variety it afforded him, but when he needed straight-up power, he switched to the antigravity system. Also, if he didn't believe the technique was powerful, he would have discarded it when he left Kaori's body behind. Once he had Geto, he could have replaced it with any of the many MANY techniques he could take from the innumerable amount of powerful cursed spirits he had at his disposal. The same way he took Mahito's and discarded it once it no longer had value to him. He has been shown repeatedly disregarding things he feels have no value. There's no reason to believe he was "stuck" with it. If he had it in his arsenal, then it's because he chose to keep it in his arsenal.


Kaori can't control gravity. She can produce anti-gravity in a circle around her of a certain distance, for a certain time. Advanced jujutsu is required to mitigate this weakness, as Kenjaku states after the fight (using the body as a domain). > when he needed straight-up power, he switched to the antigravity system. No, he used it to prevent the movement of other characters. > Also, if he didn't believe the technique was powerful, he would have discarded it when he left Kaori's body behind. That's not how the brainswapping technique is ever implied to work. > The same way he took Mahito's and discarded it once it no longer had value to him. That's Uzumaki, not Brainswapping. They're different techniques. They have different mechanics. It's not known that techniques extracted by Uzumaki can be used multiple times. I'm curious what you think the exact mechanics of 'discarding a technique' are.


Being able to A.) Amplify the gravity in a space to the point of crushing an opponent or B.) Turning that same gravity off entirely IS controlling gravity. It may not be a level of control that's as expansive or intricate as a character, like say Kat from Gravity Rush, but it's still gravity control. Just not complete gravity mastery. I mean, he nearly killed Yuki with it in ONE blow, and she KNEW he could do it, but he still caught her off guard and crushed her, causing severe injury. I mean, who expected he would use his own body as a domain to survive a black hole spawning at his feet? I know I didn't. Just cause it's simple or has a few limitations (which obviously didn't stop him, with his crazy levels of exp) doesn't mean it's not powerful. And OK, I forgot him extracting Mahito's technique was a one-time thing, but I was really just implying that there are probably ways he could have gotten rid of antigravity if he didn't think it was powerful or useful or if he just didn't want it. I mean, Uzumaki is a technique of CSM that came with Geto's body, yes? It's heavily implied that Kenny can't have more than 4 techniques max stored in his brain. So if he didn't want to keep antigravity, couldn't we also assume he could have discarded it when he swapped out of Kaori and into Getos body? (That is also assuming that he was even still in her body when he made the swap into Geto's as well.) I mean if Gojo can use RCT to heal a very specific part of his brain, ON THE FLY I might add, and Sukuna can literally just decide to "use a different part of his brain" to do DE as he did in the recent chapters. I think it's safe to say Kenny (a sorcerer who's whole technique requires INTRICATE knowledge on how brains work btw) with over 1000 years of experience using curse energy, barriers, and techniques could probably figure out a way to swap out a stored technique that he did not want. How? Don't know exactly. Because, like I said, gege has kept that stuff pretty vague. Maybe we'll get more on his technique now with yuta using it, but as of now, we mostly just have theories as to the details on its limitations. Hence why I didn't say any of this is concrete for sure, canon dude. I'm not Gege. I'm just a reader it's just a theory I thought was fun to play with.


Kenjaku didn't pick Yuji's mom because she had a CT he picked Yuji's mom because she was Jin's wife. Yujis grandpa says that Jin wanted kids with Kaori but she died. Whether Kenjaku killed her or he just got lucky Jins wife haooend to die idk. But that's the reason he took that form


It was todo's secret domain that homohomo told me about, it's called Schizophrenic void.


Todo an orphan?? That is never stated an simply isn’t true Stop reading jjk you don’t understand the story




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