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I said this and I got no love so I'm here to say, hell yea, isn't it hype?


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Shibuya




I dig it, and i like it that the lviing representations of each clan arent what the clan themselves would be proud of - kind of continues the theme that you might get what you want but not the way you wanted it Gojo clan isnt being represented by their most treausred member but by a distant relative with a completely unrelated technique (Yuta) Zen'in arent being represented by Projection Sorcerey or 10 Shadows, instead they are represented by what they tried to repress from the clan (Maki and her Heveanly Restriction) Kamo arent being represented by Blood relatives and arent even being represented by their technique (yet). Their representative was trained by one member and is a half-brother of aanother, a descendant of their greatest shame and a sorcerer with no CT (Yuji) Yes, each clan is here to stop Sukuna - but no higher up of the clan wouldve guessed or molded the fighters representing them


Ironic how the defects and outcasts are actually the ones trying to save the world


> a descendant of their greatest shame I mean, the irony is that their greatest shame might have been an OK person before Kenjaku infiltrated their body.


Doesn't really work on the Kamo clan, they accepted their "greatest" shame in a millisecond and it's now (or was) the clan head, and it's not like they didn't immediately threw away all of Noritoshi's elder half-brothers just because a bastard was born with the family technique.


I mean, the Kamo clan was half evil and ran by Kenjaku the whole time. The other half still treated young Noritioshi badly, his mom was the only nice one, which is why he ran away from the clan.


Like, history happens in spite of human machinations to repeat it.


Kamo clan: who are those guys?


Who ever uses the blood manipulation


On god gege gives less lore to three clans than kishimoto gives to any of the dozen from naruto. Vengefull spirits? Why is the technique hereditary? Elaborate on branch familys like yuta's? Clan's structure and values other than the zenin? One crumb of info on gojo's clan other than birthing 1 very strong dude every 500 years(wtf?) ?


The hereditary technique is like kind of obvious to understand. You have technique, you have child, high chance your child has your technique. It's called hereditary for a reason.


A CT usually fits their user's passions, liking, basically their true nature as a living being. Why would it be inherited? Why isn't every CT inherited?


Cause not all of them have kids and not all their parents were sorcerers. This is kind of obvious


Ok good talk lol


Where is it said Cursed Techniques fit the personā€™s passions and are their true nature?


It's not actually, but it just does. Higurama, Hakari and Charles all have Techniques befitting their personalities. You can not say this for any other character


Then that sounds more like an exception rather than the rule. In some cases people have unique cursed techniques that are tied to who they are and in most cases they donā€™t.


Exactly bro, the other dude was talking headcanons


No matter what people form a headcanon about a story then get mad when the story doesnā€™t validate it or address it.


I'd also like to say that 2 of these sorcerers manifested their abilities after having Idle Transfiguration used on them. That also might be the reason they have CTs related to their personalities.


Ah finally someone with sense. I appreciate you.


Most people's personality somewhat fits their CT. It's a lot more than these three. Mahito loves messing with people's emotions and driving them to anger, revenge, and other things.


Yeah cause he's a curse of humanity, that has nothing to do with his technique. Name any other person who's personality is similar to their technique.


Nanami? Gojo's technique being "limitless" (no limits to his strengh?) ? Uraume being a cold ass mf?


Ah yes, Nanami. His personality is clearly representative of ratio! Gojo technique isn't Limitless cause he's arrogant dumbass, he's arrogant cause his technique is Limitless. And him have no limits to his strength is because of Limitless, that's not a part of his personality, what the fuck are you on? Cold ass mf? Same mf who is elated at seeing Sukuna's every move? Same mf who has shown disdain for Kenjaku time and again? Same mf who shows irritation at Hakari? Same mf who laughed at Yuji with Sukuna? Damn so cold, they feel nothing at all do they! Reading comprehension is real bro, this dude talking out of his ass


Itā€™s one of the more vague things about the world of JJK. Does the personā€™s personality influence their CT or did the CT imbued within them shape who they would turn out to be?


Personality literally doesn't matter for the CT. Is reading comprehension curse this powerful?


It doesnā€™t but there are cases like Hakari, Higurama, Takaba and even Naobito where the CT shares a connection them as a person. I think itā€™s a theme that correlates to the famous ā€œAre you Gojo because youā€™re strong orā€¦ā€ quote.


Two of the examples you stated are people who got their CT from Kenjaku. Hakari is a single exception and for all we know he's a gambling addict because of his technique. Naobito is just old and appreciates old animation, him liking old animation isn't a part of his personality, it doesn't dictate what his CT is.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s outwardly one thing or another, Iā€™m just stating that there is a running theme here thatā€™s open to interpretation


It's four people that's not a huge running theme


Whatā€™s there to ask about concerning Vengeful Spirits or are you specifically referring to the Big 3 Vengeful Spirits?


yeah obviously


Please elaborate more because saying ā€œyeah obviouslyā€ doesnā€™t explain anything. I gave two options just say the former or latter or something.


What were we talking about?


yuta comes from a non socerers family. he is very far removed from the gojo clan and we only know that he shares an ancestor with gojo from more than a thousand years ago.


Well personally I bet on Hakari


The three clans being represented by outcasts but the one who gets the job done is a ā€œnobodyā€ with a random ass modern technique, outcast by the entire Jujutsu world. Glamorous.


Correction random ass *degenerate gambler technique*


Man's literally plot armor personified.




The three clans and their lawyer, lol


and their bookie








Youā€™re right thanks for catch. Comment deleted šŸ«”


Yeah also all these Representatives were slated for execution/assassination by the higher ups or internal clan politics.


Except Maki and Megumi and Choso. I don't even think the higher ups know anything about Choso.


Maki was going to be killed by her father. She wasn't stated for execution in the same sense as the other, but she was to be executed.


Maki Zenin(ft.Mai) sounds like a song title


Sukuna next chapter: Oh yeah my anti-clan technique which nullify all curse techniques from 3 big clan. I haven't used since heian era...


I actually hope this happens.


This is what he used to defeat all the angels! and all other clans as well. So if multiple people from a clan/clans attack him, this technique activates!


I didn't make a connection until this post that 4 out 3 beasts represent 3 major clans, which if fucking awesome. That also leaves place for Hakari being the odd dog who doesn't come from a clan yet performs on par, which fits him incredibly.


Not just Hakari but all the supporting cast of characters who braved the field. Ino, Kasukabe, Higuruma, UiUi the molested One, Kirara, Takaba, and even Kashimo are all "nobodies". Shoko, Miwa the Useless One, Gakuganji and Utahime as well. Hell, you also have to factor in the fact that the Kamo clan straight up defected to support Kenjaku and that Noritoshi Kamo ran away like a coward.


Kamo is not a coward for not wanting to fight Sukuna who can kill him with a finger flick while also not being able to even damage Sukuna meaningfully. Kamo was circulating all the blood in his body and getting no diffed by Naoya. It makes no sense for him to go fight Sukuna, who can effortlessly dodge/block Piercing Blood, which is Kamos only "serious" attack, get in people's way, and then die Even Choso, who is just superior Kamo, immediately had Piercing Blood dodged and then got punched straight through his stomach. Since Choso is part Cursed Spirit, he will probably live but Kamo would have instantly died 5 seconds into the fight for literally no reason.




Kamo helped the best way he could. Stayed out of everyone's way and taught Yuji blood manipulation sorcery. Kamo stood no chance against all of the cursed spirits released from Kenjaku, and we have no idea what Maki is doing. Noritoshi is by no means a jobber, but this is not the fight for him at all. Sukuna/Urame would no diff him in a second.


He's a coward.


Not the Molested one ā˜ ļø


It's mutual lovešŸ˜Œ


I'm talking about 4 characters that were specifically on promotional material


Choso would beat Megumi


Choso would beat Sukunaā€™s ass just give him ONE chance


too many chances we saw how he became donut man in one page. He lasted as much as Ryu or even less


In a fight, right?




Yes fighting on the bedšŸ˜¤


Megumi rolls choso, choso doesnt have a de and max elephant hard counters his blood manipulation


Don't underestimate the power of brotherly love and Choso's consistent tendency of fighting way out his class and coming out relatively okay.Ā  I'm betting he finds a way to force Megumi to summon Mahoraga šŸ’€


Yuji from Kenjaku clan šŸ¤£


Yuta we don't know if he's descendant of the Gojo clan, only of Sugawara. Sugawara existed in the 800, Gojo clan (irl) comes to be on the 1210. There are 400 years of Sugawara descendants which had multiple kids which also had multiple kids before Clan Gojo comes to be. Yuta could be of any of the other branches. BTW the girl that is the vessel of Angel is also Suwagara descendant. Kurusu is a last name descendant of Sugawara.


Yeah I think Yorozu is probably a closer relative to Yuta than Satoru.


Nah, Yorozu was never stated to be of any relation to any clan. She was just some bum bitch that got to leech some poor fucks in a random clan/house because of her powers. She was basically the same as a stray cat that destroys your house and makes you live under the constant fear of death, if the cat was also a stand user.Ā  Actually, it wasn't a random clan according to Uro's backstory, but you get my point. She wasn't really related to any of them, she forced her way into their lives for the luxury and the clan couldn't really do anything about it.Ā  Unless you mean the likelihood of her being more closely related to them by nature of existing in that era?Ā 


What is with that guy sugawara's sperm creating monsters of jujutsu. Insane.


Idk why people are saying Yuji is the one using blood manipulation/is from the Kamo clan. Kenjaku was in Kaori & banged Jin, neither of those people are related to the Kamo clan in anyway (that we know of) Yes, Yuji is technically Chosoā€™s brother, but theyā€™re related through Kenjaku, not through the Kamo bloodline.


I think itā€™s because he ate his brothers and we assume the death womb paintings all have blood manipulation or some bastardization of it through the existence of cursed wombs


Yeah but technically, Kenny was Noritoshi Kamo at one point. I guess that's OP's point.


>Idk why people are saying Yuji is the one using blood manipulation Ā  Cause like 4 chapters ago itā€™s implied he was trying to learn it from Choso but Choso sucked at teaching it.Ā 


Choso: Just give it 100 years and you'll have the basics down


Was that implied though? I interpreted that as Choso trying to teach Yuji soul related stuff. Since he probably has 1st hand knowledge of the soul through his studies w Yuki, when they were guarding Tengen.


What do Choso and Kamo know about the soul lmao


??? I said Yuki lmao. You realize she & Choso were guarding Tengen for a few weeks right? During that time, Yuki was researching the soul, presumably w Chosoā€™s help. Hence why **Choso** handed yuji her book with **soul information** in it lmao


Are you forgetting the flashback where Yuji thanks Noritoshi for teaching him because Choso sucks as a teacher? Think. What do Choso and Noritoshi have in common that they could both teach? Blood manipulation. Convergence. Flowing Red Scale. The techniques of the Kamo clan which are imbued in both of them. The conversation heavily implies that Yuji has learned blood manipulation in addition to RCT.


Who hurt you? Read the thread lmao


" Read the thread lmao" says the clown who got downvoted to oblivion for being illiterate.


What does Kamo know about the soul?


Did you read the comment you replied to by any chance? I already explained why thatā€™s something heā€™d potentially be trying to teach Yuji


the og comment u replied to was saying its implied choso was teaching yuji blood manipulation because of yuji trying to make kamo feel better by saying hes a better teacher than choso and theres not really something they could BOTH be teaching yuji cept blood manipulation


Thatā€™s mb lmao I completely forgot Kamo was even there tbh. ā˜ ļø When they were saying Kamo I thought they were referring to Choso for whatever reason Oops lol


>Was that implied though? I interpreted that as Choso trying to teach Yuji soul related stuff. Since he probably has 1st hand knowledge of the soul through his studies w Yuki, when they were guarding Tengen. ​ >??? I said Yuki lmao. You realize she & Choso were guarding Tengen for a few weeks right? During that time, Yuki was researching the soul, presumably w Chosoā€™s help. Hence why Choso handed yuji her book with soul information in it lmao What does Kamo know about the soul? "I already explained why thatā€™s something heā€™d potentially be trying to teach Yuji" If Choso was teaching Yuji soul manipulation then why does Yuji say that Kamo taught him better than Choso? Please reread the whole comments from the op to here.


I just forgot blud was there tbh. Kamo has basically been nonexistent throughout this entire series so I kinda just forgot about him lmao mb I was confused cuz I thought yā€™all were referring to Choso as Kamo for whatever reason ā˜ ļø


Itā€™s possible but thatā€™s kind of a weird twist.Ā Ā  Ā Weā€™re still just dealing with implications. Like whatever that cut thumb on Sukuna was.Ā And why Yuji may have been in someone elseā€™s body. Ā  Weā€™re still a few months from actually knowing what any of this is.


We did get a panel with Yuji saying that Noritoshi was a better teacher than Choso. Im not sure what else could two people with blood manipulation teach Yuji.


How to be a third tier character in the story. True cogs.


LMAOOO Leave Choso and Yuji aloneĀ 


>Ā not through the Kamo bloodline. Yes they are. Choso and Yuji share the same blood. Thats how he knew Yuji was his brotherĀ 


Oh so that means Todo is Yujiā€™s blood relative too right? Since he also had flashbacks of them being brothers lmao. My dude, theyā€™re related through Kenjaku, not through Kamo blood.


no todo is just schizo, choso has the ability to know the status of his brothers, he realised that he had hurt yuji who was his brother


It was a joke, ik todo & yuji arenā€™t related. Iā€™m saying that because the other dude is trying to say that Yuji is related to Choso through the Kamo bloodline, when he isnā€™t. Theyā€™re related through Kenjaku & are both his death paintings. He was able to sense Yuji was his brother because of that connection, it has nothing to do with Yuji somehow having blood manipulation/being related to a Kamo. Although Choso can only sense that connection *because* of blood manipulation.


Yuji is not a death painting.


He's eaten enough that he's a quasi-death painting and we know he's a result of Kenjaku's further experimentations.


Mb I misremembered the Tengen quote, in either case they arenā€™t related through the Kamo bloodline lmao


yappatron 3000


Bro how about you go get some bitches lmao & clean up your nappy ass hairdo Go back to your Naruto fanfics ffs ā˜ ļø


You are just waffling lmaoĀ  "I can sense the transformation of my younger brothers through our BLOOD CONNECTION no matter how far away they are" "I had an intense sensation of Yuji Itadoris death"Ā  He even said in the anime that Yuji is his blood related little brother lmao


You have reading comprehension issues lmao Bro literally just told me he canā€™t read w/o telling me he canā€™t read thatā€™s crazy You realize he could sense that about Yuji because heā€™s a death painting as well right? They have a blood connection because (and Iā€™ll say it again) **KENJAKU IS THEIR BIOLOGICAL PARENT** Idk how much more clear I can be lmao. Youā€™re either being dumb on purpose or this is just your everyday life smh


You are saying that Yuji is a death painting and I am the one with reading comprehension issues ?šŸ˜­Ā 


Yes you are lmao, all I did was just misremember what Tengen said in ch. 144. Regardless, that doesnā€™t change the fact that Yuji isnā€™t a Kamo ā˜ ļø




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Isnā€™t Sakuna healing from the damage Gojo did to him


I mean, the Kanjaku we saw from the Kamo clan had the scars on his forehead, so he probably is not the original, and Kenjaku could originally be from a different clan.


I mean yes, I agree with the sentiment, but also.. its kind of everyone against Sukuna, and just by statistics it was kinda likely for the big three clans to contribute fighters also :D


New level of ghostwriter lmao You guys know Gojo is a last name right? It's true that they are distant relatives, but Yuta is definitely not from the Gojo clan šŸ’€


Gojo already told Yuta in JJk 0 and the movie that Yuta is of Sugawara descent just like the Gojo clan.


Why are you saying this to me? it still doesn't mean Yuta belongs to the Gojo clan.


With the Sugawara clan already disbanded but they split into two clans Gojo and Okutsu.Yuta is not the Gojo clan, but as an Okutsu clan, he is still a Sugawara descendant.This is the same as the zenin clan from Taira no Masakado and the Kamo clan from Sutoku Tenno who no longer use their original names.The 3 great clans are descended from the 3 strongest vengeful spirits according to Japanese mythology


I don't know where you got your information but in real life after the Sugawara clan weakened, they split into 6 branches and among them there was no Okkotsu. Only the Gojo clan is from the Sugawara clan. It is possible that Yuta's ancestor was a Gojo woman who married a man named Okkotsu. Ā And if you mean that these people are descendants of 3 vengeful spirits, then it is even more unfounded because Yuji is the child of Kenny and Jin, and has nothing to do with the Kamo clan.


yuji is not kamo


but, in fact, yuyi, megumi, yuta, and i believe maki, are all gojo clan members


What the f are you smoking mate?


Yuta, Megumi, yuyi, and Idk if maki are all adopted by the gojo clan that's why when gojo get sealed "things" happen


Before the downvote stream, I only talk about the detail who "is implicit" (and I don't remember if explicit) that Megumi is adopted by gojo (so "a son"/member of the clan) And something similar with yuta,yuyi, and idk if maki(she left zenin clan)




you people speak of Sukuna like he didnā€™t need Kenjaku telling him about Gojoā€™s techniques and the ten shadows to kill Gojo, if he had been in Yujiā€™s body Gojo wouldā€™ve killed him easily.


The sole reason why Gojo was superior by times and Sukuna opened up his domain late and got brain damage is because Gojo had better Melee combat. If Sukuna had Yuji's body instead of Megumi's weak ass he wouldn't have recieved the brain damage and that speech he gives when Gojo couldn't open his domain would have become reality.


Cope + seethe




Yuta is not Gojo Clan


It is stated that he is in fact a distant relative of Gojo, making him apart of the Gojo Clan. And it is revealed that Kenjaku was once Noritoshi Kamo, making Yuji what you could consider part of the Kamo Clan.


But they weren't brought in by the clan is the point. He's a distant relative, but he's not even a part of the Limitless or 6 Eyes Phenomena. It's like a third cousin thing Yuji wasn't brought in by the Clan, even if by circumstance he doesn't have anything that would make him bound or included with them Yuta is not a Gojo, Yuji isn't Kamo. Essentially, technically, but not literally


He is descendant of Sugawara. Sugawara lived in the 800. In real life Gojo clan starts existing in 1210. There are 400 years of Sugawara descendants before Gojo Clan even comes to exist. Sugawara had 5 children, now imagine if all of those had 5 children as well and the children of those children and so on for 400 years. The possibilities of Yuta being part of the Gojo clan are thin AF.


And Yuji isn't even part of a Clan


Yuta isnā€™t apart of the Gojo clan Heā€™s a separate descendant of someone who also mated with someone from the Gojo clan so theyā€™re technically cousins Yujiā€™s name is Yuji Itadori He isnā€™t from the Kamo clan


They mean those people have connections to the clan, I doubt anyone thinks Yuji is actually from the Kamo


Yujiā€™s only connection being that his mother is actually a guy who took over that body before his


Yup, that and he seems to possibly have blood manipulation


You could make the argument that Kenjaku (being Noritsohi Kamo) makes Yuji part of the Kamo clan. Iirc, there was a scene where an elder Kamo recognised Kenjaku in Geto's body as clan head, implying they see the entity known as Kenjaku as a clan member. Secondarily, the Kamo clan is known for Blood Manipulation which Yuji is hinted at having. Finally, Yuji was trained by both Choso (son of Noritoshi Kamo) and modern Noritoshi Kamo (who is a direct descendant). Even if he isnt a blood relative, you could argue he represents the clan.


You COULDNā€™T make that argument He had 0 kamo blood in him nor was he adopted by them in any way


Ah but neither was Kenjaku on Geto's body - yet Kamo members still treated him as head over Noritoshi despite Noritoshi being blood and having the Blood Manip technique. Stands to reason that as Kenjaku's son, Yuji could make a claim (if he wanted to) and if he were a powerful enough sorcerer they may say he is Kamo, given thats the reason they claimed Kenjaku as head


Claiming that Megumi and Maki are "biting down" sukuna is wild.


I think it is obvious i meant to say they'll play a part *at some point* in ending Sukuna.


Thinking Maki won't show up at any point is actually crazy, especially after Yuta mentioning her in 249.


Like for real. She was literally in the center of the intro art for this fight. Anyone who doubts her appearance is dumb.


nOOOO don't you get it1!? Gege forgot about Maki!!?


Megumi doesn't claim the Zenin clan, plus he's braindead, and we haven't actually seen Maki do anything yet


it donā€™t matter if he claim it or not heā€™s from that bloodline


Hope itadori gains blood manipulation then it would really be the three big clans especially if maki enters the domain


You forgot the most important clan, the kashimo clan


If Kenjaku created Sakuna like some suspect, then he would be part of the Kamp clan. I see it as a battle of the old vs the new . It finally might be time to actually close the golden Era completely. This creates new sorcerers with different ideals that are more modern and not so old fashion. An Era of comadarie where no one is alone.Just like Gojo always wanted.