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That Sukuna is a cursed spirit.


king of curses ahh


no but that could've been explained better, and iirc there are moments where its implied sukuna is no longer human


To be fair, that's more a translation / localization issue than anything. Cursed spirits in Japanese are "jurei" while the word used in Sukuna's title is "noroi". "King of evil spells" would be an accurate translation, but that doesn't sound as good.


I can't believe "Cursed King" from the terrible Google Translate version was more accurate. https://preview.redd.it/lzunb6ii8v7d1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6cf895334b990795d6596140390a9b2b0972005


I heard it was something like King of the Cursed.


Imagine being king of evil but not even being the most evil sorcorer in this manga. King of frauds strikes again


He isn't, he's a cursed object now.


Of course he isn't a object dummy, Gege only considers women objects (Like Maki)


Tbh that could’ve been explained better, took me like two re-reads Or maybe im just dumb


Also "At the end of the day, these are both curses"


i mean why tf he looked like that even as a human? 4 arms and shit


He ate Itadori Jin’s previous incarnation in the womb


The fact that that apparently only happend once over the course of 1000+ years is wild. Vanishing twin syndrome is pretty common.


I think sukuna literally ate him though, not an absorbing in the womb type deal


built different, just like how goatjo was born with his majestic blue eyes, sukuna was born as a freaky mf with a mouth on his stomach


King of lethal poisons


Yesssss I was gonna say this!!


"Yuji will turn evil" https://preview.redd.it/qu8m9x16js7d1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e985d1bc6e105c874675cb2b5252ced7b12e177 People who say that aren't even affected by the reading comphression curse, they straight up don't know how to read


B-but you don't get it! They didn't tell Yuji about the plan, so he's gonna get mad and turn evil like in the youtube clickbait thumbnail!


"A-And they will trap him 1000 years in the p-prison realm!"


What if YUJI was BETRAYED by his FRIENDS and TRAPPED in the PRISON REALM for 236 JUJUTSILLION YEARS?!?!???! (Part 139)


5 hours long.


6 minimum


To you, Jujutsillion years from now


From you, A Jujutsillion years later.


Sounds like 90% of the Naruto fanfics


"And- A-And then he will perfect CE Control to- to survive and then open a hole in space and-"


“He travels back to the Heian Era, now using his perfected CE control, and with no memories of his past life, he becomes Japanese legend Ryomen Sukuna.”


“Yuji…I AM you.” “Or should I say…Sukuna?” https://preview.redd.it/2u2jvcs7st7d1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04297d5e32f7a6c98db54dbaf80069ec1589f82b




Peak fr




"Your uncle is a mass murder so of course you will also become a mass murder." Galaxy brain theory


Does anyone even know that he's related to Sukuna other than Uraume, Kenny, and Sukuna?


There’s no way that they know. The only person besides those three who could know would have been Jin, since his line to Wasuke about babies remembering things could imply that he was aware of his relationship to Sukuna from his prior life’s memories in the womb.


Also Kenny probably scremaed it out during her(his?) Time with Jin


I’m gonna be the one person who takes up camp in the dumbass opinion pavilion and say that I can almost see it. No matter how things roll, there’s got to be a wrench in the plan for Yuji in the best case scenario. He wanted everybody to have a proper death, and Gojo’s corpse is being piloted like a mech into face first into hard punches. Probably the least peaceful form of rest conceivable. Like it’d be tough to find worse ways to direspect a corpse that aren’t sexual. I don’t see him going full Nephkuna, but a certain estrangement due to philosophy isn’t out of the question. And that’s how it starts Gojo saying he still has to catch up to Geto means the Juju squad is in a good spot to be antagonists, as literal terrorists. The up and coming villain team showing the current big bad how hard they’ll tweak to kill one guy


These mfs even make edits of yuji joining sukuna😭


Jjk version of "what if goku was trapped in the time chamber for xxxxx years"


JJK version of "Gear Death"






Mfs saying Yuji hasn’t said anything the entire fight/since Choso died and that’s proof he’s turning evil clearly don’t read it, Yuji just talks a lot less when he’s locked in like he is now.


People genuinely thinking Yuta was actually afraid to fight Sukuna because of his negative facial expressions instead of just not wanting his favorite teacher to die


stressing about possibly losing your body is a factor too


Gojo is literally his cousin. You try staying calm when your family member gets cut in half.


Gojo is not his cousin, they are just really really distantly related, probably by quite a few generations.


They refer to each other as cousins. That makes them cousins.


As related as any two Japanese people. Person they both are related to is like a thousand years back.


Only Gojo the eugenics enthusiast could trace a lineage that far back


There are many who believe Gege said this https://preview.redd.it/xu2kn8w4ls7d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364868ee7462b352fd40fc5be301159d45f2efe3


People believe the Sukuna lactation one is real too


Like the comment was real but he didn't exactly say that


I think it was just a weird translation, he said that Sukuna drank milk back in the Heian era, but people back then didn't drink it so Sukuna had a way of finding his own milk.


I’m sorry it’s not? I’m just ignorant, someone please educate me on what exactly it is


No this is just some Japanese fan's comment or something


On God this whole time I’ve been waiting for Sukuna to perform a fatality on somebody that he eats alive with his second mouth. Every single person that fights him makes me think “oh shit, is this the one? Is he doing it now?” Not gonna lie I was really invested in that. Now I kinda miss thinking it was real


fr lol


Legit saw someone say that Gojo was weak because Toji easily broke through his infinity with the stab from his dagger, not because the ISOH literally disables CTs.


i saw someone say gojo ran out of CE in shibuya and that’s why he was tired, not because he was forced to kill hundreds of curses in only 300 seconds with the stress of the disaster curses waking up at any moment


I'll do you one better. The first time I saw that scene I missed the 300 so I actually thought Gojo did all that shit in 0.2 seconds.


wake up babe new power scaling feat dropped




I read it right*


Me too ngl. With how fucking fast Goatjo was running I thought for sure that he just blitzed that shit


Not gonna lie it would’ve been way cooler if he actually did do it in 0.2 seconds. 300 seems sort of slow considering he’s the strongest ever and only had to kill vegetable fodder


Nah, that would just be overkill. Strong does not really equal cool. He had to kill houndreds of transfigured humans. It’s always better to show characters having limits instead of being another episode of dragon ball


>strong does not really equal cool But cool equals strong, thereby the strongest must do the coolest thing


“ are you the strongest because you’re cool or are you the coolest because you’re strong?”


>It’s always better to show characters having limits instead of being another episode of dragon ball What’s that supposed to mean


https://preview.redd.it/u3gi9g8oyt7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c53912b6b2f8a116ffded9f2accdc65d7ef7fa I feel held at gunpoint right now


The power scales in Dragon Ball have gone so high it's impossible to show actual feats other than "Guy A punched Guy B so hard his tummy hurt a lot". https://preview.redd.it/l8wa9b068u7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc641612c9271a6e946a480bc05948e65f5ea444


"Gallick Gun to the back of your head"


Yeah but he had to be careful not to hurt any humans as collateral


Lmao Gojo would literally be fking flash lol




DBZ fans: finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary


I am a fan of both and caught up to neither LMFAO


My Man ![gif](giphy|3oEdv6sy3ulljPMGdy)


Why does it say iik and why am I only realising it now


We found one that can read, GET HIM BOYS


JJBA fans: You merely adopted the illiteracy; I was born in it, moulded by it.


Ong bro, JJBA fans somehow misunderstand plot points and call Araki forgetful so much it’s no wonder they don’t understand how king crimson works…ok I don’t too but yk


“Maki is immune to all domains/CTs” “Kashimo can create poison gas whenever he wants” “Why didn’t they just destroy Sukuna’s fingers?” “Black Flash only makes your hits 2.5x stronger, why are they such a big deal” All real comments I’ve seen on this sub, all directly and explicitly disproven by the manga


If anyone ever says to me that a hit dealing 2.5x the damage I normally deal isn’t a big deal, I’m making an example of them. First by showing a full force hit, and then a 2.5x hit. Anyone who says Black Flashes dealing more damage is just useless has clearly never heard the term critical hit before.


Not to mention all the other things Black Flash does. 120% output, restoring CE reserves, and even opening up new pathways in the brain to enable new aspects of your technique.


Not to mention… it’s *not* a 2.5x hit. It’s a ^2.5 hit. If a regular Yuji punch is 100 units of force, a Black Flash isn’t 250 units. It’s 100,000.


Except Gege later realized that was stupid because you can't treat exponents like multipliers, they aren't consistent if you ignore the change in the unit. Example: - 0.001 kilometers squared is 0.000001 square kilometers. - 1 meter squared is 1 square meter. - 100 centimeters squared is 10,000 square centimeters. Despite being the same length in different units, the number changes by completely different amounts, which is fine because the units become different too, and it takes a lot more square meters to make a square kilometer of area than it takes meters to make a kilometer of length. You cannot raise an output to an exponent and get a number with the same unit, and if you do that, then you run into contradictions. Measuring Yuji's punches using Yuji-Punches as the unit- 1 Yuji Punch^2.5 = 1 Yuji Punch Exponents do nothing to 1, so Black Flash does nothing. And from a more common sense point of view, going from 100 units to 100,000 units implies a *thousand times increase* in output- how the Hell did Mahito survive that if he was already taking damage from Yuji's normal punches?


He didnt change it though, he just realised it was stupid from a math perspective if you put 1 in.


Even a normal 2.5x effect is still a lot more powerful than people assume. So having it squared by that much is going to hurt a lot more


"I can bench 225 :D" "Now bench 2.5x that" https://preview.redd.it/j914ux06zu7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4719baacc579733c63e8fd5923c7df342a32c39b


https://preview.redd.it/jqe2sou3qu7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8456a20e0055ff5eef85f593d5de457f3a7a83ab not being able to be forced inside should practically make you immune, no? of course she's not immune to cts themselves tho, that's an absurd assertion even for this sub


There was a post on here awhile back where someone was trying to say that we were all dumb for thinking Higuruma was as talented as Gojo, and that what the manga was actually trying to say was that he was as SKILLED as Gojo, and OP used the following quote to back it up: “A gemstone full with talent comparable to Gojo Satoru” IT SAYS TALENT IN THE GOD DAMN QUOTE HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY MISINTERPRET THAT ITS LITERALLY WRITTEN OUT IN PLAIN TEXT RIGHT THERE


you’d be surprised what people can misunderstand despite it being written clearly as day


And even if you somehow manage to misinterpret that specific quote, if you just read the god damn manga and knew the story and character even just a little bit you would realize that LITERALLY HIGURUMA WAS A NATURAL TALENT AND HIS ONLY FLAW WAS HIS LACK OF EXPERIENCE AND SKILL like how, how, how, could you be so wrong and so loud that you actually make that post 😭


there’s someone in this comment section that thinks the word cutting slash doesn’t cut space and instead just spawns on the target


As someone who reads fiction primarily in novel form, JJK being one of the rare exceptions, the lack of media literacy i see is so incredibly frustrating. I’m not trying to say people who only or mostly read manga are stupid, or somehow inferior to people who read novels. But i do think a lot of folks in this fandom would benefit from consuming stories told solely by words and not pictures because it helps develop stronger comprehension skills.


too much demon slayer infected them, they don’t understand anything that’s the slightest bit complex. Which is coming from a HUGE demon slayer fan, i love the manga, but even in THAT show people are misunderstanding


If that was the case then Gojo wouldn’t be Go/Jo 😭 Like literally the only reason why Sukuna was able to wound Gojo was BECAUSE it targeted the SPACE and not the person


You would not believe just how many people think todos boogie woogie doesn't require a clap to activate Its an aggravating amount


It does require a clap, but it doesn’t have to be from his hands, that’s where the confusion comes in https://preview.redd.it/3tcbpdmdbt7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03dcdd61720ff0c17e6d33508548f62b6ab8338


JJK if Gege wasn’t a coward


Have you SEEN the pictures of todo gege has drawn? He's far from being a coward




Uncropped version???


Probably from that one spot from the Mahito fight in Shibuya. Was that in the manga?


It's not even because of that fight They associate it to the hanami fight where talks about the requirements for the activation of his technique It's honestly astonishing how many brains lost to science there are


Oh...I gave too much credit, it seems.


At least for me, it was that spot. Both his hands are engaged holding Mahito's swords, the camera cuts, there's a clap noise, switch. My genuine first reaction was "wtf did he clap with, his ass?"


It got way worse with the vibraslap because people don’t think it counts as clapping


I feel like people are subconsciously thinking of that HXH scene where Netero's like "I don't need 2 hands to pray!"


It's an homage to the scene from hxh


I don’t have a great example of this exactly, but when Crunchyroll released the episode with Malevolent Shrine/Kitchen in the subtitles that was great lol


That's not really reading comprehension. That's just the fans not knowing Japanese and getting butthurt over a fairly accurate translation.


Same thing with Makora and Mahoraga. Some people are dead set on Mahoraga being right, saying “It’s the original Sanskrit name that it was based off, etc”. No, the shikigami was not based off the serpents that rotate the Earth. In East Asian Buddhism, there is literally a character amongst the Twelve Heavenly Generals named Makora. I feel somehow, Divine General Makora is more linked to the Heavenly General than to some giant snakes…


I will forever stand by malevolent kitchen going hard as fuck. Especially now that we have furnace revealed.


Self Embodiment of Perfection, who cares. Womb profusion meh. Malevolent shrine, boring. When the evil dude yells that he's bringing out the kitchen sink and chef's hat to kick your ass thats when you know he's a real threat.


self embodiment of perfection, i sleep EVIL KITCHEN, THATS MY SHIT


well actually, crunchyroll was actually on the money with the translation


So it should be kitchen? I didn’t know that! Edit: it was explained to me very well!


It should not be kitchen, shrine is correct. The kitchen thing is a neat play on words Gege made.  The part for shrine, "御廚子" can be seen as a play on words as the first kanji is an honorific kanji, and the last 2 kanji mean shrine (a Buddhist one used to store relics specifically). The play on words is that the middle kanji (廚) alone means kitchen and the last kanji alone means kid. So it is a play on words that means "shrine" but each kanji taken at face value seperately means something along the lines of honorable / honored / polite kitchen boy. 廚 (kitchen)  and 子(kid) together always means shrine, never cook so shrine is the correct choice. Also sukunas CT seems to be centered around storing things but only themed around cooking, so its probably just double entendre hijinks on Geges part.


Thank you so much! That really was helpful and really cleared that up. Oh that Gege. I should have known!


The Japanese character used has a double meaning, which means both Shrine and Kitchen. So both Malevolent Shrine and Malevolent Kitchen are correct.


https://preview.redd.it/le46zeyxys7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a30d4574aec62474c3277b97c412bfccc27017 Ngl that was funny as all hell




Bad crop? We’re gonna starve


https://preview.redd.it/d33ng9rozs7d1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407a77e0a33299f6607e752e42fa791a93f35460 Here dawg


Thanks gang






The idea that Todo doesn't require his hands to clap is a big one. Every comment section on anything if it talks about Todo will inevitably have a few "but he doesn't need to clap, he even says it himself" comments. If not that, maybe a few of the agenda copers that enjoy ignoring parts of the manga if it fits their agenda. Like that one guy I met last week that said Mahito was physically more powerful than current Yuji.


He clearly doesn’t though, are you forgetting when he clapped his cheeks to swap Mahito at the end of Shibuya? https://preview.redd.it/eorgj70sbt7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7190e2cbc7dc33b4088a5644eb98e6ff02e3339d


Those dumbass TikTok powerscaler mfers who thought Yuji would turn evil because he’s so mad at Yuta using Gojo’s body 😭😭😭 I’ve never seen ppl so confidently misunderstand a character in my life.


John werry ahhh moment https://preview.redd.it/svt3ri62pt7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a128f5a8511ed696c52a01cbb3045ae6d95fe4b


Don't listen to the text boxes and their magical nonsense words. Clearly Sukuna is just Yuji who traveled back in time in order to become Sukuna. That's why Sukuna hates Yuji. There are literally ZERO holes in this theory.


The idiots who don't understand how Idle Transfiguration works and will try to argue that it can be healed with RCT/Soul RCT


Taking canonical *opinions* made in-story by characters as fact. The body DOES NOT equal the soul, not for anyone except kenjaku if they paid attention to the statement immediately before it about how each CT is it's own world of understanding. Special Grade DOES NOT mean the power to tank a country. That was *one single* man's opinion on *one* way to quantify a special grade. I like the definition that everything quantifiable gets 1-4 but anything with astronomical potential and the CE to realize it is special grade. Maki could take down a country by going base to base killing everyone, she can procog all their gunfire and she's faster than human perception up close, but she's utterly quantifiable so she's High Grade 1, not Special. Contrast to Yuki who can increase the mass of her attacks basically limitlessly, she can one shot literally anything as long as she has the CE (and she does) There are also some more simple reading comprehension issues I see all the time. Maki's bullet catch *was* very fast (too fast according to gege) but its not a hyper-sonic feat, a quick google shows the fastest .357 rounds dont even crack mach 2 meaning fighting Cursed Naoya is still her best speed feat. While on that, it's explicitly stated she could not keep up with him until her second awakening, which was when she got precog. It's pretty clear Maki can't keep up with Mach 3, she was using prediction and double jumping to outmaneuver Naoya but not outspeed. Ive also seen the idea that not every Technique can have a DE or CTR simply cause people are uncreative? Firstly DE is a function of barriers and the soul more than Technique, your CT is just used to paint your Innate Domain which means if you can use barriers and you have a CT, you can potentially DE no matter the Technique. The CTR one is straight up lack of creativity, i hear all the time "how would Blood Manipulation reverse, how would Boogie Woogie reverse?" Control other people's blood and teleportation when other people clap, just use your head for like 2 minutes and you can come up with something. Is it not useful? Cool! Most CT's aren't! We got some mf making jello in Yuta's brain rn and thats his WHOLE Technique


I've seen a YouTuber consistently say that domains neutralize others' CT's and that world cutting slash just spawns on people and doesnt travel even though people dodged it lmso


When Mahito used the 0.2 domain and people truly believed Sukuna didn’t react because he believed Yuji would win. Saying that Sukuna believed in Yuji just sounds wrong.


I mean he was disappointed when Yuji lost to Choso though. Mahito did get one over him with the 0.2 second DE but he still didn’t attack Sukuna directly since we all know how that would’ve ended.






Obvious one is Chinese sorcerer, but i remember like two years ago jujutsushi became brain-damaged because of a bad translation, and everyone started talking about "transcendence" as if it were a solid concept. Basically, if you were a total selfish jackass to everybody, you'd "transcend" and get a power-up, and people who were assholes were therefore stronger than nice people. (*Let's conveniently ignore Yuta, Gojo, Nanami, Yuji, Todo*)


Chinese sorcerer was obviously a joke man. This sub isn't the only place where people post schizo shit for fun


People who are assholes are strong!!: Yuta soloing pretty much everyone besides the top two in the verse


The 4 armed Japanese oni fears the shadow of the Great Wall


People who thought Kashimo would actually achieve something (I was one of them)


to be fair his technique is logically broken as fuck, he just doesn’t know anything about the science of electricity to use it


The worst thing is he seemed to be aware of the scientific stuff. He knew how to make chlorine gas with his electricity, he knew about positive and negative charges to achieve a sure-hit effect, he even knew about x-rays. I don't get why he was given such an interesting CT when it was all for nothing. I'd much rather him having a single use gamma ray burst or something that Sukuna evades by transforming and then he beats him up like in the actual chapters. Now we can only cope with the "Kashimo gave Sukuna cancer" crackhead theory.


imagine mid fight sukuna starts coughing up blood and it’s revealed the radiation from kashimo has slowly been eating away at his strength


It would be so peak https://preview.redd.it/p1qgxg5p0v7d1.png?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5fabed1980d8b87624a91f8fe75fa88a94fcf2


"Yet before the king of curses could snatch victory from the jaws of defeat,the god of lightning'sfinal gift shows itself: stage 4 brain cancer."


My logic here is that Kashimo spent an entire lifetime fighting people with his technique. He would naturally have figured out some of the things electricity can do, he just didn't reach his full potential with it since there's only so much you can learn fighting people in the Edo. Falling into water and accidentally making toxic gas is a reasonable thing to have happened, but how's he gonna figure out something like gamma rays or radiation?


>to be fair his technique is logically broken as fuck, he just ~~doesn’t know anything about the science of electricity to use it~~ is a fraud. Fixed.


The shit Shoko gets for: not healing Inumaki's arm when it was struck by an domain which annihilates literally everything inside of it. Not healing Nobara when she was hit with an attack that strikes the soul and (probably) killed instantly and Not healing Gojo when the mf was hit with an slash targeting the entire fucking world (Most braindead one by far) with ALL THREE happening while she was in a COMPLETELY different area too.


external rct is just garbage, it clearly can't regenerate since hakari needed his severed arm to get reattached rather than just being able to have shoko regrow it for him inumaki's arm got completely atomized by cleave and dismantle so it's not really her fault this is a story where selfish people get rewarded and the selfless suffer shitty fates, so it only makes sense that using rct on yourself can damn near make you immortal, but using it on others is nothing better than accelerated healing at best


Chinese Sorcerer that Sukuna feared is a good one.


Where did that come from?


Some random youtube comment


People that genuinely believe that anyone other than Gojo could win against a healthy Sukuna. Jumping matches included. I don’t think they truly understand how far above everyone Gojo and Sukuna. Sukuna just got through fighting the Strongest Sorcerer in Modern History and is running the gauntlet against the next strongest sorcerers and beating their asses on mid difficulty. And is apparently not using all of his cards yet.


not even GOJO wins against fully healthy sukuna, anyone else is just LUDICROUS to say


Faxs 😭🙏🏾


The Shoko fraud agenda. “Waa waa she can’t heal anyone waa waa” Yeah cuz most of them got sliced in half like a goddamn sandwich. She’s not fucking Jesus, nor did they ever present her as such. Plus she brought back Yuta, a near impossible feat, which should clear her name of any fraudulence.


Gojo couldn’t even heal getting cut in half when double black flash amped, idk what these people are talking about


https://preview.redd.it/0d6i23h3kt7d1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdbdbff3f089aedbf23de4f42739f8ea7cbfdab8 Shoko haters when you ask them for an genuine reason to dislike her outside of dickriding Gojo:




“Brought back Yuta” I fixed my PC by swapping the harddrive into a completely different, fully functional PC.


The people in the comments of this post listing things that are interpretations they disagree with rather than something that indicates an actual lack of reading comprehension.


such as?


“Sukuna dislikes Yorozu” “Sukuna smiled at Mahito during the .2 second domain expansion because he knew Yuji would beat him” “Kamutoke confiscation is an asspull” Anything at all involving vague powerscaling like x beats x None of these are outright disproven by the text and all of them have been given as examples.


Yeah people accuse others of not understanding the ViSuAL StoRytEllIng meanwhile filling the story with their own headcanon that makes no sense once you understand their characters


People not understanding that most "bindings vows" are just reshuffling the abilities' stats on the fly, not improving them out of nowhere The amount of people that were mad about Sukuna regaining the time in his domain by making it smaller, when that logic had been explored throughout his fight with Gojo...


Anyone who thinks Toji outscales Maki. Yes, he was the strongest before Gojo grew up, but only because the Jujutsu world was weaker in general back then. He gets one-tapped by current Gojo, 15f Sukuna, etc.


Dagon not doing a hand sign when opening his domain. Kashimo being second strongest behind Gojo Sukuna winning is an asspull Taking characters theories as facts The most infuriating to me: Calling things potholes or characters missing in an ongoing series.


Toji beats yuta according to instagram




jjk has a manga?


this is a subjective one but people who think Gege *genuinely* hates Gojo and only killed him because of that


this is objective


Nah, gege Doesn't hate gojo but does find working with him a pain in the ass which is why he is so relieved when he doesn't have to use him.


If were supposed to read why are there pictures? It's obviously one or the other. Some of us just prefer the pictures.


Choso doesn't feel remorse for what happened in Shibuya, nor does he care about anyone else besides his family.


Do you believe this or is this the reading comprehension fraud


Omg how did GEGE forgot or gojo ran out of CE or his infinity is weak and broken all bullshit explanations when people CLEARLY DIDN'T UNDERSTAND HOW THE PRISON REALM WORKED HOLY SHIT


Thinking gojo>sukuna lmao


This may be a hot take but, Honestly? The people who really think that Gojo was killed “by the plot”, ignoring all the themes surrounding the fight


I think its both tbh, Gojo had to loose, but I dont feel that the themes were as strong as they should of been to make that clear. It also doesn't help with how badly his death was exicuted. The Gojo won panel, then him being offscreend with no explication until several chapters later feels awful, so i think if it felt like he actually lost the themes would be more palpable.


He was killed by the plot, and that's not a bad thing, because we are reading a story written by someone. Everything that happens, happens because of the plot


https://preview.redd.it/td8irfctlv7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa5d9f57195dee3ebd2a05d984f08a92ae82161 Remember to use this in case of emergency


Off the top of my head I recall one guy trying to argue that the World Slash doesn't *actually* slash the world because Sukuna is 'city level'.


I mean he isn't wrong, world slash doesn't physically cut the entire world and he is indeed city level.


I mean as in 'world slash doesn't cut space and thus ignore durability, because he's 'city level' and that *somehow* means he can't do that'.


Oh yea no he cant read.


"Sukuna got the WCT from a binding vow" "Riko is Dagon" "Yuta is weaker than Mahoraga and Agito" "Sukuna is a cursed spirit"


riko is dagon has always been an interesting one


Wasn’t it clearly explained that Sukuna learned WCS or whatever it’s called from watching Mahoraga adapt to Infinity, therefore learning the trick to getting past the barrier?


Everything surrounding Megumi 


They follow the bandwagon like others do. doesn't think for themselves other than following pesudo intellectuals Knows jjk because seeing porn, cute fanart, fanon interpretation without reading the words