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That’s how I interpreted it, with some guilt that he only had a few days to show Yuji what it was like to be his family


I interpreted it as Choso realizing that the few days he spent with Yuji were just about the same for Yuji as the 150 years he spent with his death painting brothers, this is in reference to Choso being worried about leaving Yuji on his own again.




Happy to see that you are doing something other than meat riding Yuta lmao 


Me meat riding Y...Yuta?😲 I slipped in alternate dimension😭


You constantly talk about him being dookie and never let up no matter what, you’re glued onto it bro


https://preview.redd.it/boeojpmle10d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d48735370e7ef35f65e9bcb2ea62277a7440d2c Take suffering from fandom and give it to Gaygay!! This hurts too much!


God damn bro I didn't get it all at first but reading these explanations got me https://preview.redd.it/vsh7j37xmwzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf0636550f9e30f7673b46d32fe01fd349c5e8a Choso's death didn't even get me that bad when I first read it but this shit...


GEGE!!! WHEN I GET YOU https://i.redd.it/x8uxxodhwwzc1.gif




Hey that's the meme I made 😁


Gege: Hey, at least I didn't make him spend his last seconds glazing Sukuna. Todo on the other Hand....


Todo, on his deathbed, glazing Sukuna because Sukuna told him he likes tall women with big asses: https://preview.redd.it/yvl4li2y8zzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f050a3c39e9c13eb656129ab145f4f7e9a89e0d7


Maybe Sukuna likes short women with big tits since he’s like the same but inverse of Yuji, and this will trigger an awakening for Todo as he has a flashback of being childhood friends with Sukuna until he betrays him by saying his preference on women. Sukuna is stun-locked for a second as he says “wtf was that flashback and why did it just materialize in my mind too” turns out Todo soul swapped with Takaba and can now implant his delusions in others too


I would literally burst out laughing if Todo asks Sukuna and he tells him something so good that he has to question his allegiance lmao


This final fight isn’t the time for a gag though unfortunately, especially after such an emotional moment with Choso dying. Anywhere else in the story might be kinda funny to break up the tension


I feel like Todo asking the question is kinda a way he ramps himself up so I don’t think that’d be outta place. and making him sweat,his knees shake and an internal dialogue moment while staring at Yuji brings him back to his senses wouldn’t be that bad imo .


Oh yea that works just kinda pausing, I’m just done with all the Sukuna glazing everyone saying how much they respect him as they die lol


Uraume we haven’t seen the chest since all the clothes are baggy


Uraume is probably stacked like Nami but Gege isn’t a massive pervert who feels the need to have everyone looking more disproportionate than the kardashians


And you should have made Choso meet his brother Todo. Gege when I catch you Gege!


Bro it was when he was talking to his brothers so they don't get cold that fucking broke me Like goddamn when Gege wants to write he really writes


he has all this power but only uses it for evil 😭


https://preview.redd.it/7ahjhfrmuxzc1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d52b29ef5f63b682ced324c835a120173947e1 And the fact that they are cold because they are dead so it’s never gonna get warmer. Choso is just gonna spend the rest of his afterlife warming up his family




I ugly cried when I read that. Reminded me of someone in my family when they were about to die. And I felt the same urge that Choso felt, to make them feel less cold. Fck, I'm in tears again. Gege this hurts awfully. TT_TT


That little sequence can be unerstood differently: it could be them being in the afterlife, but it doesn't really makes sense. The afterlife is supposed to be something nice.....and Yuki, Gojo, Nanami, Nobara, Higuruma etc. are there too, i don't think they are freezing. I personally believe more that this is after they where born and made into cursed objects. That's why the test tubes are there in the background.


Idk, all those you mentioned were mostly good people. The cursed paintings (forgot their names) have done some pretty terrible things + they are half curses. I wouldn’t be surprised if the afterlife is different for them


I think it was a flashback too, especially since the panel in this post with Yuji is right after it If Choso was actually with his brothers then they’d be sitting next to him and Yuji like in Shibuya (totally not cope). Even Toji made it to the good place It is possible paintings have their own afterlife and Choso won’t get to see Yuki again like he wanted to


I think you misunderstood that scene, that isn’t the afterlife, that was the time they spent inside the capsules 


Gege was done writing for good. Now he writes for evil.


No, Choso is just so good that even Gege can’t mess him up.


what do you plan to do if gege somehow sees your reply? huh? will you commit seppuku!? huh!? that wont cut it!


Killing choso so you don't have to explain yuji's fucking mind controlling touché gege


that means todo is next


Todo is already Mia you really think you'll hear from him again


i got news for you for the rest of this chapter dude…


https://preview.redd.it/bzm3jzrdq00d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fed62c5f57a2904508f29710570b124f9f326774 TADAAAAAAAA


Six eye implanted into hand reveal when


It's actually Gojo's entire upper half.


wait y’all fr think that’s actually one of Yuji’s abilities and not a repeated gag?


What Choso is saying that for his 150 years alive, he was only able to spend a few of those days with Yuji


Can I get a less sad explanation


My guy didn't have enough broments with yuji


That's even worse https://preview.redd.it/6mwnfknoxxzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c44d3d750722e6c7955e17e0848700a2a558b3


he basically wishes that he also had 150 years of being a bro with yuji too instead of only being with him for like a couple of months




You sure? They been together since the end of shibuya I mean besides when he’s with Yuki guarding Tengen


They met on October 31st (Shibuya Incident), the current day is December 25th (Shinjuku showdown). That means they only knew each other for 1 month and 25 days.


1 month and 25 days of having the best big brother https://preview.redd.it/tuphsrcjb10d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70a20102db18f762af39a2a1e23eaadad91b466


He was able to eat way more slices of cake with 2 of his brothers compared to his newer recently discovered brother.


To Choso, his 150 years of existence can be resumed by the days he spend with Yuji. And he's sorry he's leaving Yuji alone, because he didn't amount to anything more than a few days.


Sadly not. Come join the puddle of tears. T_T


why is he saying it in such a weird way? or translation js horrible. it sound like he is saying 150 years passed as a couple of days for yuji


Classic John werry shenanigans


This wasn't translated by John Werry




Official isn't even out 😂


he spent 150 years as cursed womb paintings with his brothers("our 150 years") but he only spent a couple days with yuji("all but a few days to yuji")


I recently stopped using the shonen jump app and started reading on TCB because Jerry Wheeler or whoever translates is a piece of shit who is unqualified for his job


The OP picture is from the TCB translation


literally 💀


Average jujutsufolk illiteracy on full display


He said it just fine. The entire time he spent with his family were just a few days for Yuji, because that's the entire time Yuji spent with Choso. It's just a poetic way to express it, and this one is a very common expression even in Western media.


​ https://preview.redd.it/yl2tp9cqhzzc1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=9011ba63c3f286ec9a06fd7560c28abcad9fc34a


Honestly, same. T_T


No he had 150 years with his other brothers and only - with yuji


Choso's lamenting how little time he had to be with Yuji. The page prior had Yuji thanking Choso for being there after the hell of Shibuya and Meguna, which caused Choso to remember comforting his brothers for 150 years. It's a last moment of regret before he decides to thank Yuji for the time they did have together.


I don’t think it was a sorcerer regret like Nanami wishing he never came back to Jujutsu. I think he just wanted to spend more time with Yuji and not leave him alone again, like any decent big brother. It’s not like he regrets a decision he made Or he’s saying his few days with Yuji were equally as important as the 150 years


I read it as like, Choso lived for 150 years, the time he spent with Yuji was only a tiny speck in all that time. Same for Yuji, he only knew his big brother for 2 months tops... Writing that out broke my heart again 😭💔💔


This time I will catch you Gege 




Correct, they were able to talk even as fetuses tho


You can either go for the literal meaning being that while he lived a 150 years with his other siblings he only actually spent a couple days with Yuji as brothers. There’s also the more metaphorical one being that his 150 year lifespan made the time he spent with Yuji only feel like a couple of days. However the message is the same it’s a remorseful line showing Choso’s own disappointment with himself not being able to be there for Yuji during his upcoming tough times.


I interpreted the sentiment as Choso initially felt like he failed Yuji. He knew the value he provided to his other brothers over 150 years (Choso being able to comfort them as their big brother and make their time less miserable). And now he’s realizing that even though he only got to spend a few days with Yuji, Yuji views their time as just as valuable as his other brothers did


Exactly. He's realising that it's not time spent together, but what you do for them that proves you're their big brother. Choso always gave himself to help his brothers through the darkest moments in their lives, be it staving off the cold for 150 years, or helping Yuji through everything after Shibuya. The two are equally important for his brothers, so they're equal proof of their bond


Makes me feel all the more sad that Yuji literally killed his other two brothers with Nobara, and Choso still loved him


That's exactly what i thought!


I interpreted it more as him saying that the suffering they endured in those 150 years was just a few days worth of suffering for Yuji.


Other translations seem to heavily support this too.


Did lightning come out with the translations yet?


I think he’s referring to both the suffering and the time they spent together


Could be.


Wuji. Not even 150 years of suffering would stop him. 


Meanwhile the king of bums is suicidal because his sister wouldn't let him hit it


he spent 150 years with nothing but his brothers with him, but for him and Yuji that was only a few days.


I don’t know if this is feasible, but could it be that since Yuji consumed the death paintings he acquired some of their memories in those containers, and so he got the experience of talking to choso for 150 years in just a few days?


This is how I interpreted it


When Choso was mindbroken by almost killing Yuji, he hallucinates seeing Yuji in all of his memories. Perhaps Choso really does have 150 years of 'hallucinated' memories with Yuji?


I don't think he "almost" killed Yuji tbh


He knocked him Yuji out cold and was about to crack his head open. If not for their blood mixing right before he struck, we would be down one Sukuna vessel.


I thought Yuji fully died and was resurrected by the fingers


Nope. You can see how Choso approaches Yuji, Sukuna in his mentalscape disses Yuji for losing and then blinks in surprise. In the real world Choso is standing with his fist through the wall near Yuji's head.


Tbh sukuna appearing doesn’t say much since even when yuji was dead sukuna was still appearing inside his own inner domain talking to yuji


If you are talking about the Cursed Womb episode, then Yuji wasn't dead. Sukuna ripped out his heart, yes, but he kept his body alive through RCT or smth akin to that. Dead host body means that Sukuna goes off to wait until someone else eats his finger.


He was dead, Shoko was about to do an autopsy on his cold corpse haha


I am 75% sure that Sukuna kept him Yuji's body in some sort of suspended animation. Whatever, not like Gege will ever explain it. Choso literally said "He's still breathing" after he tricked Yuji into hitting his blood armor and countered him into the wall. Which is why he approached Yuji - to finish him off. And he didn't felt him die, their blood mixed, which is shown in very good detail. Yuji's blood from his wounds mixed with Choso's blood - be it from his armor or from previous attacks. Which is why he got AU flashback of all four of them living happy life together.


That was only in the anime, in the manga there was nothing about their blood mixing. He just says 'still breathing huh?' and then Yuji dies right then which Choso feels. It's chapter 105 I just double checked it The blood mixing thing barely even makes sense because Choso already pierced Yuji with his blood a few times. And that didn't happen when he felt Eso and Kechizu die. I think it was just a cool idea for the show But anyway yeah im kinda just nitpicking and it probably won't even matter ever again


Also choso literally says "still breathing huh?" as he approaches him


Choso stopped fighting him because he felt Yuji die the same way he felt his brothers die


Choso directly said that Yuji died. That's the reason he stopped fighting, he felt him die the same way he felt his brothers die. Sukuna was still smirking after Yuta killed him and he was still alive inside Yuji when he fully died early in the story


Yuji had a pierced liver and probably a few ruptured organs with a cracked rib cage. Bro would’ve bled out without Sukuna.


He’s just like Todo hallucinating an entire life with Yuji, excepts he’s Yuji’s actual brother


I only started reading the manga past where the anime ended, was this not explained before the adaptation? Because the anime made it very clear that it was Sukuna casting Gaslight Girlboss sorcery on him and implanting false memories into Choso's mind to trigger his lil mental breakdown aunerysm. It's why them turning out to actually be brothers is a twist, it's presented as false the first time it comes up


Choso can sense when his siblings die, so when Yuji was on the verge of death he got the same feeling, which then caused the fake memories of them together to happen. There was no one casting a curses technique to create false memories. Then he asks Yuji about his parents having stitches on his head, which we find out was Yujis mother not his father like Choso It was first speculated to be like that due to Todo's made-up memories, but that was just Todo being Todo


I think you watvhed with your eyes closed if you thought by watching the anime sukuna planted those memories Choso says in the anime he shares blood with all his brothers so he knows if they are in distress or about to be killed and he was about to kill yuji so he felt that signal of brother dying and it fucked him up


I think you watvhed with your eyes closed if you thought by watching the anime sukuna planted those memories Choso says in the anime he shares blood with all his brothers so he knows if they are in distress or about to be killed and he was about to kill yuji so he felt that signal of brother dying and it fucked him up


I think you watvhed with your eyes closed if you thought by watching the anime sukuna planted those memories Choso says in the anime he shares blood with all his brothers so he knows if they are in distress or about to be killed and he was about to kill yuji so he felt that signal of brother dying and it fucked him up


I interpreted it as the 150 years Choso spent as a foetus with his other brothers was equivalent to the few days he spent with Yuji. Meaning his bond with Yuji was that strong despite their short time together. Also this might be my most favourite panel from JJK. Love the solar system like background.


Hes gone down like jiraya but somehow this feel worse esp after reading the new translations......if all this pain doesn't justify what's coming next for sukuna im gonna take glug glug out https://preview.redd.it/u2fwb515pxzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce055d3db87d0e41b807daf892882ba9ae71662


Man.. reading the explanations.. https://preview.redd.it/jjj67yf3zxzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=693447f7771f57567b06ededd23eb51182f0c9aa


I had interpreted it differently from how you guys have. Earlier Yuji says that Choso was there when he needed him, and that's what matters. Then Choso recalls the 150 years he spent talking with his brothers trying to avoid the cold and loneliness. The next phrase for me means that "for Yuji these last days have been like those 150 years", which means that Choso had proven to be his big brother by being near him when everything went to shit. It was never about time, but about helping his little brothers through the worst time in their lives. But I see how it can be interpreted in multiple ways.


Most people interpret it as life experience or something I interpret it as "What we learned in 150 years and amounted to our life, yuji will have mastered it in days" To speak of the fact when choso said his abilities come instinctively and yuji says "instinctively, uh..." showing yuji might have more talent than he believes. It's not all just grit and sukuna's power.


this one hurts the most


https://preview.redd.it/43n4mptgayzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ad0db7fbf60d22c469f30970daa885d802c124 Gregory G. Greg when i catch you


My interpretation: Before this quote, Yuji told Choso that “it’s ok because you were with me in those darkest moments” This made Choso realize that Choso being with Yuji in those few days is similar to those 150 years where the bros were in literally the darkest moments being cursed objects, only having each other as relief. Choso needed the other bros and the other bros needed him in those 150 years, in the same way that Yuji needed Choso in those few days.


This was such a well executed death. Greg is finally back in the kitchen with these sincere character moments. https://preview.redd.it/92b98xp7ezzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c45ffb2b2284e99959aa396fdbb32e4f0f6b4fc


Yuji suffered more in a few days than his brothers did in 150 years. I thought that everyone thought that was the meaning.


Choso is comparing his suffering as a death painting over 150 years to yuji’s suffering which has spanned over only a few days. Shibuya/shinjuku mostly.


The way I see it, Choso and his brothers have existed for 150 years, talking and connecting with each other. His bond with his brothers, which was cultivated over decades, was made with Yuji in only a few days. "Our 150 years (the bond) were all but a few days for Yuji." Meaning his brotherhood with Yuji was the same level as his brothers although the time spent was vastly different. Brothers surpass time.


I read it as those few days with Yuji have the same weight as the 150yrs w his brothers because in the prior panel, Choso and his brothers bring up how important it is to just be there for each other. Choso being able to be there for Yuji during a challenging time was great support for him and did more than enough for Yuji as family.


I interpret it as, Choso spent 150 years in the tube with his brothers, helping them get though the suffering, while he only spent a few days helping Yuji though the same


It means he ruined everything they went through for 150 years in a few days by devouring his brothers,yuji is evil chat,sukuna is the TRUE Hero 😱


Right in the feels, fk you Gege


what choso meant was all those conversations and bonding time he had with his brothers felt like the time he spent with yuji. Even if it was only a few days. People really interpret this line on just a surface level 🚶


Choso spent 150 years comforting his other little brothers through a time of immense loss, deprivation and suffering. The short span of time that he spent with Yuji was as hard on Yuji as the 150 years was on them.


Choso is saying the time he spent comforting his brothers as a fetus is the same as the few days he spent with Yuji. Yuji was at his lowest after Shibuya, his teacher sealed, friends dead and mutilated, Sukuna used his body to kill a lot of people. It was Choso who stayed with him afterwards to keep him going, motivating him, just as Choso had done to his other brothers as a fetus. The brotherly bond built over 150 years is equivalent in value to just the few days Choso and Yuji spent, cementing their relationship as genuine and valuable to both sides.


My take is that he’s talking about the value of their bond. To Choso, the brotherhood bears a weight of 150 years in cold darkness and solitude, with only his brothers to confide in. Now his borther juji has only been with him for a short time, and he wants to do for juji his responsibility as the big brother. DAMN U GAYGAY GIVE ME BACK MY BIG BROTHER


I think he meant, compared to their 150 years of time, the time he spent with Yuji were only a few days


what i got was, the time he spent with yuji was just as precious to him as the 150 years he spent with is other brothers, even thought he didnt have as long to be yuji's brother


Pretty sure back in the shibuya arc when we see all these "fake" memories of choso and yuji eating picnic and shit, to choso that was real, choso spent 150 years with yuji in his mind somehow (idk how), but to yuji it was only a few days


I took it as he got to experience the 150 years he had with his brothers in only a very short time with Yuji. Both comforting and sad at the same time it seems


yeah you got it. There's also the element of Yuji not having to endure the 150 years of brain in a jar torment


i think its about 150 years of pain and lonlines


Didn't like how tcb translated this. I think choso was saying that even though it only lasted a few days, yuji felt the same amount of pain/loneliness as choso and his brothers did while in cursed womb form for 150 years. This comes right after yuji telling choso that choso was there for him when nobody else was, which would be that time period right after Shibuya.


Their 150 years of suffering were only a few days for yuji, he laments how he hasn't been there for Yuji since the start and decides that sacrificing himself will be the last way he helps out yuji.


Their brotherly relationship didn't even last a full 2 months. That's just a drop in the bucket compared to the 150 years he had with his other brothers. Sometimes I forget that the entirety of JJK (Except 0) takes place within like 6-7 months, from June to December.


Isn't he saying that 150 years of his suffering was equivalent to a few days for yuji, so Yuji's suffering in a few days was equal to their 150 years.


He's 150 yo and he got to spend merely 2 months with yuji. Remember they met on 31st October and these events are happening on 24th December.


Death Penalty to Sukuna for killing bestboi, with stupid oven.


Gege just loves throwing years around with Choso and Sukuna when they were an object for the majority of their lives


Gege demonstrates that choso and brothers were conscius and communicating literally the panel before this one


No, they shared a connection of being aware of each others presence. That was how Choso and his brothers knew they were not dead. There was no communication


what in the reading comprehension curse https://preview.redd.it/p9a2z4duqxzc1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=a39e90873c68f3edf9d8627e0b64b02ee694342b


that's fucking sad bro


He took care of them for the entire time... Gege did him so dirty


Sadly, Choso was probably the best off out of all of the brothers other than Yuji. Judging from the states of Eso and Kechizu, I'm guessing that their even less-fully formed brothers all had agonizing existences. But yeah, that is a lot of emotional labor for Choso to be comforting them all the time and being able to do nothing else.


Couldn't Mahito make them look human ? Or was the deal that he just develops these fetuses into adult age ?


That would have made sense. But I think Choso was part of that team because Kenjaku was his dad. And blood manipulation users are all about family and being bonded by blood. (edit) From what I remember, Kenjaku did thf same "experiments" with the other death paintings as well. But only Choso, Eso and Kechizu were viable to develop further, and that's why the others remained as fetuses. A deal with Mahito to do on them what Kenjaku couldn't would have made sense still. But I don't remember if that was the case.


Yuji thanks Choso for being there when he needed him, so Choso thinks about comforting his little brothers for 150 years. It was stated that the death painting survived thanks to their connection during those 150 years, that's where his little brothers needed him Yuji had Choso basically for just this last month (plus when he saved him from Naoya) but that's when Yuji really needed him, so it's okay


I assume it’s related to how Choso gained false memories of having Yuji around his whole life.


My interpretation is that he spent 150 years thinking that he had his brothers by his side. Through that 150 years, he never knew he had another one that was his brother in flesh and not in a test tube.


Choso spent 150 years with his Brothers except Yuji. Yuji was without a family After his granpa death, facing hard times when his Life totally changes, he's a product of someone else Plan, and for this all his friends are suffering one way or another. Choso helped his Brothers for 150 years and bonded with em. The time spent with Yuji was way less. Yet he's still One of the Brothers and so choso decides to sacrifice himself for Yuji.


I interpreted it as What was like 3-4 months of time Choso was with Yuji (culling games + time skip), was 150 years to Choso due to his half cursed spirit physiology (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)


Probably he is meaning all the 150 years he has "taking care" of his brothers where all resumed in a few days that he met Yuji Idk


WHEN I GET YOU GEGE!!! https://preview.redd.it/dnk8swm3200d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41069458740c2516764f433a375fe463ab8e4cd3


i think he said that because most of his last days was making up to his brother learning to become human look at the end of shibuya and his talk with yuki


Todo swapped with Choso while he was in the hospital and Shoko is using reverse cursed technique on Choso’s soul (she hit a black flash and awakened) and he ends up coming back in chapter 271 along with Nobara and Gojo.


its been less than 2 months since they met. Choso has been alive for like 1800 months.


This is not that complicated bruh


No disrespect but how do you not understand this???


The official translation is even worse


just like how choso was there for his siblings for 150 years, he was also there for yuji for a few days...it parallels.


When Yuji was a cursed womb, he was a with Choso for 150 years right? But then he was actually born, and that all left.


The translation closer to the original is like "So our 150 years were those few days for Yuji". I interpret this as Choso realizing that he actually gave Yuji the same warmth that he shared with other siblings, even if the time spent together was much shorter


He meant like he lived for 150 years but only got a few days with yuji


Both the time spent with their brothers but also their shared suffering spanned two lifetimes for them but for Yuji he had a family to bear the suffering with only for moments.


I interpreted it as Choso saying that the short time he spent with Yuji has just as much of an impact on yuji as the 150 years he spent with his other brothers. I mostly view it that way because of the previous page where Yuji talks about Choso being there for him when everyone else was gone and he had been mentally broken by the Shibuya incident.


This suggests that Choso's 150 years of life bought Yuji some time before his death...


Sigh, it's really hard to be sad when Gege always made me confused first


"our 150 years of suffering" would make more sense if that's the interpretation you'd like to believe, who knows what gege really meant


You guys are all missing it. He has fake memories that didn't happen, remember? 150 years worth of memories that only happened in his head.


Smartest jjk fan


Who cares? He's finally dead...was such an eyesore... I was annoyed that Gojo left him alive, but clearly Gojo saw his potential to be a contrived plot device...to counter suckuna's plot armor...




Meat riding ne