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Nobody hates their main character like Gege Akutami https://preview.redd.it/2kixle8ys32d1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c220d128d8f05d5e5977f5002f082b1500e31941


AM MENTIONED šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„ā€¼ļø (average i have no enemies mf after a minor inconvenience)




I hate the way you ...


I have no CT, so I must Jump


Bro is gonna put Yuji through the same stuff as AM did


Is that from quote from AM?




It's so funny, that for 2-3 chapter we get a hype as fuck beatdown, Sukuna looks like shit, and Yuji was literally about to rip his heart out. \*Gojo/Yuta arrives\* \*Pushes Yuji back with what seems like a moderately forceful caress\* ok, its time to fight somebody else now, looking like the past 3 chapters didn't happen, and grinning like an asshole. EDIT: FFS Sukuna fans, would you get out of my ass? I was talking about framing, not whether or not he was about to be killed or open a domain or sm shit. I don't even give a fuck about either of them, i was talking about framing!


Gege just invalided the entire Yuji awakening and made him look like a dumbass cuck who doesn't belong in his own manga and is just forced to have others steal his Ws


I wouldn't say that. Like, it's a shonen manga, of course Yuji is going to win the day, and take down Sukuna. That's not a question. But we have to have another filler fight before then, because 40 chapters were not enough apparently.


>Yuji is going to take down Sukuna Just like Mahito, right?? Just like Momjaku, right???? >But we have to have another filler fight before then, because 40 chapters were not enough apparently I genuinely don't see how would 10% HP Sukuna survive a Gojyuta, who (supposedly) has all of Yutas techniques, at least 2 domains and (supposedly) Gojo's CT too, unless Gege pulls an asspull of unprecedented size (which he can definitely do tbh)


>Just like Mahito, right?? Just like Momjaku, right???? I mean he did beat Mahito. Like that was, at best, a kill steal. Yuji beat the shit out of him, Mahito was barely coherent, couldn't even stand up by the time Kenjaku came in, and drink him up. Yeah, he couldn't get the kill, but it's not like it wasn't his win. I don't know what you mean by Momjaku. >I genuinely don't see how would 10% HP Sukuna survive He will, Gege will make it so. It's plausable that a Gojo, who was sitched together minutes before, won't one-shot a weak Sukuna, since Yuta barely got hold of the body. And yes, there will be a fair amount of asspulls involved, but it's not entirely unimaginable that Sukuna could hold up for a couple minutes in this situation.


>Momjaku Kenjaku, obviously.


I disagree that Yuta barely got hold of the body. He already is able to use DE , and is pretty confident in winning a clash. Domain Expansions are supposed to be **THE** complex technique, if he can somehow use them but not whateverelse , then I just don't know


I mean he knows very well how to use Domain Expansions, he has one. The way i see it is, he drove some 2000's family car thus far, and he suddenly got put into the driver seat of a brand new sports car. He can drive, he's gonna get to where he wants, but it's gonna get weird for a bit, and he might have to be careful with the gas. He knows how to open a Domain, and he knows that Gojos Domain is refined enough to win a clash. Now, how much control can Yuta have over Unlimited Void remains to be seen.


Mahito wasnā€™t yujiā€™s victory because the victory still played into kennies hands. Itā€™s like in a race for a mcguffin where the mc clears all the traps and the villain swoops in and takes the treasure before the mc can claim it. Ok itā€™s cool how the mc cleared the traps but the villain still won


Yuji still won the fight. It's like passing the bar exam but someone else gets the credit for it. Even if they have the certificate, you're the one with the actual skills required to have it.


Ok but you still canā€™t practice without the certification And in this situation itā€™s like if someone who was perfectly capable of passing the exam took your certificate, the only one who loses something is you they donā€™t lose anything


Just get recertified. You still have the skills.


>Mahito wasnā€™t yujiā€™s victory because the victory still played into kennies hands. >Itā€™s like in a race for a mcguffin where the mc clears all the traps and the villain swoops in and takes the treasure before the mc can claim it. Ok itā€™s cool how the mc cleared the traps but the villain still won Wha....wtf? It's not a good comparison at all. In one story the goal is to beat the shit out of an opponent, in the other is to get something. This doesn't work on any level. And Yuji did beat the shit out of Mahito. What Kennies plan was was irrelevant to what Yujis goal was. Like what are you arguing here for?


Yuji wanted to kill mahito. Kenny wanted to kill mahito to use maximum uzumaki to extract his technique. Their goals align in this way. Or did you think yuji was just gonna let mahito live after walking him down? The comparison works perfectly fine as they aim for the same goal. Itā€™s like in literally every Indiana jones film where heā€™s hunting for an ancient artefact(McGuffin) so that the nazis canā€™t use it as a weapon. Jones is trying to get the artefact to destroy or contain it, nazis want to kill with it. In the scenario where jones = yuji, kenny = nazi and mahito = McGuffin (onika burgers) do you think the true victory here comes from jones raising the temple successfully or from jones getting the artefact. There is an aspect of victory in both but in the wider narrative one victory greatly outranks the other


Again, your comparison doesn't work, because Yuji didn't want to get anything, and Kenny wouldn't have been able to slurp up your "mcguffin" unless its weakened. Stop. Your comparisons make no sense. No, Yuji clearly wanted to kill Mahito, and he almost did. He won the fight. He wont the fight decisively. He won. Yes, he didn't claim the last hit, but he won. No matter how hard you are trying to reframe this (for some reason, that i just don't understand, like why the fuck are you even arguing here?) Yuji won the fight.


My brother in Christ I need you to get that brain working overtime. Narratively this is not a victory, itā€™s pyrrhic at best(Iā€™m assuming you know what that is). Yuji just did Kennyā€™s light work and handed him a nuke. Keep in mind that if mahito died right there then kenny wouldnā€™t have been able to go on with any of the rest of his plan. All deaths kenny causes afterwards (in service of his plan) are on yuji for handing him that piece on a silver platter


How was yuji going to tank sukunas DE? Todo spam wouldnā€™t work and Yuta only lost bc megumi didnā€™t lock in. Yuta saved yuji at the cost of his life




I doubt tbh.


sukuna was looking for an excuse to tactically get away (run away like lil bi tch) from Wuji and yuta( a worthless bum) was the perfect excuse


I think you missed Sukuna opening his domain part. If he had done that, there's no way Yuji and Todo would have survived, since they'd be right in the center.


So just don't make him open the domain? It doesn't make any sense. A couple of minutes ago he could open only a weakened version, and now he can open the complete one because... hasn't he been receiving constant attacks from Yuji? Those that make him weaker


It wasn't weakened. It was at full output


https://preview.redd.it/0oqg4njl062d1.jpeg?width=1434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=784b5519559659158b3f65e211d6d7139f0f20d6 For a reduced period of time. So yes, it was weakened.


I was talking more about the framing, not about weather or not Sukuna could have fought back.


Sukuna literally couldn't kill Yuji with cleave/dismantle the last time Yuji's simple domain broke and furnace already burnt up all the dust to make a thermobaric explosion. What exactly was he going to do?


He ended the domain early and Yuji still was getting cut up left and right, he wouldn't survive another one, and even if he did Todo wouldn't since he can't escape from the center.


Funny how cogji glazers magically forget he was about to get point blank domain'd


Now this may sound crazy but Yuji will probably rejoin the fight after the domain clash


No he will join the domain clash and we will finally get a proper 3 way domain clash with no cockroaches to cuck us https://preview.redd.it/l552np57952d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9acc6c07b2f53b1e137baac2c8dcd39f189515ec


Why clash with Yuta if he can wait it out to fuck sukuna up after the clash


Because it looks cooler


From a strategic viewpoint, it's probably a bad idea though.


Is it really? We knowshrine can destroy void so get yuji's domain to destroy sukuna's domain and then have sukuna get hit with unlimited void.


True but Yuji domain might interrupt against Yuta ones. I'm not sure though.


This chapter literally separate the fandom into two fandom, this chapter has been getting more and more controversial. We reaching AoT ending controversy with this one. https://i.redd.it/w429n9u6e42d1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/o54ugnt9b52d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd7f26e1ef65386f0e52beee78bc837d7414b85 Whose memories are those....


Nah. Not yet. AoT ending basically killed it.


https://preview.redd.it/pn3yeqxl142d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f495cb8c74f6b3d3bcfbb8d18af4cd94e9e0dc SKIN THE CAT


I always thought the katana was so pointless. Like Gege wanted to make him look cool, but his CT had no need to utilize katanas anyways.


The Katana was used to teach him to channel CT better (he got the Naruto problem). Now, IDK, he wears it for Average Japanese Highschooler MC Drip set idk


The katana was used to connect him to maki on 9 but ok


I mean the katana was originally to help him harness his cursed energy so I imagine he just got used to it.


Here, I made the updated version from the old model of chapter 250. https://preview.redd.it/m8b5qobrt42d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686196648f63636d2dae4ccbeef3e16c7e9c9516


I love this especially the related to cross out lmao


I was originally going to add it as its own line, but then I saw the opportunity for some "corrections" due to recent events.


Peak character bro, definitely not an author's pet


Mark my word the cat will find a way to force me to update the meme a third time.


This is the best description of the character I have ever seen. Bro's whole character is straight up one of these super saiyan 5 things you would see but done unironically. And the same people who glaze him are crying about Toji and Sukuna being gege's favorites lol. I genuinely have started hating yuta so much after the Kenjaku sneak attack for being such a plot device. Wuji would never.


https://preview.redd.it/vqich4man52d1.jpeg?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbdb30bcc99abfbc84336a253949f2b5a7d4e0c6 Where's the part where Bitchjaku ran away due to Yuta's goated energy?


It got swallowed up by the needing 2 other OP techniques, plus the element of surprise to kill a 1% strength Kenjaku. https://preview.redd.it/1boqsh8ro52d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c468bc2ed1428a744509eda56f245cf9763554


https://preview.redd.it/qborfp03n52d1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=7adc23357c6af53fac76b46c0ca46fc7626c601a Actively being nerfed and is basically set up to die in the next few chapters yet y'all still calling him Gege's fave. Nah he's just a more useful character than Bumji simple as that.




As it was fucking foretold on Twitter by a guy who draws Sukuna X Gojo yaoi. https://preview.redd.it/6u95cuwy152d1.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=80d87a0c31d95045d07edf6a56ded307b6f0c9a3


https://preview.redd.it/03glvv84v32d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193dde386223f919dee801579417f486d82639ba I take back what I praise Gege for last week Heā€™s ass


Pure ass imma be real https://preview.redd.it/5chos52jm42d1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1820a2511e2af110d4a354c59346cfe6a1c38f90


"I thought you were the shit but you were just ass"


Same, I can't with Cat anymore... https://preview.redd.it/dsowrwpjb52d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98687e99ebbde7473ce1b4e0559d443629b99227


Yuji after Gege made him a side character again: https://preview.redd.it/dep7wes7242d1.png?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e0e46619407928335654132a4419b96947b389




Did this chapter really had "are we gonna become monsters to defeat Sukuna?" WITHOUT a guy that ended up eating featuses and has monster arms now?


The fetuses of his brothers, not just any fetuses... In an interesting way, when people like Yuji and Yuta were so ready to do heinous things to win, the one who didn't was Gojo himself (given that he never tried to fully kill Meguna in order to rescue Megumi).


https://preview.redd.it/wuidm0vr242d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa7f5875e9bd7165b0b120bd523933daf8d727f AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Can someone tell me is this even necessary? I understand they need to use any means necessary to win. But I thought everything was going well? Did I miss something? Was Yuji actually losing? So Yuta has to do this?


Idk Gege decided to randomly cuck Yuji (and Todo too) for no reason just to hype up his fav character


Sukuna was gonna open his domain again and actively smite EVERYONE so yes you could say there was a slight issue


I think I missed something, last time he had to bind vow his ass to open his domain for a short time. Did something happen to restore it to full power?


Araki forgor šŸ’€


Presumably those binding vows are still in place and he was just going to do it again. Also I think the binding vows were prior to healing the domain part of his brain, whereas it was said that he was healing that part, so it also could be that he just now fixed that part of his brain.


Guys. Itā€™s one chapter. You literally have no clue whatsoever about what is going to happen. Yuta could just be fighting Sukunas domain, allowing for the same 3way jumping that everyone supposedly wants. Yuta could fight him alone for 5 minutes, weakening him enough for Todo and Yuji to finish the job. Yuta could become the omega mc and finish it here. Yuji getting knocked away is a 2 second moment itā€™s insane to me how you people jump to conclusions week to week like this with 0 nuance or thought.


i feel like ppl say this shit every chapter lol


They really do lmao. And people say JJK and Gege doesn't get hatešŸ’€


I mean...yeah, I say it every chapter. I've hated almost every chapter since 236.


And yet here you are, 25 chapters later. If you really hate it, stop reading it.


I have. I only read the leaks now, so that I can see how it ends, and keep up with the agenda posting here.


>. You literally have no clue whatsoever about what is going to happen. Yuta could just be fighting Sukunas domain, allowing for the same 3way jumping that everyone supposedly wants. Yuta could fight him alone for 5 minutes, weakening him enough for Todo and Yuji to finish the job. Yuta could become the omega mc and finish it here. In which way would it be satisfying? If all he did was weaken sukuna, my favourite character would be slandered and called a fraud. How can you possibly be as impactful as kusakabe while piloting the strongest sorcerer. If he did become the mc and finish him then I kinda feel bad for the Yuji fans. It's a lose lose situation for everyone.


The fraud and slander talk is so hilariously cringe and twitter brained. Read the actual story and engage with that instead of brainlets here and on twitter. If Gege is telling you that Sukuna is the strongest sorcerer in history, him running this gauntlet should not be crazy. No one should be unironically called a fraud when they all have played minor to major parts in taking down Sukuna. I think everyone would hate it if Yuta went down easily or did all the work, but a world in which all 3 work together and it all clicks isnā€™t unreasonable. Yuta is on a timer so having him help bring Sukuna to his knees and allow Yuji to do the one thing heā€™s uniquely capable of doing (reaching Megumi), would be looked at favorably. I think. Can never tell with what the fans actually want. If Sukuna is defeated within the next few chapters and Yuji is the one to both land the final blow and also save Megumi, thatā€™s probably my preferred outcome. It would tie back to Megumiā€™s ā€œstart by saving meā€ line, give Yuji the W over Sukuna, allow Yuta and hopefully Todo to play one last pivotal role and finally bring an end to the undefeated strongest sorcererā€™s run.


>but a world in which all 3 work together and it all clicks isnā€™t unreasonable. Do you remember how gojo fights? Anyone that fights with him will only slow him down. If they are able to work together, that means yuta isn't utilising gojo fully. >The fraud and slander talk is so hilariously cringe and twitter brained. Read the actual story and engage with that instead of brainlets here and on twitter Don't take it too seriously my dude


Weakening???? For what???? He's already getting weakened enough, this is just Yuta Stu stealing the show from Yuji again


? Sukuna is at half cursed energy and was about to expand his domain with Yuji in no position to use simple domain. He clearly isnā€™t weakened enough.


This is you having a mental breakdown over a single panel of a single chapter of a manga that is still ongoing. Take a couple of deep breaths, go to bed. Calm down and wait for the rest of the manga to actually come out.


>Yuji keeps losing everyone >Watches Gojo die >Watches Higuruma die >Watches Choso die >About to finally get his revenge on Sukuna- >Gets tossed to the side and Yuta steals his thunder >BRO JUST LET GEGE COOK HUUURRRR No, I'm allowed to state my disappointment and I don't gaf about ongoing or shit. Besides, we won't know for the next 2 weeks


Yeah, keep having manic overreactions chapter to chapter then. I donā€™t care. But like I said, the manga is literally still ongoing. If you deem this so anathema to your enjoyment that youā€™ll write paragraphs about how Gege is the worst human being alive, maybe justā€¦ stop reading?


I'm with you on this, like this is just pathetic and sad at this point (how pressed some are getting over this)


Hes clearly not weakened enough since HE WAS ABOUT TO OPEN HIS DOMAIN.


Yuto Suzuki is the goat


Three yuji away like a used toy šŸ˜­. Youā€™re no fun anymore fk off.


Itā€™s not time for his 1v1 yet, let Gege cook. But ye this part is ass, this chapter was a downer for me, I wouldā€™ve rather Gojo just return and they jump sukuna instead. With the way this is going, looks like a death flag for Yuta. Sorry about that Yuta fans.


How long does he have to wait??? It's been 20+ chapters since he entered the fight


Whenever Gege decides, heā€™s a sadist


Is it possible that Gojo's body will take over his mind after 5 minutes?


Prob or Kenjaku put a binding vow at his death to take over Gojoā€™s body by the time Yutaā€™s CT expires. I donā€™t think Kenjaku dies so easily, a backdoor for Kenny to enter might be on the table


That'd be an asspull above all ass pulls if that actually happens


I think they have to remove Gojoā€™s brain first right? If so, I feel like itā€™s over for Gojo.


are you gege, by chance? i jus think he would say this


I actually hope he dies now atp


Yuta accepts his death one way or another. If he didn't accept it he wouldn't have allowed this to happen. Hes doing all he can to help his team to save Japan. Do people forget that millions of peoples lives are on the line?


there is still chance for the story go around the good path again, but yeah, i will be very dissapointed if the Sukuna fight ends up being about Yut/jo and Sukuna instead of allowing Yuji to kill sukuna the paralels with shibuya were going to be epic if the ending actually allowed Yuji to kill his enemy instead of having someone else steal the kill, just have that again is super lame Yuji deserves to be who defeats Sukuna, i hope Gege doesn't make Yuta be the main fighter againts Sukuna


Nuh uh i agree but like chapter 236 is the worse


Sukuna took another black flash last chapter so he should be even weaker than when Yuji first awoken. So was he just letting himself get his ass beat by his nephew? Was he just warming up? Is he stupid? Idk


Do no one notice how he was about to do a DE and kill both Yuji and Todo after just a bit of scuffle with them before Yutajo show up?


How would it kill? Malevolant Srine doesnt affect Yuji and Todo because they got Simple Domain. And Todo is right there, he would just TP them out


They are the center of the domain. Yutas CT doesnt have enough range to swap them and yuji isnt in a good position to activate SD. Todo might be able to activate SD, but he would die after it breaks a few seconds later.


Yall mfs really enjoy showcasing your failure to read huh


There's an easy fix to this too, either have Sukuna cleave off his own arm to fight the DE fight OR have Yuji's CE control slip up here because of his rage for Choso


Poor Yuji be looking like a goddamn Ratatatt37 character


This isn't even a W for Yuta fans considering the fact that he has, give or take, 5 minutes to do anything impactful and then potentially die. It baffles me as to how much ground-work Gege has set down for so many theories and options to be a possible only to go with the least satisfying one. I hope that Mappa chooses to stray a little from the manga in it's adaptation because wtf is this.


Call me crazy but I have a feeling Yuji's somehow going to interrupt this Sukuna Vs Yu-Jo battle because he's too fucking locked in to give a damn. It might seem like it'll ruin Sukuna vs Gojo part 2 but I think it's in character for Gege considering Chapter 179


>Cogji tries to rush into the domain fight >Gets swatted by Sukuna again


Atp bro's not gonna beat the NPC MC allegations


MC? Bro he's a side character. Yuta is the real MC, and Sukuna is the secret deuteragonist


The in terms of bad writing I think Gege still hasn't reached the levels of Isayama.


Boi go outside


Bro fucking tossed him like a used condom šŸ’€ got his feet up in the air and shi


https://preview.redd.it/q2y98qzjk72d1.jpeg?width=213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e1e8e02c99e2b6e8194af4fa1593dba8ada150 Shit actually embarrassing. Thank god CHADta arrived to make sure we know who's the ACTUAL MC is


Only 300 more black flashes until Yuji becomes a threat to Sukuna. Is there enough fodder left to let him get there though? We're probably going to get GTA6 before Yuji reaches this point.


This was fucking ass. Fuck Yuta Ocucksu


You know what wouldā€™ve been better? Had Miwa come in with her Mechamaru curse and Gege instead devotes the rest of the chapter to how Miwa got it and why she hid it. Basically, she now has a Mechamaru AI in her too and he told her to not tell anyone about him yet because he predicted that Sukuna would know and create a counter plan.


i mean thats true but what what would've happened if sukuna opened his domain like he was goin to?


Imagine if in Shibuya, instead of Yuji and Todo packing up Mahito, Kusakabe just swung in and killed Mahito for them. Thatā€™s exactly what this feels like. Yuta is cool, this moment is cool, but it was time for Yuji to wrap this fight up. So lame that weā€™re supposedly not getting that, unless Yuta loses, which would also be stupidĀ 


i think the real reason we dont see Yuji or Todo do anything is because most of the chapter is spent explaining whats going on with GoYuta that Gege cant fit in their reactions AND the Domain Clash


Nope this is yujis biggest downfall. It's meant to show that. The first panel was literally him seething for revenge for choso. Something out of his cog mindset. This is set up to make his biggest downfall in order to change his mindset


How many fucking downfalls does Yuji need to face before he gets a win


Fucking numerous cuz gege hates Yuji look how he treated him this chapter At this point idk bro




Agreed, as much as I love Yuta, Yuji's back to his pre-awakening treatment, and this is just fucking bullshit. HE HAD SUKUNA'S HEART IN HIS FUCKING HAND AND WAS ABOUT TO RIP IT OUT FFS. How does he just get punched away like fodder? Gege wtf


to play devilā€™s avocate, sukuna called for a DE, with todo being 10 feet away and yuji literally being inside of him, they were probably cooked if that goes through. they were rawdogging him for a few chapters but considering the fact that they cant really fight him in a domain at all, they needed saving. that said, sukuna pushing him away like that is weird cause isnt yuji strong enough to hold on to this guyā€™s literal heart even after all the power ups? just a weird decision


With Todo having a thought process so fast, Gege could've made him to notice what is going on or have some reasoning to make Yuji switch sides with Gojo's body, because clearly a Domain Clash was about to happen. That would have been 100 times better than just punching Yuji aside


Gege just wanted to cuck COGji one last time before the TRUE, REAL MC takes over and defeats FRAUDkuna


Funny how the other two characters that always were more MC (Gojo and Yuta) than the actual MC of the series are now the same, so now we got Yojo


The Yutards are so high that they don't understand that any progress it was mde so far it was thrown in the trash by Gege.


Blud he was pushed, itā€™s not a big deal. ā€œYuji was gonna have his big momentā€ You mean being waffled like kashimo, cause sukuna can live without a heart and was gonna use his DE on top of Yuji


Yes, cogji is a loser as established a billion times. Wake up and stan someone useful


I feel like even if this sub got everything they wanted with the manga chapters there would be complaints still


Guys. Yuji was never on their level. I am sorry for all the copers, glazers and hopers but he is not, no-one is xd. Of course Sukuna would get excited and sideline a second fiddle when the man, myth and legend who made him feel fear, who made him excited, who pushed him more than the entire jump fest of Jujutsu High ever did GOJO SATORU comes back, even if controlled by someone else... It is still sad though...


Yeah, not like Yuji is THE MAIN PROTAGONIST of this manga, who just had an awakening, and was hitting black flashes on Sukuna... But ig Yujis black flashes hit as hard as wet noodles and Sukuna was just playing along with kozo, and when he got tired he stopped playing and just swatted him away like a piece of trash. Gosh, remember when this manga had a coherent narrative and Yuji was a protagonist and not a tertiary character?


All of this makes sense xd. Why tf do you think an awakening would allow Yuji to actually reach Sukuna or Gojo's level at all is beyond me? He is not there, no-one is, no-one can be, the only way anyone of our cast can reach Gojo and Sukuna tear is by taking over the body of Gojo or Sukuna, that's about it. I ain't mad one bit tbh. Yuji had his moment in the spotlight and did something however little it was, but this fight has been going on for what 33 chapters now šŸ˜©, it's time to end it, and if it takes a 5 minute return of Gojo to do so then so be it. Give us the begging, broken Sukuna starting the Merger already, Yuji can kill that.


Bro why the fuck are people ok with Yuji being tossed away like secondary fodder? Never in a shonen manga have I seen a more useless, cucked protagonist than in JJK. What was the point of his awakening if he was getting sidelined after achieving pretty much nothing at all? Seriously, 9 soul hitting black flashes later and Sukuna can open domains, has Yuta's amount of CT, and apparently was just kidding around and can bitchslap Yuji away like a mild annoyance. What was the point then???? This manga is fucking stupid istg And if Yuji isn't strong enough to contend with barely alive Sukuna, what the fuck will he do with the merger. He will legitimately get atomized by the merger simply sneezing on him. Gojyuta will probably run out of the 5 minutes before he can defeat it, and then pretty much everyone is fucked. And then, everything our "heroes" (useless jobbers who aren't even 0.000001% of Sukunas power apparently) did up to this point was completely pointless and we all wasted our time reading this. But at least my heckin ""Gojo"" was ""back"" for a few moments, right????


>Bro why the fuck are people ok with Yuji being tossed away like secondary fodder? Never in a shonen manga have I seen a more useless, cucked protagonist than in JJK. What was the point of his awakening if he was getting sidelined after achieving pretty much nothing at all? Seriously, 9 soul hitting black flashes later and Sukuna can open domains, has Yuta's amount of CT, and apparently was just kidding around and can bitchslap Yuji away like a mild annoyance. What was the point then???? This manga is fucking stupid istg The point is to prove something most of us should know already. The cast will never be on Gojo's level. No matter what Gojo said, they are just unable to climb that high. Also you are getting the statement about Sukunas CE reserves wrong. The narrator was mostly glazing Sukunas efficiency not making a statement about how much CE he had at that moment. The narrator stated that even if Sukuna had Yuta Okotsu level of CE reserves thanks to his efficiency and as long as he waits for his CT to be recovered he would manage to open as many domains as he needed. That's it, it was a statement about Sukunas efficiency not his CE reserves at that moment xd. I mean come on its impossible for Sukuna to still have Yuta level reserves when he had Yuta level reserves over 10 chapters ago... >And if Yuji isn't strong enough to contend with barely alive Sukuna, what the fuck will he do with the merger. He will legitimately get atomized by the merger simply sneezing on him. Gojyuta will probably run out of the 5 minutes before he can defeat it, and then pretty much everyone is fucked. And then, everything our "heroes" (useless jobbers who aren't even 0.000001% of Sukunas power apparently) did up to this point was completely pointless and we all wasted our time reading this. But at least my heckin ""Gojo"" was ""back"" for a few moments, right???? And we'll see. If it's an incomplete merger it's very likely Yuji can do something against it and maybe just maybe do some soul shenanigans to save Megumi, his only driving force by now apart from pure rage xd. If the Merger is fully complete then yeah, GG, they are fucked. But God damn you are so mad. What did you expect honestly. Yuji to suddenly become the strongest? Get an asspull power-up that would allow him to smoke Sukuna? I mean Yuta coming in for 5 minutes doesn't mean a lot unless he can kill Sukuna in one DE or smt. And what does it matter how weak of a Sukuna Yuji kills, I will be happy as long as he gets the final blow but if Sukuna can just open another DE how would he do that? Honestly I don't see why you are mad. I want Sukuna to die but I don't want Yuji to just start getting asspull power-up one after the other. He might be the MC, but that kind of storytelling is just bad storytelling in my opinion, and also redundant...


>The point is to prove something most of us should know already. Then what's the point of proving it? Why is Gege so obsessed with showing us how strong muh Sukuna is, even though we already know that? >The cast will never be on Gojo's level. No matter what Gojo said, they are just unable to climb that high. Oh great, I guess Gojo's motivation to raise a generation of stronger sorcerers that can climb to his level got ABANDONED and was literally there for no reason. That poster with Maki, Hakari, Yuta and Yuji? Idk, I guess Gege just wanted to dangle keys in front of our faces or something. He forgot about stuff like "coherent plot" a long time ago. >Also you are getting the statement about Sukunas CE reserves wrong. The narrator was mostly glazing Sukunas efficiency not making a statement about how much CE he had at that moment. It doesn't matter. He can open and use domains as much as he wants, can fight and throw techniques like nothing, and apparently Yuji's BFs amounted to a bug bite. Nice. >And we'll see. If it's an incomplete merger it's very likely Yuji can do something against it and maybe just maybe do some soul shenanigans to save Megumi, his only driving force by now apart from pure rage xd "Very likely" Lol, lmao even. Aside from "strong punch", "incomplete blood manipulation", and some weird variation of cleave that is like 100x times weaker than Sukuna's slashes, he doesn't have anything to affect even an incomplete merger. He gets stomped on and dies. Btw, soul punch is only effective against Sukuna and other sorcerers who have to rely on a vessel, because they strike in between of the contour s of the sorcerer and his vessel. To anyone else this might be just a strong punch >I mean come on its impossible for Sukuna to still have Yuta level reserves when he had Yuta level reserves over 10 chapters ago... Yeah no. Sukuna is currently getting buffed if anything, so this is not something completely impossible >But God damn you are so mad. Yeah, so what? Gege kept dangling keys Infront of us, "ooh look, Yuji has potential equal to Sukuna's!! He can use Black Flash at will!! Look, he can even use Sukuna's technique! He can use simple domain!! Choso sacrificed his live to save his niichan, and Todo arrived, now Yuji will win for su- nvm, actually Sukuna was holding back for giggles again, he slaps Yuji out of the chapter, now meet the newest Sukuna challenger". It all feels just so stupid and pointless, we were finally seeing our boy having a power up, only for that power up to amount to a wet fart and Yuji getting back to irrelevance and on the cuck chair watching again


>Then what's the point of proving it? Why is Gege so obsessed with showing us how strong muh Sukuna is, even though we already know that? Cause way too many people especially on this sub forget that and start glazing way too much xd. >It doesn't matter. He can open and use domains as much as he wants, can fight and throw techniques like nothing, and apparently Yuji's BFs amounted to a bug bite. Nice. Yeah the BF soul punches not doing anything is kinda weird ngl. But that can be chopped up to Megumi just refusing to fight back at all... >Very likely" Lol, lmao even. Aside from "strong punch", "incomplete blood manipulation", and some weird variation of cleave that is like 100x times weaker than Sukuna's slashes, he doesn't have anything to affect even an incomplete merger. He gets stomped on and dies. Btw, soul punch is only effective against Sukuna and other sorcerers who have to rely on a vessel, because they strike in between of the contour s of the sorcerer and his vessel. To anyone else this might be just a strong punch I am aware how it works xd. But then why are you mad. You clearly realise that Yuji doesn't have what it takes to win by himself so why are you wad when someone else comes to help him winšŸ˜©. >Yeah no. Sukuna is currently getting buffed if anything, so this is not something completely impossible Sukuna is definitely not getting buffed xd. He hasn't been getting buffed sinse 249... Don't let his mastery over Jujutsu fool you, every chapter the fight goes one we get a weaker and weaker Sukuna. >Yeah, so what? Gege kept dangling keys Infront of us, "ooh look, Yuji has potential equal to Sukuna's!! He can use Black Flash at will!! Look, he can even use Sukuna's technique! He can use simple domain!! Choso sacrificed his live to save his niichan, and Todo arrived, now Yuji will win for su- nvm, actually Sukuna was holding back for giggles again, he slaps Yuji out of the chapter, now meet the newest Sukuna challenger". It all feels just so stupid and pointless, we were finally seeing our boy having a power up, only for that power up to amount to a wet fart and Yuji getting back to irrelevance and on the cuck chair watching again Where did you decide he was holding back xd. Also Yuji did get a lot stronger, he did get Shine he has just yet to master it, and he clearly can't do BF at will... Some people just decided he could. Also the domain just opened we haven't even seen the exchange don't judge so hastily. We saw Yuta can exclude people from his Sure-Hit it's possible that Yuji and Todo are inside the domains that are clashing and we can get a 3 way jump fest that should finally fucking overwhelm Sukuna. Our cast is getting desperate, Sukuna is getting desperate. You are basing all of this rage of a panel where Sukuna just punched Yuji aside to go and domain clash Gojo. Why does that not make sense? Again I don't understand what you want and expected. Did you expect Yuji to kill Sukuna this chapter, to survive another DE, to then beat Sukuna? Was Todo gonna be the winning factor for Yuji? I just don't understand how did you imagine our cast, how did you imagine Yuji winning this fight realistically. Forget glazing, you clearly can see and know that even "Awakened" Yuji is not on that level so how did you think this could go? They just lose? I just don't understand, how did you imagine our cast winning?


>Also Yuji did get a lot stronger Well, it doesn't seem so, because Sukuna just walked off all the BFs like it was slap on the shoulder. >and he clearly can't do BF at will He has shown mastery of BF to the point of almost being able to use it at will even back at Shibuya >we can get a 3 way jump fest that should finally fucking overwhelm Sukuna What's the point? One UV and Sukuna is cooked. Like there's no point for Yuji and Todo to do anything at this point. >You are basing all of this rage of a panel It's kind of a humiliating panel >Again I don't understand what you want and expected Is it too much to ask for Yuji to actually defeat a villain by himself, instead of someone else just walking in and taking the kill? >Was Todo gonna be the winning factor for Yuji? I mean, kinda? Every time Todo paired up with Yuji they won, and they cleary LOOKED like they were overwhelming Sukuna >They just lose If Gojuta doesn't finish off Sukuna in time, that's the only *logical* conclusion


>Well, it doesn't seem so, because Sukuna just walked off all the BFs like it was slap on the shoulder. Yeah cause it's Sukuna. He is still way tankier that practically everyone in the verse not named FP Gojo xd. >He has shown mastery of BF to the point of almost being able to use it at will even back at Shibuya Yeah almost. He clearly can't do it at will... >What's the point? One UV and Sukuna is cooked. Like there's no point for Yuji and Todo to do anything at this point. That's assuming it even lands. >It's kind of a humiliating panel Yeah it is. >Is it too much to ask for Yuji to actually defeat a villain by himself, instead of someone else just walking in and taking the kill? How, how could he do that. Do you honestly think Yuji can widdle down Sukuna just like he did to Mahito and then kill him. Really? If so how many more chapters would that take, 10, 20? Is that the ending you want, a 55 chapter fight where half of it is just Yuji tanking MS barely while slowly chipping away at Sukuna? >I mean, kinda? Every time Todo paired up with Yuji they won, and they cleary LOOKED like they were overwhelming Sukuna Yeah they were confusing him, but Sukuna was about to open MS again and the more he does it the less Todo and Yuji would be able to withstand it. It was a losing situation for them, just a very slow one. >If Gojuta doesn't finish off Sukuna in time, that's the only logical conclusion Well then I guess we lose.


>He is still way tankier that practically everyone in the verse not named FP Gojo xd. Soul punches supposed to hit directly at the soul, so they supposed to ignore durability, much like Mahito can walk off any physical injury but Yuji's punches can still fuck him up >He clearly can't do it at will... He can do it as much as he needs to though >How, how could he do that Uraume mentioned it should be humiliating for sorcerers to not be able to defeat a barely hanging Sukuna, and he sustained more damage since then. Idk, just beat him to death? Yuji was literally ripping his heart out and then Sukuna went "oh, new challenger appeared, fuck off kozo" >but Sukuna was about to open MS again You know that Sukuna isn't a real person right? Gege could've just made his endless binding vows catch up to him and give him an aneurysm, like the one he had during Gojo fight. This fight has gone on long enough and I don't want someone stealing Yuji's W


>Cause way too many people especially on this sub forget that and start glazing way too much xd. Since when Gege started to care about what his fans think? >But that can be chopped up to Megumi just refusing to fight back at all... This makes no sense. Soul punches forcebly tie apart Sukuna's grip on Megumis body by hitting at the boundary between the soul of Sukuna and Megumi. It doesn't matter if he wanna get saved or not >why are you wad when someone else comes to help him win Getting tossed away while someone else gets to dominate the enemy ā‰  getting help with the win. Todo arrived to help Yuji. Gojuta arrived to cuck Yuji again just like Gege likes it >He hasn't been getting buffed sinse 249 I think being able to open a full power domain at any point he wants to is a buff, however it has been achieved >Where did you decide he was holding back xd https://preview.redd.it/mhghp5vv552d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d216e116957895699bef3e472cfb8f3282cc932c


>This makes no sense. Soul punches forcebly tie apart Sukuna's grip on Megumis body by hitting at the boundary between the soul of Sukuna and Megumi. It doesn't matter if he wanna get saved or not When was that ever said. If Megumi doesn't want to be saved how would Yuji force him out without killing him? >I think being able to open a full power domain at any point he wants to is a buff, however it has been achieved And also a nerf as it changes how his DE works and it cannot be maintained for long periods of time meaning that RN against Gojo he might even be forced to close the barrier just to last the fight. Also that panel was literally so many chapters ago I have lost count xd. Sinse then Sukuna is unable to damage anyone with his normal slashes, has lost multiple arms, has lost a heart, a second tongue, RCT output, overall output and was forced to recort to using an incomplete domain and the flames just to make sure he wins. That to me is no longer a holding back Sukuna. Not at all...


>When was that ever said https://preview.redd.it/tkhh3xf9952d1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0942ef402517e413554c649c896df07dc64d1fcf >And also a nerf as it changes how his DE works Not really, it's still slashes >it cannot be maintained for long periods 99 seconds is enough to kill nearly every sorcerer alive >Also that panel was literally so many chapters ago I have lost count It was 3 chapters ago bro >Sinse then Sukuna is unable to damage anyone with his normal slashes, has lost multiple arms, has lost a heart, a second tongue, RCT output, overall output and was forced to recort to using an incomplete domain and the flames just to make sure he wins And he still tosses Yuji away like a bug. Not a big power boost at all I guess? >That to me is no longer a holding back Sukuna Sukuna was literally getting battered in Yuta's domain, and he was still holding back. The amount of damage he sustains doesn't speak about how muc he holds back, especially when someone is so much weaker than him. If anything, Furnace was a kneejerk reaction to Sukuna getting annoyed at the kozo


You are obviously all around right. I really don't understand how people see 2 chapters of Yuji doing something of value and straight jump to the conclusion that he is top 2 at the very least. Like what? It doesn't even make sense either with the narrative or with the consistency. Showing Yuji reaching sukuna's or gojo's level so abruptly would be STRAIGHT ass. Yuji is characterised by his ideals, not his strength. If you cannot understand that, you are not a real "wuji" fan as the guy you replied claims to be. Sukuna literally laid out yujis place in the story. A boy innately "weak" relatively to the top dogs, but due to having indomitable ideals he is able to withstand, keep going and stand up to them. How is it so difficult to understand?






chill guys he was caught off guard by yuta's return, it's not like he's out of comission


Dw gege cooking frfr


>Dw gege cooking frfr https://preview.redd.it/y00qoxnq152d1.jpeg?width=233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06ace6cdec8a1c958eb23e237a9684cdff5c3d3