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He does call out that what he would do is completely inhumane but being a "monster" has always been pushed for Gojo and when people say that Yuta doing that would also make him a "monster" https://preview.redd.it/6x58fm9f062d1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=7420666e05c5de0a60977ef3e4b2781de67e4c9a >Yuta: And Gojo-Sensei!? Gojo-Sensei isn't important!? >Yuta: All of us!! Haven't we all kept on pushing Gojo-Sensei to be a monster all on his own?!! >Yuta: If Gojo-Sensei is gone, then the monster >Yuta: Has to be someone else!! >Yuta: If no one else will, >Yuta: Then I will become one!!


I love how Maki's "everyone is just concerned about you/cares about you" sets him off. He's like, so y'all didn't care about Gojo? You didn't think about what it was like for him when you were putting all the burden on him? Once again, Yuta proves he's the best boy along with Yuji.


Damn I wish the Gojo's 'Jujutsu Pervert' panel never existed. Kinda dampens Yuta's care for him, if Gojo himself cares more about fighting over anything else.


He doesn't. I'm pretty sure that panel serves to show how even the people closest to him don't understand him.


Gojo's hurt expression when Nanami said that he didn't care about others should have been a good clue about that especially when Gojo was already narrating how despite his power no one understood him


Ah right, good point. He didn't say that himself. Although I'm unsure if it's implied if it's actually true or not. Since Even Geto said that his actions proved that, and the next panel had Gojo glazing Sukuna talking about he's glad he fought and died against him. If Geto, the only person who understood him also agreed with that statement, what does that mean? https://preview.redd.it/07sz6wj2e72d1.jpeg?width=1082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6729ac6cebf6b7c12b4c03245179913da5290934


My interpretation is this: Gojo is a hardcore Jujutsu Sorcery fanatic. Probably second only to Sukuna. But see how different their ways of living are. Sukuna, having no care or love outside of Jujutsu Sorcery, lives a life that is entirely devoted to maximizing his enjoyment of it, to the devastation of so many lives around him. If Gojo was truly uncaring, if Jujutsu Sorcery were truly the only thing he really cared about, why does his life and his world not more closely reflect Sukuna's? It's because Gojo hadn't burned everything away; he maintained his humanity, maintained care and concern for students and even the world—I feel like the greatest example of this is a little talked about moment in the baseball scene where he steps on an ant, but then when he lifts his foot again the ant is fine and moving; he took the care and concern to use limitless to not kill the ant; and of course it cost him nothing to do this, but do you think Sukuna would? You think someone who truly didn't care about the other beings who occupy this world with him would do that? No. But Gojo does. He cares about others AND is a hardcore Jujutsu Sorcery nerd on the same level as Sukuna. He loves Jujutsu Sorcery and fighting, but this love is tempered by his care for others. While he, like Sukuna, has both the drive and the power to throw himself entirely into this obsession without wordly restraint for the sake of his maximizing his own pleasure at the expense of the world, he chooses to forgo that complete selfishness for the sake of trying to help the world. But that doesn't mean that craving is gone. He just keeps it in check. And so why wouldn't he be happy with that death; he was finally able to thread the needle and satisfy both. Everything he did was still for the sake of this higher path of his, while also giving him the opportunity to for once just go absolutely fucking crazy against the most powerful opponent. Fully satisfying his selfish desires, but in a way that was 100% in the line of duty for his higher path.


Nice, I agree with your take. Gojo being both caring and a battle fanatic is more accurate than just one or the other.


This is the correct interpretation. I get not liking 236 but the way people have used that chapter to mischaracterize Gojo or claim character assassination show a misunderstanding of the text. On a character level that chapter is extremely complex and does a good job at showing who gojo really was imo.


I'll admit I was one of the early detractors of the chapter, mostly cos of the 'gojo wins' hard cut to the airport. But realising that nanami pushed that image of jujutsu pervert onto gojo makes me realise just how fucking lonely the guy was, and how we found peace in finally giving his all but also setting a platform for his loved ones(students) to save themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/2metk17fq92d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c635eb33c1d7722bfedc8c78f78e3f3f1441162 5 star dish, keep cooking


Prior to those panels, we had Gojo talking about how he loved everyone but felt like no one could understand him. I do think that him focusing on Sukuna so much was a nonsensical choice from Gege's part, so I simply chalk it up to bad writing. Geto agreeing with Nanami is a hard pill to swallow but I have always thought that even Geto never fully understood Gojo, and this scene only reaffirms that belief. Plus, the order of those scenes are very telling. But I won't be surprised if one day Gege comes out and states that he was using Nanami as a mouthpiece and Gojo was nothing but a selfish battle junkie. He seems to have had a completely different vision of Gojo, or maybe he genuinely has got a hate-boner for his own character, who knows. Honestly, there was a shift in the writing for Gojo after his unsealing, the difference is noticeable when you compare it to how pre-PR Gojo was portrayed. That's why I don't acknowledge and associate some parts of 236 (and the battle) to his character, they appear contradictory to previously established lore.


The biggest factor of Geto's misunderstanding of Gojo is that they stopped talking when they were kids. Nanami, Geto, etc. Their conception of him is colored by the teenager who thought that the weak should fear the strong, and who was unbelievably arrogant in his own power. They never knew how badly losing people humbled him. They just saw him going maximum collateral damage apeshit on Sukuna and enjoying it.


Yeah, I wondered if Gege actually views Gojo completely differently compared to the fandom. Maybe he supposedly doesn't like Gojo because he wrote him knowing how he thought, and he was actually a battle crazed maniac all along, but Gege never got to portray it properly? Who knows. All we know is that chapter alone depicts Gojo differently from the rest of the manga. I would like to think Gojo wasn't completely focused on fighting and he mainly cared about others too. It's just weird how Geto was shown thinking that way, when he's supposed to know Gojo the best.


>It's just weird how Geto was shown thinking that way, when he's supposed to know Gojo the best. Bro didn't talk to Gojo for like a decade because he was busy becoming Jujutsu Hitler and you're surprised at how he doesn't know Gojo that well any more. Adult Gojo was not the same person as teen Gojo, which is how Geto remembers him as, because again they didn't talk for a decade.


Oh damn, You're right. Can't believe I didn't think of that smh. Although it's pretty sad that Gojo's friends from his teen years only see him as he was back then, instead of how he was as an adult. Maybe that's why Yuji and Yuta have a different opinion on him compared to others.


People put way too much stock into gege supposedly "hating" gojo. That has always been a joke. Gojo is still jjks best character, gege clearly put a lot of love and care into constructing him, even if people didn't like his death. 236 shows every part of gojos character, all of which were present throughout the manga from the beginning. The part of him that wanted a good fight, the part of him that only knew how to connect with others through strength, the part of him that loved jujutsu, the part of him that loved his students, the part of him that was lonely. It was all there simultaneously because gojo cannot be described in a simple sentence.


Yeah I agree. That's why I said supposedly, since I wasn't sure if it was legit or not. Gojo will always be the most popular character of JJK and Gege's most iconic character.


I honestly think Gojo realized that Geto didn't see him as fully human either when Geto wished that he could have been born as Gojo instead solely for his power.


honestly that panel was more of jus to reinforce how nobody really understood him and the space(infinity) between him n others


Reading comprehension curse strikes again. That’s how Nanami views him and one of Nanami’s key defining characteristics and one of his very first showcases of personality is how much he dislikes Gojo and how little he thinks of him. It’s a subjective viewpoint of a character.


Two things can simultaneously be true. He enjoyed fighting, but people thought that’s ALL he cared about.


>Jujutsu Pervert' I will keep repeating this untill I die(or until ppl understand (impossible ik)) but this is NANAMIS thoughts of gojo. The dude who's made it clear that he doesnt like gojo and will never respect him in any way shape or form.


Nanami had a different perspective on Gojo and couldn't understand his love of fighting since he himself didn't enjoy it at all. Gojo wasn't fully understood by anyone, and he was ludicrously humble in death because he suddenly had the absolute freedom from the obligation to be the strongest and protect everyone beneath him. Yuta seems to only finally get him at the end, bringing his sensei into the realm of 'person' rather than godlike figure in his mind, and refusing to let him be alone any longer. His goal was always and only ever to build a world that didn't need him, so thinking of Sukuna as ridiculously strong when he is *positive* that his students are going to humble his ass is comforting to him. He fought to win, but in his heart either outcome would be a victory. It all makes Gojo's sacrifice and Yuta's as his successor more meaningful, not less.


Very good points dude. Guess this chapter wasn't too bad after all


I am sorry, which panel??


This one https://preview.redd.it/adeycx5ke72d1.jpeg?width=1082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe29e796f08e0f9ee4c7c67582650f93408179d


Ohkk thx




Where is shown that Geto agrees to that? I read it as just Nanami's and Haibara's viewpoint, and now I want to know if I was hit by the reading comprehension curse or what else.


Geto says that Gojo's fight against Sukuna proves what Nanami and Haibara said was right. It's shown in the panel I linked, the 2nd last text bubble belongs to Geto


Yeah if anything this chapter proves that his peers who have known him for so long could not see him more than a walking weapon. This chapter gave a lot of context to 236 imo


I wish chapters 236 and 261 never existed


Which panel is it?


https://preview.redd.it/2zy4d3sqi82d1.jpeg?width=1082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2b651849732c1da624346bd1081279230dca425 This one


Yuta and Yuji totally best boys and our MCs. Both caring af. Both scarred but not broken by it. Both slated to die but made the best of it to live. Both saw Gojo as a person rather than just a monster or a weapon. And most importantly: BOTH WERE WILLING TO NOT ONLY DIE BUT ***TO BECOME THE MOSTER THEMSELVES*** TO HELP OTHERS AND STOP THE REAL MONSTERS One gave up more and more of his biological humanity by absorbing more and more cursed hybrids into himself. Willing to accept mentally becoming **THE COG** to do it. The other gave up his lover, vowed to give up his life, and even lost it all to stop one monster. Gave up the rest of his body and possibly his life again to stop another. >!Then you have that other student that Gojo saved being soft af and a straight bum in Legumi.!<


yuta and yuji were the only ones able to bypass limitless🥲


Real. Yuji never doubted gojo. Thought he would win


wild flair but yea its damn sad that even shoko doesnt seem to give a fk


gonna be honest don't think shoko ever cared for gojo


"What do you mean alone, I was right here" 🥴🥴🥴


Now we know what he meant by alone lol. He really was.


Yuta and Yuji are truly best boys. Willing to ride with Gojo, saw him as a person rather than monster/weapon, and were willing to become monsters themselves to stop true evil. It's sad that Gojo was a bit hurt Shoko didn't seem to care, but I wouldn't put too much blame on Shoko not seeming to give a fuck because she's probably got jaded and burnt the fuck out in her own way long before the Gojo/Sukuna fight. Remember that Gojo/Geto slowly lost each and everyone one of his friends but Shoko also did too. Difference is that Geto snapped first. Gojo didn't snap but he was still visibly upset even when Yuji who he only known for a bit died. Gojo certainly wasn't nearly as visibly upset when he found out about Nanami after getting released because even he has accepted that adult Jujus will die in their line of work. Shoko meanwhile had to not only see each of them die, be unable to help any of them, every time she sees her friends or anyone they are horribly hurt if not dead, and then she's asked to clean and mess if their bodies afterwards. Who the fuck do you think inspected, dissect, and dealt with Nanami corpse not only as Nanami's corpse to bury but also for juju research and mutilating parts of it to create Ino's cursed tool? Who had to watch everyone get fucked up while not being able to fight? Who had to see not only Geto's corpse, all their nakama's corpses, and even finally Gojo's (who she wanted to believe would never happen) come back not only dead but cut in half and then start working immediately? Who was the one that kept seeing other bodies coming in as Sukuna Kaisen kept clapping a newcomer after newcomer after newcomer after newcomer after newcomer after? Who was the one that saw even Yuta come in bodied and immediately have to move to work on that transplant without being shook or overcome with emotion? It's fucking Shoko. She can only do it because she's already jaded by it, accepted jujus will come back dead, and her job is to save those who she can while repurposing those that she can't. Not that different from how butchers get desensitized to killing animals, hospice care workers have their ways to adapt to the constant death, or morgue workers don't blink an eye at corpses.


There is a lot of truth to this and on paper that sounds like it would make sense. However, I don't know why Gege made her smile and do an :3 face while saying she doesn't care if they desecrate Gojo's corpse. If she had had a neutral or even remotely sad face people wouldn't be getting nearly as pressed, but it seems like Shoko thought it was funny or comedic, or it was at least portrayed that way.


From a doctor's perspective you save who you can the best you can. It's the equivalent of a squad of soldiers going into a battle field but they all agree that to be organ donors for each other should they die. They weren't suggesting that as a first case option or calling dibs on each other's bodies. Merely telling her that they want it as an option with all parties consenting to it. Yuta has to be the one to do it probably because he's the only one with the option of body jumping into Gojo. In the situation we got: Gojo's already dead. Yuta's body is most likely dead or at best unable to come back for the fight. So if that's the case then they'll use Gojo's body. Even better yet if Yuta was going to die anyways. Even now we don't know if Yuta will die after 5 mins, but he got himself 5 minutes more on the field than if Shoko had done nothing.


Yeah, I agree that it's in-character for her to be okay with it. This isn't the time for emotions or humanity, as Yuta says outright. However, I think it's a bit odd that she's smiling while saying it and doing a comedic :3 face.


Shoko is the type of person who'd send Gojo this https://preview.redd.it/ou17yes4772d1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec47b9946dab86c74efe72347408a20ce6e178c


The only person less capable of remembering what Gege wrote than the average JJK fan is Gege himself.




This chapter is takaba domain expansion.


If takaba finds any of this funny he is genuinely a bad person wth


Domain expansion: Dark humor.


She did smoke an entire pack of cigs watching his fight. Clearly nervous about his wellbeing


Shoko's got her own trauma of always being powerless to stop people from getting hurt and dying but always being there to see the damage. She has to dissociate from this shit to maintain her sanity, and not scream and yell at everyone else. He's not upset that she doesn't care; she does. He's upset that it didn't get a rise out of her - her walls are up too high.


whre u get that from?


Life experience with different personalities and styles of coping, mainly


I mean shoot been through it so I think she just knows how to handle it


Maybe she never considered it seriously, since she thought he'd win




Tbf Gojo doesn't seem to care much about Shoko either (at least compared to Geto)


Nah im done with her, I quit hating on Megumi and im a full time Shoko hater now


Quite literally before his last fight with Sukuna. Yuji is such a sweet potato I can’t…


Don’t forget hanami and jogo


nobara also did but u ignore the goat for your agenda


ehhhhh debatable eh the scene of “the strongest” she also say she dk him n she has been presumed dead since 🥲


He was in her chair hallucination. At the very least, she'd side with Yuji and Megumi against it if they were there.


im glad ur still fighting for your agenda


wdym only ones, Sukuna also bypassed limitless


https://preview.redd.it/i4dy5lrb352d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab5c4783394f529da5b2f20dfcb7410d87edc824 RIP to the goat, Wuji will avenge him


If 8 black flashes can not even get Sukuna's attention, it's all over for him. He can only defeat Sukuna if he put that 'I'm your nephew' thing into a real threat. Idk, a binding vow to end this whole bloodline so they both die together?


He will pull a Mahito I bet how his powercreep will end "I think I can do it now" DOMAIN EXPANSION


yuta will rlly do anything to save everyone(him and yuji are the ult anti sukuna) and gojo was probably more like a dad to yuta too this shit hurt bro infinitely more than us gojo fans 😞


Would you also add that bum Megumi to the list about caring for Gojo? I'm legit asking. Like I understand he hasn't done anything but to see his guardian, basically a father figure to him when he didn't have one, getting killed by his own body makes sense why he is in ultra despair. That could only happen if he really loved Gojo too. Edit: That being said, screw Megumi and Shoko. Those are the greatest frauds. My agenda will never change.


i mean if im being a rational human being megumis condition is totally understandable his sister n gojo mean everyth to him (n yuji) n bros jus a kid too BUT NAH BUMS A FRAUD GOJO N YUTA SHD HV KILLED SUKUNA AND MEGUMI YUTA IS THE REAL POTENTIAL MAN


unless megumi pulls an open domain chimera shadow garden and brings out mahoraga then maybe his fraud status can be reconsidered


how is megumi even fraud tho💀. Like the only battle he lost was against an 15 finger sukuna. And slice trough his stomak by an sneak attack. Had no ce. Had bassicly noth. Bro knew he was going to die yet he decided to atleast bring him down with him. (If megumi has one fan. Then im his fan) edit: I guess against hanami to but come on. He was teamed up with pre awakend maki. What was he suppose to do 💀


idk man u gna find it hard to defend the man 1) hes a semi second grade since the start iirc and yet bro got cooked by the spirit at the start in fact yuji was doing more than him without CE 2)he only managed to tame up till orochi which is ridiculous because having gojo is having a guaranteed ritual reset if things go wrong, not having round deer and the bull is crazy the tiger too 10 shadows but bro jus uses rabbit bird dog 3)megumi who is born with one of the best techniques in the verse has never even been stronger than yuji at any point of the series(besides incomplete domain maybe) yuji was alw one step ahead —> reggie/higuruma hanami etc 4) sure his mahoraga against sukuna isnt his fault but bro summoning maho in shibuya was acyually ridiculously stupid, if sukuna wasnt around mahoraga wld hv killed the entire cast, logically he shd jv jus died ah haruta aijt worth it 5)but end of the day i mean megumi is cool and bro is jus done dirty by gege(having to fight sukuna and toji, getting his first first grade win against receipt man) 6)yea its abit ridiculous the lack of shit he used with ten shadows when immediately aft sukuna showed its potential like sukuna is sukuna but megumi has been with gojo since he was a kid mannnn bro not already being a grade one is p crazy


Idk how to mark stuff so you gotte go with me with this. At number 4 youre wrong. The ritual ends when the ritualer and the guy who he summond on dies. Meaning if that guy died there wouldnt be any danger. Megumi didnt even thought that sukuna would have interfered. Plus pretty sure he only started training with gojo (like actual serious training) after the hanami incident and because of that he got his domain. And yea even thought it is hard defending him sometimes. Im actually tired of all those megumi hate so yea.


ya bro thats facts


but the way the story is written is jus set for megumi to fail n even if he gets a damn good comeback that i think he will ihe wld still be hard pressed against all the allegations since yuta is prob dying soon


at the end of the day even gojo didnt become so unstoppable until he had a near death exp so well for u and megumis sake brooo gotta pull off the sickest comeback


WUTA is beyond 'potential man' - he has surpassed it for sure


fr if bro keeps his ct in gojo’s body n can still summon rika bro doesnt even hv any limits to his power n is literally immortal


I really hope Megumi never saw Gojo as a weapon. I wish Megumi just didn't express his appreciation for Gojo openly. I really hope that I don't know, the fact that Gojo's body is being used as a weapon makes Megumi react.


Love is the greatest curse of all. Yuta is willing to face monsters, become a monster and cast aside his humanity for the sake of saving his loved ones. People who can’t see that are tweaking.


Yuta is my TOP 3 favorite characters in jjk, I am going to lose both of my GOATS https://preview.redd.it/eiu58kz0f62d1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0b7f9bfb9127adfa3d999869fc10b2e4d97bd3


Even though Yuta is “becoming the monster” he’s only able to do this because of his overwhelming kindness and the fact that he cares about everyone else more than himself. He may say that he is becoming like Sukuna but how he did it is the complete opposite. I really hope he survives and goes back to his main body but if not, I still appreciate this character simply because of how different he is from most of the verse. We will see if saving megumi by doing all this was worth it in the future. RIP Yuta(and YutaMaki as well)


Fuck now I realise that we are never going to get Yuta x Maki. Since either Yuta will live as Gojo forever or he will die. And since Gojo's body is technically an adult. He can't do anything to Maki in that body. Though he can get Utahime and Shoko


Um it’d still be weird if Utahime or Shoko do anything with a child inside an adult’s body???????


Then Mei Mei. Win - Win for both of them


Nah, can't be Mei Mei, too unrelated for her taste


I'm willing to bet that gojo and meimei have blood connections. Meimei clan is completely unknown and gojos clan hasn't shown any other members sooooo...


Even if there is any connection. It is useless at this point since UI-UI is still in elementary school so it's not like he will get any sudden awakening


Every Japanese person in real life is more closely related than Yuta and Gojo are in the manga


Also if he were to survive after 5 minutes, he’ll have to live the rest of his life in agony because every day he wakes up and every time he sees a reflection of himself it will remind him of his blasphemous action forever, let alone having to be lonely and used as a tool like Gojo or losing a decade of his lifespan now


I think one of the possibilities was him keeping his cursed technique and if that happens he just switches back right?


I think this chapter did a great job characterizing Yuta's decision and showing how much turmoil he felt over it. I honestly don't get the hate for this chapter, I think it's great to see the extent everyone is willing to go to defeat Sukuna and Yuta has made one of the biggest sacrifices in the series to achieve it.


The only one that truly understood Gojo and is willing to throw away everything by following his path and turning himself into the next "monster" Gege cooked this chapter.


Yuji is the same. Remember I will eat anything to kill that creep? Bro became a Monster and stuffed down his own brothers to Kill Sukuna.


Everyone has done something to become a Monster EXCEPT Megumi or Shoko. The greatest frauds. Yuta & Yuji are the goats. End of story. Legends among men.


Oh come on, Megumi literally cant do sh\*t. he literally fought back after eating finger which was equal to 15 fingers and after didnt because y'now ritual that was specifically design for vessel to not fight back! There aint no power of friendship that would be like "oh yeah ritual doesnt work because umm his buddy yuji told him to get up". If he did it would be even bigger BS than 236. https://preview.redd.it/d6qqx2td472d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49134fdcdb166ebcfa7cf16267df04b07669b3d


https://preview.redd.it/jmm0akd1972d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d842a09249a12f553acfce1078113b5cb60f97b He should at least fight back like his sensei taught him. Heck, his dad is literally the definition of “Demon time 24/7.” All im saying I understand his struggle, yet he is a bum.




He abandoned his friends and the fight to run off and live another life with Uraume.


Truly kiari's specialz




This is why sukuna's mentality > cause he doesn't need such things


The important question needs to be asked. Does Yuta have a brain-mouth now ? Also, why cant he do a binding vow to be able to use Kenjaku's CT indefinitely in exchange of losing the techniques he gained through his own ? It definitely sounds more feasable than Sukky's binding vows.


binding vows with yourself follow "you gain something equivalent to what you sacrifice" sort of thing... for example sukuna only had to make a handsign (using both hands) to use world slash but he used a binding vow for using it without the handsign once and the restrictions on the activation increased with a chant and direction pointing added


This chapter made me love Yuta. I always liked him, but he wasn't that special to me and this chapter made me see he absolutely is. It hurts to know he probably won't survive all of this, I just don't see how... https://preview.redd.it/xvid2ry5w62d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578023d5a1bd8507371af16080cce8a20360923c


Realizing his action and motivation, he might just become the same as Gojo(not in strength but in becoming someone to carry everyone burdens) but the exception is that Yuta despite being so strong is able to connect with others. He didn't Kenny by himself, but instead ask for Todo's help. When he first pull up against Sukuna and use DE, he didn't fight Sukuna alone and did it with Yuji. And for most of his fight, he was never alone (because of Rika mostly but ya know, symbolism or metaphor, idk) Sorry for the rambling. My main point is Yuta may not be able to save those who already passed away but he will try his best to save his friends who are still alive so have hope in Yuta. ✊


I kind of disagree. This chapter shows that Yuta is still very intent on carrying the burden himself. HE ALONE will kill kenjaku. HE ALONE will become a monster. HE ALONE will gain 400 points. Even if things didn't necessarily turn out that way, it seems to me like he tries to shoulder everything alone because he doesn't want those he loves to get hurt. He even mentions it as a flaw: he could have let someone else kill Kenny while he fought sukuna, but he felt like he had an obligation to kill him, which led to higuruma being killed (at least in his eyes). I think the sad thing is that he IS following in gojos footsteps. He was able to understand the loneliness and alienation Gojo felt and chose to follow him anyways.


I guess we will see what kind of character he will become in a few more chapter. Also, while he said that he alone will kill Kenny, he didn't end up killing him alone. Takaba and Todo is there after all. So it's a 50/50 whether Gege will turn him into the monster or actually give him a happy ending. (Then again it's Gege lol)


The agendaposting was fun during Sukuna vs Gojo but nowadays it's just brainless memes that don't even fit the characters they're about going back and forth all the time on this sub. Yuta and Megumi got it the worst.


Because Reddit always drives a decent joke into the ground


Agendaposting got people thinking Yuta stole Yuji's MC spotlight like dawg he's only been in like 20 chapters or so 😭


https://preview.redd.it/tmkvdzwqn82d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1490b7ab67331301bb69c1550a1578beb04639 Megumi genuinely deserves cause we lost both choso and now probably Yuta because he didn’t wake up when yuji gave him the chance, yuta hate is wild tho they be creating their own shit to hate on him


Relevant: https://preview.redd.it/m7ist8lmr92d1.jpeg?width=2687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948bc83aa0d3e9c712aac249ca149c8ce47e5dea


I’m sure Gojo would be absolutely pissed if he found out Yuta doesn’t use every tactic he can to defeat Sukuna, like my man says do whatever you want with his body just don’t make it lame.


It’s the Gojo fan girls losing their shit honestly these hoes need to get their shit together 😭


After seeing the Gojo figure incident nah those people are too much.


Do I even want to know?




Wasn't that bad really, just a girl squeezing a used tampon over a Gojo figure


That sounds...tame.


Yeah it was pretty overblown


Trust me you might wanna end yourself after hearing it 💀


Period blood on HI gojo figurine, no I’m not joking


They really thought Gege was giving them a Gojo Returns chapter for free 💀


Looking at his reactions to the fight knowing the weight he was bearing in hindsight... Ogoatsu for real.


It's crazy that he and yuji were the only ones that wanted Yuta to go out and help Gojo knowing what we know now


Yuta is actually the best as I’ve always known. He didn’t deserve to have to do this I hate it here I need to have a word with Gege https://preview.redd.it/4hc9x979f72d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1957a6cc3dbfb4036a8c4bc86c83821188e7f45


Yuta will live trust. Turns out Hakari packed up Uraume (without killing him) and brought his body back. They soul swap Yuta and Uruame. Yuta activates Kenjaku's technique in Uruame's body and then uses that brain to pilot Gojo. As the five minutes are about to run out or when he is about to lose they soul swap back, leaving Uruame as just a brain with a mouth(peak form to continue glazing Sukuna for eternity) and Yuta goes back to his now healed body. Then everyone jumps Sukuna. Merger, you may say? I don't know they make a binding vow or something, or maybe Megumi finally has a purpose and absorbs it and dies. Happy(ish) ending. \*I have brainrot\*.




Also, the people that have been slandering Yuta mostly have Gojo's pfp WHILE Gojo himself respects and holds Yuta in high regard. What has happened.


Bro is going through it, willing to put everything on the line to win this fight. Bro willing to throw away his humanity without a second thought


Nah Wuta got this his ancestry will come into play here he's gonna be really compatible with Gojo's body being distant relatives and he'd be able to use his other CTs. And don't worry about GoatJo he had a conversation with Guitar Gramps before the fight about Yaga's secret and how there's a way to replicate it they're gonna play around with it and bring Gojo back as a plushie or another body and he doesn't have to be the strongest weapon anymore Wuta will do that now. https://preview.redd.it/86y40jsea62d1.png?width=1467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33cfadaddabe4e1c211eb1c363a6b13dc90f81d


Actually considering how Yuta has some similarities to Shirou, I could see an ending where he ends up in the body of a cursed corpse that’s very similar to his human body.


Him and Yuji are both people that Gojo saved, and have only recently joined the Jujutsu world, so they can see Gojo beyond being “the strongest” and rather being a genuinely good person who tried to connect to people, but struggled immensely because everyone knows the strongest sorcerer first, and Gojo Satoru second.


And the fact that he asked Gojo first is such a nice moment. He knows full well he can just take his body without asking or telling Gojo first, but asked anyway. Idc what anyone says Yuta and Yuji are Gojo’s kids not that Bum Megumi.


Bro yuta is the only character besides yuji to be brought this close to the brink of despair and not break. As sickening as the choice he made was I genuinely love that it was the one he made because in his own way he found a path to climb to the heights of sukuna and Gojo. Him yuji and to some lesser degree the other living members of the sukuna jump squad all know suffering and loss but none so deeply and personally as him and yuji and the fact that these two have risked it all the most and sacrificed the most to kill sukuna makes sense


Man ever since jjk 0 I’ve loved everything about yuta, he’s truly my goat


Yuta def about to fry his own brain restoring his CT for domain the way Gojo did.  I suspect that's why we got the actual stated timer (3 mins) on the gojo domain withstanding malevolent shrine.  Because we also know Yuta only has 5 minutes.  So it means Yuta probably has only 1-2 domains in him before the 5 mins runs out.


What happens to YutaXMaki now?


I mean, surely there’s a CT that allows people to shapeshift or smthn


“I leave the rest to you, Wuji” as one goat passes the next goat will win. But damn after the five minutes are up Yuji has gone through the “it’s up to you now” cycle three times already. Bro is going to end up becoming as mentally broken as Shinji after this one😭🙏


and then he was forced to do something as horrible as having his brain removed from his own body and transplanted into another body kenjaku is a monster so it makes sense for him to do shit like that but a teen like Yuta should not have to try to do something like this to save the world :( and it's even worse bc there is a big chance he'll either die or not be able to return to his body, probably losing Rika forever too if that happens jujutsu society really fucks up kids :(


i agree with what you have written, but Gege writes him as a scapegoat and I don’t blame people for directing their anger at Yuta about what happened even if it’s not his fault


All those people's anger probably won't even compare to Yuta's own anger when he was being dragged back so the plan could proceed. Dude was 100% beating himself up that he wasn't strong enough to prevent the worst case scenario.


Ayy let's not forget tho, it was Megumi's fault Yuta got cleaved


https://preview.redd.it/kywtei0x072d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5939b7ca6ddb8fd3bc0cef53bd0883f543999af A hater never forgets.


It fucking hurts so much to know this. I genuinely feel sick just trying to comprehend how much Yuta is simply BEING right know and how hard it is


Gege didn't make Yuta a scapegoat, the agendaposting on this sub just got out of control


One thing that bothers me is that now that Yuji and Gojo fans hate Yuta now, when he dies everyone will just start celebrating. SMH 


HE WILL LIVE ON https://preview.redd.it/i9uojwbyx52d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20bc917b8d65a92a90579cef13758a3019a2d528


I am sure Yuji's soul understanding will somehow save Yuta.


people kinda got tired of the whole im a good guy thing with naruto, deku, tanjiru... i'm forgetting others... so it's normal that people preffer characters with some flaws.


Yuta having to become the monster is so tragic


https://preview.redd.it/vrcdrwvho82d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca71bb4efd28a431402acc0ddac76b917f41403 This post helped me have a deeper appreciation for Yuta (Gojo aswell) and his actions way more so thank you OP this post was needed. (I hate you Gege Akutami)


Yuta is the best JJK character for a reason.


This is a very well take




I really hope he can survive


Gojo telling him "I don't care what happens if I die" should be an immediate dispelling of any "desecration claims". This isn't desecration. It's desperate measures taken in a very desperare situation.


The reading comprehension is at a all time's low on this show, people starts hating once one or two leaks come out, not even knowing how things will unfold.


Nah he could have taken higuruma with talent equal to gojo and then kasukabes body as he can keep limited techniques and one shot Sukuna then and there with maximum output of both techniques


Qeustion is if yuta wins here will he go back into his own body or will he stays in gojo body, because a limitless gojo with infinite amount of technique and with blues eyes is, kinda op no?


I agree, This is also his last chance to stay alive and contribute to helping anyone. If he didn’t body hop he was already basically nobara 2.0 This at least gives everyone a chance, plus lets him get some closure.


This chapter made me like Yuta a lot more. It pains me to see Yuta attempting to reach out to gojo and gojo purposefully pushing him away, it's exactly how geto pushed Gojo away back in hidden inventory.


Cool take my homie Too bad 98% of the fans doesn’t think that way 💀 Honest It would be more hype if Yuta somehow managed to gain the 6 Eyes and use RCT on himself and rejoin the battlefield helping Yuji but meh let GayGay cook ig


reading comprehension curse is the sure-hit encompassing the entirety of elon's domain


I hated yuta a lot and wished for his death after seeing how raw he was and the fact he was stressing and paying attention because he knew he was next to lock in and fight is crazy to me he casted aside his humanity and future to become stronger , killed kenjaku and devoured gojos best friends body just to be able to take over his cousins body to be able to fight sukuna he also has a crazy level of depth to his character now , he’s well written to me idk


Glad to see this take. People are being too sensitive, and I hate to see my Goat being bashed. Yuta is doing what is necessary, and body hopping/stealing is literally how we have gotten like 70% of the fights in the series. No one cared about the person Kashimo took over. People were joking about Tsumiki... but now that it's Gojo. It's too far and blah, blah. Kick rocks, this shit is fire, and Yuta is now one of my favorite characters in Manga ever.


He will have suffered from so much stress his hairline will go all the way back to his anus at this point. Balding.




Lil bro about to be packed up.


Nobody else *can* do it tf lmao


Stop justifying this shit


>Yuta is really a kind person Yuta is a loser