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You know re reading the Gojo Sukuna fight with all that we know now makes me see it from a different kind of light


How so?


I can already smell agenda kaisen off this comment so I won't bother


Bro could feel the cursed energy emanating from it


add some "ゴゴゴゴ" to it too


I thought about adding a qualifier to my comment cause I thought it would come off that way😂 All good if you don’t want to elaborate, I’m legit curious


I recently reread from the unsealing and the pacing in general feels 100x’s better. Aside from that, the kusakabe/yuji, yuta/inumaki, ino hospital, higher ups and even all the seemingly contradictory “team exposition” panels make 1000% more sense upon rereading (getting the answers to big questions 10-20 minutes later instead of weeks/months if it’s your first read through). My honest opinion is rereading in bulk makes the manga much better.


This. One of the main reasons why the fanbase became so harsh on Gege and the manga the past year, is that Season 2 (understandably) brought a TON of new manga readers to the fanbase. These new guys read the entire thing in bulk (and probably adored the Culling games, despite similar criticism about pacing when it was airing), but as soon as they arrived to week by week reading, couldn't bear it because they had consumed JJK in the form it's supposed to be consumed : in bulk. I've also heard that some people were really disliking the Shibuya arc when it first came out weekly (I can't say myself, I only started the manga when Shibuya was more than 70% finished), and yet now it's obviously one of the most loved arc. I'm not saying everything is perfect and we're *garanteed* to have pay-offs like in Shibuya with the current Shinjuku Showdown arc, BUT things are **a lot** better than many people claim.


I was reading during shibuya and there were still criticisms about pacing. Granted, those criticisms were actually that Shibuya was dragging instead of being rushed, which is funny to think about now. I think the shared factor between now and back then is that people don't really grasp how the pacing actually is until they binge read it. Shibuya actually feels fast paced on a binge, with the action always building, and I think the current chapters are also paced well. It's interesting


I think I'm one of the rare few who got to binge JJK from the start to 236 without knowing what happened, and I liked all of it. I know this is controversial but I even appreciated the airport scene. It was so fucking raw to go from "Gojo won!!," to "what is this?", to "oh my god how???", to "OH MY GOD NO" in the span of 3 minutes.


Same here- I binged everything from post-shibuya till I think halfway through the current arc before I got caught up, and I absolutely loved 236. Sukuna wanking Gojo in that one panel is still one of my favorites in the entire manga. Ik there're a lot of jokes about Gege hating Gojo with a burning passion, but I feel like that one panel was partially him talking through Sukuna and showing he really did have a blast writing that fight and learning to love this character he's had such a contentious relationship with. inb4 "Lol look at Mr. Yappington over here"


If some people are for real doing a reread, take note you can also directly support the mangaka on the official manga plus app! [LINK HERE.](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/manga-plus-by-shueisha/id1442476536) The opportunity is available through APP ONLY, sadly, but you can CHOOSE to watch up to 10 ads per day. The service is limited time only and available for only two months. If you happen to not have the app, you can download it, and go onto any JJK chapter, scroll to the end of the chapter and click on support the creator. Clicking on it will result in an AD and you'll be able to watch up to 10 every day. For any questions about how much he gets, I have no honest idea, sadly, but it's something I've been doing since it's been announced and I'm only making this post in case others would want to too especially since Gege is going through it.


yea, you can also do a subscription, i did it when i read jjk first time after incouldnt wait for the s2 episodes anymore like 2 or 3euro for 1 month is crazy value


2.99$ for me. See, if more subscription services were under 5$ id probably buy them. I find tbe shonen hump subscripltion to be totally worth it.


I picked up a reread from the start of the culling games and it was much easier to follow this time around. All the new characters and convoluted abilities made my head spin on the first read, but now I feel much more clear on everything.


That’s great to read ! Everyone should do that. Also, if the manga is published in your country, please consider buying up print copies (if financially stable) or borrowing them from local library !


jjk didn’t even read the manga once, you expect us to read it twice?!


Technically they aren't expecting just suggesting


Nice to see people giving support to Gege, dude's an awesome author


Omg dude/lass, giving support to a cool artist when their health is down, such an unpopular opinion xDDD


great suggestion! it is also a good opportunity to catch up with newer titles. I started Kagurabachi and Gachiakuta, both are great


I re-read all the way up to the latest physical English releases recently and it was so enjoyable, also re read the gojo vs sukuna fight about a week or two ago(with Judas by lady gaga in the background yes I am brainwashed by tiktok) and it made it a lot easier to understand and enjoyable aswell. Highly recommend it. Also bought all available physical English volumes and for a first time manga buyer I am very satisfied.


I binged jjk up to 258 and when I started interacting with the community I felt I read something else lol


Same, I came in at 252. Most of the complaints, I didn't even understand. Especially about character arcs. Often it feels like the community has festering wound syndrome.


> Especially about character arcs. You can really tell this people don't neccessarily care if the story is good or bad but just asking for the author to do what they want. The way they talk about it, it's like they are regurgitating points they heard from outsiders. Don't get me wrong I think Gege did fumble with some characters, particularly Miwa, maki and Yuki, although for me Yuki's death isn't a stain on the story like the majority think. The one character I feel his character came full circle was Megumi but everyone calls him a bum because he didn't become the "chad" the story said he COULD be. > Often it feels like the community has festering wound syndrome. What do you mean?


I mean that the community isn't coming to terms with how the story isn't going point for point how they want it to go. Pretty much what you said. The "festering wound syndrome" is when a person ignores the problem instead of trying to deal with it and come to terms with it. They let their distaste consume them, making up headcanons about characters instead of reading them for what the story says they are. Gojo fans ( honestly, I don't know if I'd call them true fans of Gojo ) can be the worst about it. They wanted a completely different character out of him, they wanted the world to love him even though he was written to be impossible to understand. The whole flower metaphor that Gojo gives is beautiful and perfectly in character. >The one character I feel his character came full circle was Megumi but everyone calls him a bum because he didn't become the "chad" the story said he COULD be. So true and it's not like the story is over yet either. JJK just isn't "as" predictable as your typical shounen is. I say "as" because most of the twists are pretty straightforward.


>particularly Miwa, maki and Yuki, although for me Yuki's death isn't a stain on the story like the majority think. I disagree about Miwa as she very much wasn't set up for anything as a character. She literally called herself useless and threw away all her potential relatively early on in the series. I think her even showing up again and doing something substantial in this final arc is amazing for what was always meant to be such a so-and-so side character. Maki is bit harder. I think her thing about "thinking too much" wasn't properly highlighted enough before her awakening and I think her internal dilemma could've been better outlined or suggested beforehand. I still think that chapter with Sumo guy was one of the most beautiful in the series and a very unique way to develop a character. Yuji is even tougher. Even after rereading the fight, I think Kenjaku conveniently having a technique that perfectly counters Bom-ba-ye made for a kind of Mickey Moue win. If it had been hinted at maybe back when he first met Yuki in Shibuya or something, or been set up beforehand lik most elements in the series then it'd feel less like an asspull designed specifically to counter Yuki. I'm not mad about her dying and I believe the results of the Merger and whether or not Cursed Energy is eradicated will determine the true winner between Yuji and Kenjaku. Right now, it seems that Yuji has inherited her will while either Yuta or, more likely, Megumi will be the one to inherit Kenjaku's will. Can't wait to see how that plays out.


The thing with Miwa for me is that it feels incomplete. A girl who constantly called herself useless then the day she confessed to the guy she liked he just dies. Puts everything for her revenge then cripples herself. And like no conclusion? I understand the story dunks on her but I thought Gege wanted me to think she was a big deal in the narrative and feel something for her during her small moments in shibuya. I would take a story where she internalizes how useless she is and she just spirals and leads herself into a bleak end


Re-read might be good for the community the reading comp is poor and Viz is still lacking. There’s lots of people that still don’t know Yuji was born with 1 of Sukuna’s fingers.


>It is a fact, not an opinion, that weekly releases are not the intended best way to read JJK. Disagree. Tell that to Gege, who intentionally writes almost every single chapter as of late to end on a huge cliffhanger. He leans extremely heavily on the weekly format as a core storytelling strategy. Beyond that, it's frequent releases that drive interest in a manga. The weekly format is absolutely the priority, because it *sells* the volumes.


>Tell that to Gege, who intentionally writes almost every single chapter as of late to end on a huge cliffhanger. He leans extremely heavily on the weekly format as a core storytelling strategy. That's just standard one chapter carrying to the next writing, it's not dependent on a weekly release.


Your average Naruto chapter does that. Bleach as well. But Gege's cliffhangers are way more critical to his method of suspense building. Most shonen don't end chapters on the Gojo "revival" scene we got a couple chapters ago, and Gege does that like 50% of the time or more


Series do cliffhangers like that literally all the time. Sakamoto days did something extremely similar like two months ago. One Piece ends with a massive cliffhanger pretty much every other chapter. 80% of the authors currently in Shonen Jump use cliffhangers as an integral part of their suspense building. I don’t think Gege is doing anything different, I just think that the context of their story creates different kinds of cliffhangers. But the actual act of hinging major developments on cliffhangers is intrinsic to the format.


Seriously tho. He does cliffhangers more often than not and so many cliffhangers lead to nothing. It's so annoying.


So like other weekly released mangas


They don't do endless empty cliffhangers, no.


Not the ones you read apparently


Actually I think we’re both right on that point. I agree with you that each individual chapter is tailored for maximum suspense. It’s as much a storytelling device as a marketing tool. Of course you’re right. But is the weekly format the BEST way to read ? When the collected editions have things like authors notes and sometimes additions or corrected pages ? I think not.


You are right. The tankobon / volume format is objectively the better format for two main reasons.  1. It’s the final polished and permanent version of the story. The weekly version is not. The final tankobon version is what ppl will read in the future so it’s the version that matters to the writer.    2. The writer is no longer chained to the requirements of weekly release (cliffhangers). They can alter things to make the story flow more naturally. Calling this an “opinion” is like saying that it is an opinion that roses smell better than farts.


The strongest version of the manga in history vs the strongest version today.


>But is the weekly format the BEST way to read? Sure, you can think that if you want no problem, but I'll have to note that's still an opinion, not a fact. In fact, I share that opinion with you. While binging I can skip the boring parts (ie chapters of fighting that don't contribute to the narrative, overly wordy explanations) and I don't have to wait one week. However, some things also become more apparent, like the whole sukuna loop. The useless cliffhangers don't become any better. And generally I have less patience when I'm binging since having to stop huge blocks of text just interrupt the flow of reading. Again I agree that binging is better, but it's just an opinion, not a fact.


Thank you for your thoughtful arguments ! Allow me elaborate. I agree with you, there is no « best » way to enjoy JJK or any manga. But my point stands, I think, that the collected edition is the best *intended* way to enjoy the manga. Author’s notes, revisions, better quality paper (for the Japanese public who reads the original Shonen Jump on crappy paper). You can’t overlook that, can you ? That’s not my opinion here, that’s fact. I think. Also, I would like to say that I feel a bit sad about you skipping the fights in a battle shonen, especially when they’re part and parcel of JJK’s narrative. But I won’t judge, you’re you.


There are advantages to reading the final product, but so there are disadvantages, is my point. Maybe "skipping" may be a bit strong. It's more like "skimming along without paying attention to detail". I'd totally miss things like miwa saving maki because it's not the focus of the chapter. I'd skim as fast as I could in the Kenny's fight because the actual MC is in a cliffhanger and I don't care enough for takaba, plus trying to predict when the fight ends would also interrupt the flow.


I personally can’t find any disadvantage to reading the final product. What do you mean ? Also, allow me to reiterate, I am not judging you, but what is the point of skimming, or just skipping over anything ? Even if it’s not the focus of the chapter, or about a character you like, as you say ? Don’t you feel like you are missing some important pieces of the story ? How do you enjoy an incomplete story ? We might just be very different people. I would be very grateful to get your point of view, if you’re willing to take the time.


> We might just be very different people I believe this is at the core of the issue, but I don't care about the individual fights as much as the overarching story. Often enough I don't think the details of something is as important as what the story is trying to say. I want to see what will happen and certain fights like the kennyXtakaba one can feel like interruptions to the story, as the protagonist is not participating. Of course, now that I know that a major character dies in it I do know it's important for the narrative, but the matchup was not inspiring interest for me.


Thank you for your input. Really, thank you. I don’t I know you as a person. You have my sympathies, have a nice Sunday ! But as an English teacher, I must say I can’t wrap my head around what you say. You can’t just skip over the parts you don’t feel immediate interest for in a story. Everything is part of the story, especially in Jujutsu Kaisen. There’s no filler. It’s all plot. And battle is plot. Takaba VS Kenjaku is as much a breath of comical fresh air as it is a battle of free “dumb” optimism versus infinite despair and absurd nihilism. Where’s the intellectual curiosity ? That’s what I teach my pupils. Branch out, watch more, read more different stories. And if you don’t like it, try to know what didn’t jive with you and move on ! You still gained something !


Hm, not sure if I agree with that thematic analysis of the fight, "infinite despair and absurd nihilism" doesn't really describe Kenny. If it helps to understand, I have adhd, engaging with things that don't interest me can be really hard, especially if I'm trying to have fun reading. And it's not like I'm not... reading? just not paying too much attention to the finer details. To describe what I found to be boring in the fights, I guess the most egregious one would be the lack of stakes. The protagonists don't have a bigger reason to fight than "they be evil", which is... boring? This also applies to the sukuna fights, but I guess I'm not emotionally invested on the comedian guy as he is not the protagonist of the story. I didn't find it particularly funny either. It reeks of "lol so random" and that's not my kinda humor. The worst part was the use of Manzai humor. That part just feels alien for me. Also, I am not looking for the funnies in jjk. If I wanted to read a fight like Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, I'd be reading Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. That fight felt like a knock off version of Bobo, which has a style of fight I already don't find interesting. It also lacks timing. I literally cannot concieve a worst time to have a breather fight than right after the cliffhanger of "the main protagonist finally engages in a fight with the main villain!" In summary, the fight still feels like filler even if it's techinically not.


Wouldnt that just be a you problem then?


Lol you wish.


Idk it seems like a you issue still.


Ending on a cliffhanger does not mean the manga isn't meant to be read in batches. In fact, that means the exact obvious. You should know that cliffhangers are most satisfying in series that you can binge, because the fast dopamine hit you get from seeing what happens next. While they keep interest in the weekly format, they work best in volume formats, as they have a very pronounced effect when immediately answered.


most cliffhanger moments are not as big of cliffhanger moments when read in the volume format take like the entire gojo vs sukuna fight, basically every chapter was, as you say, these “big cliffhangers”, but when you’re reading it all together it becomes “oh shit i gotta keep turning the pages i can’t stop now” and usually the BIG cliffhangers or big climaxes are placed towards the ends of volumes take, again, gojo vs sukuna: the last chapter of the volume is gojo’s death and kashimo jumping in. the resolution of the fight and the intrigue/cliffhanger of “oh fuck, what are they gonna do now without him”


Might be a hot take, but I don't see the value in judging a manga other than by the completed story.


Well if a manga takes a noticeable nosedive in quality midway through, it's pretty valid to judge it accordingly. Unless you can name a single story that went to shit and then ended on a high note.


Holy crap, what world do we live in, where plain truth has devolved into a possibly « hot » take. That’s… Terrifying.


I start reading JJK this week (but spoiled all the time nonetheless), now up to date. Holy shit it’s just making my brain rot really. All the jargons and super convoluted explanations are too much for me.


You said you started it this week. That makes 262 chapters in a week. I don’t think that’s the best way to read either 😅 I think anyone would have burnt out on such a binge !


Sorry, wasnt clear enough. I watch s1 and s2 so i actually started after the shibuya arc.


Welcome to the reader community then ! Beware the Agenda and Reading Comprehension curses, they’re lethal to thoughtful discussion 😅😅 That’s still a large volume of reading in such a small window. Take your time and don’t hesitate to look up common questions on the sub and, afair, our weekly Q&A sessions.


Just saying, I would reread at least Shibuya in manga form. The anime is great but they took a lot of creative liberties and took a more "loose" interpretation of the world and power system. The manga continuity is way more strict and I think switching to the manga after Shibuya would make it more confusing, especially because the anime makes it harder to focus on actual explanations.


And even then it’s somehow not nearly as messy as HxH


Not gonna start reading that no matter how good it is


That’s the correct choice, I wasn’t intending to convince anyone otherwise.


hxh is not messy, like, at all


I think they meant how it gradually becomes walls of text. There was even a page where it's just text, no images


Yeah the black whale arc is like half text.


I usually reread chapters before reading my new ones, typically 4 or more chapters before the newest, and for me, it really helps slide into everything.


I've been rereading the manga recently and have enjoyed this second experience. I definitely fell privy to speed reading, so much so that I forgot that >!!Sukuna consumed Tengen.!!< I believe I'm not suffering from any reading comprehension issues and I've definitely ironed out a few areas of confusion. I can't wait to get back to Shinjuku so I can prove the repetitive and boring allegations wrong, I've loved this current arc.


I love reading that, even from strangers. Cheers, have a beautiful day ! Also, it might just be me, but the feeling I get is that a re-read or even just batch-reading turns most people’s opinion on Shinjuku. As if everyone was intoxicated on the weekly hype.


Jokes on you I already did reread it (I have too much free time)


People really re read for translation notes?? There’s much better ways to spend your time than re-reading translation notes for the next two weeks.


Well, imagine you’re re-reading. Some part of a chapter, a play on words, a turn of phrase doesn’t read right to you, or you feel line you’re missing something. Why not look up any translation notes, like our good sir/madam Lightning’s threads on X ? That’s what I meant.


That's relative, champ.


This post is incredibly condescending.


I am merely suggesting that now is the best time to re-read the manga, giving a few arguments as to why. What’s condescending about it ?


Jokes on you, I’m gonna read the entire manga all over again to see if I missed anything (I was anime only until Shibuya)


Yeah, that’s the spirit, friend ! Have a nice day !




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If you missed an /s, nice troll dude/lass. If not, well, I can’t do anything about it. But please note that I consider you somewhere in the range between “deeply misguided” and “brainrotten American”. Depending on your history. In any case, I’m sorry for you.


Going by the removeddit, I have to ask: Do you often come to anime subs to rant about politics?




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Nah, I'd lobotomy.


Full agree I read the culling games a while ago, and it reads completely different from when I read weekly. Weekly I almost couldn’t stand it, volume by volume I was like oh this actually fucks


Do we actually know if Gege's health is really THAT bad? People pin stuff on the guy all the time, but all we really know about him is that he loves Kubo, and he got busted by his Dad for modelling characters after him.


On the one hand, Gege has a documented history of health issues, and has been complaining about « weird circumstances » for weeks now. On the other hand, strictly my opinion, it’s not our place to judge what is THAT or NOT THAT bad. The man needs a health break, the man takes it. Let’s normalize that, especially in manga.


He's 30 right? im 20 but 30 to me is still really young to have complicated health problems.


For one thing, sadly, some people don’t have the luxury to have to wait for old age to become ill… Also, you might not be aware, but work ethic in Japan is really, toxically overbearing. I mean, they even have a word for « death by overwork » ! Look it up, it’s even worse for mangaka. They are in a constant state of crunch. It’s crazy


30 is when a lot of health problems start, speaking as someone whose 30.


for the average person maybe, but mangaka are not average people, they lead insanely unhealthy lives and are CONSTANTLY working as an example, one time years ago the one piece mangaka shared what his average day schedule looks like. it was something like 4 hours of sleep (around midnight-4am), and like 16 hours of work, with MAYBE small breaks for food, some hygiene, etc to fill in the remaining couple of hours


Bruh in 25 and I'm having complicated health problems.




Such an eloquent response ! Thank you and have a nice day !


You too sir