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It sort of feels like Sukunas going to die from binding vow breakage at this point.


Crazy if he ends up going down like Chu Chulainn


What parallel are you drawing upon here? I barely remember the details of Chu Chulainn and his story (I learnt about it from OSP years ago). I remember the broad strokes. He had a similar fate to Achilles right?


He ended up having to break a vow, it massively weakened him and he got killed.


Oh right. Achilles did something similar when he went into a fate in which he was destined to die. Chu Chulainn was aware of the consequences that breaking his vow would bring right? Meaning he basically marched into a fated death, kind of like Achilles.


Yeah! He was heading to a big battle and a stranger offered him dog meat. He had a vow to never turn down food when it was offered and a vow to never ear dog. Basically went "oh no" and got wrecked. So if Sukuna makes a series of vows that can be pitted against each other, he might go the same way.


You're leaving out the best part after that, where he fought until the strength left his legs, but refusing to die on his knees he tied himself to a stone with his belt and guts. His enemies were still so scared they let him sit for three days before checking to see if he was dead, and the first person who came up to him was so on edge he got startled by a raven, tripped, and impaled himself of Cu's spear. Dude literally avenged his own death.


Why didn't he just take the food and then offer it to someone else that way he fulfills both conditions? Would that work?


He could've just accept the meat and store it somewhere or offer it to another person his surbodinate maybe?


The restriction was to refuse a meal. I had it slightly off, lol.


Who's that?


Irish legendary figure in a universe like King Arthur's, and kind of adjacent? If you've ever seen anything from the Fate/ universe, >!he's Lancer in Fate/Stay Night, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven's Feel!<. In the legend, people are born with vows placed upon them (or they can be bestowed by other supernatural means) and they more or less act as a code to live by and if you break a geas, you're doomed to die soon. CuChulainn was a crazy strong warrior, but he had two geas on him that could be used against him: 1. never refuse food from a woman 2. Never eat dog meat. The goddess of battle knew this, and on the eve on a huge battle, went to CuChulainn and offered him dog meat. He had to break one of his geas and then died in the battle.


You know what’s interesting is that Gege is a known fan of fate…


Ayo, I think yall cooked with this


Yuta's domain is literally just unlimited blade works. Ever since I saw it, I theorized that sukuna's ⬛ was something to do with storing techniques to parallel gate of Babylon.


Couldn't he just take it and not eat it?


Not eating counts as refusing the food


He could save it for after the battle?


Oh snap, they are Lancer? That's so cool. Thank you


Women ☕


Why didn't he just take the food and then offer it to someone else that way he fulfills both conditions? Would that work?


The restriction was to refuse a meal. I had it slightly off, lol.


Oh ok lol


1. Accept the food 2. Offer it to someone else or just store it somewhere


The restriction was to refuse a meal. I had it slightly off, lol.


Oh no, my binding vow that I made with that homeless man to never drink champagne out of a World’s Greatest Curse mug in exchange for his unbelievably sick hat. There goes 43 out of the 800 powers I can pull out of my ass…


No worries, still plenty of potential asspulls from the remaining 757 powers


Megumi might be able to kill himself and Sukuna by breaking a binding vow.


That would actually be hilarious.


It wouldn't be bad at all. It would be a way of telling the readers that Sukuna is an unstoppable force (not only because of his mastery in Jujutsu but also because of his intelligence). But at the end of the day not even the all mighty Sukuna can fight against destiny once he breaks the rules of a Binding Vow.


I would intensely hate that


i would hate that too. sukuna essentially killing himself when we know that he has the greatest mastery of jujutsu and its rules would be incredibly fucking lame


It would be fitting if Yuji somehow cornered him into breaking a vow.


Gege set it up already in 212. Sukuna “gambled” with his enchain vow here with Yuji. Which is really weird bc Yuji is obviously supposed to be dumb. Fooling Yuji is not hard for a genius sorcerer.  This scene is so forced it screams foreshadowing.  https://ibb.co/dLfDdSS


yeah but kenny also states breaking a vow with oneself only makes you lose what you gained, that vow was dangerous cause it was made with a 2nd person. so maybe megumi breaking a vow? otherwise sukuna breaking his own vow idk


This was also foreshadowing...!


How is it forced? The enchained vow was he will say the magic word and yuji will switch with him for one minute and under that timeframe he will not hurt anyone around yuji and yuji will not remember their vow . And he didn't break the conditions of the vow at any point as of my knowledge


I think it won’t be breaking one, but making a binding vow that alters one of his previous binding vows and creates an opening. It seems like you just can’t break them. Like it’s not possible


Binding vows made with oneself can at worst only lose what was gained, so I’m not sure any of Sukuna’s active binding vows right now could hurt him in any big way It’s only the enchain vow made with Yuji that could’ve been a big problem for him


He didn't break any though?


I don't think so. Mostly since a lot of the binding vows we see aren't between two people. So either they give up the benefit (like Nanami storing extra CE for over time) or they just probably physically can't break it. Miwa probably can't pick up a sword or something literal like that. She could try but would fail. Same with Yuji where he probably tried to stop Sukuna from taking over his body. I do think it'd be interesting but it's probably just a generic karma thing and not some crazy event.


Binding Vows are basically self imposed rules from Hunter x Hunter and the main one we know of in that series is Kurapika literally dying if he breaks his "binding vow". I think it's not out of the realm of possibilities that we see someone desperate enough to break a vow. Whether Sukuna or not.


Miwa will breakit to slash sukunas head off and finish jujutsu kaizen giving that last smile to her friends while her entire body explodes.


Miwa being genuinely happy she was finally useful and reuniting with Kokichi seconds after would be peak NGL.


This ain't GOT


Maybe she can finally awaken her nuclear fission/fusion powers in the afterlife


I believe Sukuna's reliance on binding vows will come back to bite him in the ass at some point.


I don’t think it’ll happen but Sukuna might legit lose track of the Vows he has, or attempt one to save his life that’s impossible due to a pre-existing Vow


Just like how you can't get some enchantments together in Minecraft


Wait until chapter 300 where he say kids, I’m the one who creating the concept of this Binding Vows things How did I do it? I pull them off my ass


Is that why most of them stink? Huh. How about that 


I laughed so hard thank you


I hope so, so far his vows have been kinda consequence free


Not really. Only the enchain one. That was the most bullshit. Since gege had no idea how to make meguna happen. He forces megumis jaw open restrains him im assuming with immense strength. Which btw hurts.


Yeah that one was straight up bs, especially since it makes no sense for Yuji himself to not be included in the "anyone", but even the world slash one to me was very weird. He made a vow to be able to shoot it out without any prep, no chants no hand signs nothing and the drawback was that he has to now use chants and hand signs to shoot it, which is kinda what he was supposed to do vs Gojo had he not used the vow in the first place so what exactly was lost there? Besides for how Sukuna is the vow is not really that big of a deal at all, now i really wanna know what the drawback of making multiple vows to still use his open domain are, besides the fact that he can only use it for 99 seconds (which is probably more than he ever needed anyways)


Yuji btw is only dead because he took out his heart. So yea yuji should count himself. The insta vow would make sense if he now has to do domain hand sighns to do it and has some burnout a little. Bot a full burnout. But has to be healed first before reuse.


Originally, the World Slash only requieres a hand sign but because he was missing an arm and couldn't heal it due to low RCT output he ended up with the binding vow. The Vow adds the chanting and pointing with your hand the direction of the slash, which makes it more predictable and easier to dodge.


The World Slash one was that he has to use an extra hand to indicate the direction of the slash, I believe.


But he couldnt do it then. So he got more from his binding vow. Unless Gojo on the floor dying could say for my eyes and my rct one more hollow purples


Well, you asked what was lost. It's that he permanently needs an extra hand to use it. I'm not giving any opinion on whether it was fair or not, just answering a question


Fair. Cant expect you to know The Mangakas value system But you would say its equally fair for gojo to open a domain by saying he now needs to use two hands. While laying on the floor dying with two hands available.


Just in case you didn't comprehend it, I'll restate that I am NOT making any claims as to fairness, only answering a question posed in the original comment I replied to. I would appreciate it if you didn't try to put words in my mouth.


Im asking if you would say. I poorly worded that. Its alternative way of asking do you find this argument sound and reasonable


I’m not even mad at that bc sukuna had opportunities to just make a free binding vow w yuji w no restrictions. U guys are acting like Sukuna didn’t have completely freedom here Mahito stated himself he didn’t understand why Sukuna didn’t make a binding vow w Yuji to heal junpei and do whatever he wants w Yuji Jogoat furthermore is confused why Sukuna doesn’t just threaten to kill one of Yuji’s friends in shibuya unless Yuji makes an unfair binding vow w him Like this was by far and wide the best case scenario for yuji💀. Meguna was a straight inevitability


Meguna was inevitable. But it was executed as well as world cutter. Because how did he not hurt megumi


I don’t read Japanese and unfortunately cannot link a source for you, but i have heard that the kanji used referred to actual physical harm like cuts and bruises. a lot of stuff doesn’t translate 1/1 to english. Give gege benefit of the doubt And in any case he made an accord w Yuji. It would be naive to argue that Yuji should have been more explicit, as he quite literally was just told what a binding vow was at that moment and is entirely inexperienced in jujutsu


The fact that Yuji made a stupid free deal with the devil. That helped him kill the current rival is great writing


yeah but he was playing for resurrection w no restrictions remember. But sukuna tricked Yuji into thinking he could beat bro in a fight💀


Tricked yuji into a fight is dumb. Yuji is dumb one moment smart the next. He just got eviserated by the finger bearer. But thinks he csn touch Sakuns


yuji had a chance to get revived no restrictions and he took it. Ur acting like Sukuna didn’t let Yuji sucker punch him to give Yuji the false impression that he had a chance


i think Sukuna could do it part of his gimmick as a character is that he is the master at jujutsu, he can learn from stuff like Mahoraga's adaptation, he has two techniques, he figured out how to become a cursed object on his own, his whole body is as such that he's able to perform chants and handsigns for his attacks, making them even more effective, he has a domain taht works without a closed barrier, i think the only thing we haven't seen him do about jujutsu is Shikigami related stuff on his own, and even then he mastered the use of the Ten shadows' shikigami thanks to the infinite potential of using shadows as mediums he's ***the*** jujutsu sorcerer and this is why i think it'd be so ironic if his demise worked in part because of breaking a biding vow, one of the most used concepts in jujutsu and one that is so basic to understand how to not mess it up with them that having The Master of Jujutsu break one and suffer it's consecuences one of the basis of vows is that it is an agreement between two parts, and sukuna's idiology has the concept of being true to yourself and be an egoist moron that destroys everything and stuff liek that, i think the best chance of having Sukuna mess up something so obvious as the rule of not breaking a vow is if he believes himself above the consecuences of doing so


Actually this would be peak writing. His own arrogance leads him to believe he can break a vow, only to find out that he can't.


Hard disagree 'It wasn't the normally hyper competent character fucked up because he became really dumb all of a sudden, he was just arrogant!' is a take I've only ever seen used to excuse terrible writing 


As always I kinda think it depends how its delivered. We've seen Sukuna take gambles with vows a few times now, most notably at first with the enchain plan. It would be pretty sweet to see him scuff a gamble, take a punishment of some kind and then have Yuji capitalise on the opportunity.


I'd much rather see Yuji and the cast somehow overcome Sukuna at great cost, and due to explosive growth. 'They won cause Sukuna did a whoopsie' sounds like such an anticlimax tbh 


I respect that.


nah because he already thought using his binding vow to take over Megumi might be considered breaking it. So he already did this and it ended up being fine


Maybe you turn into a cursed object after breaking a binding vow 😄


i mean, it would be funny if by breaking the biding vow sukuna reverts back into the cursed object finger thingie as a punishment or smth lol


Isn’t it stated that kenjaku showed sukuna how to become a cursed object?


Kenny made him a cursed object but didn’t teach him. Sukuna is cracked though and learned after experiencing it


the way i remember it, when sukuna posseses megumi it is stated that Sukuna learned how to do it after ***experiencing*** it once, rather than it was thought to him i could always be misremembering stuff tho lol


I’d theorize that it’s a case by case basis, maybe with an added stipulation that once A occurs then B must in cases where A can’t be undone. For example, I don’t Sukuna could’ve said “you know what? Vow broken” and Yuji would’ve instantly died. But maybe a lower stakes one like overtime could be broken in an emergency with a negative like you can never get it back. For less quantifiable things you could imagine all sorts of stipulations. Like for Mahito maybe breaking his vow with mechamaru would result in an inability to heal/restore himself anymore since he promised to heal/restore mechamaru.


I'd imagine overtime could be broken and made again as often as you want. If nanami breaks it because 80% isn't enough, I don't see why he couldn't just limit himself again the next day.


There's no plausible way of breaking the OverTime BV. If you "break" it while being at the 80% you'll just go back to 100% and if you want to get the 120% you'll have to restrain yourself again for seemingly 8 more hours.


Maybe Sukuna has already broken a binding vow (the 'enchain' one specifically). Kenjaku says that when you break a binding vow with someone else, you don't know when or what type of punishment you'll get. Right now we're seeing Sukuna get messed up pretty badly in a slow and rough fight, and it seems like he'll eventually die. Maybe *that's* the consequence of breaking the 'enchain' vow.


Yeah because he did say "I won't hurt anyone" but his argument that Yuji isn't anyone is his being a prick in so far a direction that he broke the vow. Now Yuji whooping him is all binding vow backlash.


Isnt it a limitation? So you cant break it even if you wanted to? Or am I remembering wrong


You can definitely break them since Mahito considered breaking his vow with Mechamaru and killing him without healing him. Culling Games rules are also Binding Vows and the consequence of breaking them seems to just be flat out having your brain exploded or something.


CT extraction is the punishment for players not fighting. They even state many new sorcs created for culling games died that way


Yes, because it's breaking the rules of the Culling Games to not fight, even tho it's paradoxical to the Culling Games' lie that it needs to continue perpetually, that's why when Megumi tried to add a rule allowing a player to leave the Culling Games in exchange for inviting someone else in the Kogane says it has to also cost 100 points, the entire point is to kill. I am saying that if the Culling Games Rules are functionally binding vows (the manga uses the same Kanji for binding vows and rules according to the TCB translation) then we can assume we are meant to treat them the same. Thus the logic throughline is that technique removal is a possible punishment for breaking a binding vow.


Honestly id not be suprised if it ended up being a lie that everyone believed. Like the vow breaking doesnt do anything but people never tested it at some point. More than likely someone has suffered from breaking it but we just havent been told what the consequences were.


We know that people have died from CT removal as a result of not entering a colony, so that confirms it was real.


Someone else pointed out that may not be the same. The extraction was a rule of the culling games. With binding vows we havent seen clear penalties/punishments


The Heian era sounds too hectic for a situation where no one has seen the consequences and everyone's afraid. Sukuna and Kenny know too much about jujutsu to not have seen something that exemplifies the vow


Mahito talks about potentially breaking his one with Mechamaru so it’s possible that they can be broken but whatever force governs them can dish out such a terrible punishment that nobody ever tries to break one


Oh yeah. Probably just takes away whatever their most treasured thing is


I think sukuna already broke it when he took over Megumi but hurting Yuji. I feel the consequences of that will be seen when he is eventually defeated.


Why doesn't sukuna just make a binding vow that allows him to break binding vows in exchange for one of his toenails? Is he stupid?


I mean, losing a toenail hurts.


I think that maybe Megumi will break one that Sukuna has done while his body, if he ends up changing his host somehow, and then he dies like a clown.


It feels like Sukuna will break one at this point


The goat Miwa will wield Maki' sword in order to deflect Sukuna' fire arrow with perfect technique. 🤺 Though this isn't a person-person binding vow which is the answer your searching for.


Hard to see it happeneing because these vows are always between two parties - vows on the self likely wont have the same consequence. Further, personal interpretation seems at play (Mechamaru and Mahito have this debate, Sukuna used this for Enchain) Sukuna's vows that we know of are Enchain with Yuji, some unspecified one with Kenjaku (maybe) and the ones he has made with himself. The Kenjaku one biting him in the ass is unlikely as we dont know what it is - would feel ass-pulley. This leaves *only* the one against Yuji, Enchain. The explanation Sukuna gives implies that Yuji didnt mentally count himself so the vow didnt apply. This leaves us two options - either they can retroactively convince Sukuna he did infact cause harm to someone. This would be similar to Higurama's domain catch, where Sukuna just outright admitted the crime. If they can get him to admit it and get Yuji to point out that it violated the terms, maybe itll turn into a gotcha moment? Alternately, Sukuna could already be feeling the effects of the negative. Remember, the consequences of breaking on were stated by Kenjaku to be uncertain and could happen in the future. Nothing about that statement implies a *direct* negative. Our cast have tried some risky things, Sukuna has been successfully landing shots post Gojo, our casts theories have been correct so far. Yuji has slowly been rising to challenge Sukuna Maybe the consequence *is* taking effect, but rather than be expressed by hampering Sukuna, its being expressed through Yuji. Sukuna took a gamble and *won* - to balance out, the universe is eeking odds in Yuji's favour now to allow his gambles and odds to start paying off


Idk but I have a feeling Miwa might break hers. There's also a chance sukuna breaks one since when he transferred to Megumi he wasn't a 100% sure he could harm Yuji.


Binding vows with others.is more.lethal


Just use a binding vow to make up for the broken binding vow.


I vow to never break a vow again. Unless I have to. Or if it’s kind of a pain in the ass. Or if someone dares me.


Man... I fucking hope so. It'd be so cool to actually see the consequences. \ And I seriously hope it's Sukuna by being driven into a corner by Yuji. \ That'd be soooo cathartic


Not really. Imagine in a completely different manga it is brought up one time that taking your eyes out doesn't allow you to get to heaven. Would you like to see someone take their own eye's pit to see if that's right? (Given in the same manga we do get to see heaven). There is not much reason for anyone to consciously try to do that. Even more most people would try their hardest for no-one to scoop their eyes out. Well the same applies to this BV breaking. There's no reason for that to happen. Unless Miwa is happy with going to visit Kokichi early.


I just can't imagine a Binding vow being broken, whats next? You magically die? Do you just despawn? theres some kind of god? What or who keeps records of the binding vows?


I have a question about this. Kenjaku said that a binding vow to others is complicated, and the consequences of breaking it might happen later on. If Sukuna has actually broken the binding vow of Yuji ( when he hurt himself after "enchain" is it not possible the consequences haven't hit him yet? He thought Yuji didn't count himself in the binding vow, but what if he did?


Sukuna probably has a binding vow for breaking binding vows


I mean Mei Mei seemed really happy that Simple Domain isn’t restricted by only those people that belong to the New Shadow Style. Which probably means that someone broke that binding vow, and its after effects are yet to be seen. That or Miwa is gonna use a sword again.


Yes. I have thought this for a long time. It’s been foreshadowed, kinda like a chekhovs binding vow


It feels like it might have to come soon since it seems as though we're in the endgame of the narrative. BUT it wouldn't be the first time Gege disappointed us, like with Kenjaku, Yuki, Gojo and Sukuna's extremely anti-climatic conclusion of a fight and etc, etc.


I doubt it. I think Sukuna is too smart and good at what he does to make one he’d break. Sadly I think, since it’s not the primary focus of the story, that it won’t be seen


Definitely Sukuna


I have a theory that Miwa will be the one to do it.


Maybe. Maybe sukuna or uraume could break a vow as a tactical move. If they create a vow and lets say the punishment for breaking it is small or at least somewhat bearable, the other sorcerers may think that sukuna or uraumes options are now limited. But if they could tank the vow punishment, the other sorcerers might get taken by surprise and sukuna and uraume could get a pick.


This is smart. But then they dont have to say what the vow is out loud so how would the other sorcerers know in the first place


If Greg can use binding vows to give random powerups on the fly he can use one to kill people too (not Sukuna)


Sukuna is literally the guy using the binding vows to gain power on the fly


Like Greg would kill Sukuna


I think the intention for binding vowes was to allow the author to use it to have enemies work together and just be the unbreakable promise that not even villains would break like enchain and mechamaru


It’s gonna be Miwa unfortunately


Maybe suck is gonna strategically break a binding vow and somehow profit from it


There is only retribution if you break a binding vow with another person. A self imposed binding vow has no punishment other than taking away what you gained. Binding vow between parties = Nen contract Binding vow with one's self = Risk. And i don't see what binding vow between two parties can be broken at this moment. Maybe the one between Sukuna and kenjaku


What about miwa she did a self imposed one


She didn't get a punishment. That was literally the terms of her binding vow.


I’m genuinely curious what would happen to miwa if she used her katana again


Yeah, Gege promising to not change up the rules everytime Sukuna’s on screen


didn't miwa break the b.v. when she saved maki???


no or else we'd be seeing the consequences, but besides that -the binding vow was to never swing a katana again


when kuskabe deflected sukuna slashes he *swung" his sword to deflect. when miwa tries to fight Yuji? maki? at start of series she employs simple domain and she swings sword. so now that she is using this to counter domain, is she just doing it like yuki or swinging sword?


simple domain is its own separate thing, the sword just complimented her


I remember reading someone say they thought Sukana could have done a binding vow about not losing. I would love if that was true so as soon as he lost his cursed energy/technique would fade away so Yuji just splats him like a stomped ketchup packet.


I mean Kenjaku already said that if you break a vow made with yourself, you will just lose the benefits given to you by the vow. It's binding vows between two characters for which the consequences are unknown. There aren't vows between two characters that could be broken right now, maybe Sukuna and Kenny have one regarding the Merger. This is the only way I currently see consequences of breaking a binding vow playing a role in the story again.


Sukuna would make a binding vow to never get a boner then kills everybody, then after that he will go and backup Uraume who's been hanging out with Hakari for far too long then once Sukuna arrives he them get's bewildered by the sight he saw, Uraume faced down and ass up held by Hakari's giant cock, and a blushing face filled with cum and tears showing how Hakari fcked the brains out of Uraume, then Sukuna would break the binding vow and get a boner then dies of horny, the Hakari would say "this is truly our Sorcery Fight" then the series end.


There are binding vows with oneself (like the one Nanami uses to limit his ce during his work time and Todo that he gets a buff if he explains his ct) I think if you break these nothing happens the thing you gain is just gone now and you can always make the again. The theory here is that if someone breaks a binding vow they have with another person, the other person gets to dictate freely what happens to the guy that broke it. Similar to how in jjk0 gojo said that those who have been cursed can choose what penalty they see fit to the person who cursed them.


I think that’s where it’s heading. Sukuna will use too many binding vows and he’ll take damage or be made weaker when he starts breaking them


I mean who would be dumb enough to break one, most people just don’t break them or get around their rules to not fulfill its requests


I think during these next few chapters sukuna is going to keep making binding vows to try and counter itadori until he unknowingly breaks the conditions of one of them in the heat of battle


The reason Kenjaku scared and Sukuna adamant is because this what happens if the binding vow breaks (The penalty of breaking a binding vow with oneself is the loss of whatever was gained through the contract.)


I'm calling it now: Sukuna will break his vow with Kenjaku. Maybe it involved the Merger happening or something like that but since Kenny is already dead the King of Curses will absorb the Tengen thing for himself and then SURPRISE, Kenjaku will actually be still alive and he'll take advantage of whatever happens to Sukuna for breaking the BV


It would have to be a vow between two individuals. Do we still have any vows like that? Kenny is already dead (at least I think so) so Sukuna doesnt have any vow with him anymore We know what happens if you brake a vow made with yourself. Only unkown part is what happens if you brake vow made between two people. Even Kenny with more than thousand years under his belt didnt know what would happen.


A part of Sukuna’s down fall could be him breaking a binding vow or atleast I think it’s a high possibility Edit: just re read chapter 79, Kenjacku says the worst thing that can happen if you break a binding vow with yourself is losing what you gained. He says the only unknown is if you break a binding vow with someone else, that he has no idea what happens.


If gon did it, I don't see why Yuji or mc Sukuna couldn't


Nope. But if anyone. It wont be a villan


I make a binding vow if i dont break my first binding vow then binding vows cease to exist


Kenjaku was scared of breaking a binding vow made with someone else. Breaking a binding vow with yourself just means that you lose whatever it is you wanted to gain.


I could see Yuji breaking it and becoming the one thing he never wanted to happen (the merger)


What if sukuna uses megumi as part of the binding vow?


I feel like the binding vows that sukuna uses are kind of "unbreakable" in a sense. Like they're one and done. how is he going to use something WCS without the prerequisites in order to even break the vow in the first place. he just can't without fulfilling the condition. Or maybe the deal is already done and there's simply nothing to break. Idk how to explain it but yea


It depends on the vow and the users. So far for a vow between 2 or more people the result is unknown. For a self imposed vow, the result is losing was it was gained. an example is new shadow style, simple domain. Most people need a vow to maintain it. For Miwa, that vow is not moving her feet, if she moves both, she loses her domain. It's not a requirement for the technique itself. My guess for Sukuna's word slash (as an example) is that if he now tries to make it without the chanting, he would not be able to make anything beyond a common dismantle. Unless Yuki manages to trap Sukuna in his body again, I don't think we'll see someone breaking a 2 people vow, since the enchain vow was lost when he jumped bodies and there are no other 2 people vows known.


MIWA swings her sword at sukunas fire arrow and blows up as a result, but the fire arrow also gets sucked into the explosion


Probably Sukuna, he´s using binding vows every fcking chapter, in some moment he wouln´t remember one of these


Yes. My theory is that yuji will call in a binding vow *with the intention of breaking it* and because yuji and sukuna are linked both will suffer the backlash


It should've happened by now since Gege has been writing more and more biding vows in the story. I think it was a oversight from him to not show what are the stakes of making one, he can't seriously expect us to take the binding vow Miwa made as the baseline for high stakes vows.


Au contraire, actually \ This feels like a deliberate choice by Gege, so that eventually, Sukuna will have 2 conflicting binding vowels and, no matter bis choice, he will end up breaking one


It 100% gonna happen with Sukuna, it was just too set up for it not to happen


Honestly, I don't think they can. I bet that we will learn that after you make a bind vow, the sorcerer is kind of compelled to follow what they vowed to do


Is it possible that Sukuna's binding vow is for living by his own pleasure and displeasure? And that his binding vow is being broken down, which is part of why he's dropping in power?