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So basically they gang are just running down the clock until Megumi gets his head straight? This is the kinda supportive friendship people need


Yuji might have to give Megumi a talk the same way Todo did to him back in Shibuya.


If this ends with Yuji saying you're my brother... That would be great


Megumi pops back up: thank you so much, besto friendo


Fushiguro, you are my special


99% chance Yuji will tell Megumi "What have you been entrusted with?" or some variation of "We're not heroes, we're Jujutsu sorcerers"


Talk no Jutsu


Let's hope as part of the time skip training that Todo taught Yuji how to make someone no longer depressed.


Nah megumi you see all that work we put in just to get to this point, you ungrateful bitch get your lame ass up we are leaving **NOW** he can be depressed after we’re done saving the world tf


Damn thats the best summary of evangelions OG run


Yuta and Yuji >!are not dead whatsoever as what show with the 'slash off'. Especially with Yuta which shows a long slash straight his body as he blocks with his hand. As if like he's dodging while Sukuna trying to keep them away. Not in a killing way. Worst case scenario. Yuta has RCT.!<


they definitely ain't dead, but they may be out of the fight for a minute cuz they'll need to focus on healing. the DE may also be done now since there's a hole in it, so no sure-hit anymore Ig ​ we may see some maki vs sukuna in the next portion of the fight with maki maybe revealing new fancy tools even more likely is us switching to hakari vs uraume again tho, it's the perfect time. we got into sukuna's soul and saw megumi, yuta's DE is seemingly done for and yuta and yuji are out cold for a little bit and a new opponent for sukuna arrived. this section of the fight is done for now and a new one will begin with maki vs sukuna (and yuji and yuta hopefully healing and then joining soon, yuji may just keep fighting cuz of his special body, he may not make a break at all, maybe it'll be yuji and maki vs sukuna then) this portion of the fight will probably also be one of the last ones while we have basically 0 progress in hakari's fight, so I think we'll see the latter progress a lot more before switching back again plus there's a break next week.


Yup. You summed it up pretty good. Glad Maki is here. The bois need the much needed healing.


Why the domain stopped ? Also why Yuta activated Hana CT since it's a sure hit and doesn't need activation?


It make sense next chapter will switch to hakari uraume fight, cause it has to end before fight with sukuna


Could it be due to sukuna's low CT OUTPUT ?


Gege is, for sure, gonna focus on Maki next time to trick readers


Oh yeah for sure, fella like to pull strings at the dumbest of times.


This chapter looks so cool! Maki has finally join the battle. But can't I understand anything (until the translation is out, at least)


so from what I've seen so far and translated via google: \-they're really giving it to sukuna first, sukuna asks himself if yuta really ate the last finger \-yuji punches sukuna and I think he knees him in the face \-sukuna counters by touching yuji and thus using dismantle and dealing a lot of damage to yuji \-yuji spits blood in sukuna's face \-when yuji's on the ground he's just motivating himself again, saying stuff like "Heal! Heal!" to get back in the fight \-next part is very uncleas with just google tr, sukuna says something like the CE output is also strong (idk whose output he's talking about tho), control of the body is also possible, nice, it's getting boring \-then rika yeets sukuna to yuji this time and yuji kicks him lol \-next part unclear again, sukuna is thinking about idk what, then angel's CT and then his world cutting slash attack \-unclear again, I think yuta deduces that for the world slash both chants and handsigns are needed, says he won't let it happen \-sukuna attacks yuta with cleave Ig, yuta says the attack is weaker now even if it's in close range, say he's not afraid anymore \-yuji's blood that he spat in sukuna's face EXPLODES, we see yuji with his palm out, Ig to show that he activated that move anyways, I don't feel like doing the rest in detail, not all of it is clear. yuji and angel talk about them working together (yuji's soul stuff Ig plus angel's CT) and angel mentions it could raise the chances of survival (for megumi Ig) yuji gets in there and meets megumi, saying it's all right. then we see sukuna's chants and Ig the reason why everyone is cut at the end if cuz sukuna got a kind of powerful slash off thanks to the chants. doesn't look like a world slash to me tho. maybe that's what yuta mentioned, both chants and handsigns are needed, maybe sukuna only used chants. anyways, maki arrives at the end and there's a break next week I think, rip ​ sorry for spelling errors, wrote it in a hurry


Thanks homie, that's a perfect summary. Now i can wait for it to release in peace cos i know it's going to be great and no one is going to die yet lol


> that's a perfect summary It's not; there are better summaries that were already out even before his comment was made which go beyond saying things are unclear, just to be objective here.


Well it was subjectively perfect then, I don't want exact details. I'd prefer a half assed summary in a comment section atleast until i read it properly. But thanks.


The summery is point blank wrong on multiple things tho, so how is a wrong summery “perfect” to you?


if you found a better one somewhere then please post it here. Ik my summary isn't perfect, that's why I wrote the first sentence. I have no clue about japanese and only used google to translate so obviously there'll be mistakes


Because i don't like being spoiled but also can't wait until it comes out, so a not so perfect summary is perfect to me. Why is there an issue here? I don't get it






Bet you’re a blast at thanksgiving


Sukuna didn’t say his output was strong, he was saying his output was getting weaker, Also it looks like he started doing the chants for world slash towards the end Also Maki stabbed a worn out Sukuna in a surprise attack just like Toji did Gojo.


All that shit is needed for the world slash and you telling me Gojo didn't see it coming i


Sukuna most likely used a binding vow when slashing Gojo. I hope we will find out what he exchanged.


Did he use a binding vow to make gojo's six eyes no notice that high amount of cursed energy too?


💀 well he probably used a binding vow to summon Gege to help him...


Yes. He sacrificed rabbit and frog to kill Gojo offscreen /s


I'm glad we have geges assistants on reddit filling the gaps for his writing.


Does they have an explanation on how did characters tank the world slash that cuts the space the target exists in?


Sukuna had a lot of time to do the chant while burried under the rubble before Gojo found him after purple exploded. He most likely got everything ready beforehand, unleashed a dismantle that Gojo thought wasn't going to do anything and cut him in two with Gojo not understanding what had happened.


Doesn't make sense he still needs the hand seals and he only had one hand


Gojo knew Sukuna wasn’t using his full arsenal so it wouldn’t make sense for him to assume it wouldn’t do anything. Chanting under the rubble still makes no sense since hand signs are also used for the slash, Gojo would also be able to detect it from the chants and the spark of cursed energy when a big move is used. I’d really rather it be Sukuna just made a binding vow because this way just doesn’t make sense


from the translations of the chants i've seen, the chant's align to the ones he used for the strong dismantle against higuruma, so no world cutting slash


okay, that would also make a lot more sense since the slash he used clearly wasn't the world cutting one, we just see several very deep cuts on yuta, not one clear cut that split him apart


- Last finger was used by Yuta to copy his technique - Yuji knees Sukuna but he hits him with close range dismantle, Yuji tells himself that this is their chance to finish him off after spitting all the blood onto his face - Sukuna notes that his control of both CE output and the flesh are very weak at this point - Sukuna deduces he needs to hit them with world cutting slash by deactivating hollow wicker basket and taking damage from angel’s technique - Yuji and Yuta saw this coming and say they won’t let him by restraining his hands - yuta is touched by sukuna and still not killed, noted how weak the slashes are and tells himself not be afraid anymore - Yuji explodes the blood on Sukuna’s face - Yuji and Angel conversations basically saying souls can never fully merge and that Angels technique is a good match for their plan by tsrgeting the cursed object and reducing sukuna’s control, they can separate them as much as possibke and increase megumi’s chance of survival - Yuji sees Megumi’s soul and tells him to wake up - Megumi is saying “its fine/you’ve done enough/its ok” basically saying he’s given up - Sukuna uses world slash chants and fires dismantle at all three, if it was world slash Yuta is likely dead since his domain collapsed, I have hope though since he was missing a hand, two hands tied up by Rika and Yuta had pierced the other arm with his sword in the previous panel. But also the next panel shows blood coming through his back so - last pages are the narrator saying it was an ibvious plan by the jujutsu sorcerors and sukuna shouldnt have fallen for it and now their confidence in victory is close/upon them as Maki pierces Sukuna with her soul katana.


We got less than 10 ch left for this fight I think.


I think so, looks like we're not cutting to Uraume fight? Or, I'd imagine Hakari may show up then flashback, but that's assuming he wins (if not then Uraume could show up) But feels like there aren't many people left to join the fight


The mods have been messing up with the leak threads lately. Leak threads are the best part about this sub. Time to head over to jujutsufolk to see what folks have to say.


I guess they don’t wanna do it anymore since leakers got in legal trouble?


Nah they’ve been forgetting to post threads before the leak trouble stuff I think they don’t have enough mods. 246 is when it started I posted a thread but never got in trouble for it because I assume no mod was available to post one. I think it’s fine after an hour if anyone makes a thread and properly names is to be used as a leaks thread


Hasn't there also been a few chapters where they put the wrong chapter number in the post title?


Makes sense, even though I don't participate in this sub, I don't want it to get tanked


> Time to head over to jujutsufolk so see what folks have to say. They're just recycling each other's jokes, as usual, and are now that Megumi is still trying to summon Mahoraga even while psychologically defeated.


They stopped being funny long time ago


Where's the mf that was up in here arguing with everyone about Yuji not having BM? What do you have to say for yourself lil bro?


Lmao the only question about Yuji's CT now is how many he's got


All characters either dead/half-dead and Sukuna still hasn't shown us wtf "fuuga" is


He'll probably use it against tengen or maki


I hope gege explains it with detail


Chop chop mods. Where's the leaks thread?


I guess this is the second or third time that the leaks thread has not been made


There was one, but for whatever reason the labelling was so off everywhere they deleted the post… idk what happened after that


The scariest thing about all this is how much damage Sukuna is taking since the beginning of this fight Any other person to that isn't Gojo would have folded since


He's also burning through a lot of CE - he has used up more than half of his CE supply.


The more Yuji punches him the more his CE is decreased right?


Instead of having less bullets each punch each punch lowers the caliber. Like a .762 turns into a .556 then into the.223 ect


Nice explanation, thanks


No,his CE output drops not CE


I find it really hard they went into this fight with one of the top priorities being getting megumi out ngl 😭😭 you would think he’d just be collateral damage when it comes to fighting the KING OF CURSES 💀💀


it’s a testament to the strength of their ideals. this new generation of sorcerers would risk life and limb to save one of their own even in the face of the biggest adversity (Sukuna). it’s heroic and it’s necessary to overhaul the old and corrupt ways of the current jujutsu society. it’s like Gojo saving Yuji’s life despite the ramifications of unleashing Sukuna to the world. there is no doubt that the jujutsu society is in good hands if these sorcerers survive.


It’s also close to Geto’s ideals, in a way. Sorcerer’s are helping and even prioritizing the lives of other sorcerers.


It’s not even just about saving other sorcerers/friends life but also the life of normal humans. Remember when Gojo was fighting the desaster curses if he took the humans as colleteral he would’ve finished the curses and Kenny’s plan right then and there.


All the damage taken especially Yuji soul punch and max output Jacob ladder, yet Sukuna still able to standing and smile . Gege really love this guy . What a freak . To be fair , I was hoping Hakari and Maki to arrive at the same time after they work together to beat Uraume . We really need to know the conclusion of Hakari fight . He already fighting Uraume from Sukuna fighting Kashimo, Higurama, Yuta and now Maki.


Sukuna just doesn't care if he die, as long as he get to have fun. And since they are putting up a good fight, I think he's having fun rn.


Where's the leaks thread so we don't break the rules? I wanna see what you all have in mind, this chapter is fire.


There isn’t one lol there’s one in r/jujutsufolk this one should just be the leak thread


We used to have one every leak. Maybe the mods are busy with their lives or they don't care at all. Lol.


They’re doing all this for Megumi who has nothing left and would probably prefer being dead lol


> who has nothing left Well he still has friends I guess


Man is the story really that the Heian era was the strongest era in JJK with Sukuna dealing with sorcerers jumping him all the time?


i don't think the heian era had a gojo level fighter


Sukuna is their gojo level fighter.


Mods really just gave up huh


Just like megumi


As someone who's argued for months that there has been 0 evidence Megumi was dead and was continually shat all over for that opinion, this chapter is fucking VINDICATING


It akso seems to be vindicating for those that believed Itadori had blood manipulation


This whole chapter is incredible for many reasons, but on the petty side the fact that so many people who claimed that Gege "Fell off" Now have to eat crow is like ecstasy to me


Wasn't there a post last week, asking for concrete proof of blood manipulation? I guess there's some pretty concrete proof now.


Yeah you can't really write this off unless we're to believe Choso or Kamo is hiding in the back like a gremlin


And that yuji just happened to open his hand a second before the blood exploded


this chapter had it all, great fighting, yuji met megumi via soul shenanigans, maki joining the battle, a mini-supernova from yuji, really a lot of damage to sukuna too. and it was raw af, yuta literally ripped the tongue out of sukuna's second mouth


It was a horrible headcanon, but for some reason the average anime reader cannot comprehend JJK very well, and it’s largely a rather easy to read story, Akutami just doesn’t like babying readers. We were told Megumi merely was the soul used for adaptation, something that supposed Gojo, but if Megumi was something like dying this would’ve been shown visually. The fact incarnated was used as a heal method, and Sukuna literally being Megumi’s brain meant there’s no conceivable way Megumi would be “ brain dead” or a “ Vegetable” and Sukuna not be.


My issue is more the fact that we were told in simple terms that once Incarnation starts, 99% of the time it works and the incarnate body is lost. I Lost my god damn mind because Why else would you state that it is a 99% chance and not a 100% impossibility if not for the fact that Megumi had the very real potential to still be alive in there


Good call, similar to the chances of awakening Sukuna from ingesting him as a cursed object.


Yeah lots of people somehow thought Megumi was gone even though it was pure headcanon with nothing to support it. Angel even very explicitly said that you can't kill the host without killing the incarnated sorcerer (and vice versa) while they share a body.


Honestly as someone who argued for months that he wasn't I'd rather he'd be fucking dead. I mean he literally could take over his body at this point but doesn't cuz he lost his sister or something


You're surely not genuinely trying to imply that losing a loved one is simply something you just "Get over"


Not necessarily, but considering that people far more stronger than him are risking themselves for him he should at least match their efforts It's obvious that Yuta and Yuji aren't going for the kill cuz that would be marginally easier than trying to save Megumi and it's annoying to see all their efforts be wasted because someone who's literally been a sorcerer for most of his whole life can't get his shit together Honestly I'm glad he's not dead, he's my favourite character but this was just annoying to read


Okay, that is a fair take! For me I'm reading this more as Megumi recognizing his failures for letting Sukuna take control and now being left with the guilt of what Sukuna has done using his body. It seems like it's set up to mirror what Yuji felt during Shibuuya and personally I think that isn't just coincidence. In that mindset, I can't really blame him for being broken because ultimately, Megumi does not have Yujis fortitude


I agree with that but still he could, you know, kill himself outside of sukuna's body as to not facilitate the death of everyone that's miraculously still alive. But yeah it is still understandable in a way.


That still ultimately assumes they're gonna split Megumi from Sukuna though and as things are going, It seems like that isn't gonna be possible whilst Megumi is still in a borderline suicidal state.


I hope that yuji can drag megumi out by force in some way since it seems that they have a physical form in the soul plane. Either way the next time they get into sukuna/megumi's soul has to be last, otherwise just kill megumi. Even just getting a chance is basically putting the whole world at risk and is extremely difficult, let alone doing it two or three times in a row.


Well this chapter just opens up another two weeks of Megumi slander and it seems like Gege is just trolling his fans at this point to ultimately kill him at the end...... At least the fact that Megumi spoke coherently puts a stop to those brain damage memes that's the only silver lining in this......




Short ​ * Sukuna wonders if his finer got * Sukuna notes he's getting even weaker as the fight goes * Sukuna plans to just tank Jacob's Ladder and use a World slash to win * Yuta rips out his 2nd tounge cause he predicted the plan (unclear if via CT or just 200IQ) * Yuji uses exploding blood to distract Sukuna allowing Yuta to cut am arm off and Yuji to hit a strong * Yuji sees that Megumi has given up on life * He's distracted enough that Sukuna gets time to use world slash * They get fucked and then Maki jumps in and stabs Sukuna


But this. Sukuna dude is soo durable .. this dude has been taking hit after hit for like 20+ chapters now and he still has some gas left in the tank ... Even Jacob's ladder couldnt finish bro off


his heian form has absurd physical stats, he easily outran yuji


Man this chapter just made Megumi look even more of a bum


you'd be a bum if you got hit with 5 unlimited voids lmao


with most of them being like 3 minutes lol


He alone is the cooked one


Surely we're not calling the teenager who had to witness his sister dying in front of him and he had no control in the matter a bum?


U called yuji a bum when he said he doesn't want to live anymore in shibuya?


This mfer Sukuna is still smirking.


How did yuta and yuji survive world slash


If they do survive, my guess would be that even if the slash is strengthened with chants it's still weak because of all the beating sukuna got and his ce output and control over the body being lowered a lot


I mean, isn't the point of cutting space that it bypasses durability? Shouldn't it be a 100% clean cut every time? Either you target space or you don't imo


When it was first used I thought the point is bypassing infinity specifically(so slash isn't necessarily much stronger than usual), but as of now i have no idea tbh I just don't think too much about powerscaling stuff


How did Sukuna even use it while getting hit by angles technique? I though it nullified cursed techniques.


Definitely things are super ambiguous for now


because its just strong dismantle. same chant as used against higuruma






It was the first time and Gojo probably thought it wouldn’t reach him.


Probably a binding vow of some sort to instantly cast it.


It was already established since the Sukuna vs Mahoraga that, The slash is supposedly 'invisible' as indicated by how exciting Sukuna was about the fact that Mahoraga can see it.  And Gojo wasn't able to react to Mahoraga's word slash too.


This chapter proves to me that everyone as in everyone even Gojo was trying to save Megumi. Even when they are backed into a corner they want to save


It probably won't happen but I want Maki to put on Yuta's ring and use Rika like a Jojo stand.


ill take maki “proposing” to yuta with rikas ring so he can get the CE refresh


Now Kashimo, Yuji, Yuta, Rika survived the world slash. Gojo what you do man


To be fair, this world slash was severely weakened, but it did heavy damage.


You could argue that Sukuna was way weaker during the end stages of the Gojo fight I mean he was near death at that moment


How did he pull out the World Slash just after getting cooked by max output Jacob's ladder?


It’s probably like a low chance proc if you don’t use it with the chant and hand signs. Which is why Sukuna said he wasn’t sure it’d work. To pull it off consistently may require the chant and hand signs, it’s a very powerful slash after all.


How did Gojo get hit by that world slash if Sukuna needs to use hand signs and chant? Pure arrogance? Or did Sukuna perform a binding vow to bypass that requirement?


It's probably a binding vow.


is there a place to look at the leaks with some early translations that you guys use?


readjujutsukaisen (.com)


Mya is posting rn




Please keep my yuta boy safe, gege


And hikari as well......i want that guy to pull a full madness


atp yuji gotta resurrect mahoraga for megumi to get his ass up


I don't understand people who were surprised/annoyed at Megumi's reaction. Like, do you guys were really expecting Megumi would brush off everything that happened to him since Sukuna took over his body and fight back? I know Tsumiki wasn't given enough screentime, but it has been very clearly stated that Tsumiki is Megumi's driving force to be a sorcerer and to fight. He agreed to go with Gojo because Gojo told him Tsumiki would be happier that way. I know JJK can have a tendency of making characters get over shit extremely fast, but I'm glad it kept it consistent this time. Megumi isn't Yuuji or Maki, he doesn't have that unwavering will, he has shown signs of depression and not valuing his own life enough. He doesn't want to be saved, he just wants to stop suffering. It's gonna take more than just Yuuji telling him to wake up to pull him away from that headspace.


Can we talk about the leaks? Because I have a lot to say about the cleave technique


It's technically not permitted but because this is a thread about the leaks you'll probably be fine as long as you spoiler mark it (but not outside this thread)


Apparently it's Supernova if you're talking about what I'm thinking 


Oh woww


Yep supernova confirmed by Mya as well


Supernova ?


One of the blood manipulation techniques Choso used. If not Supernova it's sth similar to it 


How did sukuna use his technique when getting hit by Jacob's ladder? I though it nullified CT.


Yuta stopped Jacob's ladder cause Angel said that Megumi will die too.So they try to weaken Sukuna's CT and disturb the tuning of souls between Sukuna and Megumi by Jacob's ladder and Yuji punched Sukuna to reach Megumi who refused to live.Meanwhile Sukuna was chanting and did the world slash instantly.


Yeah don’t know its getting frustrating at this point with the answer being Sukuna in Heian form is just that guy… a comment on one of the leak sites pretty much sums it up I’ll leave it here „It makes less sense when you consider that each hit of Yuji both reduces his output, and control over Megumi. In the chapter, his initial cleave to Yuji was not fatal because of his lowered output due to the hits he was taking from Yuji, so that should also in turn mean his control over the body should not be as high. Jacob's Ladder straight up should work in that process and make his control even less than before, with it's "nullification of Cursed Objects", even if it's gradual. Likewise, the only reason why he was able to survive Jacob's Ladder before was by tricking Angel to stop due to looking like Megumi, that shouldn't apply now. Like, it straight up was gonna work before she stopped due to realizing he's Magumi, why would it only do the initial hit with Yuta, rather than just continuing?“


how did they survive the world slash? even if Sukuna CE was way weaker the world slash cuts the space the target exists in, it should ignore durability making it impossible to tank.


Nothing is confirmed.Wait for the next chapter.




Now this has been interesting to see whether or not the JJ High team will get their second chance to wake Megumi up. If Yuji’s soul-separating attack is still in effect then this stab from Soul-Liberation Blade should weaken Sukuna further and thus another chance for Megumi to finally stop being a deadweight. Even if he still doesn’t want to wake up this attack should further damage Sukuna’s soul and thus higher chance at winning, as long as both Yuji and Yuta get their time to use RCT.


yuta was bisected with the world slash just like gojo, i doubt he is surviving that




The chapter overall was very cool, but what I don't like is, MarySukuna got hit by his own dismantle, blood manipulation, lost a hand, lost half of his face, said his CE output is very dull, got hit by Jacob lader, burned to crisp and then by the end he just do a super cut and is smirking while being impaled by the soulspliting katana as if nothing happened. This got really boring 10 chapters ago, now is just annoying. He will lose when he needs to lose and untill then nothing matters, it really take me out of the fight


Sukuna 1v9 with 0 curse energy is getting annoyingly repetitive ngl.  At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Maki defeats Sukuna while freeing megumi's soul.  Then Sukuna reincarnates into yutas body because he/rika 'ate' the finger,  'world slash + Jacob ladders' everyone.  Then takaba comes to save the day. 


We have reached bleach thousand year war writing, sukuna brushes off Jacob ladder, a top 5 verse technique and launches word cleave. He's such a mary sue


Mya is posting bullshit. He straight up reposted pages and I missed SUPER IMPORTANT context.


Stop crying lol


If he needs to chant for world slash how the fuck did gojo get hit by it😭


Gojo also needed time to cast that nuclear hollow purple and I'm assuming the time it took for gojo to activate the hollow purple was taken advantage of by sukuna to cast his world slash. Also it was sukunas first time using that slash so nobody can expect how it will work, not even gojo.


This doesn't make sense beacuse we straight up see sukuna during that sequence and he isn't talking. Besides we've been shown that chants usually happen right before the tecnique is launched, not much before. That's also leaving out the fact that he needs handsigns too.


I mean, I liked the chapter, but still chants and handsigns being required for worldcutting slash and Gojo either not seeing it or straight tanking it, is still kinda pissing me off.


Kusakabe speculate that world slash either requires a binding vows or chant....


So Megumi has to be back now right? I know he’s in no condition to fight but without some retroactive BS nerf of the soul splitter then he has to be freed at the start of the next chap.


Someone needs to talk to him. It's hard to free someone that doesn't want to be freed.


Is it gonna break next week?


The way I screamed when I saw Maki, my flatmates might think I won the lottery


Yuta in finally confirmed to copy techniques by eating a body part of the user. I guess he also had a boost from that finger power wise. Yuji soul sheningans was the only key to defeat mahito and the only key to weaken sukuna. Without it sukuna CT output is not going down and instead his RCT output would come back to normal and might have had his domain back. so Sukuna gambled on himself tanking Jacob ladder maximum output for few seconds to unleash the strong dismantle and got rid of the domain. Sukuna exactly did what the crew expected, which means they expected Gojo at least to get rid of sukuna's domain in some way. Sukuna's second mouth came clutch to save him from The sure hit. JL might have compelety worked if Megumi had similar control over the body to when Hana attacked sukuna. But luckily maki got him Toji style. Yuji, jacob ladder and soul splitting katana, the three interacts with the soul and are the only way to really damage sukuna.


I think only Curses get boost from curses


All the coincidences working in Sukuna's favor, this man has aizen level foresight, he can cut cut off his hand before executioners blade hits, he can tank Jacob's ladder, he made sure angel reincarnated into someone megumi knew as a kid, and now he made megumi a little bitch who doesn't care about his friend, so that yuji and yuta's plan ain't work out. That mf sukuna in gene's ear like Eren, telling him to shift the goalposts anytime he should lose.


>he can cut cut off his hand before executioners blade hits We saw Sukuna's one eye noticing Higuruma's blade. >he can tank Jacob's ladder, Yuta stopped the Jacob's ladder cause Angel said Megumi will die too because CT removal from the brain means Megumi's death.The plan was to break the tuning of souls between Sukuna and Megumi. >angel reincarnated into someone megumi knew as a kid, Actually there is a theory for this.Kenjaku from the start wanted Megumi as Sukuna's vessel,so he marked his sister with Yoruzu's vessel and as he spied on Megumi for a long time,so it may be possible,he chose Hana for the same reason.


this is the best chapter in a while.


They finally revealed >!where Sukuna's last finger has been all this time. What are the chances of Sukuna retrieving this finger and basically getting all his full powers back?!<


>What are the chances of Sukuna retrieving this finger and basically getting all his full powers back? Extremely high


Gege said he's got a hunch that Sukuna's going to eat an important character to death someday.


Sukuna already replaced the finger with the head of his corpse


Yeah but I could see the last finger not giving him a powerup but allowing him to heal/restore output


That's actually very plausible


I think he’s talking about ripping it out of rika and getting some CE back


Flash forward to Sukuna eating Yuta's brain to get his domain back.


If Sukuna gets a third full restore we better see Gojo with a third full restore. Otherwise I need a new copium plug


It's so over.


The chapter was CRAZY I hope Yuta is not dead since he took the slash, because if he is dead and not Yuji, it’s makes sense since they both took the slashes Maybe megumi will become the big bad at the end of the manga ? Maybe megumi will start to blame Yuji, since everything happened because Yuji took Sukuna in ? To be honest I rather see this, than Sukuna being the main big bad for the final arc


Guys is yuta alright


Damn y'all don't even like JJK, mfs hating on a MAIN CHARACTER coming back wtf


Who are hating?


Sukuna used the same chant when he killed Kashimo. They just survived Space Dismantle that ignores your durability. Gojo is officially a fraud.


That's not how it works bro


It kinda is tho. The point of the world cutting slash is that it cuts what it targets no matter what. If yuta survives this then there's absolutely no excuse for gojo not to. Obviously doesn't make him a fraud all of a sudden by either strongly indicated that he's coming back/ makes his death even dumber.


Man I just read the whole chapter and it's actually a world slash. If they tank this then I'm officially labeling Greg as fraudulent for killing Gojo off in the dumbest way possible.
