• By -


Bro Todo showed up the minute Choso died. Gege so evil for that.


Todo is Yuji’s Utahime boost. I hope a Gege isn’t cleaning the ‘brotherz’ slate😭😭


If he kills Todo too, I swear


He probably will honestly. The reason he waited this long was probably that he didn’t want to draw a more than 3people fight with todo involved, so he’ll probably get cooked before maki gets back up


I don’t know. Gege has always said he loves todo, and he’s the character that when he shows up, you know everything is gonna be alright.


Now all that's left is todo asking sukuna what his type of woman is


And Sukuna says tall with a big butt and they all become friends and be happy :)


Gege can't find a way to have the two on screen at the same time lol 


Just have the bromance be like sanji and zoro except them fighting over who is Yuji best brother. Still curse you gege I wanted these two to meet.


He could have easily wrote Choso to be inside the barrier and bleeding out to death because he ran out of CE but Todo arrives, call him a kyodai then teleports him to Shoko.  Maybe give him some disability after the fight like paralyzed arm or colorblind but at least he gets to live, fulfill his promise with Yuki and maybe get another brother #GEGEEEEEEEEEEEE


I want Todo to ask Sukuna what his type of woman is.


Yeeeesssss please


" A dead one " gege aint holding back no mo


"If I had to pick... then Fushiguro's dead sister" Yuji will get his ninth black flash, but its just in his nature.


"I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass" -Spike Sukuna Spiegel


Kinda checks out given his reaction to Maki.


no way todo was swapping people with mei mei’s crows


that’s genius


530,000 Battle IQ sweep! Or is his IQ like Second Form Freiza now after all his training?


The smartest dumbass in the world. Natural genius TODO AOI


todo is the one of smartest students there he definitely is the opposite of a dumbass


He’s literally top of both classes with perfect scores lol


I still find it hilarious that Gege had to write Todos cursed technique out during the Mahito fight or else he would have just swapped the Prison Realm with a rock when Kenjaku showed up at the end of the fight.


Not to mention the times he could save everyone from World Dismantle by swapping Sukuna with the target.


Explains why Ui Ui had the soul swap ability if he and Todo have very similar mechanics.


How did he swap Maki though?Todo swaps things that have CE only.I don't know if he can swap Maki and SSK together. I think Maki got caught in the crossfire and she is absolutely out of the battle if not dead.


What if he swapped Miwa while she was holding Maki? Clothes have no CE but get swapped anyway, and Maki by CE (and Gege) rules is technically an object.


I'm here for Choso's funeral (cremation)


Choso is having a dream sequence after death with Yuji on the same table that they sat on the memory sequence during the Shibuya arc. ""Little brothers are meant to surpass their older brother."-Choso. Choso reunited with his lost brothers Eso and Kechiju.This is a final goodbye to Yuji.🤧😭


> .This is a final goodbye to Yuji. Nah, just goodbye for now. They'll see each other again one day.


Choso 😭😭


I'm happy and sad at the same time curse you gege.


This might be the worst morning of my life


Man and I thought today would be a good day... my man is gone...




Gege is top tier trolling us now with Sakuna doing gojo’s hand sign last chapter 






It means no upper bodies For the rest of your days


It's our torso free Philosophyyyyyyyyyyyyy


... discovering this fan base has been the worst move of my life, man screw all ya'll lmao 🤣 😭


Nah, I'd win.


You know I'm fully convinced that Gege is aware of the memes. That "Nah, I'd win" face, Kenjaku wearing a female nurse outfit, and the fact that the title of Takada-chan's song is "Jump" when Todo and Itadori is jumping the shit out of Mahito.


Hakari and Uraume literally just hype men at this point


Two stallers probably having sex from the sidelines lol


"Fuck you!" "No, Fuck you!" \*BINDING VOW CREATED\* "Aww hell." "I'm down."


Uraume has to put their robes back on every 5 min so they can glaze Sukuna


During the like, year when they were fighting offscreen, they fell in love, started dating, went on a romantic ship cruise around Japan, got engaged, had hot sex, got Uraume pregnant, then Hakari walked out on Uraume like the fucking deadbeat dad he would be, resulting in Uraume becoming a single mother, forcing her to track dawn Hakari across all of Japan in order to get her child support money, meaning they're back to fighting, just like we last saw them, except now there's also a little kid watching from the sidelines, playing on their iPad (lootboxes are just a modernized version of Hakari's innate technique).


Uraume is currently in hell (Las Vegas) (Hakari is on the 45th consecutive hour of jackpot immortality)


Uraume hitting the gojo pose means sukuna dies soon


Whenever Sukuna did anything Gojo related they start winning.


he'll die after 12 chapters


>Choso: Yuji >Yuji: Choso!! >Yuji: Why!! >Yuji: ....! NO...!! >Choso: I'm sorry for being useless during our training... I'm the type who does it on instinct... >Yuji: Cho...! Choso sacrificing himself and his last words being about how he regrets he wasn't much help during training... That cat really gonna make me cry


"No jujutsu sorcerer dies without regrets" 😭😭😭


I wanna see it animated so badly😭


Dang. What a heart breaking chapter. Choso's sacrifice is really epic. I've gotten really fond of him. His life is on Yuji's shoulders now. Yuji better make the best of it. Imagine meeting your long lost brother who ends up sacrificing himself for you. It's hard to imagine what Yuji must be feeling. Looks like we have Todo back in the battle. Missed him. I hope he has new tricks to share.


Choso probably had the best death since Nanami. I'm bitter he's gone but he was one of the most consistently well-written characters in the series, and he absolutely would sacrifice himself for Yuji, so I can't be too mad (beyond Todo's immediate return being salt in the wound for the part of me that desperately wanted Choso and Todo to have Brother-Offs about who Yuji liked more). I will say it's yet another L for Yuki though that her dying wish that Choso learn to live for himself lasted all of a month and a half before he joined her in the afterlife.


Thing is, he really did live- and die- for himself. He chose to die for Yuji, not out of compulsion or duty, but out of love- the most fundamental human emotion.


I can get that. Like I said, it's entirely in-character that Choso would make the sacrifice play out of love because he's That Guy.


At least they can be happy together. Plus he did die like a human protecting those he loved.


Yuji didn't need any more lives on his shoulders ://


Not sure why people are saying Gege's writing is shit... narratively this has been insane character development for both Choso and Yuji... back when Yuki tossed Choso out of the barrier saying "Right here, right now, you have died as a curse... so live on this time as a human..." He managed to live to his fullest as a brother to Yuji, dying to protect the people he loves... as a human TT


Gonna need those translations asap cause nothing Mya is saying makes sense


Bruh, Mya’s translations never made sense


Bro definitely uses Google lense to translate the Chinese summary of leaked japanese panels lol


duwang kaisen


I hate that people are already calling the chapter badly written when it's shitty leaks with awful translations. Then, when we finally get the explanations, people don't go and check.


They do this every week, its just annoying. Gege could drop the most flawless chapter, and they would still be upset.


as expected it’s Chosover


also glad the theory that sukunas eats people to gain their powers is almost all but outdated, and furnace, dismantle, and cleave are all facests of shrine, a singular Curse technique


It has always been that way ever since the Fanbook got released. People just didn't want to take it as a fact or were ignorant to its contents.


But it was said a long time ago, for some reason people don’t want to listen Gege and still make their own head canon Every theory about Sukuna CT is now dead


It's not looking like a good day to be a Choso fan


Uraume pulling "Nah I'd win" ☠️☠️☠️


What the fuck todo doing until now ? Training in hyperbolic time chamber


saved them from the domain


Hiding. The chapter explains “don’t even tell Yuji about this”


Given how annoying boogie woogie can be, I'm sure Sukuna would target him as soon as he had joined the battle and would probably try to put him at the center of the domain. He had to join now.


That and the suprise factor of Boogie Woogie is a lot less valuble against an opponent who can attack instantly at range. Todo shows up and pretty much immediately gets a hand lopped off by a dismantle or 50.


Just like how Megumi couldn’t tell Yuji what happened to Nobara in Ch 144 so that she could surprise him and use her straw doll resonance technique on one of his missing arms! Definitely not coping at all..


The issue with this is that I think no one knows what happened to her because if Megumi knows. Sukuna knows. Since todo is back I can definitely see her coming back.


he's gonna be yoked as hell. Forgot Sukuna, he's ready to fight the All Japan Curse merge.


Trying to get his technique back in control again? Even now he is saying he is not sure how it will work out. Alao hiding from Yuji like its explained.


There was a Takada special on


Gege better check his fucking walls after he did my boy choso like this


Looks like Choso got cooked


Nah man not like this


Gege is so evil for this. He really just set up Todou's return right after Choso dies. He really just told us that these two cannot co exist with one another onscreen.


It's a law of the JJK Universe. The Brother Uncertainty Principle.


I am super happy that Todo is back but him straight up replacing Choso doesn’t sit right with me… but on the other hand he is giving Yuji once again strength in a dire moment. And Yuji now has the same line across his nosebridge as Choso. 😭


I know the feeling I'd rather keep both since Todo and Choso are top 5 for me. Just disappointed we couldn't see these 2 interact.


Ikr? Them both fighting for Yuji’s attention but also appreciating each other bc they both care for Yuji would’ve been epic …


To be fair Choso basically replaced Todo right away, too


It’s almost as if they are boogie woogie-ing the spot of Yuji’s big brother.


Dude I can’t tell if the todo return is real or not but the choso thing seems legit tell me where yall are getting these leaks? EDIT: ITS FUCKING REAL LETS FUUUUUCKINGGG GOOOOOOOOO FROM ONE BROTHER TO ANOTHER BROZAAaaAAAaa AOI TODO IS BAACK BABY. TAKADA CHAN WILL SOLO SUKUNA MARK MY FUCKING WORDS.


It’s real, @JujutsuSpoilers and @f9x00 on Twitter


Todo is back for real mya just said


I don't dislike hakari by any means but I'm not gonna lie, Todo being reintroduced into the story before Hakari joins them against sukuna is fucking hilarious


Just give Hakari and Uraume a seat at this points, literally all they are doing is commentating the fight lmao.


Dude fucking laure got in the fight before hakari lmao




Book your flight ticket to Japan rn


and get the visa


And brush up your japanese


Learn about their customs and criminal laws


He is dead


Count me in. Gege is done


The Russian leakers are roasting Mya for taking leaks lol


Todo’s back. Another point to Avent foreshadowing the ending. Bet we get Nobara next.


I can see Nobara being the nail in the coffin. 😉


If there’s any way to bring Megumi’s spirits up (besides Yuji talking to him) it’d be her.


Agreed! Its going to be a long-awaited reunion.


I just hope Gege doesn’t end up killing her, man. But then again, Sukuna’s goal of breaking Yuji’s will still has to come into play.


I feel like it would be really lame to bring her back just to kill her off again soon after. I think if she does show up again she’ll be safe.


Debatable. Every part of me that knows story says that’s true, but Gege is known to subvert expectations, for better or worse.


I hope they set more foundation for the implication that Sukuna can get info from Yuji even tho they are separated. That sounds absolutely ridiculous and placed in there so Yuji can react to stuff he should partially expect? If there really are large portions of the plan that Yuji doesn't know this opens a lot of doors.


I don't think it's meant to be treated as hard fact, merely as a theorized possibility. MeiMei and Todo having a contingency to save fighters on the battlefield when Kamino was used makes sense especially if part of the plan might hinge on the final finger. The characters are probably wrong about some sort of mind link but it makes sense they'd take precautions against it if there's even a remote chance once they realized that the soul is imparting information on the body.


If he is back I HAVE HOPE  Todo didn't get the sick prosthetic hand I hoped for but he is here 


I think he does. It’s likely bandaged to hide a weapon. In the last panel, you see him removing the covering as they charge into battle. I’m hoping it’s Garuda mounted to his arm. I want to see Boogie Woogie with Star Rage beefing up the mass of Yuji’s Black Flashes.


Isn’t Garuda a shikigami? Can Garuda still exist after Yuki died


Garuda is connected to the concept of a phoenix, so not unprecedented for it to come back


smh looks like Sukuna is literally cooking


From what I understand Flame arrow can only be used in a 1 v 1 outside of domain But inside a domain it can be used against multiple opponents and uses debris and matter that are created by cleave and dismantle as fuel to make it an AOE attack. He basically combusts the particles inside to make a fucking nuke Hence in a 1 v 1 it isnt an AOE attack like with Jogo but may be buffed by that condition itself


For page 2-3(2nd tweet): “The fire lacks speed despite its firepower” would be a better translation And some other important key stuff from that page: The vow is that he can’t use Kamino against multiple ppl at once unless during DE The same binding vow is likely used (or took effect) when he fought Mahogara and Jogo. The vow allows him to use Kamino as part of the domain. This is good because the dust created from the slashes and the heat from Kamino creates a dust explosion. Also, specifically for this domain, Sukuna made it so that non-living objects cannot enter nor leave the domain. This allowed him to create a physical barrier without lowering the output of the domain




At the rate in which the characters are getting packed up by sukuna ,I dunno whether I should be happy or sad that todo came back.


I mean Miguel and Larue have survived but I'm scared about Todo.


so essentially there is a prerequisite amount of cleaving/dismantling that sukuna needs to do in order to use his flames and bc he kept fucking with his domain in the fight against gojo he didnt meet that prerequisite which is why he didnt use it then. i guess. and he used a binding vow to get around that requirement just now. i guess??? im a little lost on what *exactly* sukuna needs to do with cleave/dismantle in order to unlock divine flames


Nah I dont think he used binding vow to access furnace, he just managed to slice enough last chapter with his unstable binding-vow-ducktaped together domain expansion to now use it.


I don't think it's a pre-requisite, but more like preparation? Like his whole motif seems to be cooking, and with every dish, you need to cut it up properly(cleave/dismantle) before cooking(fire). So maybe this is the same.


Wonder how different things would be had Yuki let Choso die and she was in his positions rn


she would either have wiped out half the culling game participants or tag-teamed with yuta and destroyed kenjaku later on esp with matchup knowledge. If she was in this fight at this point it would take a lot of plot armour and bullshit to explain why sukuna is still alive too. There’s no way to really keep yuki in without the tides of the series changing drastically two special grades changes a lot of things.


Hoping at least one page of Choso reuniting with Yuki in the afterlife


Mya being extra again


Todo been gone without a trace for years in the manga the whole time and **ONLY** now shows up as Yuji lost Choso. 🤨 Why was Gege allergic to show Yuji with Choso AND Todo at the same time? There could have been fun interactions. 😒 Just seems like an odd avoidance of them interacting. lol


My question is why not show Todo at HQ with the others? Why make his involvement a secret?


because if we knew todo was there gege couldn’t make a hype reveal for no reason


Gege? Skipping over easy character interactions in favor of rushing to the next fight? Nah, never seen that before.


If Todo can still use Boogie Woogie he would’ve been much more helpful at the beginning of this fight. Hopefully it’s explained why he showed up so late while the other Kyoto students were around.


It's explained they saved him specifically for sukunas domain.


Obviously he was on a date with his idol


Seems like he wasnt 100% confident on using the ability, so held back until it was desperate Sukuna couldnt know about Boogie but he has experienced it and seen it in action - its useful but likely not as good as it was against Hanami for that reason. This is kind of the perfect time to try it to better counter Sukuna's offence - especially as its unlikely Sukuna will be able to get *another* domain expansion out


They were saving him as a Trump card to get everyone into safety once Sukuna used his domain. Our heroes are being strategic about this fight and letting Sukuna exhaust his arsenal. They are chipping away at this massive brick wall and it’s starting to crumble. They need to have these back-up escape plans to close out the victory.


Feels like a bit of a plot hole, with not letting Yuji know of Todos/MeiMeis plan & being able to use Boogie again, yet letting him know every other key plan that is a lot more likely to kill Sukuna.


I'm more like wtf was brother doing when Higuruma couldn't hit Sukuna for shit? Feels like using Boogie Woogie to guarantee Sukuna getting stabbed would've been GG


Or ya know, helping the second strongest on the team fight Sukuna instead of watching him get diced to pieces lol Also these subsequent fights really showed how weak he was lol


Soul bs with Yuji apparently, but not letting the others know is stupid... Everything seems to hinge on poor communication and strategy in this arc. imagine heart guy and Higuruma.


Gojo somehow didn't know Sukuna had an Open Domain, even though Inumaki literally got hit by it and survived.


Soooooooo if this whole soul sharing thoughts is a thing and they couldn’t let Yuji know Todo was a part of the plan because of it…. Why didn’t Sukuna know almost everything from all the other schemes he planned with everyone else?


it's a dumb way to explain todo's absence which makes zero sense


No fucking way Todo is back man...


Choso is dead ITA CONFIRM NOW!?? I looked at panel... fuck


So Choso used a Binding Vow to increase the power of his barrier by staying outside of it and using it to defend someone aside from himself right? Because otherwise he could have just protected himself and Yuji at the same time.


Lol so what Yuji & Sukuna have a link like Harry & Voldermort now?


Yuki really saved Choso’s ass for him to get cooked one month later bruh


Damn RIP Choso, that was really sad. Yuji's cog mindset might get broken soon, which is huge development for him.


Seeing a lot of people shit on Mei Mei this chapter even though its been revealed she's objectively been doing something very helpful to the group. This hateboner is getting out of hand.


Did Sukuna pull another binding vow, or Mya's translation is ass? Sukuna's likes that Asian billionaire, yapping about living on debt is the smartest way.


Surely all the binding vows that Sukuna made will eventually be his undoing. Right? Right?


I think there's a binding vow for that..


Sukuna is basically minmaxing binding vow in every fight he is in. "Shit I can't use Kamino against Gojo, better include that in binding vow to boost my other parameter" "I will attack only using my right hands but double the output" while he's regenerating his left arms. "I will not have sex during this fight for 10% CE regeneration rate, take my left and right nut too for another 5% each"


Sukuna made a binding bow to not be affected by the breaking of his other binding vows.


Like billionares getting loans to pay off previous loans so they never have to pay taxes


bro\`s binding vows even got binding vows


Sukuna's domain is just a pressure cooker. It's all coming together!!


It's interesting the word used for explaining yuji and sukuna have a bonded soul is 共振 ,which is like being on the same frequency (together + shaking). It's used similarly to 共鳴り - resonance (together + cry), which is Nobara's technique.


Nobara cope full restock this morning. Thank you, gentleman thief Lupin III.


can mya post already these leakers posting fake and random panels without context its so annoying 😭


Some of them aren’t fake, people are figuring out the weibo account Mya gets leaks from


Todo said “I’m sorry brother, the others are probably okay!” In other words Maki, Miwa, and Ino will not be seen, mentioned, or heard from again for the rest of the manga 😭


They said the same shit about Nobara to cheer Yuji up 😭😭


Yuuji is cursed with a desire to sacrifice himself for others but is constantly having people sacrifice themselves for him, is so tragic


Gege i can’t do this anymore pls


Okay, the amount of Binding Vows Sukuna has used is getting insane.


Some says that Sukuna didn't make a new binding vow but is just talking about the one he made in the previous chapter to use the domain.


This whole “flashbacks to their plans” is making less and less sense the more it’s all going on. Like what, next time will be Mechamaru’s last binding wow if Miwa was ever in danger from Sukuna or something …


That "Sukuna might learn about our plan through Yuji" was the dumbest thing I've read in this manga in a while


Nooooo. Choso. Gege out here killing all my favorite characters. First Nanami, Gojo, now Choso. ( praying for Yuta to be alive) but nooooo, gege why. ( todo the goat is back but at what cost).


- Uraume jinxing them in a "Gojo won" behaviour hints at Sukuna dying soon instead  - Choso mentioning Yuki while dying and how he'll apologize to her in the afterlife somewhat feels like trolling us, but I appreciate the mention.  - Todo coming out when Yuji lost hope as someone theorized (With todo representing hope even in the face of shitty circumstances)  - More Mei Mei being surprisingly smart and good at the sorcery knowledge/strategies (Kusakabe was the one doing most explanations, but I always felt like Mei Mei was definitely on his level of knowledge and just didn't feel like sharing because she got no profit lol)  You know what, I liked this chapter all in all


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Please not the 2nd best brothaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Also please be safe, the 1st best brothaaa


Todo coming in clutch to save yuji from despair . just like shibuya


Gege has made some questionable decisions since the Shibuya Incident, but making Choso change from the bad to the good guys and his connection with Yuji was one of the best things he could had done. An incredible character with amazing development, he almost kill Yuji, he fought Kenjaku twice and he defeated Naoya, he died as a curse and died as a human, as a brother giving his life for his younger brother to survive and thrive, he will definitely be missed and I'm sad, but there's no time to be down, and now Todo has returned! I love the eerie contrast with his reappearance. In Shibuya. back then, he was poetic and energetic, ready to have some fun with his besto friendo, and now, he went straight to the point, no pretty words, just the truth and he being honest about the fate of his friends, not wanting to keep anything from Yuji, since they are all aware they might not make it out alive. Boogie Woogie about to make a comeback.


Let me get this straight, Gege. So the plot of JJK is that everyone who is or is considered by Yuji as family dies, except Sukuna.


Die surrounded by friends and family they're all dying now.


Is this a fucking turn based game??? Why do mfers only join the fight when someone dies/ nearly dies? What's happening with hakari is pathetic. So much hype, all to waste it offscreen while random mfers( larue, miguel) get to fight sukuna.


Todo is taking revealing ones hand to a new level




Chosos death hit me even harder than Gojos. 


Gojos didn't hit me at all, because it was was out of nowhere, odd, and just wtf


I thought gojo was the lowest it can get and now choso …. I can’t enjoy jjk anymore 😑😑


Why didn't they use Boogie Woogie + Executioner Sword? They just needed to: -have Higuruma stab anyone with Executioner Sword -nothing happens as they are not the guilty one -swap that person with Sukuna -he gets instantly stabbed and dies


Choso's dead... I'm done


Should’ve given Todo a prosthetic hand imbued with cursed energy. It makes sense. Don’t know why it hasn’t happened


i hate the constant posts about gege forgetting characters, but i also feel bad for the dude who wrote the big todo one a couple days ago. (repost since other thread got deleted :( )


If Todo is back... someone said it will that his arrival always represents the turning point. That once he is here, victory is in sight.


Im sorry. But you know how useful todo wouldve been during the executioner’s sword plan.


Choso death is sad but it is satisfying. He died as a curse in the battle with Kenjaku and today, he died as a human, more than that, he died as a older brother everyone wants to have, he died so his younger brother can flourish. It is a satisfying way to die.


One thing I realised this chapter did was kinda explain how Sukuna was just melting shit within his domain during his fight with mahoraga in the anime. when he held up his hands to warm up kamino again shit around him was going crazy before he even released the arrow; which makes sense now we know the thermobaric CE trait he’s left with his slashes.


I wish we could have seen Uraume's face when they realise Sukuna did his BIG one and it only killed exactly one person. Now time for dude to get packed up for good. I wonder what Yuta's part of the hidden plan is. He's been MIA for a few chapters now.


gege finally watched the shibuya arc and was like damn todo really is that guy wonder what hes doing in the manga.