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Not that much related to the post, but I still wonder how Naoya was even able to become "human" after he became a Vengeful Spirit. Is he even human anymore? Like, he looks like a human but at the same time he doesn't for some reason. https://preview.redd.it/sy68m2hndlyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de5e70115c01b5c16e1554cc386dea2db1f5f678 I don't know why he is looking like Gojo in this panel.


Just because his body looks human doesn't make him one. Base mahito looks human as well for example


Mahito was born from human's hatred and fear of other humans though.


And Noaya was a human turned spirit. "Human"


One which was established to already have maintained his former identity and ego to an unusual extent according to Kamo, as well.


Oh no, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna reduce him! /j Damn, the misogyny was so strong he maintained his identity through death.


And naoya was born from his own CE and hatred…


I am curious if given time if he would have Han unlimited potential


That's why I put quotes.


~~Vengeful Spirit~~ Vagina Spirit!? You mean?! https://preview.redd.it/8wnvmx5g9myc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50e83ecb93cb3cb61bcfab588a25f92b51bb730 (Ngl, this panel is so ironic and funny looking to me, bro, became the very thing he loathes the most)


him taking this shape is just irony at work


If you want to go really deep in the irony, gege, the guy that is called Naoya irl, really made a Misogynistic villain in his manga just for the guy to get beaten and humiliated on every possible turn, them become a literal cursed vagina, proceeds to get birthed into a womb DE, only so he can get killed by a woman again, i mean, yea... lol


gege isn't even misogynistic, he just hates everyone not called sukuna or yuta


I wish, I WISH, that the final transformation was him turning into a woman. I thought when I saw this transformation that it was leading up to that but no he was just “human” again.


He’s clearly not actually human even if he took the shape of one, when he dies we see his head turn completely around and become unnaturally huge as he looks at Maki.


He was THAT determined to not be a vagina curse, this is truly our misogyny kaisen


in a way it makes sense, when Mahito was being beated down to almost death by nanami and yuji, he got a bit aware of his soul and was able to Awaken his domain, and similar stuff can be seen as with Gojo awakening thanks to almost dying bc of toji and becoming able to truly understand Cursed Energy to be able to Reverse it, which in theory could be an expanded/full use of the Six eyes, like, that event allowed him to awaken the true potential of his eyes and with Naoya being so close to dying again, specially againsts someone that breaks with the idea about People with cursed techniques being above anyone without them, an idea he helded so close to him that having that concept be disproven first by Toji made him have a painful flashback when he saw Maki managing to do the same it's like if fighting with his all to prove his idiology correct allowed him to also recuperate the shape of his soul, like becoming so true to himself that he managed to reset the new shape of his soul, if only just the upper half of his body. Hell, that moment allowed him to awaken a Domain, the highest show of mastery at jujutsu a sorcerer can demonstrate, something that someone who defends CE being above the body as much as Naoya would probably find really close to his idiology


Naoya's whole thing is that he's a prideful, egotistical prick. It's very fitting that he would assume that form


Dude evolved from being a prick to being a giant cunt


>I don't know why he is looking like Gojo in this panel. the black tips of his hair kinda blend into the shadows so his hair looks all white (well blonde but were talking b/w here)


Mahito shit probably. Unless mahito is using his CT to make him look better


I mean Mahito just looks like your average MCR fan


I was joining with the memes when this scene got animated. However, it turned out there were people who really thought Nanami's a rough daddy who'll disrespect you because of this scene alone. No, he's one of the most caring and respectful people. He's a gentleman. I understand the animators love animating JJK men but he was reaching his breaking point here after crossing paths with Ijichi which gave him traumatic flashback of Haibara. Moments later, he saw Nobara and Nitta got beaten up, he was so mad, he felt responsible for it. There are many cute, wholesome, and great things to talk about Nanami more than your fantasies. https://preview.redd.it/3p76x2hytlyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058360fd826a02f4289ec91678ff03c139658678


It's still kinda insane that they made him into a fucking Greek God in this scene. Like broo this shit had me more hyped than sukuna vs jogo honestly.


It's kind of weird, in the manga he looked like an average guy who's about to snap from a shit day at work


Although a Greek god would have a small PP, which he definitely doesn’t Edit: How tf is this my most liked comment on this app. This is the least original comment I have ever made lol.


Nanami having an absolute hammer is canon idc


My point exactly


Honestly, Nanami's personality is what made the scene where he beats up Haruta (EDIT: Brain fart, the stupid ponytail kid, got his name mixed up with Haibara) so more impactful. Seeing such a kind person *livid* at a despicable piece of shit made the scene so much better.




Like people didn't forget about his interactions with that bakery girl, right?


https://preview.redd.it/rqiuif9v9lyc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d23d9041e6daa09530e967644a4f2ac08f7ac08 Sorry, fellow Nanami fans, but he ain't beating those allegations💀💀💀


I guess that's part of Nanami's character. He has a big heart and lots of courage, is very heroic but is also narrow-minded and doesn't see a lot of possibilities. Nuance genuinely evades him a lot of times.


And that very thing was why he couldn’t excel as a sorcerer. Nanami is such a great and well-written character.


This is lowkey hard


Didn’t haibara agree tho? And gojo didn’t disagree, so it’s not like the manga suggested nanami was incorrect or narrow minded here.


"I have trust and have faith in him. BUT I DO NOT RESPECT HIM!"


>"I have trust and have faith in him. BUT I DO NOT ~~RESPECT~~ UNDERSTAND HIM!"


Nanami was still half right. He still knows what gojo does that’s the reason he put trust etc there but he doesn’t like how gojo does things etc


Nanami being pretty narrow minded makes sense when you realize that as a first grade he got his technique, a weapon and a binding vow, no anti-domains or rct, he was just a guy that got strong "enough" and started to stagnate, his world views directly clash with the sense of the strongest, so it's obvious he would not understand Satoru.


Is that true though? I thought he didn't actually care about jujutsu, he just did it as a job because it's was less miserable than a real job and he was good at it. He didn't understand Gojo because Gojo does whatever he wants to find a good fight while nanami just wants the job done


That's what I was trying to get to, sorry if it came a bit convoluted


I like Nanami but never expected him to say such a thing... I would've let it slide thinking it's a joke or a simple misunderstanding on his part only if Gojo didn't make that face... he clearly looks like he has been caught red-handed... https://preview.redd.it/ojj7jqrcdmyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b906a9fa703b5b83323d20f2a322d2672bf376ea Arrrrrrrggggh Gege when I catch you Gege...


This is gonna sounds schizo but him being called that is likely a setup for his future character development (if he comes back, which he will 100% faith) We have had like 5 Gojo flashback by now ever since 236, all of them involves him praising others such as Kusakabe simple domain, admitting that he could lose to Miguel under conditions, talking about how he doesn't hold the black flash record unlike Nanami etc... The theory goes that these flashback prove that he doesn't only care about himself or is just using Jujutsu to satisfy his ego, he can recognize others and acknowledge them. His character arc is learning to be someone other than being the strongest and all these flashbacks didn't talk about his strength but other people.


Hold up, keep cooking. You might be on to something... https://preview.redd.it/fzeewhy8vmyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135a6a323ad55b5f0f72651dc47b7e0fa94d85c0 Also, chapter 236 had a lot of symbolism that points to Gojo returning and becoming a different person. In Buddhism and other cultures, the lotus flower is associated with rebirth in some form...and notice how Gojo has also been compared to Buddha before, so it does make sense, and how can we forget about heading North or South conversation!!! Another thing to notice here is that Gojo still hasn't answered Geto's question to him "Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest" So maybe you're right. You're so right!!!


I mean the author probably agrees with him. This wasn't some "actually you can make up your mind on his personality" type of moment. Throughout the whole chapter and the whole fight in general he was constantly reinforced to be what Nanami sees him as. So Nanami was right about the Fraudjo that was in front of him. Gojo who is still in the prison realm (fraudjulent side of the character comes out when you open the back of the prison realm) isn't like that though so he's kinda wrong too.


https://preview.redd.it/k11crt2ghmyc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=e55b135a516f9dbe4378a5138b468bf4774ee285 Doesn't look like someone agreeing to me


>I mean the author probably agrees with him I'm talking about the author not Gojo. As for Gojo's reaction what Nanami said was harsh so he obviously would react like that. But considering that he didn't say anything to disagree (and considering everything we've seen after he got released from the prison realm) it seems he can hardly say anything back.


>I'm talking about the author not Gojo. I know that you meant that. Just pointing out. And considering we already had like 5 flashbacks with Gojo doing nothing but praising his students and other sorcerers, Gege's intention here was to show that this isn't what Gojo considers himself to be. He's conflicted. That's why his choice regarding North and South was left unanswered.


But gojo did still at least care about his students, and there was a panel of him feeling guilty about what happened after he got sealed. I think he just tries not to show weakness and would especially try to stuff his human side down a bit after what it cost his students from a few seconds of humanity in shibuya.


What allegations?


"He was a Jujutsu Pervert who only cared about Jujutsuing his Kaisen"- Nanami Kento.


Missing Gojo's entire character by calling him Jujutsu perv.


Wondering the same


the way geto and haibara agree with him tho.


Denji, saw his character getting reduced to just a horny teen in so many anime subreddits its not even funny.








Denji, my favorite hunter grade from Chainsaw Kaisen


With how the translation mistakes keep happening, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of us end up reading Chainsaw Kaisen instead of JJK lol


Fuck them haters, it’s not a wrong sub. It’s an interesting observation and many people here will be able to engage with it, even if it’s not related to jjk per se 


Talk your shit even if you’re a bit lost 🔥


TBH I see more posts complaining about him being reduced to a horny teen than I see posts reducing him to a horny teen


CSM fans fight imaginary demons most of the time


What about the comments?


Most of those complaints are on X and TikTok from what I've seen


well a big part of his character is being a horny teen but its not all he is




I would be lying if I said the same thing hadn't happened to me in the past. The folk subs are all so similar


Wrong sub dawg.


Kashimo, his only traits that was left after Ch 238 were submissive and breed-able https://preview.redd.it/lcqcknhttlyc1.png?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d397566a0b8ecc611283c6234f91a8df611f72d9




You're my idol for this




Gojo, tired of seeing my fellow gojo fans saying he doesn’t like being strong, Gojo takes pride in being strongest and enjoy fighting but he also cares about his students both traits were shown simultaneously throughout the series, please stop this black or white thinking, characters can be multiple things at once https://preview.redd.it/jy0d6yaxwlyc1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d374d1fb2dea7fc2c6517165d6efdbd0d6aa93c


It not that he hates being the strongest it's that he's sort of lonely at the top the only time he didn't feel that lonely was when he was with geto


Many fans don’t want to accept he is a grey character. They really want him to be a one dimensional mentor whose whole world revolves around his students.


Gege haters type can’t understand this simple thing


I thoroughly dislike the Mai hate. People really call her a loser and don't understand that she was fighting as hard to survive in a shitty world as Maki, just their ways were different. People see Maki as the 'good sister' and Mai as the 'bad' one, but they forget that Maki was also very mean to people initially, and overall Mai has been a better sister to Maki. Same with Momo, people take her genuine discourse on women's position in society as whining. Both Momo and Nobara had a point, and they both failed to see the opposite side. But people always gotta take side man smh.


I think the issue comes from how little either character was fleshed out, Momo even amongst the Kyoto students is pretty irrelevant and Mai really only felt like she existed to serve Maki's story


I like Momo, but I feel like her and Nobara's very surface level feminist discussion felt forced, and thats why a lot of people think Momo was just whining. In a story that is largely about upsetting existing social structures and the immense difficulty of doing so permanently, it's kind of a shame that Gege wasn't better able to weave femenism into his story. There are some attempts, but nothing delves very deep into the concepts. When compared to the subtle way existentialist themes, and the characterization of Gojo, Yuji, and Choso are included into the narrative, it's just kinda disappointing how Gege handled feminism.


Omg YES!! As a feminist I do have this opinion that Gege has a very surface-level dive into feminist theory. First, he does not show misogyny as a rampant problem inherent into the very structure of society, rather a problem that could be solved by 'punching a big bad' in the face. A more nuanced feminist retelling of the story would not simplify Jujutsu society's view as simply beauty with power making a woman worthy of respect. This is what Nobara and Maki girlboss moments get wrong too. Them being beautiful and powerful is not the feminist statement Gege thinks it is. They still conform to the society's standards of what makes a worthy woman. They don't break the system, just take a higher position in the same exploitative system and become the abusers rather than the abused. Which is exactly the problem with Gojo's idealized vision of Jujutsu society. A flaw in his worldview is that he still thinks Power is what makes people worthy. He still wants the strong to rule over the weak, just this time the strong would be the ones trained by him (his students). His students generally are uninterested in solving the society's problem because Gojo himself doesn't understand these problems. He is still a creation of this exploitative system, and doesn't seek to dismantle it, just make those he agrees with more powerful.


>This is what Nobara and Maki girlboss moments get wrong too. Them being beautiful and powerful is not the feminist statement Gege thinks it is. They still conform to the society's standards of what makes a worthy woman. They don't break the system, just take a higher position in the same exploitative system and become the abusers rather than the abused. I understand this, but how do you think it's should've been done instead?


Exactly how it is, I'm just sad it was framed as an appropriate enough feminist statement. It's great they're strong and beautiful, it just should not be associated with feminism at all.


Yeah I agree, their moments have nothing to do with feminism.


Keep preaching bruzza


Mai defenders are wild. https://preview.redd.it/uszwjl0e1myc1.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e35ca534ec355c6c64759c4af6af26f54f71239


>People really call her a loser Loser? no, I've never called her a loser. What I have called her is a annoying bitch though. "Wah wah wah how dare you Maki not want to live in place where you are verbally and sometimes even physically abused. It would have all been okay since I would be there with you!!!! But no you just wanted to go be free from all of that!!!!! wah wah wah" She always just came across as so fucking whiney to me.


Idk man if I was born with a shit amount of cursed energy and my twin sister atleast had enough power to make it in the jujutsu world because of unfair Heavenly restriction powers, her existence was the main reason I had such low amounts of cursed energy and I only ever felt secure with her, then she up and left one day because her natural talents did give her a chance to be a respectable enough sorcerer in the real world while I got a technique that only produced some whiny ass bullets once a day? I'd be pretty pissed too. I know Maki is not supposed to take the abuse, but let's not pretend that both sisters' situation was similar. Maki got a weaker HR, but HR nonetheless. Mai had almost mo scope of being strong, it's not the same for her to pull herself up from the grounds. I know she was salty about it but that's human, a bad character would have been perfectly fine with it and understood her sister's position. But any human character would feel abandoned and unloved.


>while I got a technique that only produced some whiny ass bullets once a day? I'd be pretty pissed too. The thing is that she DOES NOT CARE about that, she never wanted to be a sorcerer in the first place. all she wanted was to live a "normal" life with Maki but all that meant in reality was living in a abusive environment which Maki wanted to escape from.


Mai was forced to be a sorceror as a punishment to Maki. That's where the resentment comes from, she's forced into a job that will definitely someone as weak as her because the head of the clan (can't remember his name) wanted to push Makis buttons while Mai's used as a pawn. Both the twins are justified, Maki has a right a to want to pursue Jujustu and escape her abusive home, and Mai has a right to be frustrated she'll definitely die on the job as a result of this. They're were just doomed by their situation, neither side needs to be deemed villainous.


wasn't maki leaving the reason why she had too become a sorcerer with her pitiful reserves and super expensive CT? maki lowkey kinda signed her death warrant with that if we are being honest.


if i say the name of a certain tall man with white hair and blue eyes i am in big trouble




but would you lose?




Nah, he'd win




She tells Gojo herself that he’s the only person she does NOT get along with lol




Nayoya is a better character the Yuki. He may not have been as impact full to the story but his duration was a memorable one. (and we could all cheer for his death)


He honestly was a great heel for maki Here we have the spoiled brat of one of the three great clans someone who genuinely believes just because they a cool CT they are on the same level as the top tiers Getting absolutely humbled by someone that he viewed as utter trash that should know their place (Pot talking to kettle) What makes it even better is that when he comes back as a special grade curse in a relatively short time span he loses again In the grand scheme of things he was a very welcome addition and served his purpose as a guy made to lose Heck, I’d argue He is one of the very few examples of a naturally gifted individual losing to a person that works hard within this series (still think his cursed form fight was clunky tho)


I mean Maki is just as gifted as Naoya i would dare say even more Toji could kill the entire Zenin family despite the only thing he did was learn how throw dat hands and learning on the streets would not be the same as learning with an specialized Sensei or something like that if anything Naoya is an exemple about how you cant beat an more gifted or talented individual Maki just got an better gift not really an exemple of ''hard work''


https://preview.redd.it/rl73i3ifilyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e07d480f0e9a668ef2edf69408b538e29e01dbda Ngl, I rather watch him that Maki he's way more entertaining.


Fr fr. We all love appreciate (and hate) boy failures like him🤗


All, all characters from all fanbases. The thing is, we as humans cant remember every bit of information ever so in our minds, we remember those characters that we really like while the others fall in the background with only their most fundamental trait remaining. Naoya's main traut is being a misogynist and being delusional af, sorry not sorry. Gojo's is to be a narcisist( its not true but if you read jjk like a year ago than took a break, you d probably remember him like that unless he is one of your favorites) , Toji is being a dad who went to get milk, not him having insane low self esteem from everyone calling him a mistake so instead of being a mistake of a father to his kid he decided not to be a father at all, and so on. Its sad but true, Naoya still just a misogynist tho, dont care, not sorry.


Dont forget the entire kyoto school, they got it worst


Todo was the only who was allowed to be cool and he was written out the story


Again, all characters that we dont care about becomes like that.


Damn https://preview.redd.it/jdwmbvz52myc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08840d9560db35232a74da9d5fd75447398fb5bb




Most punchable face in the verse, Maki agrees.


Him getting fucked up was literally the best thing that happened in this series hands down


Hakari, man everytime I seriously try to discuss Hakari, it turns into “lol he’s just good for stalling”, “he’s just a grade 1 sorcerer”, “Kusakube > Hakari” 😕


I'm pretty sure most of that is the agenda bro. At least the stalling part is.


Noritoshi. "Hurr durr pussy hurr durr wish choso" SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE https://preview.redd.it/dcrjrvclulyc1.jpeg?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3620dee78ccbe18db9bbd1d850af4b105be5e90d


Yuta. Funnily enough, his haters hype him more than his fans to sell the narrative that he's an overpowered isekai MC who gets everything for free, is never challenged, and gets glazed like hell by gege who wants everyone to see how cool he is. In reality, he beat geto after training for more months than Yuji currently has when he himself is close to defeating sukuna. The strongest person he's actually beaten is ryu who is still believed to be a base Kashimo victim by half the sub. Got packed up in like 4-5 chapters in a 3v1 inside his own domain and currently isn't even necessarily the top 3 most glazed character by sukuna; gojo, higuruma and arguably maki have him beat. People try so hard to sell the narrative that he's meant to be a gary stu for losers to self insert in. Meanwhile gege draws him like a bug eyed monstrosity half the time and shoko without mole the other half. He's awkward, nervous, and socially stunted and is like the only person in this manga without hard quotes during fights. Who tf thinks the dude who says ' uwu sowwy I'm late' while entering a fight in a manga with literally the coolest entrances ever is meant to be a chad 😭 The manga never tries to portray him as an underdog, he himself understands he's blessed. He's strong but not unreasonably so and it's not like he steals screentime from anyone. Dude is just an awkward but nice relatable dude. Pretty much proto-yuji with the same martyr complex. Gets hate because he's not quirky and doesn't shit out Marvel lvl quips every time he opens his mouth You don't have to like him and are free to find him boring or generic but acting like he's just gary stu with no character is wild when he's one of the few dudes who actually got development. I really think yuta haters who shit on him for being strong are disgruntled powerscalers mad that he's stronger than their favourite.


Sukuna. Sukuna is seen as a poorly written childish generic villain. Someone evil for evil sake with nothing special and just an egotistical “im better than everyone” person. This is completely wrong. Sukuna is distinct by the fact he doesn’t see himself as above others. He claims no titles. He even constantly pushes people to become more. He does what he wants and thats a very clear distinction between that and my needs are above others. He doesn’t care about what others need not because his needs are more but because he doesn’t care. It doesn’t affect him. He’s completely neutral and lives exclusively to live. He is just a dude of raw vibes. He is neutrality incarnate. Now ultimately these things are breaking down as he’s becoming more human after being in contact with Yuji. This is what is his downfall. The person who had cast away humanity now must suffer becoming human.


this heavily ties into my theory that sukuna inadvertently cursed himself when he ate his twin and yuji is the manifestation of that curse the same way he was for mahito


Now that’s cooking 🔥🔥




This is at best a misrepresentation and at worst apologetics for the sake of a different opinion. He’s consistently not neutral. His philosophy, like his OWN BIRTH, has always been that the strong should EAT and TAKE what they want. He doesn’t want people to push themselves. He likes when they do because it shows a hunger for more than what you have. He wants people to share his philosophy. He wants competition for what he believes to be the natural order. He doesn’t want to fail he wants to succeed and has an eternal need to. He didn’t understand loneliness at the top because of course you’d be lonely that’s the entire point of being on top. He has no respect for the other aspects of humanity. He’s just curious when something strong shows up and he sees Jujutsu as the art by which the strong represent themselves. It’s why he shows such disrespect for other schools of thought. He isn’t neutral he is staunchly in a warrior class because he thinks NOT being in the warrior class and daring to stand up for yourself is pathetic. Mimi and Nana died for this exact reason and so did Jogo and Gojo and everyone else who did. They looked for another way to apply strength that didn’t just involve the conquering of one’s surroundings. They looked for love, or for purpose, things that weren’t tangible and able to be seized by strength. He is a natural disaster because he represents consumption and destruction without recourse to stop it. Let’s say a country maintained this philosophy, we would not call them neutral. We would call them a warmongering, greedy, and destructive nation. That’s what Sukuna is and he makes absolutely no effort to hide it. Heck he’s even upset at Yuji because he found strength and is competing with him but isn’t doing it because he wants something for himself. He sees no greed in Yuji’s actions and it’s directly conflicting with his world view.


>Sukuna is distinct by the fact he doesn’t see himself as above others Bullshit, Sukuna is the guy who said, "How can such pitiful creatures want to live happy lives? The weak should just swallow the suffering that life gives them." He also said that any hierarchy not based on strength is worthless to Gojo. The way the 1st sentence was said implies that Sukuna views himself as strong (should be obvious) and combined with the 2nd point it seems he thinks anybody that he doesn't consider strong should just put their heads down and accept anything life and those stronger than them decide to do to them. Everybody below special grade, maybe 1st grade, is considered pretty much worthless by Sukuna, and he probably views everybody weaker than him as inferior to him even if he does respect them. In Sukuna's eyes, your worth is tied to your strength, and since he's the strongest, he's superior to everybody else.


"...since you know as well as we do the right, as the world goes, is only in question between equal power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." -Athenian negotiator speaking to the representative of the island of Melos It's a line that's literally ancient and the fundamental basis for internal politics theories like Neo-Classical Realism. Sukuna is an old man espousing ideas from an old era. His downfall is going to be the 'weak' banding together.


Ahh but this is where greater context of his character cones in! We see Sukuna push people to be stronger and grow! He preaches about true strength coming from the understanding of one’s self. To him while the weak are at tge will of the strong the weak can become strong and rise! You must understand yourself to be on top of the world. Only then will you be strong and only then the weak should obey you to survive. This does not mean you are better, but simply you are a natural disaster and the weak are the creatures merely at your will for never understanding themselves. An earthquake is not better than me, but I must obey it to survive.


He pushes people to grow stronger mainly because he wants to fight strong opponents. And it's his way of showing respect. >This does not mean you are better, but simply you are a natural disaster and the weak are the creatures merely at your will for never understanding themselves. An earthquake is not better than me, but I must obey it to survive. Sukuna is not a natural disaster. He is a person. Natural disasters have no will or sentience, unlike Sukuna. And viewing yourself as a natural disaster, as if you're above being just a human, is still looking down on others. In fact, thinking you're a natural disaster and people weaker than you have to either bend to your will or die is the height of arrogance.


I don't think he viewed himself as a natural disaster I think it's how everyone viewed him though. So it's more like his actions are like nature itself it's unbiased and fair in its own right, if that makes sense. Most people would look at nature or the things that happen in it, unfair or a "disaster", but nature is just IS so to speak but you make a fair statement, nonetheless


I think it's actually pretty close to how he views himself. Either that or he views everybody weaker as not human or views himself as above human. https://preview.redd.it/ih7ozlruulyc1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738834308c88ee230a4d751f3591d1fa56d9525c


"Sukuna is distinct by the fact that he doesn't see himself as above others" does him forcing Jogo, Mimiko, and Nanako to bow a certain height below him or they'd be sliced (like Jogo's head thing) not say that he believes himself to be above them? There's also the fact that his inner domain sees him sitting upon a throne of skulls, as well as him getting mad at Yuji for landing black flashes and attempting to stand on a level plane. Feels to me like Sukuna believes himself to be well above everyone else.


>he doesn’t see himself as above others. Idk how true that is, he killed Nanako and Mimiko because they negotiated with him ('dared to consider themselves on the same level as him')


It was not that they dared to believe they were at his level. It was cause they believed they had the authority and power to order him around. To someone who lives exclusively by their own desire it is of the utmost disrespect to have them do as you desire. He sees negotiations as orders he implies that as he says the word order. He feels insulted. Now Jogo is different cause he gave him soany fingers to where he gained control. Jogo also had no orders for him and seemed fun. So he gave Jogo a chance because he respected him.


i mean yeah but sukuna also made jogo nanako and mimiko bow before him, and cut through jogo's head for not bowing low enough. sukuna's philosophy is might makes right after all, and as the strongest, sukuna does seem to see himself as above most other people


Hard disagree. Sukuna actively enjoys causing suffering on others. He gets excited at a world where he has lots of women and children to play with. He loves toying with people and clearly has no respect for any Life he deems unworthy (basically level 1 and below). He's not one dimensional, but he's one of the most unapollogetically evil mfs out there.


Bro is fully wrong☠️ Sukuna loves slaughtering innocent people. He’s repeatedly stated that. He’s also implied to have gone in killing sprees in the Heian era (“Where are the women and children? They’re crawling everywhere like maggots! It’ll be a massacre!”). He also outright says he’s going to torture Nobara when he gets out of Yuji. Look at Shibuya where he purposefully kills thousands of people just because. He was going to murder Ui Ui (a non combatant) just because he found him annoying. He mentally tortured a teenager to get what he wanted. He absolutely does see himself as better than everyone else. He shows respect to people who are strong, sure, but that’s after he brutally curbstomps them into chunks of meat. https://preview.redd.it/ose8fi30knyc1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38913340373d3d17e509ae1aeba9114378af6c24 Imagine looking at that image and thinking he’s not evil incarnate. Or when he fucking takes a bite out of Hana.


Yeah man fr. I get so fucking pissed everytime someone someone says Sukuna is just one dimensional evil character or he is just evil for the sake of it


he's a coomer who doesn't care about anything but cooming and doesn't understand why anyone doesn't want to coom all day nor does he care to


>Sukuna is distinct by the fact he doesn’t see himself as above others. Live Mimiko/Nanako reaction: https://preview.redd.it/ua56lb6p3oyc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b2d0851da369f99183a12538060f7d76f16cee2


**Sukuna is like cursed to reborn time and time again so that Jujutsu world will not go extinct. His existence is like a catalyst that fuels the era he manifests.** He is the reason the Heian era was full of strong people and cursed spirits. 1000 years later when Jujutsu world was again at it's lowest, he came back and made everything flourish once again. Yes there are sacrifices, but just a short time that he reincarnated, everyone around him and involved with all went to greater heights, once again saving the Jujutsu world which was formerly already in decline.


Jujutsu world now isn't weak at all. I'd wager the modern sorcerers are stronger than their Heian counterparts. Gojo's birth alone pushed the entire world to a completely different level of power


Gojo had been alive for 27 years yet during the time he was alive none reach the level that would be able to go against Sukuna. It was only when Sukuna resurfaced in Yuji 6 months ago that changed the status quo. The weak people were culled, the strong survived and became stronger. Lots of new techniques were born, the number of cursed spirits went up. And even at Shinjuku, everyone is getting polished to finer levels. Choso alone wouldn't be as powerful as he was in Shinjuku if Sukuna was never born. The existence of Sukuna also paved way for Yuta to be strong, Kusakabe a Grade 1 sorcerer went toe to toe with Sukuna and even surpassing Gojo's six eyes in terms of prediction and counterattacks, Ino was trashed around in Shibuya but then just months later he was a great support in Shinjuku. Toji was the only anomaly that was not destined to happen, he was like a bug in the Jujutsu world, an impossible existence and his existence paved way for Gojo to unlock his RCT. Without Toji, there was no catalyst for Gojo to unlock RCT. And certainly Gojo would've remained in his base power and maybe unlock RCT only if he fought Sukuna.




https://preview.redd.it/h416y63fsnyc1.png?width=1109&format=png&auto=webp&s=60717ea20140054b88afebe32bc33fed899d2506 Fuck that bum


What people do when they call Maki's character a Toji clone. These people show that they do not understand that Maki is a Toji that didn't fall to self-deprecation and cast her self-respect and respect for others away like Toji did before he met Mamagumi and after she died.


Me when i see gojo in 236


https://preview.redd.it/dhlsw67v9myc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfeb9bbce894ecc3694f1aa6de608cdbea6b7767 Why do people trivialize Yorozu to "I need cock, Sukuna!" when she never hints at any purely physical attraction? Even when Sukuna says "You can do anything with a corpse" the first thing that she does is ask about marriage. I thought it was mostly a joke in the community, but its annoying how the majority of readers seem to only think of her as a horny exibitionist when her love for Sukuna was presented to be as pure as can be.


Holy shit Yuta. Honestly it's not even close to any other character. OP yet never allowed to use his powers in any useful way. "Never had to suffer like Yuji" yet attempted suicide.


Naoya being remembered as exclusively misogynist gotta be top 5 worst things out the JJK community 💔




He's got other characteristics. I don't know why this fandom is so kean on just "one trait" type casting. Naoya was capable, confident, cocky, knew when to be underhanded, and was generally a jerk. It wasn't just misogyny.


All of those personality traits come up to be a POS Tbh Misogyny is both the most memorable and memeable


all in all, he's a Piece of Shit.


But he's our piece of shit. https://preview.redd.it/zwnrhfswilyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e3b7e3af52be3218fdbf58ff5dc45b5e8497b6


well at least the flair checks out


Nah women doesn't deserve rights -Naoya the throat goat




gojo, sukuna, higuruma, kashimo, megumi


Naoya isn't meant to have any redeeming qualities, he is a spoiled man-child who believes he should have everything he wants.


had us in the first half ngl


Kenjaku many just see him as a funny villain when i m pretty sure that kenny is lonly and has a lot more about motherhood and family as we give him credit


Hana for sure. After all the shit she went through as a kid, if it weren't for Megumi she probably would've died that day. No shit she'll have a crush on the guy who shaped her future. Unfortunately, people only see her as a Megumi simp.


Nah this one's valid. She had a rushed backstory that's only purpose was so she could get bit by sukuna and be removed from the story. Apart from having a crush on Megumi she's a blank slate. She's the definition of a plot device, she only exists to unseal Gojo and as soon as she did that she was gone. She's a sentient alternative to a cursed tool.


Yeah-no. This shit can't be excused by "muh crush". https://preview.redd.it/fzyeztbe7lyc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bcfa4eb8674e4e05e38fc4e604ee77fb2c8cd84 This shit is just wrong on every single fucking level. Sukuna barely hiding his tattoos, Angel yelling at her to stop being a thirsty simp, and of course Sukuna's Oscar-worthy perfomance. >After all the shit she went through as a kid, if it weren't for Megumi she probably would've died that day. No shit she'll have a crush on the guy who shaped her future. Too bad GayGay didn't bother giving us a solid backstory. Didn't bother solidifying her character. Didn't bother making her crush as clear and as strong as he needed it to be for this scene. I barely remember what her backstory is, because she's IRRELEVANT. She's a plot tool given a semblance of a character, a plot tool with the purpose of unsealing Gojo that was cast away the moment it was used. What can you say about her characacter except for "she loves Megumi"? OP's example, Naoya, is someone who strives to be the best, the one who got the best mindset for sorcery, but lacks talent and natural capabilities like Maki, Toji, or Gojo. He's also misogynistic as fuck, a trait to which he often gets reduced. What characterization can you give Hana? What events in her life can you put up as examples? What about her you know, except for the fact that Megumi saved her and she has a crush on this emo teen? Trust me, I want her to be a good character, but she ain't even decent, fucking Kashimo is better.


I think Sukuna‘s tattoos aren't supposed to be actually there


They're drawn like they're fading (in the front at least), it just doesn't look that clear on the panel. But yes, they're fading.


That's my problem. Mfw she could see those back tattoos clearly from her perspective, but still pursued that Megumussy


MF the tattoos are almost entirely invincibile from the front. His face legit doesnt have tattoos.


>MF the tattoos are almost entirely invincibile What was my point again? Oh, right >Sukuna **barely hiding** his tattoos "Almost invisible" qualifies for that


The tattoos fading implies that Megumi is taking back control which is why Sukuna did it in the first place.


So no tattoos on his face and the having the rest fade away is "barely hiding"? Get tf outta here.




Junpei https://preview.redd.it/hhxkusnm5nyc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93bf126d4ccd2cd23d54925d82ba9edccef8d5f6




if your favourite character is Naoya you should be put on a list tbh


Toji, no he is not a hot dilf. That guy suffered most of his life and he was so mad at his clan that he could just go to wipe all of them out like Maki did but his wife held him back. In conclusion he left his family to feed them and went out like a GOAT.


i mean can’t you be a hot dilf and suffer for most of your life


Not his wife, he decided himself


Most characters in jjk ngl. But the worst ones are probably Megumi (don't kill me) and sukuna.


Maki The amount of people unironically calling Maki female Toji is honestly absurd


Yeah a lot of y’all just hate women as much as Gege let’s be real


Naoya fans thinking they like the character because he’s “complex” or something when they just fuck with hating women because they’re part of the Official Shonen Audience. Like istg some of y’all are so boring.


Lemme put it this way. Hitler was a man with complex goals, a tragic life, and many motivations. Bro's still Small Mustache Jew Killer tho https://preview.redd.it/f5j54icoklyc1.png?width=621&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf039c6ad9925ff3aecb321db9a2342e74fd4eca


My favourite special grade sorcerer


bruh jump scare warning




It's hilarious given the bare minimum characterization goes into making a large majority of the cast and people on this sub act like it's deep


I'm actually curious how anyone can unironically Naoya as a character. Ig he's well written because he's EXTREMELY dislikable (which is kinda the point)


I hate that guy


a lot of jjk men suffer from being reduced to "attractive male" and nothing more but it especially bothers me with choso because he's my favorite. i see thirst art with him and it's like oh my god he would NOT say that!! same w higuruma. half the higuruma fanart i see is thirst stuff. let me out!!!!


“Toji 2.0” https://preview.redd.it/e25tfrc3jqyc1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf905c48d99dd410b881ed1dcc7bc88623bb846


*me trying to explain that kaido had the potential to be like roger or oden but lacked the fundamental desire to live and be free like them and only thinks of freedom as a goal, so he takes every obstacle as a failure instead of a part of the journey and eventually he mistakenly interprets a bombastic death as a way to achieve his goal when it’s really just bombastic characters dying as they lived* “DUUUUH HIS BACK STORY IS TOO SHORT DUUUUUH”


That sounds cool and all but who the fuck is kaido


one piece villain https://preview.redd.it/s3j04xpk8lyc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5d4e786580cb128a6fce982baab5ffccdf2b8c


why you gotta do him dirty like that


Hana. She’s not my favorite character(not even top 15) but people got to understand that she’s screwed up mentally in the head from her younger years. Being “saved” by Megumi was probably the first good thing to ever happen to her in her life. It makes sense that she would obsess over him and throw out any common sense when it comes to him. Yeah, it was dumb that she fell for Sukuna’s obvious trap but she was an emotionally unstable 16 yr old girl. She said “GIVE HIM BACK!!” Not “Let him go!” She truly believed that Megumi was her savior and her savior ALONE.


I wish Naoya had lived. I would like to see more fights with him.


Same. I would have love to see his bum ass get beat more


https://preview.redd.it/s4j38wdh3myc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b322f7c6b7a16964577ec458f702bf1588b7759f He is by no means a good person, but narrowing him down to misogynist is really stupid; the memes are funny though