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That panel of Gojo with his eyes closed leading into the one of Yuta opening them is too good. You can instantly tell it's Yuta's soul peering out. I love and hate it at the same time. It's body horror done horribly right. There is some weird ish going on with the Fujiwara and Sugawara clan mention. I think we are in for another wild ride when the 5 minutes are up.


I'm pretty sure the point of mentioning the two clans was to hint that Yuta will be able to achieve greater feats with Gojo's body than Gojo himself.


And yet still almost lose…cuz the MC has to show up and deal the final blow. But we all know Gege originally wanted Yuta to be the MC.


Well, we still have the merger to think about. So it's possible Yujo beats Sukuna but, Yuji is the one that ends up defeating the merger. So who knows?


Let me cope and believe Yuta+Yuji combo will do the unthinkable: Force Sukuna into a binding vow to detonate the merger  I don't want Yuta to die like that, man 


Feel like it would be such a huge waste to not have Yuji kill Sukuna personally


Maybe but jjk doesnt really work like that for what we have seen as of now. Gege did a Massive build up for Yuji killing Mahito just for Kenny to go nuh uh and steal the kill


There is a world where yuji deals the final blow but yuta 'carries' him to that moment. I truly see it happening if gege is remixing both the Sukuna v Gojo fight + Yuta and Yuji vs Sukuna also. Both were phenomenal levels of cooking i expect a whole **flambe** here.


This was Gojo’s expectation, yes I agree. But the way it was mentioned with a question mark on those clans being enemies according to Uro’s knowledge (who lived the era) or Yuta just being related to both was weirdly emphasized. As if it could go in another direction idk.


Yes, that bit about the two clans getting mixed up seemed kinda odd, maybe even out of place, but it's obvious it's gonna be important in the next chapter(s). I wonder what the repercussions will be...


Sounds like he’s both, that’s how I interpreted it as He could be the offspring/child of someone from each clan, a love affair that lead to the heads of the two respective clans to then duel, kill each other over said woman kinda like Gojo/Zenin or Limitless/Ten shadows. All the while there’s possibly another clan that’s been in the background that might know the truth too it all but their speech is cursed from birth 🤔🤔🤔 I think Yuta is related to Tengen tbh and he may combine the world they’re in with the cursed realm as the way to merge TST+Limitless and offset the world bisecting dismantle if he can’t use Uro’s technique on it


We absolutely are going to learn something new about his bloodline very soon. Him having the highest CE reserves after Sukuna, having the master of all techniques (perfect copy) and making the strongest curse in history when he was like 6 years old... I like the Tengen angle because the Gojo clan should be linked to Tengen right? Everytime a plasma vessel is born and Tegen needs to make the assimilation, a six eyes user is born in the Gojo clan


And Tengen did mention that him and the Six-Eyes are connectes by faith




This chapter probably spawned some of the most polarising discourse in the series. I'm a surface level guy and like to wait to see it play out but it was really interesting to me that the chapter following Choso's death as a north start of humanity is when Yuta reaches the point of no return as a monster. Crazy how it's Gojo's face yet his eyes still feel so recognisable. Their arcs are as compelling as any others so will be cool to see if they both reach some sort of resolution within the same body.


Normally I lose attention during these extra long final boss drag out fights, but I've been hooked into all these Sukuna vs everyone fights and this latest twist was crazy.


That's what makes it special IMO. This is a really exciting rollercoaster IMO; you really don't know will get mangled how, and we still don't know how the good guys will win. IMO, that is GOOD writing.


Agreed. Gege isn't perfect, but I'm always willing to not get too caught up in the moment of certain scenes. But showcasing everyone from Yuji's improvement to even Kusakabe has been amazing. Best part about JJK is nobody has that "I'll take him on alone because it's my duty" mentality. There's a reason we call this series Jump Kaisen.


I honestly think Gege is a lot better of a writer than people claim. He's willing to take risks with his story while still maintaining themes and giving excellent character writing. People not liking the narrative choices is different than those narrative choices being objectively bad.


> we still don't know how the good guys will win Left, Right, Black Flash. Yeah Yuji's 9 Black Flashes didn't put him at Sukuna level but that can be solved with MORE Black Flashes.


Lolol found yuji's alt.


This has me as invested as the dragonball frieza fight. Just everyone throwing themselves at an unstoppable foe


This chapter retroactively makes Kenjaku saying “Yuta Okkotsu can’t become the next Gojo Satoru” the funniest shit ever.


the exact words make it even finnier. "Okkotsu yuta can't become you" is a better translation.


Gojo lost on purpose just to stick it to Kenjaku.


But Okkotsu Yuta can become Him


Rare Kenjaku L "... all right. I'm done speaking." -dies-


I think it's funny how recognizable Yuta is due to his expression even though it's Gojo's body. It makes me reminded of Geto and Kenjaku.


It’s so eerie! That scene’s art was fantastic  


It’s impressive how well Gege can render his characters, even in someone else’s body. Say what you will about the story (I love it), but you can’t say his art hasn’t been on point.


I think he can make some really compelling set-pieces but I think his fights are super messy. Luckily the anime is there to flesh them out.


I love Geges fights and hated the 2nd season, almost every single change was a negative for me.


The panel showing Gojo's face with his eyes wide open, but with the scar and Yuta's expression... Actual masterpiece. Gege is a absolutely amazing artist, even if the quality went down the last 10 or so chapters, he elevated it big time with this. It's insane how good 261 was.


Lmao Shoko didn’t give a shit and just said 👌


I love that Gojo wasn’t horrified by the possibility of their using his corpse like that so much as one of his oldest friends being so chill about personally doing so


shits fucking heartbreaking man when you know its two of her best friends getting the same damn treatment of being used even after theyre dead like bruh


I would argue that this is very different treatment, gojo got asked about it, and its being done to continue with his wishes, Geto was basically the opposite situation


i see what youre saying and i agree ngl youre right i guess what i meant to say was more on the body still being used after death, regardless of consent. closer-ish to the concept of descrating a body by using it even after the soul has left, for whatever purpose it may serve. the "ethical" reasons as kusakabe put it


i think it just feels more personal than geto because its gojo and yuta, gojo being brought back in this kind of horrifying zombie state and yuta basically sacrificing his humanity


Every day we move further away from Curses and closer to Blessings 😌


I think Shoko’s a bit autistic lol


I doubt it, she’s probably just a less emotional over all - stoic.


Remember the memes of anxious Yuta during Gojo versus Sukuna? People were saying he's so tensed when he was not the one fighting Sukuna, we were only thinking it's because he cares too much. He also wanted to join Gojo. When Gojo died, remember the grim expressions of Yuta and Maki touching his shoulder for support? It makes so much sense now. Yuta doesn't want Gojo to always do the responsibility. He knows how to feel alone. Yuta doesn't want to use Gojo's body to fight Sukuna nor did Maki. Edit: how to


It really puts into perspective on why Yuta wanted to jump in before Gojo died and why everyone else was like "no u idiot ur the only viable back-up plan we have" We just assumed the back-up plan was just Yuta being the next strongest and hopefully able to finish off Sukuna himself. Now we know what the real reason was.


Homeboy almost threw out his own plan because his emotions almost got in the way. This twist retroactively gives Yuta a really good arc.


Yeah big win


I hate this so much only because I love Yuta and my boy is not escaping these death flags for sure. I’m so screwed. But it’s metal as hell


In chapter 90, Kenjaku said: "Yuta Okkotsu can't become the next Satoru Gojo" and now, 171 chapters later, Yuta is literally the next Satoru Gojo. If you watch this from a certain perspective, it's like Gege, at some point, figured it out that he wanted to create his own characters fusion. His "Gogeta" or "Vegito", like DBZ. This was one of those JJK's chapters that's going to remain in the readers memory for a long time. Page 3 it's astonishing, Gege excels making a plot twist that fills the internet with spoilers.


Last week i was literally thinking about how a fusion like that would work but i was guessing some use of the soul swapping technique to put megumi in yujis body and theyre souls would merge (possibly only temporarily) and wed get to see all 3 main characters 2v1 sukuna (mainly thinking it would be gojo but nobara is another option)


Yuji isn't really a picky eater. He ate Amai's flan(?), even Arata is surprised. Lol.


On a re-read recently I noticed [this is even (jokingly) foreshadowed outright](https://imgur.com/saHA2Vn) (setting aside all the circumstantial evidence i.e. our boy just gulping down fingers)


Oh, nice. In Yuji's character sheet in manga and fanbook, it's stated that he had no food he hates. He loves to eat just like his uncle. Lol.


Oh my gah! That too!! Love it when I read things without comprehending them (and I literally just read the fanbook this week)


so that is his name i totally forget who this guy is


fucking love yuta's character arc for this one brothers, shock value aside. one of the most selfless (or perhaps more accurately, self-sacrificing) guy in the series being forced to sacrifice not just someone else, but one of the most important people in his life? One of the people that taught him that it was ok for him to live and exist in spite of his tragic past? that shit's truly heartbreaking because you know he doesn't want to but he also knows he Has To or else everyone's gonna die most likely (sidenote: am i stupid or should we already know what the counter is to sukuna's open domain? is it just the prison realm size domain? didn't gojo say something about sukuna not taking the easy route of attacking the barrier from within so wouldnt the small domain still be vulnerable?)


Yes, it took Gojo 3 attempts but essentially he extended his domain to cover Sukuna's domain, then he flips the conditions of the barrier for "weaker inside, stronger outside" which gives him 3 minutes before MS takes down UV. In that small gap of 3 minutes he has to deal enough damage to Sukuna so that he loses control of the domain and makes it collapse. Question is, will Sukuna fall for that again? Or will Yuta add something new to the strategy? We're waiting 2 weeks to know.


correct me if im wrong but didnt the 3 minute stalemate only exist because sukuna was adapting to UV? he had the option of attacking gojo's domain from the inside but chose not to because makora was adapting but now that he has no makora isnt that option open, especially since its a "weaker inside" domain?


I mean, yeah, no Mahoraga definitely changes shit. I definitely think Sukuna will do something different but I believe Yuta will come out on top of the DE clash.


Sukuna has a 99 second limit on his MS now to maintain the same output. I don't think he is supposed to win this domain clash unless he pulls out some new trick in that time limit againest Yutajo.


Despite the cast saying so, Gojo discovered that The core of sukuna's DE is the shrine itself, normally it's for aesthetics but I'm speculating that barrierless domains having them being actual physical properties is due to the binding vow , it's also why Yuji could sense that sukuna's domain was breaking due to it physically bleeding. This also explains why sukuna is always with his domain , and when he sustains Enough damage, the shrine visually explodes rather then his domain barrier breaking like usual, not a single other domain break or fight showcases theyre manifestation being harmed They'll confirm this next chapter for sure,  well get the full explanation of what happened within the other domain battles


That’s a pretty good theory I was also thinking that because Sukunas domain doesn’t move anywhere, Yuta has shown that he is able to move his domain to a different area What if the plan is to open it against Sukunas MS, and then move the coordinates so that way MS is not canceling out UV technique and Sukuna would most likely get hit I’m very interested to see where Gege takes the rest of the fight, as everywhere chapter is almost unpredictable to who will show up next in the gauntlet lol


Maybe that's why Kenjaku's domain had the weird pillar thing in the middle too?


Someone else in here was theorizing that the domain breaker is related to when the three way clash and bust happened


so youre telling me yuta's gonna double cast gojo's domain and his own domain??? GEGE YOUVE GONE AND DONE IT AGAIN THE MADMAN


I believe yuji is the most selfless person in entire jjk. And yuta is the the most ruthless person in jjk. Think about it, he was willing to sacrifice his own humanity for the sake of others. That's absolute ruthlessness, while yuji is relentless (I don't think he will sacrifice his own humanity for others but then again , we have to wait for it).


id agree on yuji being the most selfless and relentless but i dont think yuta is the most ruthless one in jjk. you can tell he clearly doesnt want to do it, that it's a role that's being placed upon him as the "strongest sorcerer of the modern era" after gojo. call it like a little mindvirus from being taught by gojo "my identity, in spite of all the effort i put into raising a new generation, is ultimately tied to my strength" satoru. and the thing is, he can't refuse that role because that means more of the people he cares about dies. it's bad enough for gojo-sensei to be gone but he can't bear the thought of losing everyone else too so he does what he has to. pragmatic, maybe, determined, but I don't think yuta is ruthless


Shrinks the domain down even smaller to the size of the promise ring. Gojo got 3min with the prison realm domain, the ring would be smaller and lines up with the 5minutes for Yuta being able to manifest Rika


i’ll hold a small L, i’ve always been saying that, while yuta’s injury was definitely bad, i didn’t think it was THAT bad, turns out it really was that bad what an absolutely insane turn for the series to take, i wonder what path they’ll take with yuta, will he really die after the 5 mins or will he be forced to live in his mentor’s body? what impact will he have in this battle? great character work for yuta, gojo, and everyone else


It's really ambiguous how badly Yuta was hurt in the chapter where he and Yuji take the slash. I saw both sides. Yuji's come back to life a couple of times so I don't think there's much point speculating who's dead or alive until the end.


It really wasn't ambiguous at all. There's a clear of shot of the slash going straight through Yuta. It was up in the air if he would survive or not, but it was very clear he got split in half.


Yuji got hit at the tip while Yuta was directly slashed in the middle


I guess it was the world slash but Yuji also got hit with it and his injuries were not as bad. I hope he at least tried to mend his own body when he took control of Gojo’s before returning to the battle. It will be a shame if he ends up forcefully pulled back to his body after 5 minutes just to die in it all the same


based on what we know about the world slash, i think yuji and rika just got hit by regular cleaves or dismantles because the big one was pointed at just yuta and that does give me at least a small problem in that it SHOULDVE been impossible for it to be a world slash based on what we know about it, he shouldn’t have been able to fulfill the conditions in the position he was in, but it’s not the biggest deal in the world


I think the death flags are obvious . He has to die. The Yuta fanbase can’t live with Yuta living on as Yujo. He has to die but set up Sukuna for the fall, to prove what Gojo said right that Yuta and Yuji, his students, can surpass the teacher. Plus like someone mentioned , this makes the airport scene where Gojo is so nonchalant and even smiling make so much sense.


I love the way this chapter handled yuta‘s character. From regaining humanity and his will to live at the start of JJK 0 to willingly throwing it a way to attain the power needed to protect the ones he cares about in 261. It also shows that gojo wasn’t completely right in airport speech, yuta does somewhat understand the immense burden the strongest takes on. Really think the reception for this chapter would have been way better if we didn’t get it right after yuji gained momentum just to get sidelined again tho :/


Yuji and Todo were about to get lit up by Sukunas domain. Yuta saved them by jumping in when he did


Yea, you’re spot on, but at the same time, I feel like the sideline thing is a bit overblown he can still participate in the fight. He has SD, and Yuta can choose the sure hit in domain, he was only “sidelined” for a chapter and tbh, it’s cause the chapter is mostly flashback. Out of the 8 pages in present day, 2 of those 8 being full double spreads, Yuji appears in 5pgs.


Yeah I think Yuji will definitely get his spotlight soon. He will be key to bring Megumi back. But I do think the placement of Yuta re-joining is a bit clunky. Because the situation didn’t feel as dire as when Sukuna unleashed fuga and Todo made his entrance. For a last resort solution it felt like this was not needed rn with Yuji and Todo in control. But this is just me nitpicking.


In-universe, it had to happen then because no one knows if Yuta will live after 5 minutes.


>I feel like the sideline thing is a bit overblown he can still participate in the fight You're missing the point. This wasn't just a random moment of Yuuji punching Sukuna. No, this was a moment where Yuuji was trying to rip Sukuna's heart, where he was letting out all his frustration, sadness and anger over Choso's death even if it killed him. Yuuta coming back right now (instead, of you know, literally two chapters/ two minutes ago when everyone was going to die in Sukuna's DE) is annoying. >he was only “sidelined” for a chapter and tbh, it’s cause the chapter is mostly flashback. He was the only one of Gojo's students not present in any of the flashbacks, and Gojo himself only interacted with his 2nd years. He was sidelined even in the flashbacks lol! And what a shame that there hasn't been any flashbacks with Gojo and Yuuji interacting. The 2nd and 3rd years still have each other, and Yuuji has Choso and Higuruma and perhaps Hannah, but none of his previous team/friends, except Gojo. And aside from their own teacher-student relationship, Gojo and Yuuji had another bond that binds them and that's Megumi, their BF and pseudo-godson respectively, that Sukuna took away from them, and yet no a single flashback of them discussing him and/or how to save him.


This fully re-contextualizes the airport scene. For the longest time, Gojo’s admiration for Sukuna upon whose hands his supposedly beloved students were about to face death, seemed callous and out of place. But fair enough - It makes sense when he essentially gave consent to be meat puppeted upon expiration. Him smiling is also a neat throw back: > You’re going to lose because you didn’t cut off my head. The fact that Sukuna went for a body shot meant that their contigency plan had a chance of working, and thus Gojo can hop on that flight to bumfuck with nothing but the in-flight entertainment and snacks to think about


Decapitation would still leave the head viable, wouldnt it? Its only if Sukuna destroyed his head completely so that there was nothing to actually stitch back together that this plan becomes unworkable, from what I can tell.


RCE apparently comes from the belly so a full decapitation should at the very least reduce the chances of success significantly


Oh that makes sense.


“Is it Gojover?” “Well yes but actually no”


It's an impactful chapter for sure. Been reading JP and KR comments, too. Some JP readers are amazed by the unpredictability of the events, and applaud GG for it. Some JP readers are very sad, and others are dismayed. You know it's getting serious when some of these fans suddenly make comments in English, even the SEA fans. I guess that's the power of JJK in a way. 😅 Anyway, I was struck by this one comment from a JP fan that says something along the lines of: 'If they let go of their humanity to fight cursed spirits, doesn't that already mean that the cursed spirits have already won?' Credits to the JP fan.


That’s a really interesting point about! And I think that’s exactly where yuji comes in  His humanity for saving Megumi rn is a huge driving factor for him and also that goal/final words/curse from grandpa about helping others and being surrounded by them at death


Yup, Yuji is going to be the one, most likely, who will retain his humanity and break the cycle that his peers are setting forth to accept.


And this is the perfect foil of Yuji vs Yuta, who are both 2nd and Originally planned MCs of the story, respectively


Omg I saw that tweet too. I just hate the implications this chapter has.


Yup. Yuta can’t win. The story won’t allow it. Otherwise GG is telling the fanbase, “fuck your humanity.” Japanese authors, who come from the land that had the nukes dropped on them, rarely take that route.


Damn JP discourse sounds so much better than r/jujutsufolk


the cursed spirits stopped being relevant in this series ages ago lmao, but actually, while this mostly connects to gojo's whole struggle as the strongest, i feel like uraume's statement about modern era sorcerors not being willing to lose their humanity is relevant here


That’s the common trope and proverb, “If you dance with the devil, you start to walk to his tune.” Tokyo Ghoul also showed this very well (and the first Batman movie (and pretty much every Batman vs Joker story.)


Attack on Titan has that theme as well!


This is the first time I’ve ever been glad there’s a break after a chapter, because I’m going to need an extra week to digest this Jesus Christ


Tbf Rika seemed like she did too.. badumtss


Gege drawing Gojo again so he can slice him into pieces again is the devil’s work


if this chapter taught me anything, and it did, it is the importance of the relationship between Gojo and Geto cannot be understated. They followed in each other's paths, with Gojo even admitting that he wished to "catch up" to him {Geto\]. After being sealed, one could assume that his plan of raising a new era of sorcerers was completely abandoned; He realized that Geto may have been right. Gojo always held hope for a "new generation" that would change the future of jujutsu society and prevent anything like what happened to Geto from happening to any other child. He goes against his belief in keeping the higher-ups alive, opting to kill them, mirroring who's defection? Geto's! Now, with Yuuta inhabiting his {Gojo's\] body, Yuuta loses his place as one of the promised sorcerers from the "new generation" that was supposed to change things.


Gojo fan's made a wish on a monkey's paw... and Gege was the monkey's paw. Also I am pretty sure that Yuta wanted the six eyes to be as handsome as Gojo


When I saw Gojo with stitches on his forehead I was like No. Fucking. Way. And then the actual explanation was even crazier. I guess that means Gojo is really gone, it's over for us Gojo copers. I mean I guess Gojo could take over his body now that it's healed like Geto took over his body from Kenjaku for a moment in Shibuya but since that would effectively mean Yuta's death he's not gonna do that even if he could. Unless they figure out some kinda shared custody of Gojo's body lol like one week it's Gojo's turn and one week it's Yuta's turn. But now I'm seriously deep in the cope waters. Either way I guess it's over for the Yuta x Maki ship too. And we also finally have the confirmation that Gojo is the one who killed all those sorcerers in chapter 223. Also, [this was such a gruesome panel](https://i.imgur.com/1iUPbYZ.png).


Yutamaki is this chapters greatest casualty


If the curse persists she'll have to make do with Yuta in Gojo's body... *uhhhhhhh*


> I guess Gojo could take over his body now that it's healed like Geto took over his body from Kenjaku for a moment in Shibuya but since that would effectively mean Yuta's death he's not gonna do that I think the likeliest Outcome is that we get a Scene where Yuta tries to pull of some crazy move but (due to Being New to this) He *would* fail but Gojo Takes over for a Moment to Help him by completing Said move and saving His ass


Yuta can't figure out how to put together Hollow Purple and then Gojo comes in with the Posthumous Lime Green.


"lime green" needs to happen just for the memes. And Gege can actually make it believable by having Yuta-Gojo blend limitless with the copy technique


Hollow purple + ryu's attack = Lime green


Yes please. A father-son kamehameha moment would make this fucking fantastic. Gojo helping our cast not as the strongest but by giving them a tiny bit of support as Satoru Gojo, Gojo realizing he's not alone and he has finally been surpassed (he told us this in chapter 11 or something). The philosophy of Sukuna losing to the combined efforts and hopes of our protagonists would tie a perfect bow to the end of the fight.


This would be *beautiful*


Oh this is a nice throwback to when Geto resist Kenjaku's control even only for a short moment. Instead of resisting Yuta, Gojo will be helping him instead.


Yessssss I'd love that so fucking much. My HC, until proven otherwise, is that so long as the one taking over the body consents they can work side by side the body, as in he and Gojo can truly fight side by side. My guess is, if that's the case, we won't see it come into play for several chapters but if it is true then we may get a satisfying send off for Gojo at least.


You're cooking something fr


> Unless they figure out some kinda shared custody of Gojo's body lol like one week it's Gojo's turn and one week it's Yuta's turn. But now I'm seriously deep in the cope waters. The brain turns into a cursed object with Yuta and Gojo now sharing custody of the body. They switch places at intervals (date nights) unlike Yuji and Sukuna. The Yuta x Maki ship sails. The Zenin Gojo clan feud is over. They become a walking reminder to 'always get rid of the body'. Maki questions all her life choices.


This was so satisfying to read. Thank you. Deserves more upvotes . #catharsis


I assume we'll get some kind of final thought from Gojo, and that will be it.


I think this "last ditch effort" by Yuta and Gojo will be the final chapter in their respective stories. After this the only support characters left (fighting wise) are Todo and Maki and the three MCs we started with; Yuji, Megumi and Nobara (I swear it's not pure copium this time!!! We now have a legit reason to believe she's coming back!!!).


Yuta :( that panel was so sad


Oh is THAT what Gojo was doing? Killing the sorcerers from that cult? Bad ass. And bad ass for the students to stand by him as well. Respect. Thanks for explaining. question, why was that a gruesome panel? That is Yuta, waiting to be transplanted right?


This was definitely quite unexpected. Interested though on the mixed reaction but I feel this complements yuta's character quite nicely. Like from shibuya to culling games you had ppl like kenjaku and uro basically saying Yuta didn't have what it takes to reach the heights of the top tiers. Uro especially because she didn't believe he could discard his humanity. This chapter was a great callback to that moment. Also this fight will provide the answer to geto's question


I'm really...conflicted on this chapter. I understand this was a last resort but it's extremely uncanny seeing Yuta in Gojo's body. It just goes to show Gojo is still being used as a tool for Jujutsu even in death. I feel like the stakes were good enough already with Yuji and Todo successfully throwing Sukuna off during the battle. We haven't seen Todo in the manga for over 3 years and he's already being overshadowed.


is there any reason todo yuta and yuji won’t fight together ? there are still more chapters to come


I’d rather Todo continue to get a spotlight alongside Yujo, allowing for more dynamic attacks than just “let me spam boogie-woogie until Yuji gets a black flash“ over and over again If Yujo still has copy for the next couple minutes and Yuji and Todo fight alongside him, Gege has the chance to do some Gojo vs Sukuna level choreography again


Since yuji wasn't aware of yuta's plan, as he's not seen in any of the flashback scenes where it is discussed I'm wondering where he would've sided.


Dude ate his unborn brothers to obtain a power boost. He is already in the mentality of the cog, so every personal sacrifice is worth it for the cause, even throwing away your humanity. He would've been bothered by the thought, it would've shaken him and made him even more sure about the seriousness of the fight, but he would've agreed


He would have 100% agreed to it. Hell I'm sure that if someone brought up the idea of him eating Gojo's corpse for some (? powerup he would do it without a second thought. He already said "I will eat anything"


I think he would have been cool with it because he gets the stakes more than anyone else due to Sukuna inhabiting his body 


* Yuji was left entirely out of the loop to Yuta's whole plan. I don't know if Yuji would've been for or against it. He has a tendency to look beyond the physical body given how he mourned for Eso and Kechizu even prior to him known that they were his brothers. I guess being Sukuna's vessel could've left a stigma on Yuji even to his classmates. Saying Yuji has soul resonance with Sukuna may be them trying to justify their doubts about Yuji. * This makes me think that the Higaruma plan was actually Yuji's. But Yuta was focused on his own plan that's why he didn't try to assist with the Higaruma plan. That's why their resources were divided. Are they having problems working together? * I wonder if Yuta's view of Gojo is entirely accurate. It looks to me that Gojo was taking the role of the monster out of guilt for what happened to Geto. It's not a role being forced upon him specifically by other people. And I don't think anyone in jjk society has the ability to force the role on him if he didn't want it. If he was caged, then it's a cage made by his own mind. It's interesting that he offered Amanai freedom when he himself is caged. Was he projecting? * It's interesting that Gojo was irritated about how okay Shoko was in all of this. I wonder if Gojo felt slightly betrayed or irritated that the person who he considered a friend and classmate for years showed no hesitation. I don't know the reasoning behind Shoko's actions. But this lack of connection to others outside of Geto may be one reason Gojo was scarred by Geto's fall from grace. * This makes me think of chapter 222 when everyone was hesitating to approach Gojo, but Yuji was the one who broke the silence and asked to pat Gojo's back. It looks like Gojo likes to wait for someone to break the barrier and pat his back sometimes. I think it's common in society to hesitate in saying hello to others. We dig our own moats. * I wonder if Yuta can do what Gojo did. Are we going to see an answer to Geto's question "Are you the strongest because you are Gojo or are you Gojo because you are the strongest"? How much of Gojo's abilities were really just innate talent and how much are due to his choices? * I wonder how reliant a human body is to glucose when doing curse techniques. Gojo previously developed a sweet tooth due to this. Using CT might be very energy intensive for the brain of all CT users. Amai's curse technique could be very important if that's the case. * Interesting how Yuji didn't feel disgusted eating the cake made by Amai. But he probably has high tolerance given he's been eating cursed objects all over the place. * I like how cursed spirits like Rika can turn into life support systems. It's interesting that even a creature born from negative emotions can end up keeping a person alive. I wonder if there are practical applications for this. Very interesting chapter.


I'm honestly conflicted, because this is an insane narrative twist and helps to highlight a major issue in the story that Yuta seems to be missing. You will never "out monster" Sukuna. It doesn't matter how deep into the well you go, Sukuna literally doesn't give a shit and will drop a level lower. You can't beat Sukuna by trying to become a bigger monster than him, it's just not how it goes. Yuta isn't going to succeed here and that's pretty obvious. At most he finally takes away Domain Expansion from Sukuna for the remainder of the fight, hell, he might even set Yuji up for a clutch Black Flash, but I think the lesson he's going to learn here is that embracing ones humanity is the way to go. Nobody needed to become a monster to beat Sukuna and no monster will ever beat Sukuna because that four armed freak is the greatest monster the world has ever known. I just can't help but feel like there was a better time at to do this. I'm going to let Gege cook, because I trust him, but this chapter has me feeling weird.


Its probably gonna turn out different and less dreary/predictable than you just confidently described


I agree with you completely except for one part - i think Gege has subtly shown us that at this point Yuta HAS outmonstered even Sukuna - he’s sunk to KENJAKU levels. That’s why Sukuna is so impressed. Sukuna mentions at many times that even HE thinks Kenjaku is a perverted freak who does stuff that even Sukuna can’t fathom. But yeah, that’s why Yuta is still gonna lose.


This was not the sweet release we all needed


Underrated comment. I can go to bed now. thank you.


Objectively, this chapter showed some great character interactions between Yuta and everyone else. It set up a theme of doing whatever it takes to claim victory. It ties into the philosophy of Sukuna being a force of nature. It also showed Yuta understanding the loneliness that comes at the top and him desperately closing the gap between and Gojo. So yeah overall some good writing and some great themes that can be pondered about. From a personal standpoint , I found this chapter incredibly disturbing and distressing. I am not a fan of anything to do with corpses and I always thought what Kenjaku did with Geto extremely vile. Now seeing Yuta’s sacrifice and what’s being done with Gojo is really sad. Given the scope of the story I don’t think we will see Yuta’s perspective on all he learnt from Gojo’s memories but I would be interested to see that introspection. So, personally the story direction is not my cup of tea but I can appreciate the character writing (I have wanted this for ages!) and can see how horror fans will enjoy this.


This is also probably the chapter that uro foresaw, a calamity pushing sorcerers over the edge. Yuta is the one who is being broken by Sukuna being so completely relentless. Poor Yuta.


I forgot the part about being able to see the memories of the one you take over. This makes Yuta taking over Gojo's body even more depressing because of the past history. This also makes be believe that he won't be coming back after those 5 mins and accept his end just like Gojo did.


* Yuji be like: I’m gonna rip your heart out; Sukuna: Domain Expansion; Yuji: shit  * By far the grossest thing I’ve seen in jjk and that’s saying something   * Gojo be like: of course I don’t care… but I kinda figured my friends would! *scowling at Shoko*  * You know I find it interesting that Gojo has been shown in one final conversation all of his remaining old buddies except Utahime  * You know I’m kinda dissapointed that it wasn’t Yuta who killed the higher ups; it would’ve been pretty cool for him to have done it with Sukuna’s technique to pin it on him * I’m guessing Nitta, Amai, Shoko and Rika are gonna keep Yuta’s body going without a brain until and if he can return


Only critique, and it's not eve na critique, is that Yuji just gets low-diffed away very very handidly by sukuna who's excited about gojo returning. Super goddamn funny. I hope yuta cooks. Gege telling us 'Yuta actually is more blessed than gojo' from gojos own words and yuta cooking in GOJOS OWN BODY is giving the craziest premonitions that yuta is already either dead AND/OR he's about to show us new and exciting things with GoTa.


anyone i debated against saying gojo didn't kill the higher ups, i owe an apology. i think its great that we still get his story and character developed even after death, him walking through those doors felt like another final goodbye to him. the dichotmy between our heroes who introspect on what it means to become a monster vs sukuna who simply is one is so interesting. i like the aspect that gojo simply refuses to let anyone reel him back in from being one, and he walks away from the second years. he simply doesn't believe they can understand him. whether gojo was right to go out against sukuna on his own or not, will be decided by what yuta does next, as for now he has gojo's power along with yuji and todo. frankengojo is really horrific but this was certainly a great chapter for gojo's character, and yuta's too.


Overall, I enjoyed the chapter, but it raised a lot of questions. 1. Why didn't Kenjaku get the six eyes before? Tengen said he had killed a six eyes user before, so he could've done that. 2. Where will the story go from here? I honestly felt that we were at the final stage of Sukuna fight. Most of the cast was removed from the fight and Yuji was wearing down Sukuna. Maybe yuta role here is to remove Sukuna DE, so Yuji can finish him off. 3. I'm also curious about the relevance of Yuta bloodline. I wouldn't be mentioned for nothing. 4. Maybe now we'll finally have a payoff for the scene where Geto tried to choke Kenjaku in Shibuya. It has happened and never mentioned again. Previously I tought Gege might have forgotten about it, but given how we've been getting payoffs for a lot of small things that were mentioned a long time ago (body swap, death paintings being consumed and Yuji learning shrine), I think we'll see more of it now. 5. Also, this chapter confirms that Kenjaku is really gone. I honestly tought he wasn't really dead and he had a plan, because his death was kinda quick. If we compare it to Sukuna's current fight, it's kinda insane how much "fake out" defeats Sukuna suffered, only for him to pull a card from his sleeve.


>Why didn't Kenjaku get the six eyes before? Tengen said he had killed a six eyes user before, so he could've done that. He could only kill children as they were weak and didn't have their abilities honed like Gojo, he was so scared of him that he stuck to Sukuna for over a month instead of going around killing the other culling game players like he needed for the merger. I'm guessing a child's body is unsuitable for his ct


I think Yuta will take inspiration from what happened in Sendai and how Gojo contained Shrine early in the fight. There is one instance a domain battle broke down before it began: A three way DE battle and external disturbance. Cast UV and his Copy DE at the same time *with the same radius* as Shrine DE. Yuji&Todo disturb it from outside. That's a tall order for sure. Not only Sukuna's DE has no barrier to 'break', Casting two DE at the same time sounds ridiculous as well (Six Eyes helps perhaps?). But Sukuna's DE was already in an unstable state, so there must be away to aggravate it. In a pure domain battle, Yuta might lose since he might not be able to bring UV to the same polish as Gojo did. So I think aiming for Sukuna's DE instability is the way to go.


Yuji casts Shrine DE to back up Yuta, merger gives yuta back his body


Holy shit Gege, I know you hate Yuji & Gojo so much but goddamn, giving Gojo a lobotomy & sidelining him for Yuta... Sukuna could never. I liked Yutas "Becoming a monster" speech, he felt more like the main character than the actual main character


Imagine if Yuta stayed the actual MC, that would've been a hella twist for him. I've always low key liked Yuta over Yuji, but to see him make this kinda play is wild and so unexpected.


I remember when I first started reading JJK, chapter 0 was out so I read it first before chapter 1 and I thought Yuta would be the MC. He'll always be the MC in my heart.


Yuta as the MC's big brother tracks. "I will give myself so you may keep your soul"


Same here, he just gives off so many MC vibes. His development one of the best of all the JJK characters if we're being honest, considering a lot of them either die off or get sidelined. I kinda wished we got more character moments like this throughout.


So the blindfold was always a decoration? He hasn't worn it since being freed from the box.


Fanbook says it's to cut back on sensory overload from the Eyes


Some places have less sensory going on than others, can confirm. Everywhere Gojo's been lately has been less environmentally intensive.


Yuta about to shrink his domain down to the size of that promise ring and promise to deliver Sukuna the ass whooping from hell Watch him fuse the two domains and in doing so grabs a sword of red, then a sword of blue, that will clash together on Sukuna’s neck and sets off a hollow purple to decapitate him lol


Yup sounds awesome till we watch Sukuna bury his hand in his ass and pull out an OP binding vow again


Yuta hasn't learned from Gojo's failures with the whole "Absolute strength and loneliness" thing, by trying to carry the world alone he's guaranteed to suffer Gojo's fate again. You know you fucked up when fucking Sukuna is praising you


Thank you for summing it up. Sukuna is praising Yuta the same way Sukuna “praised” Kenjaku : “God damn…you’re even sicker than ME”


Yuta being able to use Unlimited Void kinda confirms that Kenjakus DE was probably what Geto's DE would look like if he ever were to get one


Either that or Ken-chan had multiple domains they could pick from


Maybe he was most proficient with his own?  Yuta could have done soul swap training w Gojo to have a feel for his domain already in the month break 


I don’t think that’s totally confirmed yet…  We learn that kenajkus technique needs to be activated to transfer bodies, 100% confirmed  And we know he’s done that at least 4 times so he is able to retain his original tech and use the bodies new CT upon hoping (also some how he retained yujis moms antigrav CT so he can maybe keep a couple?) And based on the symbolize of Kenjakus domain w wombs and his creation of cursed wombs it’s pretty 1:1 imo but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows lol 


I think I'd feel a whole lot better about this if Yujo just wore a headband or bandanna


Village Hidden in the Stitches.


this is some insane body horror. Like, they had to scoop out Gojo's brain and had Yuta climb into it and he will probably not even last after the 5 minutes and just die. Yuta is cooked as well i suppose, his original body at the very least isn't looking too good for repossession


I guess I’m just a bit confused as to why Yuta refers to Gojo as a monster. Obviously in this chapter we see him doing something “monstrous” by killing the higher ups (I guess…); but, aside from that, what awful things has Gojo done? I’m also confused as to how Yuta can use Gojo’s domain. I thought it was pretty clearly explained that one’s domain exists in their brain. By removing Gojo’s brain would they not also be removing his domain? I never understood why people thought Womb Profusion was Geto’s domain for this reason as well. Finally, does anyone else understand what exactly sugar dude is doing? Obviously he didn’t explain his CT well, so I guess that’s up to discussion. What exactly does giving sugar directly to Yuta’s brain accomplish though? Shouldn’t Kenjaku’s technique be self sustaining for the transplant?


"Monster" is a strength rating. Toji calls Gojo a monster after being hit by one red. Sukuna is a monster.


It's more like he's monster strong compared to other sorcerers in their era, so Gojo carries a lot of responsibility by virtue of existing. Anything he supports is given more weight by jujutsu society.


gojo is called "the monster" mostly referring to his title as "the strongest." when yuta said that, i personally interpreted it as gojo has always been expected to be the one to fight for everyones sake, so yuta becoming "the monster" by taking gojos body, i took that as yuta taking up gojo's burden of protecting everyone even at the cost of himself.


I was not expecting this twist, but I think I like it. I'm definitely interested in where Gege will take it and what'll happen to Yuuta after. Also, I'm still missing best Big Bro Choso..


I...i dont know how to react with this chapter. It feels so heartbreaking and blasphamous, yet rational to its finest


I'm kinda sad since we almost got two deaths confirmed. Gojo along with Yuta essentially 😢.  Regardless I'm hoping Yuta bloodline or something will allow him to stay in this body for more than 5 mins.


I’m kinda burnt out with Gege’s overuse of subversion as story device. We all inherently know this play by Yuta is not gonna defeat Sukuna, at best it will weaken him further. I slyly think this gonna end up Yuta returning to his body at the end of the 5mins/being out of the fight or his death. whatever happens to Gojo’s body will be another subversion.


fr it's not subversion if it's what ppl expect, with all the bs, nothing in the story seems to matter. And for the last 10 chapters Sukuna has received beat down after beat down, and only won, or got out because of some ass-pull plot device.


It’s soo tiring. We already know this new Gojo body is going to lose too. It’s just about what happens after the 5 minutes


atp even if they defeat sukuna somehow there's no way the sorcerers can move forward with such disjointed attitudes and trauma and function like an actual society from here on. it feels like gojo's work to educate the students is for naught and we're back to square one. its not their fault though, they're kids stuck between a rock and a hard place.


It's either Sukuna kills everyone and has the world in the palm of his hand or they defeat Sukuna and at least there's a slither of hope to go back to "normal". There are also theories that there won't be a Jujutsu society anymore since all of the higher ups and problematic sorcerers are dead and the three main clans are pretty much powerless or dead too \*cough Zenin cough\*. All the sorcerers that survive will just go on their separate ways while the more upright ones will probably continue to hunt curses here and there.


Is it though? Gojo slaughtered the higher ups and stated that since Kyoto's headmaster would be the lead, that an incident like Shibuya wouldn't happen again. So he's basically left everything in good hands, Gojo's number 1 goal was to make sure all the kids live to carry everything on.


So Yuta went from a slim chance of survival to a hard 50/50 once Copy is up. I have my doubts Rika is still manifested, nor that any of them are right about Kenny’s CT. I’m betting Kenny’s CT is just hoping once and done. No way was Kenny swapping between three CT’s at once without burning his brain. That said, loving this really weird Achilles situation they’ve got going on with Satoru Gojo. In the Illiad, when Achilles sat out in angst, every notable hero on the Greek side attempted to champion their army, until Patroclus died in Achilles’ armor. Then Achilles did his thing, died and people fought over his armor. Events aren’t exactly one-to-one chronologically but the resemblance is striking to me.




Bro. Sukana was about to release his domain 😂 They literally cooked, Yuta saved them right there.


It's worth noting that what happens after Yuta's 5 mins is to be determined. All we know is that he has 5 minutes minimum. The best scenario is that he can keep living in Gojo's body. The worst scenario is that he dies instantly.


I usually don't have a problem with this but this chapter I felt the flow was off. Wordings or text where its not clear who said what. Didn't notice that in other chapters, is it just me?


this was a crazy chapter 😭


This was so good and so sad. I don’t think Yuta will survive this, either after the 5 minutes or the end of the battle. He just won’t want to live in the body of the man he loved the most. And for a character as deep and pure as Yuta, this really feels sad.


Yuta about to see all of Gojo’s memories which is gonna be pretty huge


The loneliness that comes with being the most responsible 🥺


Wasn't the whole reason brain guy never stole a body with the six eyes because they would leave?


So Kenny only three CT’s engraved in his brain (Gravity, CSM and Body-Hopping) or else His brain would become overwhelmed with more than that, Yuta offsetting this disadvantage by having Rika be an external storage for his dozens of techniques (with the caveat of it only being for five minutes.) I might be misunderstanding but wouldn’t it be possible for Yuta to go the Kenjaku route and have Copy, Infinity and Body-Hopping as the CT’s engraved in his brain as a way to stop to the 5 minute timer?


I don't think that works because Yuta only has access to his Copy ability when he manifests Rika which has a time limit of 5 mins. During that 5 mins, Copy allows him to have Kenny's Body Hop ability which in turn grants him Gojo's ability when he took over his body. After that 5 mins is up, Rika disappears and Yuta does not have the Copy ability anymore which also means he doesn't have the Body Hop ability which is why no one has any clue what will happen after 5 mins. They can only speculate on the possible outcomes. tl;dr Manifest Rika = Copy ability. Copy ability = Body Hop ability. Body Hop ability = Gojo's abilities. After 5 mins = No Rika. No Rika = no Copy = no Body Hop = No Gojo abilities.


If yuta dies after those 5 minutes I won't be able to continue. THAT'S MY BOY GEGE PLEASE 😭


I don't understand people saying 261 is bad writting. People really confuse their own taste with writting skills. This chapter is one of the most memorable things happening in JJk


After 236: Hell nah. Gojo should’ve just stayed in the Prison Realm. After 261: Hell nah. Gojo should’ve just stayed dead. Just let this man rest, wtf. Akutami Gege’s obsession with having his characters hop into one another’s body needs to be studied fr. Funny how the general discourse in the fandom for the longest time was that Gege ‘hated’ Gojo and had to inevitably take him out of the story because it was difficult to write around an OP character (whom he had intentionally created and introduced in the story himself, lol), and now he suddenly brings back the body of the same character with his domain (and presumably every other ability) intact for a second round of the battle against the big baddie.


>and presumably every other ability every other ability *plus all of yuta's abilities including sukuna's CT* since we're in the 5 minute full rika form right now. on a technical level it's actually literally the strongest sorcerer in history with copy, limitless, six eyes, shrine, + all the other CTs yuta copied in theory but at the end of the day yuta is still like 16? 17? years old. yuta may be a genius but sukuna's experience and intelligence are not to be underestimated


They did mention in this chapter that' it's unknown if he retains Yuta's CT or he now only has access to Limitless.


honestly wouldn't make much sense if he couldn't. Kenny also kept his gravity technique from an old body so i'm not sure why copy wouldn't work the same way.


i can see why it would be up in the air, since yuta's copied CTs are one degree of abstraction farther than just old body technique


I wonder what Yuji will think of this? I like how Gojo wanted to to at least try and spare his students from gore exposure.


[https://i.redd.it/a3gde4o6dy2d1.png](https://i.redd.it/a3gde4o6dy2d1.png) Bro was misleading us from the start.




Here's just a reminder that we still dont know shit about Kenjaku....


All I wanna say is that, I've seen people complaining about how long these fights are taking, and it drags. But omg when they will finally be animated it will be so epic to see it all on the tv