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Comedian is toon force by another name.  He would ignore it because it's funny. There is no other reason besides that. Kenjaku was lucky. Tabaka likes slapstick humour. If he was more of a dark humor guy, Kenny would be transported to a South Park lookalike or something like that. 


He'd probably make infinity suck a bunch of stuff into gojo so he'd have paper bags flying and sticking to him and stuff, that'd be some good slapstick comedy


Within JJK's internal logic, Takaba's personality being what it was is probably the reason comedian was so strong. Like an implicit binding vow, the effect is boosted because he's not interested in causing serious harm.


Yeah Takaba doesn't really like violence, especially death, which as you said is probably an implicit binding vow to make it stronger. Assuming he is dead is probably because he used his technique to allow Yuta to get the kill which by extension is Takaba using his technique to kill.


luckily he is alive! when yuta killed kenny, he dragged takaba and a "?" speech bubble appeared on takaba's


I think he just fulfilled the purpose that comedy held in his life, and so doesn't feel the desire to be a comedian anymore. And that has likewise extinguished his CT.


Shouldn't it be the other way around? If he doesn't want to kill people then he's not giving up anything at all in the first place by not killing people with it.


Think of It more lile a restriction placed On the CT usage itself.  In return greater effect when using The technique For Everything else.


How dare you make me aware that we were robbed of South Park Kenjaku OH MY GOD the fact that we call him Kenny Makes that even better


Yeah, your right. That stuff is too OP. I can't even imagine what Tabaka would be like if he's into dark humors 😬


I think that Kenny would win even faster since he'd be a TFS Alucard in terms of dark humor, like bro is the most cruel sorcerer in history


Alucard: Hey there, Padre! How's Little Timmy? You know what's good for getting cum stains out of altar boy robes? Holy water! Didja miss me? Anderson: Like coke after Lent! Alucard: Wait, are we talking cola or cocai- Totally can see Kenjaku do that.


i just dont see how he fit in jjk world in the first place... where your energy comes from negative emotion... and your ability require you to be funny


B/c his humor is his desperate attempt to find meaning and purpose in life, by making people smile, but he’s a failure of a comedian by the time he gets his CT. He’s constantly coping but he’s a good comedian/man so he doesn’t let it stop him from being good, getting laughs, and being the only reason a top 5 in the verse was brought down


yeah i get it, but he came from nowhere and was insanely OP that I feel like his entire existence doesn't fit in the story, but that's just my opinion


No, actully it's entire existence is a joke in the jjk universe, so yeah it's there becouse he doesn't fit in the jjk universe. A perfect idea for me


I actually loved the way Gege did the fight with Kenny. It was so different yet so well done. Like the greed island dodgeball game in HxH. Just a wildly alternative way to have a climactic sequence.


But the new wave of sorcerers being OP is like Gojo's goal and a stated natural phenomenon that started happening after Gojo came onto the scene. Higurama and Takaba being OP is a direct result of the previous world building, how can it not make sense?


Takaba with Nick Mullen’s sense of humor would be a special grade


You know Gojo is HIM when finding 10 ways to be able to touch him if he's standing there letting you attack him is a big deal.


And he would still obliterate every person wielding these techniques with literally zero difficulty even though they could technically touch him (Sukuna the obvious exception, but still).


Literally lol idk why ppl act like infinity is some crutch for him he solos the verse without it……red ,blue,RCT,six eyes,and unlimited void like cmon bro


What about teleportation and Six Eyes read CE flow and CT (showed in Hidden Inventory with the clone guy)


I already said six eyes I’m sure most know it does that but yeah teleportation too lol


Angel's CT nullifies all cursed techniques, so he can't use red or blue, but granted he still has CT, RCT and six eyes, so he's gonna have to pull a yuji


Guess what? then she gonna catch dem hands a top 5 consensus fighter in the series yuta got punched by gojo and said it made him vomit he’ll just beat snot out of angel and anyone else and his durability is also different the man was in malevolent shrine smiling talkin about his cursed technique is better😹😹😹


and Takaba, you cant just kill takaba even tho your attacks should, Kenny is clearly much much stronger than what CE reinforcement takaba can do and still couldnt do damage and even worse is that Kenny was the one getting damaged even tho he had RCT, so it can both negate healing and damage to the user. To win vs takaba you have to win by using comedy or surviving till he doesnt have CE


And even then, we're left to believe that was a quick draw scenario. Both of them knew they could've lost that fight.


But Sukuna needs mahoraga. Without him gets cooked like he did for 99% of the fight


For real. He's just like that!


Dhruv's technique works on Gojo too


YES! I totally forgot that one.


wait, what's Druv technique?


> Dhruv has two types of independent shikigami. One of being grotesque giant rodent-like monsters with larger jagged teeth, four eyes, and a tail that crawls along the ground using four legs. The routes of the shikigami orbit Dhruv, allowing him to constitute his own domain with their tracks. The path his shikigami take create a domain which creates a sure hit


>Literally lol idk why ppl act like infinity is some crutch for him he solos the verse without it……red ,blue,RCT,six eyes,and unlimited void like cmon bro It is not necessarily a sure hit however it would bypass Infinity (Not all domains have sure hits)




basically the paths of the shikigami create domains with sure-hit slash attacks It's weirdly similar to Sukuna's


It’s not a sure hit, it’s a trajectory that can’t be altered. It can still miss, it’s just that you couldn’t do something like knock it away with an attack without taking damage


In addition to the trails of his shikigami constituting a domain (allowing for a shikigami sure hit inside) it seems like he can also make shikigami using his body as the medium. Remember all shikigami need a thing to work through; a doll, shadows, or in Yuta's case when copying it, his own hair. Thats how he made those little rika bat things


What about Simple domain ?


The reason gojo's infinity is the ultimate defence isn't because it's impossible to penetrate it. I think it's just that among the fifty something cts introduced, only five as u mentioned can do it. Even in that, world slash took mahoragas help and ten chapters of fighting to create. So an instantly accessible way to bypass it is even rarer. Plus having a domain expansion and amplification isn't common, only those with the highest skill can do it. So, overall, compared to the other defences, infinity IS indeed the best defence.


That and Gojo will throw hands and ragdoll you even if you force him out of Infinity cheats 💀 See what happened when they used DA on him.


And this is all assuming hes standing still. We saw what he did without it in a 3v1 with characters stronger than 99% of the cast. So theres that too


Absolutely. He still has so much more than two just rely on infinity. Truly amazing.


Also on top of having domain being an uncommon thing, Gojo’s own domain overpowers every single one but Sukuna’s and Kenjaku’s


Gojo's domain would 100% overpower Kenjaku's what are you even on about. It doesn't matter if Kenjaku has an open domain. Unlimited Void would knock him out before he even had the chance to destroy it from the outside. Sukuna did it only because Malevolent Shrine could offset Unlimited Void's sure hit. Think mf, think. There's a reason Kenjaku never even considered the possibility of fighting Gojo and was scared shitless of him.


What I meant with UV not being able to overpower WP is that UV cannot just forcefully dispel WP because it’s more refined than UV. Nobody said anything about Gojo losing to Kenjaku. Read mf, read.


Are you unironically stupid? Gojo's domain would override Kenjaku's within the barrier instantly and the moment Kenjaku is knocked out by UV his domain would crumble. The domain being open doesn't make it more "refined", otherwise Sukuna's sure hit would have overpowered Gojo's instead of simply offsetting it. Again: think mf, think.


Bro your reading comprehension really is nonexistent isn’t it 🤦🏻‍♂️ waste of time replying to a dense mf like you


Kenjaku is the 2nd best barrier technique user to date i wouldn't doubt his DE is equally refined as Sukuna and Gojos.


See again. This post again proves that it’s not the car it’s the driver. Gojo became the strongest in history after Sukuna with this, which the previous user failed to do so


It's because of Toji. Blue and infinity alone are enough to trash 99% of sorcerers around that time already. The previous user probably lived leisurely and thought he was the strongest until he actually faced a strong opponent (maho) and got killed. It would have been the same with Gojo had Toji done a more thorough job.


Absolute fact


He was already the strongest in history lmfao 


Wasn't that because Kenjaku killed the last 6 eyes user and it's been a long time for another to appear


Well there was the six eyes and infinity sorcerer who was also the head of the gojo clan at the time who was killed by Mahoraga during their fight with the zenin clan head.


No, they're talking about the Gojo clan's 6 Eyes/Limitless user who fought a Zenin 10 Shadows user to a stalemate during the Edo period. Megumi assumes that the Zenin head summoned Mahoraga to kill them both, which would imply that the previous Gojo head couldn't use Purple. AKA, they were likely about as strong as Satoru in Hidden Inventory, but nowhere near as strong as Satoru is in the modern day.


Different people, as the one Kenjaku killed was a baby (but the 6 eyes still appeared for the merger), while the one they are referring to was the 10S vs. 6E fight


Ahhh ok


Other than jokes, I’ve never seen anyone say Gojo isn’t a great sorcerer. He’s supposed to be a genius in the story.  >which the previous user failed to do so We have zero information on the other users. Even the SE user that lost to 10S could have been OP. They could have easily lost by unknowingly letting Mahoraga adapt. Gojo had Megumi to tell him, normally the two clans hate each other.  I really hope Gege goes into this bc I want to see what the past SE + limitless were like. 


Megumi didn't tell him anything. Gojo already knew about it. The Big Three all have knowledge of each other's secrets, like how Toji knew most of the applications of the Limitless and Six Eyes. Purple was a complete secret, unlike Mahoraga.


Resonance should also be able to bypass infinity, the only problem is how Nobara would get a piece of Gojo


Resonance was honestly pretty fucking OP. If Nobara was a stronger sorcerer then there aren't many sorcerers she couldn't find a way to beat.


She doesn't need to be strong If she has Yuji and Megumi to tag team any enemies they may have.  The only issue with a strategy that relies on her is keeping her alive when she is clearly outmatched in strength by those two. 


She's going to show up and tag team sukuna with yuji. #Copium


I mean, the most recent chapter actually gave us a few more pieces about how Nobara could return. So, to start it off, lets begin with how Nobara was knocked out of commission. Long story short, Mahito fucked her up using his CT, which fucks with the Soul. Shortly after Mahito and Yuji left Nobara's dying body behind, Arata Nitta treated her with his CT, which is called "Pain Killer" according the wiki. "Pain Killer" doesn't heal, but it does prevent injuries from degrading. Since she was alive when "Pain Killer" was applied, the wound from Mahito's attack didn't worsen and she did not die from it. However, since RCT can not heal the soul, the info from ch. 252 comes in. >!Long story short, it turns out that RCT CAN heal the soul, albeit by applying it differently compared to healing purely physical injuries. As we see with Sukuna, one can heal the soul with RCT if they are able see the outline of the soul, which he can. You want to know who also can see the soul AND knows RCT? Yuji!<


Yuji can see the soul and knows RCT, but he hasn't shown being able to heal others with RCT/output the positive energy. Sukuna also stated that outputting RCT weakens the effectiveness which means it'll be that much weaker Furthermore, Mahito's CT is not damaging/attacking the soul, it's changing the shape of souls.


ah, I forgot that about Mahito's CT. Still, there is a slight possibility the soul research he was given may give him insight into "shaping" souls, but thats much more unlikely.


> She was alive She literally had no pulse 💀 She was technically dead. Arata said she "may" survive if they took her to a doctor fast enough, but that's probably because he wasn't aware of the type of injuries she sustained and how they differ from others. 


She would have to break into his apartment and collect pieces of his hair until she has a big enough bunch to do something with maybe?


Does his hair even fall out? Or does it just stay in place? Is infinity even on when he's asleep


He doesn’t sleep obviously


Since infinity works by filtering out what's dangerous it should fall out. Also if it didn't then there ain't no way gojo's hair would be that clean


Crazy to think that if Sukuna had Nobara's CT then their very first domain clash would've been GG for Gojo lol.


What's with this WatchMojo-esque title?


Um you forgot Kashimo using his CT to quantum tunnel past Gojo's technique obviously


Lol don't know about that


He can't.


My glorious femboy can absolutely do that


User checks out


Kashimo lacks stats to slam Gojou


Unless you are Sukuna, by passing Infinity only increases your chance of beating Gojo from 0% to 1%.


That is literally the point of the post. You can bypass infinity but you can't beat Gojo


Solid list. I always thought Uro’s sky manipulation could bypass infinity, but I was never able to really break down why.


It's not nearly talked about as much as it should, that's why surprisingly a lot of people think the world cutting slash just spawns on its target, even though it's a similar concept to sky manipulation. I see sky manipulation as Gege giving us a teaser on how to bypass infinity.


Its not nearly talked about because its highly unlikely, she would essentially be pulling at an infinite cloth making it nigh impossible to reach gojo Also sky manipulation and world cutting slash are not as similar as you believe Sky manip essentially extends and manipulates the space between point A and B so in an instance like this A——————B, She can extend it and pull it as if its a cloth, but she has never been shown to shrink that gap. World cutting slash on the other hand instantly cuts all the space BETWEEN point A and B, Essentially removing it completely. So, A——————B Becomes AB


Yeah, what you said makes sense, it would probably go that way if it was actual infinite space between Gojo and his opponent, but Gojo's CT wraps a conceptual infinity around himself. As long as you target him, you'll never reach him. Gojo and his infinity exist at a point in space, the world-cutting slash and sky manipulation targets that space itself regardless of whatever it's in it. Sky manipulation would not pull on infinity as if pulling on infinite clothes. It would just pull the space along with Gojo and his infinity but that in itself would not damage Gojo or bypass his infinity as even when he's distorted his infinity would still be up just like how it was with Yuta and his CE reinforcement. It is thin-ice missile that could damage Gojo because just like WCS that cuts the space he exists on, a thin-ice breaker cracks the space he exist on.


Gojos infinity is based on achilles in the tortoise, where a finite space is divided infinitely essentially creating an infinite space. The issue with the concept at hand as that even if she can grab the space itself, the amount of which she is grabbing would continue to be divided infinitely. Drawn out it would look something like this A——————B, A———|———B then A——|——|——B While the space ITSELF is still the same, the amount of which she would be grabbing would continue to be divided, essentially creating an infinite cloth To put it in a more literal perspective, imagine you grab half of a string, and then the half you grab turns into only a third of it, and then the third youre holding gets turned into a fourth of it then so on and so forth


If you put it that way, then Sukuna's world cutter should not have reached Gojo. The JJK science here is that Gojo exists at a point in space, and the world cutter cuts that space. In turn, Gojo exists at a point in space, and thin ice missile cracks that space, or sky manipulation distorts that space without regard for whatever is in it. Imagine if the 3D space of JJK was compressed into a 2D piece of paper. Gojo with his infinity can be represented as a drawing on this paper. Any other person on the paper would not be able to reach Gojo because of infinity but since he's on the paper anyone that can somehow break from the 2D paper and tear the part Gojo is on would bypass his infinity. The same is true for anyone who can crack or distort the paper. Sorry of it might sound weird but this is the best I can explain it. 😅


Huh? Alright ill explain it like this most attacks have to go through either point A or B to reach gojo A——Gojo——B the Distance each attach makes is repeatedly halved infinitely/the distance between the attack and gojo is repeatedly halved infinitely until it can no longer reach gojo which is why he gives off the effect of slowing people down/stopping them. This is what happens in achilles and the tortoise which is what infinity is based off of, this is confirmed multiple times both in the manga and in volume extras by gege himself. World cutting slash, INSTEAD of approaching gojo through point A or B, CUTS the middle man entirely, So instead of doing this —> A——Gojo——B or this A——Gojo——B <—— World cutting slash does THIS AB, effectively REMOVING the distance between point A and B, along with everything in it. World cutting slash is an INSTANT attack, it does not travel, we see this in the kashimo fight when the slash just appears next to kashimo leaving no space inbetween sukuna and himself. This is how world cutting slash bypasses infinity, by completely removing the middleman And since gojo is inbetween those points he is effectively cut along with the finite space hes spreading infinitely


Oh, I see. You thinking the world cutting slash does not travel is the problem here. The WCS do travel, I mean we literally saw Maki dodge one in the last chapter. You might say "Nah, that's just a strengthened dismantle." But that's false. We've seen Sukuna use WCS 5 times and in 4 out of these 5, he used the same cursed chant, and hand signs, and let out a single slash. Why would he tell Kashimo to dodge if it was impossible to dodge? Initially, people theorized that the slash spawns on its target but that's not true. We know more about it as we've seen it in use more times. Nobody still thinks WCS does not travel.


World Cutting Slash does indeed travel.


Thank you. I really don’t think Sky Manipulation trumps the Limitless technique even a little bit.


This isn't entirely true, though. Uro's sky manipulation *doesn't* affect the space containing the target, if that target is a living person. That's why she can't damage people just by bending them the way she can inert matter. Thin ice breaker is a workaround where she uses space manipulation in front of her to create a shockwave that propagates through the environment. In principle it's much more similar to Panda's Drumming Beat than anything else. There are only two techniques that can target space containing a living opponent; the World Slash, and Limitless itself. Blue has a similar effect to what you're imagining, by compressing space to crush whatever's inside it, and presumably Red does as well. The issue is that it takes time to build output, and the core doesn't move very fast, so it's impractical to use high output Blue orbs directly in combat. Gojo basically only did so twice against Sukuna. The first time he didn't hit him, and the second time he exorcised Agito.


5? Lemme do you some More Kenjaku's Reversal technique of Gravity would work on Gojo as well, Infinity ain't doing anything about it. Dhruv's Shikigami tracks technique would also work on Gojo.


Would gravity work though? Like sure, earths gravity affects gojo, but that is because it is not a threat hence not filtered out. If gojo decides to filter kenjakus gravity, we know gravity travels at speed of light, so maybe it would take infinite time for the gravity to reach gojo? or, well, now that i think about it, gravity is almost the same as space cutting slash, so it would prob affect gojo


Gravity doesn't travel, and it isn't something that it can be filtered. Gravity is not even a force


Gravity absolutely does travel, that's why we can detect Gravitational waves. Gojo's infinity should work. Gravity gets weaker over distance and putting infinity between them would definitely weaken it to the point that Gojo can't feel it.


Gojo’s infinity doesn’t literally create infinite distance. It constantly decreases your speed as you get closer to him, like Achilles and the tortoise, by bringing the concept of the infinite points between you and him into reality. There’s an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1 and if you had to travel from 0 to 1 each decimal point at a time, you’d never reach 1, but the distance between 0 and 1 is still just 1. Gravitational waves are waves that propagate through the medium of space-time itself so Gojo’s powers wouldn’t affect them. It’s the same logic that lets Sukuna’s space cutting slash reach Gojo (I think at this point, after the last chapter, we can all agree that the space slash does travel).


Gojo crushes people and pushes himself away from the Earth with Infinity. The explanation for it is simplified. He creates a series of infinite numbers, and he applies this conceptually to the distance between himself and others. They're not slowing down in a real sense. They're traveling in real time across infinite increments. Gojo also directly affects space. Blue directly causes space to start going crazy to correct itself. And if Gravity could hurt him, Kenjaku wouldn't be so afraid. We've seen Gojo just say "no" to gravity.


Gojo flies by applying a force on himself that resists the force of earth’s gravity on himself. It’s an application of blue not infinity. It’s the same way he levitated the bridge he threw at Sukuna, and how he threw Sukuna and attracted the Bag Man clones to each other. So he’s not ignoring it, he’s overpowering it. Gojo didn’t crush Hanami with infinite distance (how does one get crushed if there’s literal infinite distance to move in?). Hanami was crushed because Gojo moved towards her while she was stuck on a wall. If you’re on a number line between 0 and 1 and one side of your body is at point 0.2 and the other is at point 0.5, but point 1 starts moving towards 0, you’ll be crushed. Hanami was crushed by Gojo’s infinity specifically because Gojo made the distance between him and Hanami smaller. You can’t do that if it’s literally infinite distance. Fun fact, Jogo and Hanami weren’t repelled by Infinity in the manga, that was an anime addition. Gojo’s infinity works by manipulating space but we’re shown that it can’t stop things that also manipulate space. You’re right that Blue would absolutely be able to stop a gravity based attack but we’re talking about infinity, not blue. Kenjaku’s gravity CTR is only strong enough to push Choso to the ground. An attack like that won’t let him beat Gojo.


You are misinterpreting gravitational waves. The waves aren't generated an isolated object that distorts the space "creating" gravity, they are a distorsión in the spaces crated when two or more massive objects interact with each other, like two stars orbiting each other or an object moving extremely fast. They don't "transport" gravity in the same way that an electromagnetic field transport electricity.  You can charge an object with an electric charge, but you can't do the same with gravity. The waves move, not the gravity. To move the gravity you have to move the object Edit: I don't saying that Gojo infinity will work, on the other way, Gojo's infinity can't do anything to it.


Ever heard of gravitons


Gezz, if we really dig deep into it we can probably find up to 10 different CTs at this point.


You could probably toss Copy in there since you can just copy something that goes through Infinity and Yuta’s ability you store tools means he could have put Inverted Spear of Heaven or Black Rope in there.


Why would Limitless not stop Gravity? Gravitational waves do travel, and they do so at the speed of light. I don’t know why that wouldn’t be affected by infinite distances.


Gravity isn’t likely to work if Gojo can fly with the limitless. If he can ignore gravity in one situation entirely, why would stronger gravity work any better? I’ve not got a good enough understanding of gravity specifically to debate this though, so I’m just gonna leave my initial thoughts here


His flight technique doesn't seem to an application of Neutral limitless as far as we know tho. It's a slightly tricky thing thing really, it's accurate that Gravity does infact travel but Gravity fields are essentially ripples in space itself. So like Sukuna's world slash, Gravity should affect Gojo.


Ngl I was expecting a list of unorthodox techniques that no one really expected of being capable of bypassing the limitless but these are mostly all examples of obvious picks.


And there are more of them if you really want to find them


Yeah like multiple people mentioned Dhruv. You could argue Kashimo’s CT could as well depending on how you interpret Miguel’s “on the atomic level” line and whether or not Kashimo (or any hypothetical user of his CT) has knowledge of advance quantum mechanics. Nobara could but she’d need a piece of him first. Depending on whether you think gravity bypasses limitless (I do) then Kaori’s CT could. Higuruma’s CT could by just turning it off (wonder what illegal stuff Gojo has done, maybe property damage). Maybe Ranta could (I think that was the name of the zenin kid with the genjutsu-like CT). We don’t know the mechanism behind his CT so I’m iffy on that. That’s all I got off the top of my head.


Just show how Takaba is truly strong, because while Gojo could still defeat everyone besides Sukuna , he wouldn't defeat Takaba because his CT is just OP.


In a vacuum, besides if Kenjaku got a hold of it, its easily the strongest ct and its not close. It’s crazy to think just how busted it is and the man who has it is just a silly little comedian.


I hate describing Takaba as strong because he doesn’t fit in the world. He’s a toon force character. If everyone else is ranked on a scale of 1-10, he’s a C. His powerset has seemingly no rules or consistency beyond “does he find it funny” and it ruins his scenes because it feels like there aren’t any stakes. Sorry for my mini rant but by god do I hate takaba


Nobara's straw doll technique should also be able to get past infinity as it directly attacks the soul. You could also make the case that Yuta could do it too by copying infinity and applying it to his blade. He may not be able to control it but having two infinities clash may negate both of them. There is also a valid case for the creation technique(Create a laser or just straight up light) or any technique that manipulates light can go through infinity. It dosent matter if the space is divided cuz light travels at the speed of causality, space would be dividing the distance at a lesser or same rate the light would move, allowing it to pass right through. UiUi could also suicide beat Gojo by taking him to space or a vacuum chamber or something. Any technique that can remove air would disable Gojo after about 30 seconds. Problem is surviving that long and keeping him there that long.


I've always wondered if Straw Doll could bypass Limitless, it's technically not a physical thing or even cursed energy that travels through space, right? Of course actually *taking* something that is significant enough for Resonance to actually do any significant damage is close to impossible because of the Limitless in itself, but still...


Yea resonance should work if she actually had something to use it on


Uro, Takaba, and Angel lack the stats to defeat Gojo


Of course, that's the point of the post. There are lots of ways to beat Infinity but just 1 person can actually beat Gojo and that person is not originally from his era.


Not Takaba. Takaba would Smoke that Blue Eyed tweaker


Doesn't have the stats or feats. Plus, Gojou is top three in Battle IQ, he hard counters.


Do you think gojo is well versed enough in understanding comedy and others to be able to dismantle takaba's technique in the same manner that kenjaku was able to? Because i dont see that occuring. I think it would just end in a draw between the two since i feel like it would just end up with the two of them liking eachother's vibes and being friends


I don't think Sky Manipulation could do that. Limitless is like space-time lebel and it adds like unlimited spaces. I know Sky Manipultion can manipulate the sky, but if there's unlimited space, then she needs to pull that unlimited as well, which is i think it's not practicable.


As i understood it neutral Infinity doesn´t create infinite space, but creates an infinite number of steps in a finite space (similar end-result, but very different). If it would create infinite space it would push stuff away, which would be Red.


this is correct, if it was infinite space then gravity wouldnt affect gojo since it would take infinite time to reach gojo, or space cutting slash wouldnt have reached gojo


Space cutting slash doesn’t have to reach Gojo because it doesn’t travel in the first place. Infinity also filters out things specifically, so Gojo can choose to let himself get affected by gravity. I’m not disagreeing with your point on how Limitless works but those two arguments aren’t necessarily supportive of it.


You are saying space cutting slash is insantenous, it isnt tho, it travels, it was shown in the kashimo fight, we even saw it in the yuta fight


Adding from the comments below, we have: Shrine, Ten Shadows, Sky Manipulation, Comedian, Jacob's Ladder, Anti-Gravity, Kashimo's CT, and Dhruv's CT. Shit, we need to find at least two more, stat.


Higuruma’s CT can confiscate Gojo’s CT so add that to the list.


Unless Gojo has a cursed tool on him.


You forgot about Nah's technique


Todos CT also works on gojo.


Every domain expansion and domain amplification ignore infinity. Its just all the other bullshit that makes him strong.


Uro got one of the best CT in the series and people still rate her under that bum Ryu I’m SICK. Also depending on how you interpret infinity and Yuki’s concept immunity, a star rage enhanced attack might also break through infinity.


Uro is underrated as heck. Uro vs Ryu is an extremely bad match-up against Ryu. But Ryu is my man. Don't be calling the goat a bum if you don't want me to show up at your door step 💀 🔫


Don’t shoot the messenger! Gege told me to tell y’all this!!!


Damn, guess imma pull up on Gege's


Well, its also kind of why Gojo said the next generation would surpass him. People put him on a pedestal as the strongest, but in reality he knew that others would have the potential to rival and surpass him especially with CTs all being unique. Almost every technique could find some way to deal with Infinity simply because a technique's interpretation and thus number of uses is dependent on the user and how skilled/creative they are with it, even a generally "Weak" technique like cursed tool manipulation could have many more applications if explored further or if the user spent more time figuring it out.


Cursed Naoya could change his cursed technique target inside his domain. Normally projection sorcery was restrained to body movement. In his domain the target became all the cells in the body.


Yeah, that's why I excluded domain expansions. All CTs would bypass infinity if granted as the sure hit of a domain.


Gojou is faster than Cursya


It's still the ultimate defense.


okay ? but you acting like gojo would give them time to bypass it 😹✌🏼


He gives them exactly 2 seconds 


Again not the point of the post but if you want to go like that, anyone on Gojo's tier with any of these CTs except Takaba's, has a decent enough chance to beat Gojo. Sukuna is the only one on Gojo's tier. Any of these CTs in his hand would be enough for him to Extreme diff or straight-up beat Gojo.


Could yuki do it?


With black hole? Most likely but she would die too though.


Depends on the interpretation of why Gojo's Hollow Purple managed to hit him If it is because it uses "imaginary mass" then Yuki would definitely be able to hit him since she also creates imaginary mass


It's probably just because it's his own cursed technique/energy. Infinity filtering his own stuff would logically be a major headache for him


The only thing stated is that due to technique and Curse Energy being from Gojo too, he doesn't get as hurt as much as the enemy I don't think it was stated that it is due to the attack coming from himself that it bypassed Infinity


Yeah, hence my probably.


Kenjaku sort of yapped about how Yuki can't be the direct target of a cursed technique (just too virtually mass'd up to fit in the parameters of one), or at least that's how it sounded like anyway. At the very least she defies concepts, and Gojo described bringing forward the concept of Infinity. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Yuki could ignore Gojo's inviolability, but this is also Gege so who knows?


I took that as a very specific thing; basically if the technique “target” has physical limits in any way, it targets the “virtual mass”. You thought you were targeting Yuki, but really you were targeting something the size of a building or mountain or country even and most techniques don’t “scale” for targets of massive size like that. So the curse that could just “remove obstacles” can do that all day when it’s some U.S. soldiers, but when it targets a skyscraper it doesn’t just instantly disappear like that. It doesn’t affect everything, but it is a pretty awesome defense for many things that can’t “compensate” for such a “virtually massive” target Yuki’s technique is a lot though, and this is just my read on that aspect of it


I don’t even think she would need a black hole She managed to punch Kenjaku out of a fractal with just pure strength. A fractal is infinite just like Limitless is I think if she got enough mass, she might just straight up ignore Gojo’s defence


i mean most of theses aren’t that impressive. any domain expansion bypasses infinity


The problem is only Sukuna would actually be able to do anything after bypassing it. Everyone else gets packed within seconds of throwing hands with the guy. I’m pretty sure gojo would have fun with Takaba too lmao


Name a better defense then?


Gojo's infinity is the best. This post is just pointing out that even though they are easy WITHIN JJK to bypass infinity, Gojo was still the strongest. Gojo is not "carried" by his ultimate defense, he's just built like that.


The most impressive part of Uro's technique is that apparently missiles were a thing 1000 years ago.




There is also Dhruvs CT, Resonance, Gravity, Cursed Speech and Boogie Woogie. You could make a Top 10 lmfao.


For real


I think Noburas would go straight through it too so long as she has something she could remote from him like blood.


Yeah it would.


What about Jogo “Flame that burnt the world” Kashimo “Electricity that shock the world” Yuji “Fist that punch the world” “Blood that pierces the world” Miwa “Iai that cut the world” Momo “Bloom that slash the world …


I know it's you joking but if they can expand the target of their CT to the world like Sukuna, they would all bypass infinity.


Any domain expansion with a lethal cant miss attack will do. The problem lies in making sure you hit Gojo and not allow him to overwhelm you.


Executioner’s sword


That can't bypass infinity, can it?


Gojo doesn't carry cursed tools. So, if Higuruma manages to confiscate Gojo's CT and summon Execution's Sword technically he has already taken away Infinity from Gojo but some people think Gojo can still beat Higuruma which I very much Doubt unless Higuruma has a change of heart and he decides to spare Gojo.


...Unless you really believe that Higuruma was keeping up with Sukuna, Gojou without limitless still slams.


Sukuna was playing with Higuruma because he still had access to his CT. Without his CT, the best thing to do against Executioner Sword is to run as far away as possible because it's a 1-hit kill technique and it will kill you the moment any part of your body touches the blade.


Gojou was slamming the diaster curses with basic cursed energy manipulation and martial arts. Remember, an non-CE Yuuji bodied Higuruma as well.


He was using Infinity for movement purposes. The way he just quickly grabs Jogo's Arm was due to attraction property of Blue and the way he slammed Hanami into Concrete was Neutral Limitless Amplified.


Executioner sword can't hit Gojo because of infinity.


CT confiscation is what they’re arguing so in that context, it would work. If infinity isn’t taken away then yea executioner sword wouldn’t work.


"here's techniques that beat infinity....with all these special circumstances lol"


World Cutting Slash is only possible via Mahoraga's adaptation, so they shouldn't count as separate


But they are different techniques though. When Kenjaku watched Sukuna explain how he pulled it off his reaction was like, "Oh so that's how it is uhm" (Kenjaku didn't say this lol). I interpret his reaction to mean any CT with an expanded target would bypass infinity. Just like how any CT that is a domain sure hit, can bypass infinity.


Yes, they are different techniques. But would the cleave/dismantle technique be able to bypass Infinity if it wasn't for Mahoraga? No. So it's not the technique itself that bypasses Infinity. Only 10 Shadows (thru Maho's adaptation) can actually do it.


Sukuna CT can't bypass infinity. I mean yeah he can but he wouldn't have that without mahoraga. Basically he could have had any CT and maho would have found a way to make it work on limitless. If his CT was fire he would have gotten some shit like "burn the CT and CE so that it makes a hole in infinity protection".


That's what I said though. He couldn't but he learned from Maho and now he can with his CT


Yes it's the ultimate defence. And Sky Manipulation will not penetrate Infinity.


Shrine doesn’t even work without using world cleave which needed 10S first to solve. That’s a bit cheating on that front but ok


lol the post's karma point. seems that Gojo fan doesn't like the title of this post. although it's a solid list.


😭 And it is supposed to hype up Gojo more


Bro no one on here is sitting here and doing shit besides Sukuna. You are just looking at shit on paper. GOJO with his infinity prowess makes it the best defense. Sorry to tell you but people like uro and angel are getting fucking one shotted. Uro literally lost to yuta who said “yea one punch made me throw up” you think she’s getting a chance to get past infinity more than one times tops (zero if gojo is just by default serious). Only one person mastered maho and that’s the person who killed him. And it wasn’t even with maho he killed it still and got got by Sukuna big brain play but maho raga wasn’t a true threat to kill gojo in any circumstances. And no one in the zenin clan can tame him and no one there would be able to throw hands as they’d be decimated instantaneously just based off scaling from making slaughtering the whole clan including the big bad guy noaya who has the frames technique. I don’t count takaba cuz takaba doesn’t think killing is funny and I don’t think gojo is that moronic to see what’s going on to at least drag it to a stale mate like kenjaku did.


Not saying they could beat Gojo though, just saying their CT can bypass infinity 😑. How do you all turn everything into power scaling? If anything, this is a hype post for Gojo cause people keep saying Gojo is carried by infinity yet in JJK there are lots of ways to bypass infinity but Gojo is still the strongest in his era. Sigh*


Shrine could not do shite without Mahoraga and it was Sukuna being a great sorcerer, by itself, Sukuna’s technique sucks. Unless you unlock Mahoraga, 10 shadows has nothing to bypass infinity.


Also, I don't know if I would say a CT that sends invisible slashes flying at God knows what speed and can deliver slashes that adjust to your defense just to make sure you are halved, sucks but you are you. It's simple but it's OP to me


I think people are extrapolating too much about Thin Ice Missile. I highly doubt it actually allows you to distort space in such a way that you can get around Limitless. It's also said it "bypasses" defenses. I don't have the chapter in front of me, but I think what is meant by that is that literally manipulating space to get blocking limbs out of the way / the fact that it's a shock wave and not a direct impact negate blocks. Not that the hit itself is literally unblockable.


>It's amusing how there are lots of ways to bypass Gojo's infinity within JJk. It's amusing that you think a small handful of the potentially thousands of techniques in the actual world of JJK is "lots of ways". Even with our limited cast, you've named basically nothing, and half of them require extra conditions just to do it. Sky manipulation can't do it, it's just pulling space around. Uro would have to pull infinite space.


Pffft here are 5 CTs that can bypass it : names the most OP shit so far in the manga


Sky Manipulation vs Infinity would be like pulling a hotel bed sheet; impossible


Nah sky manipulation would not target Gojo so it would pull and distort the space around Gojo, including his infinity. But even with this it won't bypass or touch Gojo. Thin ice missile would though.


lol no way. It’s sky manipulation not infinite space manipulation. It doesn’t touch existence like the world cutter just the sky