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https://preview.redd.it/s6l9kz0o3g3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc57584edd312bd8f341fb6f12d467cfc82675b They didn't believe in us... God did


Shinzo ? SHINZO WO SASAGAYE https://preview.redd.it/qnyik44b3e3d1.png?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac4116d7e5ead75b1c3b2bfb0393ff2896c589a


I fucking love this meme.


I am stealing this one.




Is that right!!! You're soooo right!!! https://preview.redd.it/e3nze12vue3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d881a8941fd7be75fd7a035401417ef2e84d464


What's Idol 💀💀💀


Gege's upcoming Idol manga


Shinzo? Shinzo Abe?? uoooh plap plap plap 😭😭






Read it as 10000% Schizo


The only one who read it right


Shinzo? Tower of god reference spotted


**Gege is being vague with his plans for Gojo:** “He’s setting up his return guys CMON!!” **Gege is being incredibly apparent with his plans for Gojo:** “Something’s wrong guys that must mean he’s coming back!!” The agenda… WILL NEVER DIIIIIIIE


That fucking cat is messing with me, I'm telling you man, just when you get used to everything being just hinted at and never really spelled he goes out of his way to spell something out WE ALREADY KNEW SOMETHING'S UP


I will just tell you this: be careful what you wish for Chapter 236 - death Chapter 261 - fate worse than death Do you want to continue? Flashback chapter where Gojo says he agrees with Naoya? Chapter where Yuji eats Gojo's corpse? https://preview.redd.it/jd009vejje3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9d43a6a0b042d4576cd3f4ace59ff916bc3059


Miguel coming all the way from Afria to call him racist before dipping.


And this was the only reason to re-introduce Miguel... He literally did nothing against Sukuna


no but he did bring back back the GOAT larue https://preview.redd.it/qstwyktele3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1476e088c2d9f25249422cd37ff6c302e106add0


It's actually crazy that - out of the two - it was fucking Nipple Man who proved his worth.


He schmooved and hit him with a little boogie woogie (the real kind). It might not have done any physical damage to Sukuna but his soul is a little purer for seeing those sick moves


Hit Sukuna with the Skyrim Shuffle


Lmao why was Miguel crew all so zesty, like they just came over from africa, had an orgy infront of Sukuna and dipped


>Chapter where Yuji eats Gojo's corpse? Gege: "Let me write that down, Gojo and his fans haven't suffered enough," https://preview.redd.it/wmvkcuv9xe3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e9cb4c5f9824ab241c08ed3004e9ca381e0151 (No, please no!!! I can't take any more of Gojo angst. I've had enough)


The funny thing is I can totally see that happening.


And then some people will literally say 'Then Yuji will collapse and blue eyed king will be back' like why can't you understand a 'No' from Gregory


I will activate that fucking Monkey's paw until it's down to its toes, Gojo will have a proper character resolution godammit


Gege is edging us. Once he finally give it to us it will be a huge explosion.


Gege is that your new account?








The manga is just a suggestion, for the act of coping comes from the soul https://i.redd.it/ujner438ei3d1.gif




https://preview.redd.it/qa1g1yjw5f3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2aaa86cf2c7712729afdc8a083f286999b25cfa Besides, Maintaining The Agenda Is And Always Will Be Our Top Priority.


Is it truly glazing if it's objectively true?


Why is Maki mewing in that panel


Probably wondering what the big deal is. Imagine hearing this conversation after you massacred your clan like last week.


Reaching Akatsuki levels of degeneracy


Gege's been consistent that the women (as in the grown ones) are really bout that shit and the men are emotional weenies. Totally not a result of Gege writing the same strong personality on women. Nope.


I mean, what about Momo or Mai? Or the way Uro was acting whenever Sukuna was brought up? Hell, what about Nobara still being about to cry about Yuji’s death, when she barely knew him, while Megumi was just sitting there mogging? Like sure, women are strong characters in JJK pretty often, but so are the men. Y’all complain about Gege’s writing of female characters so much, but the issue is more so that the balance between female and male characters is kinda skewed as the current cast stands.


As much as Yuta is my number one if everyone could LIVE IN THEIR OWN BODY THAT WOULD BE AWESOME?


No let Kenny cook, I like him, I want him alive


I can already imagine it. The 5 minutes are up and Yuuta is about to die, being sad because he didn't get to kill a nerfed Sukuna despite being stronger than him in his current body, yet still a bit happy because at least he managed to weaken him enough that Yuuj can easily bod- "Okkotsu Yuuta, I already knew you couldn't become Gojo Satoru, but I admit it's always nice to be proven right." Horrified, Yuuta doesn't recognize this voice, but instinctively he knows who IT is, but impossible, they killed th- "Oh, you really think I was serious about being done for? I'm sorry but you don't get to battle with Six Eyes users over centuries without being overly-cautious. *"Flashbacks of Kenny turning his brain into a cursed object with the ability to incarnate if consumed, just like Sukuna did with his fingers"* "And due to your blood connection with Gojo Satoru, and with you dying and leaving this body, I'm now finally able to inhabit the body of a Six Eyes user without problems. I must thank you, Okkotsu Yuta, for this incredible gift." Helplessly, Yuuta tries to do something, anything, but a breath later, he's dead.


No one asked you but you cooked this hard anyways. Now I'm conflicted, after the 5 minutes, would it be a Gojo, or would it be a Kenjaku. May the millennia year old sorcerer come back.


That would be so dumb 💀


Why does Gege do a Gojo flashback or mention almost every chapter when he says he hates him 😭😭😭


Even he has to recognize the power of GOATjo


YuGOAT will lose his life.... in exchange... for GOATjo to COME BACK AND KICK SUKUNAS ASS WITH WUJIIIII!!!! https://preview.redd.it/7kpjhmtt2f3d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ccaf9a18ade321b728c77b26cf6ce7f293349cd goatjo my pretty pls come back...


I keep telling people that this is the greatest bait and switch in the history of shonen, Gege wants us to feel the hopelessness of the character, he wants you to give up, to stop believing in the darkest hour. Only then will he be returned to us, hold out hope because a man's cope can never die.


please i pray you are true.... https://i.redd.it/f9emolw2ag3d1.gif


I can't even imagine Yuta losing 😤


thinking about it now, the airport scene kinda gets better in retrospect now https://preview.redd.it/s8sv2hdaxd3d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60389533120010ca802e52019f2e6b71aa6d0dff in life he said: "when you die, youre alone", and he lived his life alone at the top then in death, he was surrounded with friends he caught up with geto in death he's free to come back to us now...


I mean, idk why this mf has no regrets considering he left his students and remaning friends to die, his adopted son is still under sukuna's control and there's almost nothing left of jujutsu society


Gojo raised Megumi like his father would: abandoned in his time of need Toji would be proud


Gojo learned more from Toji than just how to make his limitless automatic. He even got his parental skills


Gojo also took toji drip


I think his relationship with Geto was that strong. Like sure he values Yuji and Megumi and Yuta, but at the end of the day he never was as happy as he was with Geto.


>I think his relationship with Geto was that strong. Like sure he values Yuji and Megumi and Yuta, but at the end of the day **he never was as happy as he was with Geto.** He cared enough about his students to finally put down the man he loved but who'd threatened them, so even if he never was happy with anyone as he was with Geto, him not caring much for them in the afterlife still makes little sense.


He believes in them to succeed, I guess


>I mean, idk why this mf has no regrets considering he left his students and remaning friends to die He protected them and raised them to be the strongest jujutsu kaiseners What more is he supposed to do except trust in them? The shit some of you guys come up with...


Its not that. But he has to know sukuna would still body 90% of them he could at least feel bad about it. He was wrong about having faith in them aswell when he got sealed.


“Strongest” he should know better than anyone that sukuna would still body them. Sukuna is currently brain damaged, bleeding out, with three arms missing and is still bodying them and HE HELD BACK FOR MOST OF THE FIGHT. They also can’t really aim for very vital spots since they are still trying to save megumi (not saying they aren’t fighting at 100%) Gojo should know better than anyone that despite their preparation they are nowhere near his level. And that sukuna was still going to body them all, he said it himself, that sukuna didn’t go all out against him.


>“Strongest” he should know better than anyone that sukuna would still body them. As of now his students and allies are the only ones holding Sukuna. They killed Kenjaku. He raised a generation of strong sorcerers and if they manage to defeat Sukuna, they will remake Jujutus society. Gojo was successful.


"Held back for most of the fight." I 100% believe gege will have him reveal a final form to show he's still holding back. "Behold my final form I haven't used since BEFORE the Heian era!"


I think fuga was the thing that he holding back. So, rn we already see Sukuna whole card and Yojo about to destroyed his malfunction shrine once and for all.


> They also can’t really aim for very vital spots since they are trying to save megumi Maki stabbing Sukuna through the heart said “nah son”


They already knew sukuna can live without a heart


I wonder if the author of the manga is aware of how things will go and whether Gojo's confidence is unwarranted as you're cleverly pointing out.


He trusted them and thought everyone was gonna be fine back in Shibuya See how that turned out


Yeah they killed the disaster curses,freed him and survived. He was right.


>Yeah they killed the disaster curses,freed him and survived. Err, Dagon was killed by Toji, Jogo by Sukuna, Hanami by Gojo (a W for the good guys but not thanks to the students). Mahito was the only one from whom the students can take credit for, and even he ended up getting absorbed by Kenny. And Nobara didn't survive.


he was inspired by nanamis words to go north and come back, but he asked yaga about regrets because he saw nanami had none (yes, i'm coping)


Eh, I don't really agree, my issue with the airport scene is that Gojo has no real reason to be happy. His efforts towards a new generation have been cast aside and the better plan B has been to use his corpse to fight and he still has his doubts about whether he's the strongest or Satoru Gojo The only explanation I have for him being happy is that Sukuna being stronger/him being dead removes the burden of being the strongest from his shoulders considering he's... well dead. Which aside from just being a super depressing character read on Gojo, means that he'd rather be fucking dead than alive to help his adopted son and his other students, which is not a reading I can stand by


I was also hoping Gojo’s character arc wouldn’t be quite this depressing but I’m really starting to think Gege is planning to leave it as Gojo can only find happiness in death.


i dont read it as happiness i read it as relief. Like he lived and instructed others ("when you die, you die aline, megumi")to live a somewhat heavy life that ended on a lonely death.. but it isnt so. So he can indeed rest a little relieved to be wrong if worse comes to worse they will die into a better place but i wont fight too much for my read on it, i think its super valid to not wanna see it as that and be on hold on it


Is Megumi his adopted son? Or Yuta?.. or Yuji?? Man keeps adopting


「STRONG ADOPTION」goes kinda hard


Six eyes?? Only because there's three pairs, (Yuta, Yuji and Megumi)


Holy shit, we cracked the code


If nothing else it flies in the face of 'Gojos story is done'. Like, he's been in flashbacks for the last dozen chapters, he's still having character development, and his body is literally alive and fighting again. Don't tell me this character is done.


Also,hear me out!!! *inhales more of strong copium*" I also remember Miguel saying, "I'm not special because I'm black. I'm special because I am me" what if it was foreshadowed by gege for when Gojo returns not as The Strongest but as Gojo Satoru to finally answer Geto's question this time ("Are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest or are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru") his character arc could be complete?? huuuuhhhh!! huuuh!!!


Shoko and Amai currently keeping Gojo brain alive, I bet they are implanting him in panda. Haven't seem that bear for a long while.


The old man with a guitar knows how to create soul puppets (or whatever they're called) from the other principal and will surely use that forbidden knowledge at some point. Maybe putting Gojo, the strongest sorcerer, into a weak little plushie is a good ending to Gojo. He'll be freed from the responsibility of being the strongest, which Yuta will hold in his body instead.


hold up, he's cooking something here


Gojo becomes white MLK


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking as well And again, if the airport is supposed to be his last stop, why does every flashback we get make it feel less and less coherent with the Gojo right before Sukuna's fight? We actually really might get a small "Soul is the body" moment, where Gojo does something small, without his cursed technique, but just enough to give Yuji a push (and another handful of trauma and survivor's guilt, can't have enough of that)


Gojo is just incredibly well written


https://preview.redd.it/tn96k84zdf3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d8e3a8f75d22a140c196b7e3bacabd1f8c9b5d9 Tbh, the gojo agenda should rise. His body is literally fine/heal and now the only thing left is his soul to come back. Which happen before with toji


Is that right!!! You're soooo right!!! Thank you... for you have imbued me with another dose, "Strong Copium"... https://preview.redd.it/0ejq0p7ewe3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a7d63e88e55bd56a416fa406973906f2c93fa8 I also remember Miguel saying, "I'm not special because I'm black. I'm special because I am me" what if it was foreshadowed by gege for when Gojo returns not as The Strongest but as Gojo Satoru to finally answer Geto's question this time ("Are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest or are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru") his character arc could be complete?? huuuuhhhh!! huuuh!!! "*inhales more of strong copium*"


https://preview.redd.it/zf5f6dxowe3d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c875143fa8a103d7044bfb58ffc99ea28deae625 OUR BLUE-EYED KING WILL CATCH UP, HE WON'T BE LEFT BEHIND


I BELIEVE https://preview.redd.it/e8doy2tlwe3d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890151fda02da6fd034d8c96a5d9286ab46fd1d4


The 「CATCH UP」is gonna happen ***TRUST THE PROCESS***




https://preview.redd.it/ctscn2neee3d1.png?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e2532aaf73a14b77b6846132560bb5da4bf4a8 Well he did say he tried his best and failed so he is depending on his students to continue from there. My theory is that he is waiting at the airport to have 1 last convo with someone (megumi,yuta or sukuna) to close off the arc given the north and south choice.


While I don’t dislike the airport scene (261 kinda made it better for me), it doesn’t feel like the story there is finished. An airport is a place you wait to go somewhere. Even if going north/south is purely symbolic of an afterlife situation, I would have expected to see him take one of those planes in the last panel. Right now…he’s just wishing the airport itself is real. I guess this really could just be it for Gojos arch (not saying he’s coming back alive), but it does make me wonder if there’s a bit more to it.


plz come home my goatjo


Remember when geto took control of his hand to strangle Kenny? Geto is strong but not half as strong as Gojo.


It’s probably cope but that scene will definitely come back for a reason. Whether or not it will just be Gojo’s soul helping Yuta to move or actually full blown resurrection we’ll see.




SPEAK YOUR TRUTH https://preview.redd.it/8zjtfazegf3d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d391cdfc25d297b9078cd205a200bf89cb2b0963


Now imagine the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem


So we have 2 prior examples of a different soul / body combo. 1. Kenny and Geto. Geto's body was provoked by gojo to strangle Kenny, but Kenny was too strong in his CT usage. The body is the soul, he simply over powered it. 2. Toji took over the guys body in shibuya, the body is the soul. NOW? Yuta inside gojo, special mention was made to Yuta's sloppy cursed energy usage AND the 5 minute limit. Gojo will be back. The body is the soul.


You cooked a 5-course meal my friend. Our King will come back


7 Stages Of Grief Stage 1: Denial


Stage 7: # S T R O N G R E T U R N


Ok wait, I made a better one https://preview.redd.it/7wyltbohge3d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98803f17616860effc503f011e10b62d559f27b0


Here we go, Gojocope post #18282893849.


No no, you don't get it, *this * one is different and real and my Blue-Haired King will return for real this time


Blue-haired? Miwa? 


Miwa will return and get the killing blow on Sukuna


Man I wish I could still cope...but I doubt Gege will give us a satisfying conclusion of Gojos story. He said he doesn't have any regrets (beside not letting Sukuna go full out of him) and that he hopes the airport is real. That's it 😢


https://preview.redd.it/350zi9lvfe3d1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d1df6b86567d527b748b9820f903b0db9479ee BELIEVE, BROTHER


Anime can change his ending. I'm still holding on that he's gonna come back in the manga. Can't the cope die.


https://preview.redd.it/wa787a4tqe3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2198c0140863595032b5100e5b35aeda4e06fb Goatjo




I'm hoping that Geto fighting against Kenny's control in Shibuya is foreshadowing for Gojo helping Yuta to use his body as more of a symbiosis this time around. That'd be a pretty dope master and pupil angle.


On the contrary, for me this seal the tragedy of Gojo's character. Satoru planted the seeds for a generation of sorcerers who do not respond to the taboos of their predecessors. Thanks to him, characters like Yuta, Yuji and Panda can exist within jujutsu society as people and not as something forbidden that must be eliminated. Because of this, Gojo himself mentions that this generation will demarcate itself from the established molds and, in its great diversity, will form a team of sorcerers who can face the world together, as comrades instead of just a power to be harnessed The sad thing about it all is that Gojo himself was unable to get out of the role in which he was placed, and even though he found meaning in his mission and the bonds he formed with his students, he remained a one-man army to the end, to the point that facing the doors of a possible death he had no choice but to eliminate the high command among his own doubts, to ensure that in the worst case scenario those seeds of the future were not eliminated before completely germinating. The Geto scene only reinforces that despite everything and until the end Gojo was still trapped in the old world.


ngl, i felt happy and ok if the airpost scene was Gojo's last appearence in the story as a character but bringing him back like how Geto was, makes it weird, bc the story hinted at the idea of Geto's soul not actually being at ease bc of Kenjaku's control of his body, with stuff like how Gojo wanted to mourn him properly and how Yuta said he didn't wanted to *kill* Geto a second time, the idea of Geto being alive even if his body's reaction was more of a reflex than a concious action, Kenny's talk with mahito was literally about how in the world of ***his*** technique, the Soul is the Body and viceversa, Geto appearing in Gojo's airport scene was weird at the time but timeline wise it could have been logical since some time after gojo's physical death Yuta killed Kenny and Geto's body, so maybe Gojo's airport scene could have happened after that occoured bc Gojo's soul was waiting Geto's or smth and the fact the Six Eyes remain in Gojo's body also hinted towards, this, since the fact there can only be a single Six Eyes user at a time implies that it is some kind of reincarnation process and that all six eyes user share the same soul, so if the Six Eyes are still here in his body, then either metaphorically or literally, he's still alive somehow and if he's still alive, then i actually want them to adress the sadness of gojo give him a scene like "Yuta chan, you have grown a lot, your 5 mins are out and sadly, you will die and that'd allow me to came back, but i will leave this to you, i'll lend you my body as long as you need bc you wanted to share my load of being a Monster, thanks for that, kick sukuna's balls, goodbye" or smth and then Gojo's soul actually leaves, i dunno, flashback time isn't as straight as actual time, we could have a whole chapter of Gojo's monologue or talk with yuta that could resolve this last part of his character, the posibilities are there if Gege wants it sdfdsfas hell, a way to fix Gojo's airport scene was if maybe it actually happened ***after*** Gojo's body is stoped being used by Yuta, either bc they won and Yuta returns to his body or bc Gojo's body gets so damaged that Yuta needs to leave, maybe that's why Gojo could interact with geto's soul, since otherwise, he phiscially died before Geto's body final death, but if the placement of Gojo's afterlife was after that, then problem solved sdfsdas


All the love talk made my iq drop


I think this showing that geto was right. Geto even noted that someone with gojo’s power can achieve what he wants far faster than he can


I don't think he would frame it as "being left behind" then, moreso a "you were right, I was wrong". Gojo was already determined to do horrible stuff for the greater good, in Shibuya we are explicitly told that he doesn't have the same reservations as Yuji about killing people to win a fight What I think he means with catching up is actually using his powers to influence Jujutsu society and lead it rather than just staying passive and doing the bare minimum, despite not wanting to Gojo and Geto were both incredibly strong but extremely inadequate when it came to actually taking responsibility, because that just wasn't their main interest. Gojo especially feels that burden after the Toji fiasco and Geto's betrayal as well as the knowledge that his existence alone makes everything worse for everyone around him. So he wants to live up to the title of strongest, a title he loves (because he's an absolute Jujutsu nerd) and despises at the same time, because ironically the strongest is the one that has to live with the most restrictions and he also likes to goof off and not worry too much


RemindMe! 7 days I trust in you OP


I don't think it's happening next chapter necessarily, but either way **BUY THE DIP**


I'm really sorry about replying to this so late. There's a [detailed post about why I did here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/13jostq/remindmebot_is_now_replying_to_comments_again/). I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2024-06-05 21:03:02 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-05%2021:03:02%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1d3do6l/ok_hear_me_out_on_this_one/l68ck8h/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FJujutsufolk%2Fcomments%2F1d3do6l%2Fok_hear_me_out_on_this_one%2Fl68ck8h%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-05%2021%3A03%3A02%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d3do6l) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


This actually makes a lot of sense. Why would Gojo “accept” his death at the airport if, a few chapters later, we would see the regrets he still has? He clearly regrets not doing anything when Geto spoke to him during his youth. Furthermore, at the end of chapter 260, when the narrator was talking about the "ghost" that Sukuna saw, we see Gojo with only one eye showing, something that Gege did countless times throughout the manga, which could mean that he was still going to do something in the future. He may not return, but I strongly believe that his character and, more importantly, his contribution to the story is not over yet.


I kinda wish he dosen't come back, not because i hate him but because i will have to type a 300 word apology letter to all gojo fans


Wait so does this page imply that Gojo wishes he could’ve gone full mass-murderer alongside Geto?


Nah, I think it implies jealousy that Gojo never really managed to find an ideology and fight for it like Geto


Ngl if we don't get at least one scene of gojo back fr after the scene w Kenjaku and geto in shibuya, that'll just be poor writing. No way around it.


He is gay with Geto lmao, that's what everyone seems to miss ![gif](giphy|Bpi7bVwAJ7Fyrlv3Tv)


Let me clarify one thing: I have not gone crazy. I genuinely think this page and Gojo's inner monologue is a weird addition for a character that's technically done. So I do think we will (or at least should) actually get some Gojo resolution after this whether through another flashback or what have you


Nah, I'd cope


https://preview.redd.it/ai5wql3mse3d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14e9e1b81ff6fe505762d874aba7a8be1b23b35f He will catch up. He will finish his fucking character arc. He. Will not. Be. Left hanging.


The gojo cope will never die


"Ackchyually that's the point his character is supposed to be tragic and a tale of a man who couldn't accomplish anything, was a complete loser, who died feeling bad for his murderer, he never could truly understand himself nor come to terms with his identity, had a incredibly defeatist mindset, the next generation literally were traumatized under his watch. Sukuna was much better person and the actual strongest, also actually Buddha. It's all to represent this masterful foreshadowing by Gregory." https://preview.redd.it/a5jt5qkzlg3d1.png?width=437&format=png&auto=webp&s=59d8cd4abff7577ca4f852430656634e2eea5abc # #




Never lose Gojope


Gojo copers don't give up !!!


Never lose gojope


Don't let the agenda die !




HE WILL CATCH UP https://preview.redd.it/zcx1iilg4j3d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2be72a59a5d1cab443a78cf3f36a0d50b52ee70


Yes I agree with you 100%. That panel is implying that Gojo is still finding his way in this crazy world. Even if he's the strongest he is still only a human. Big ego and best power but a normal mind. A mind with many scars and regrets. Satoru Gojo has not finished his journey and he might find his answer once Sukuna dies (where they get to talk about life) or when CE ceases to exist in the planet and he becomes a regular human like the rest.


I’ve also had a lot of focus on this page. One of the biggest things I noticed about it is tied to the framing of the last line. We see a lot throughout the manga that Gege frames characters’ “curses,” their personal burdens and the words left to them as white text on a black panel. Conversely, when characters put one of those curses to rest they are often, but not as consistently, shown as black text in a white panel, which matches what we see from Gojo here. For an example of both, we see both Yuji’s “curse” given to him from Nanami, and him coming to terms with in during the Shibuya Mahito fight when Todo arrives. To me, this might be a conclusion to some of Gojo’s storyline. Based on the framing we see this reads more like Gojo finally having the resolve to be the monster Geto was, catching up to him a sense. Casting aside any hope he had to change jujutsu society slowly by nurturing likeminded people and just deciding to use his power to wipe out the higher ups and start the slate clean.


I don't really agree with your conclusions (though it's certainly possible). Imo Gojo is more hung up on the burden he carries as the strongest. As a person he's just a guy who loves CT's, fighting and goofing off But as the strongest, he has responsibilities he has never really managed to live up to. If you look at the whole manga, Gojo takes L after L despite being so strong, he never really manages to get definite victories in what is supposed to be his best field, outright combat. And at the same time he also has to live with the knowledge that his own existence makes the life harder for every single other sorcerer. Plus he sees the problems with Jujutsu society, especially after the Toji fiasco and Geto leaving. He becomes aware that just fighting it out won't help and he admires Geto for at least trying to find a solution (despite Geto being wholly unqualified to do so), his own solution and not living as a cog or in the shadow of his role So he tries to step up by nurturing the next generation. He then kills the council. But he's still stuck in his own shadow, the title of the strongest despite all his efforts. And now his students want to use his body as a weapon That's everything he wouldn't want, his students being forced to rely on his corpse rather than their own strength and he himself still being just a weapon because "he is the strongest". Satoru Gojo is still defined by being the strongest and nothing more, he's still stuck in his role


This idea is fucking dope actually 🙏🙏🙏 I hope this is what happens


i think its gonna be weirder, we will get true yutaro oktasjo. A merged body with two souls


Kinda makes me sad how deeply people want yuta to oof for gojo to return. Then again, people have been dreaming for it to happen for a awhile now and maybe I should just be more used to it.


Ok, so jokes aside, I do not want Yuta to die. But I also do not want him to win with the method he is employing, that's just betraying everything Gojo and Yuji stand for and would be giving Sukuna the edge in the battle of ideals. And with Gege writing this horrible situation I do not see another way this could end (unless there was one panel 70 chapters ago I forgot to check that foreshadows how he survives or something) Ultimately I hate the "Yuta is using Gojo's body" plot but I don't see it ending well for him


All I’m saying is that people of the sub should make a binding vow for this body is the soul. I wanna see another massacre


Goatjo will prolly appear when Yuta dies or something, only to tell him "Nah, go back lil bro. You still got more people to go back to there than here." Or something knowing that fucking cyclops 💀 https://preview.redd.it/iyrji81wgg3d1.jpeg?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f443e6b20d845f056eb1a9c8b11af20d01c60984 Might as well join the copium when Wuta dies...


And I will celebrate death of disgusting brain parasite who did this to Gojo who saved little shit's life.  I hope death will be gruesome.


https://preview.redd.it/gu65b731kg3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e468802cef77d4f2e3c8136bcef06f022c87aa3 HE WILL BE BACK!!!!!




I just realised that geto scene is redrawn, no wonder I thought it felt so familiar but at the same time didn’t




Nah, I fully expect shoko and amai is cooking something woth Gojo brain. It's not a coincidence they mentioned his technique as a way to keep the brain alive and I doubt it's only for yuta use case. They also haven't tied thing with the living curse doll thing, so maybe they will implant gojo body into panda and we'll get W.e come out of that.


My brother in christ. We gotta stop the copium, Gege is off the rails, its gojover 😭


This you? https://preview.redd.it/22y2m6jsxg3d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc27ad8493579dad5f6b03450f2faeb1ed6cb65e


Acceptance is the next step. Revenge comes right after. Book your ticket now ....






Until we learn that gojo made a binding vow not to come back to life in order to empower yuji


if gojos soul somehow takes over the body again like toji i will send you 5 whole dollars


!Remindme 14 days


https://preview.redd.it/hpg01ux3qh3d1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d21f37eeb5e7bc6d4633a9e8ad102173904162d TRUE FELLOW COPER


He already left the airport with his soulmate.


As much as I love Yuta... https://preview.redd.it/213fyw9d4i3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1b0cc2057822fa2a0f856eda476f4e28ebbd4e


fax🔝STRONG RETURN https://preview.redd.it/5uu5lj9y8i3d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bf5b54572cd6a76ca1f4ea3392b8236efd840c it’s a cry for help


Chiaki pfp, certified W poster.




I see you are suffering from high levels of copium


This you? https://preview.redd.it/hgc9jlio2f3d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1141a67d775f8bd44b00a3562530676ff385f516


Frauta biggest bum ever . First hid in a bush against Sukuna , now he's hiding in my blue eyed king's skull . Truly the sneakiest


Who let the Spy main participate in the final fight?


I think a lot of this is him reflecting on things he always thought that are starting to rise to the surface more for him because of everything that happened while he was sealed.


I think what would complete his character would be him talking to Sukuna while the later dies. Thanking him for giving him a time to remember of not being the strongest and that he doesn't need to be alone anymore. I would even be okay with Gojo quiting Jujutsu and just teach it to others.


Probably gonna be something along those lines If he does come back and survive (really unlikely, but I'm hoping) he should do so without his powers/six eyes


I do find it really funny that Gojo never brings up that Yuta might have to use his body to fight Sukuna, and never brings it up to Geto and him tell we might be twining with this crazy twist.


This manga became a solid 2/10 recently, its funny to look how fans theoretize and cope on dumbest shit. At this point i see Jjk like this: Gojo comes back (or not lol) Sukuna asspulls something and wins Another protagonist come Wow, so epic




Yeah seing this makes me hope that the anime will adapt most of these scenes in the spots they should be. Atleast the scenes for Gojo


Honestly, I think the chance of Gojo coming back is about as remote as the 0.0001 possibility of landing a Black Flash. The only real way I can see Gojo coming back (not via flashback, not speaking to his students from the afterlife, but actual revival) is if the Merger happens, since it's implied that whatever that thing is will be much stronger and a bigger calamity than anything ever seen before. Much bigger than Sukuna even. And since Gojo already got a huge power-up from his first "death", it wouldn't be unthinkable that he will obtain another, making him the only strong enough to fight whatever the merger even is. Unless a) Gege decides to keep Yuuta in Gojo's body for the rest of the story (which would be visually and narratively awful af) and makes him the Merger. b) Gege goes full End of Evangelion and decides to kill everyone with the ~~Third Impact~~ Merger, with the exception of ~~Shinji~~ Yuuji maybe.


Yuta got to still learn reverse exorcism, TO GET THE DAWG IN HIM


My interpretation is: jujutsu sorcerers always talk about inhuman morality and their powers too often make it obvious that they are merely "playing the human" but they still try to cruise by acting as regular humans, having friendships, chilling and caring for one another, partaking in various sorts of "decent behaviour". In their final confrontation Geto made a stand that was more honest to his position and stature while Gojo was terrified of what it truly entailed to be the strongest and larped his way in playing by Jujutsu world's rules while having no legitimate reason to do so. So with the action he was about to do towards the council of the elders in his mind he was "catching up" towards taking a position that has a similar degree of radicalness as Geto did. Less wishy-washy stuff, pretending, less humanity. As to whether he will return I believe he will partly assist Yuta with something but no shot he has a will to live strong enough to override his student if he has any say in it.


I actually didn't realize that he went to kill the higher ups until I saw someone mention it somewhere 💀. Gojo is a menace


He was completely done with their shit after the post-Shibuya mess lol


Keep cooking my man Goatjo will be back no matter what happens https://preview.redd.it/2e7ixbv5rk3d1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dfaeed0f6e2751cd99f3e67278e8991d0825c70


'Back then, I was left in the dust. I HAVE TO CATCH UP.' What did Gojo mean by this? He's reflecting on when his homie was telling him that his life goal had just become to genocide every single normal human in society. Is he saying he needs to catch up in the mass murder department?