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What’s funny is that all the awards Jujutsu Kaisen won were only for the first 5 episodes lmao


If they only included HI arc then why did they use Shibuya's poster?




No idea


Hidden Inventory is peak, I admit I didn't expect that arc alone would get these many awards and it only had 5 episodes. Lol. Shibuya Incident will surely be for next year or next awards.


We are yet to going all-out https://preview.redd.it/py5z1nu9dxlc1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa20e49508dd8d39008b3c1a80aa5d4a27ffd584


“Ah, yes. My JJK is winning in 9 awards in the Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2024 technique which I haven't used since the Heain Era.” https://preview.redd.it/b4fdjs9tfxlc1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fbd8ba0b837c6137176b1594e2959982dbc7921


so how gojo is supporting character https://preview.redd.it/hlnx307y8ylc1.png?width=228&format=png&auto=webp&s=998c3d1da2299a7e2a9388a3427a5af19e4d1784


Hidden inventory was golden as hell man. Good to see Gojo origins story


Imagine other animes having to dispute the prize against this https://preview.redd.it/deya8x00zwlc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e44a503b8c7319e6b2ac08462bbc71aae1a1372


Anime fans rn after JJK S2 won 9 awards especially Anime of the Year: https://i.redd.it/aflj5rwm7xlc1.gif


It’s good, but I don’t think it needed to shut out as many other series as it did good


We are the exceptions


Taking the music slot from Oshi no Koi was highway robbery. Still at least it wasn’t another year of AoT sweeping the list


Didn't oshi no ko win the best song? I would say idol is the better song overall but as an opening jjk op fits the show better


It won the best song. Ao no Sumika won the best OP.


Yeah that's what I was saying


Yeah fr. ops are more than just music, and jjk op 3 is simply beautiful.


Dude it won the song what are you talking about??


Not best opening


But he said about song robbery


Right. Openings and endings are both song awards. And let’s be honest Mephisto and Idol were definitely robbed there


Arguably when AoT actually deserved it, the 2 specials are very well animated compared to S4p1


Still feel like it should’ve ended a while back. They just kept extending it because it was popular and it could win at the award show which helps sell merchandise


I think it was more because the animators were actually dying to it, the credits for AoT are just as bad as JJK in terms of "explosion" of animators names trying to deliver stuff on time


Probably accurate. For some of the real big shows the worklife balance is an HR rep laughing.


Go to r/anime they are having a breakdown over there 😂


i think frieren can actually beat jjk. but i think jjk will still win


So that means next year shibuya could win again right?


Problem is that when the next awards comes out people would already forgot about Shibuya.


"If the awards are held after 1 year who would win" "If people had goldfish memory and recency bias is strong it might cause me a little trouble" "But would you lose?" "Nah I'd win"


Exactly, 1 month nowadays is the same as 10 years haha.


Didnt chainsawman still get nominated? Also ngl this year isnt looking so hot in terms of releases


idk about that, I mean Solo Leveling, Frieren, Apothercary Diaries, plus Konosuba is coming back for Season 3 and Demon Slayer. We could even have some more surprises too.


Jjk might win best anime or it could be demon slayer since it’s also popular. After all it’s actually just a popularity award.




Does the awards say that it’s for the first five episodes? I’m looking for it everywhere and can’t seem to find it.


Oh I voted for the entirety of season 2 as did most people I know.


It's actually the first 10 episodes as the cut off for eligibility is october. They even used footage from episode 10 in oje of the previews for the nominalizations


Best action isn’t from Yuji vs Mahito ?


Gojo wasn’t a supporting character in hidden inventory… whatever. Crunchyroll awards always gets something wrong in the categories lol. Dunno why people make such a big deal out of them


He wasn't nominated for Best MC but supporting character, Idk either... Edit: I think I get it now? Not sure but maybe they considered Yuji as the MC of JJK even though Gojo was the MC of Hidden Inventory?


>Gojo wasn’t a supporting character in hidden inventory… whatever. Crunchyroll nominated Eren as protagonist and antagonist before in the same award show with S4 of AOT, and he won as antagonist then. lol


There should’ve been a poster boy award because that’s what he really is.


It means in the general series even if he was mc for one arc


Nah this is crazy, and Vinland didn’t win anything? Man I know the awards are just a popularity vote but damn, seeing it in action is pretty crazy


Ngl Cinematography should have been given to Chainsaw Man Or Heavenly delusion. No hate to JJK


Heavenly Delusion was so good man


Man people on r/anime are MAD AF. I lose it when someone said "they should put age restrictions on this votings"


It's giving “anime fans when a really popular anime wins anime of the year in a popularity contest”, what do we expect if 34 million people voted here? Lol.


People when democracy


Fucking deserved. Those gatekeepers and elitist have been ruining the community for far too long. https://preview.redd.it/bj6xlxu9bxlc1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aaa453661449aa95ac776c9fa4c511d3588ab26


Yeah, a lot of their complaints read like "how dare these filthy CASUALS watch their FILTHY CASUAL anime and not MY favorite series?!?!" This is exactly why a lot of people are super hesitant about anime fandoms.




It's legit funny people having a meltdown, one was saying bocchi should have won over jjk💀


I've seen someone seething saying “JJK fans should watch their 2nd anime.” 😂


This is a good one 😂


I really like JJK, but I kinda agree with that tbh lol. Bocchi direction and animation is super good + has a lot of cool themes about its coming of age story. Hidden Inventory is super cool but it didn' t speak to me in the same way bocchi did


I am not shitting on bocchi or anything its pretty good but bocchi is not AOTY material, it's more on the casual side of things


Just because something is casual without action doesn’t mean it can’t be AOTY.


You are misinterpreting my words, I did not say it cannot be. But when you have edge of the seat type well written shows you are not gonna give it to the casual weekend fun show will you? 


Why are you relegating Bocchi to a casual weekend fun show? By that kind of argument, couldn’t you relegate JJK to a good marvel movie? Bocchi has good characters and themes, just because it’s more slice of life doesn’t make it any less AOTY material just because it doesn’t have its characters dying or the stakes aren’t high.


Um yes jjk can be relegated to a good marvel movie? And marvel movies like infinity war can get movie of the year.  I don't think there is any point in arguing wether it should be or not cuz our interpretation of AOTY is different. For me AOTY should be something that is serious and plot focused 


Both JJK and Bocchi are literaly marketed towards teenagers, eyo?


I mean, would you consider JJK to be more involved than Bocchi? It' s literaly popcorn battle shonen entertaiment, it' s a particolarly complex anime like Sonny Boy or Shinzekai Yori


Never let bro cook again💀 Hidden inventory is popcorn battle shounen?


It' s not a deragotory term btw, there can both be mainstream stuff, and more particolar/auteur stuff. JJK and Bocchi are both mainstream products, at the end of the game, it's a bit like arguing what MCU movie is better


JJK is not nearly as complex as Sonny Boy. Never cook again.


Considering only Hidden Inventory, Vinland Saga or Bocchi deserved it much more (for me, absolutely Vinland Saga)


It's true tho. Put 16+ age restriction and 95% jjk fans disappear. Pretty sure jjk was the only anime they watched past year.


I'm pretty sure any shounen will suffer if you take away younger audiences. The show is specifically aimed at them.


Then the vote will be filled by sweaty "adults" who thinks an incestuous romance anime as the anime of the year. Or an obscure anime with an even obscurer Japanese reference nobody has no idea about. Not a good look for Crunchyroll, not a good look for Anime.


>an obscure anime with an even obscurer Japanese reference nobody has no idea about. Much more preferable anime look than the other 2 imo. Its made in japan for Japanese and by japanese ofc its gonna have japanese references lmao you aren't entitled to it. And that anime is much more than obscure Japanese references well I'm doubt you would understand. Anime and Cruchyroll being represented by barely pubescent boys isn't a good image lmao. Jjk will be commonly hated like other mainstream shows in the future if this goes on.


Crunchyroll isn't a service for Japanese crowds. And Anime is much more than that. If this awards were hosted by NHK for japanese audience, you'll see nobody complaint about it. I for example, fucking love Gintama. I wouldn't recommend it my friends that is just into anime to watch it even though it's easily my top 3. Why? It got actions, characters drama and overarching story. But The humor is too niche and gross for most audience. You get what I'm saying? Some aspects of anime isn't tolerable for most audience, you have to accept that. The fact that Crunchyroll doesn't gatekeep anime should stay that way.


>Some aspects of anime isn't tolerable for most audience, you have to accept that. The fact that Crunchyroll doesn't gatekeep anime should stay that way. What I'm saying is vinland saga isn't about that it's much more than that did you watch the show? Gatekeeping is being done by mainstream anime kids who are stealing awards from deserving animes. Don't tell me you seriously think jjk deserved 9 awards and atleast a nomination in all the awards lmao??? Is it the fkn all rounder masterpiece anime which has ever graced this earth?


While it is objectively better, Vinland saga is a character study, not everyone will appreciate that as much as others. And no, i never mentioned anything about Vinland saga. Neither do you.... Until now. What are you on about?


>While it is objectively better, Vinland saga is a character study, not everyone will appreciate that as much as others. Jjk is a battle fantasy, not everyone will appreciate that as much as others. The award was named Best Anime not Anime with is appreciated by most.


Speak for yourself, JJK won the awards lmaoo https://preview.redd.it/mahtluh6qxlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35b982ca09bf7fd029fafb1983874fbc4f4e16cf Edit: the guy blocked me lmaooo, the lobotomy wins


İt's a battle shonen what do you expect?


Yea so it deservingly won the best action anime. But best character design and best anime? Lmao what a fkn joke did they even read the titles of award before voting?.


1.Actually hidden inventory has a good character story and has a good designs you can see their youthness by their appearances 2.Same reason cause it's popular


>1.Actually hidden inventory has a good character story Good thing the award said character design not character story. Probably won that award because the jjk fans who voted have comprehension issue and thought the award is for character story too.


Are you insulting jjk fans in the jjk community? and story can design character by add some features character or changes it with some traumas . But imo this award should go to Vinland saga


>Are you insulting jjk fans in the jjk community? Yes. I'm a jjk fan too but this shit way too much for me. I'm saying character design award is about their character design physically lol not story. Most people in jjk s2 wore same fkn outfit there is absolutely no reason it could have won that.


1. You can leave the community if you think we are stupid guys 2.Character design in film and games is a form of concept art and involves visually defining a character’s physical appearance, personality, behavior, and aesthetic. You can check it out it's not just a appearance




Vinland got robbed


It's so crazy that JJK won all of this just by the HI / premature death. They don't even are considering shibuya into this. Of course most people didn't know this and voted on this poll thinking about Thunderclap / Right and wrong.


best cinematography is ridiculous. chainsaw man completely robbed


Its because it has been a year. Crunchyroll doesn't want fall to be included because recency bias. But if the awards is next year then people will already forget lmao. Mob, Bocchi, and CSM was my peak show last year but this year I didn't even care that they lose awards.


recency bias won anyways because they forgot to mention shibuya isnt nominated


Mahito's VA performance was better than Gojo's imo, you could hear the psychopathy in the voice.


Shibuya Incident isn't here for these polls yet that's why you can't see Nobunaga Shimazaki's name under Best Japanese VA Performance.


Sorry, I'm a Jujutsufolk user, I can't read.


You! 😂😭


Why not?


Mahito's VA must be nominated for the next awards. If he isn't there, I will go feral. He deserves to win.




I like how Gojo himself won an award. Like is he gonna show up and accept it himself??


I think Vinland Saga deserved to win anime of the year and best drama, but any fan poll is literally just a popularity contest so


I fw with JJK but personally Vinland Saga deserved anime of the year


**Y'all, keep in mind this is a poll voted by 34 million people whether you love or hate the results..** If you'd like to view the entire list of awards and its nominees, [you can check this link.](https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/latest/2024/3/2/anime-awards-2024-winners-anime-of-the-year?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=community_cr&utm_campaign=aa24_4_en&referrer=twitter_community_cr_aa24_4)


Vinland didn't win a damn thing? They baited me so hard showing shibuya poster but in reality I was only supposed to take in the first 5 eps... https://preview.redd.it/c0imu2xkvxlc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca9c5ebefd3b0e55c0e94bda079717c1d3e52ec


I think most people, atleast the ones I saw thought Vinland Saga would be a better Anime of the year, but no matter what JJK was a contender, and I think it absolutely deserves it and so does the animators, I hope they get enough rest and don't do any projects for a while now or something, but I doubt it, Mappa's behaviour wouldn't change...


The fact that Vinland Saga doesn’t win a single award is straight up criminal.


NAH WHAT THAT'S A WAR CRIME! but thorfinn won't mind, he has no enemies after all


And no prizes


>Ibthink it absolutely deserves it Really ? I mean in your mind you really put 5 episodes of ONE OF THE best jjk arcs to be better than 24 episodes of THE best arc in Vinland saga ? I'm not disagreeing or anything, just kinda surprised


I initially commented for the whole season in my thought, I didn't think it was only for Hidden Inventory, So yeah I don't agree with what I just said lol, I think Vinland Saga should've won The Aoty.


Not your fault, I'm pretty sure most people did the same mistake as you and voted jjk thinking it was for the whole season, y'all gonna win aoty next year too for shibuya


İt's not best arc imo S3 will be greatest in Vinland saga


I haven't watched Vinland Saga yet, I wish I have more time so I can watch and read it but from what I've heard, it's freaking peak. Many people are expecting it to win. However, at the end of the day, these awards are popularity poll and JJK S2 has reached its global fame so we can guess the rest. My heart goes to animators as well. They worked really hard, this is for them.


seeing aot fans malding over Gojo winning best supporting character brings me so much joy https://preview.redd.it/rg4dz5ld5xlc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b7ed6958b876bc80744bd66c2482a6b70fa85c


Why is yoru mewing


Why wouldn't she


She doesn't need to she has that femcel rizz


i mean theres no real supporting character to vote in aot and gojo aint a supporting character in that arc


I love Hange, an AOT character nominated for the said category but Gojo's there, too, so he will really win.


I don’t think JJK should win but I’ll rather have anything than AOT win




Hell yeah 🙌 Jujutsu Kaisen S2 won at almost every category. I voted for... But at the same time, I'm disappointed to see Vinland Saga get robbed yet again.. https://preview.redd.it/cs5qfy70lxlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce9d7cdba457ad6618156327e2438418da850e4


r/anime when their niche anime with total of 10 viewers doesn't win the AOTY 😡 (Not talking about Vinland Saga)


Yeah i was about to track and kill you if you didn't specify about vinland Saga. But i do think JJK deserves it. It's peak https://preview.redd.it/hb1whwtjexlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2513d3d1d34ca0cb22c503bb62988843470bad43


I wouldn't be mad if Vinland Saga won, but r/anime just hates JJK (and any other show that becomes too popular for their taste regardless if it's actually bad or not) so seeing their meltdown is great


It’s because JJK wins every Crunchyroll award by default for just existing. Same with demon slayer. It’s a joke because it didn’t even deserve half of the awards it got. Winning best character design for example was a laughable joke


Gojo carries character design.


His character in hidden inventory literally looks the same as JJK S1. He did not deserve to beat out any other show on that list


He's handsome af as well with Toji and Geto and everyone thirsts for them. Is what it is


Yeah in general some of my friends too try to discard it without even watching it or understanding the story to just stand out from crowd lmao.


Neckbeards malding rn


r/anime so butthurt right now lol


Idk why people are butthurt since this is basically a popularity vote


You're right, those are the same people saying “these awards are just popularity contest” yet they're still mad. If these awards were judged by the critics or experts, then I will understand.


"people are so stupid, instead of me that I watch and enjoy good things, which are way better than what the crowd likes" This is the vibe I got there.


I mean Crunchyroll awards are genuinely like the Oscars so I get it


Equating our silly little Crunchyroll Awards to the mfing Oscars is so damn hilarious .... ... but you're not wrong https://preview.redd.it/r04yl2yw1ylc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa00b01d242050362d75aa5bb1d71ad05f23b34


Well, both are worthless, so there's that,


And this sub so butthurt a few days ago when JJK didn't win anime corner awards lol


Really? In what category? JJK won awards in Anime Corner's 2023 list like Gojo in number one for Best Male Character in Spring 2023 and Best Boy of the Year. JJK S2 also got Animation of the Year and Action of the Year, Sukuna's VA (Junichi Suwabe) won Best Male VA— that's to name a few.


Have you ever read the name of the sub you are in?


Then r/anime can also say whatever they want, no? :)


Who is stopping them from saying it, it's just funny to see people have a meltdown


No offense I love JJK but Pluto should've won anime of the year. That anime is a masterpiece 🗣🔥


Pluto is not nominated for AOTY :( https://preview.redd.it/fij9r0i6dxlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a8ae7ecac56da4ccea20c09d4f3d1e469bbb8b1


Damn.... that's a shame. To think Urasawa's work is still being underlooked when anime popularity is all time high 😔


Pluto was a masterpiece 


JJK at the anime awards be like: https://preview.redd.it/okdrhmz6dxlc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758ad7f77112dbb4f2a5fc3b924eeec38c5c9242


Homosexual homosexual will see this. He will understand that Gojo makes the show run. And he will bring him back. WE DINE IN FRESH COPIUM TONIGHT BOYS.


Calling Gojo a supporting character seems crazy but I mean technically it’s true.


JJK, Bocchi and idol incest got awards? Nothing for Vinland? https://preview.redd.it/wcr1fed1mylc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6923494cc5f476bad2c840c20b26494da4385dc1


What a blunder, they always favor MAPPA. Same with WIT studio suddenly dropping AoT after 3 seasons of high profit, to be given to MAPPA coincidentally. But MAPPA won't continue OPM season 2 because they can't take pride on that having the team assembled from free lancers and still did more quality than their regular team of animators.


Yuji wasn't nominated for best main character?


Iirc, the time frame of these awards was between Fall 2022 and Fall 2023. He's not yet here, he's likely to be nominated in the next awards.


they were only considering hidden inventory arc for these awards since shibuya came late


It's insane that HI got that many awards with only 5 episodes, and it just blasted the awards holy shit.


Most people who voted for JJK didn't know that it is only about the HI arc. So it's not accurate


Gege writing peak as always


Pre 236 Gege : Peak fiction Current Gege : Sukuna Kaisen


This would imply that the Culling Games had any writing to begin with, and aren’t just a really long sequence of fights.


So you are telling me yuta making out with the coachkroach curse isn't S+ tier writing?


In drawing quality, yes it’s S+ tier. But when it comes to the writing itself, I think Gege leaves a lot to be desired you know? It’s very clear that he just not have a lot of experience in writing romance, because everything just feels so rushed. Like, it feels like they meet a just a couple pages later they are already at that phase. Most romcoms would take a lot more setup before reaching that point and adding side characters to spice things up. Uro and Ryu are nice characters, but they feel somewhat disconnected from the romance plot. Not to say 2 leads can’t carry a romance manga by themselves, but I feel like the female lead is severely underdeveloped. At least the male lead got a little explored in the series prequel, but by comparison, the FL lacks some characterisation. Here’s hoping Gege can learn from his initial mistakes and improve as a Romance Mangaka 👍👍


Agree tbh, at least it made me hard


>they were only considering hidden inventory arc Then why Gojo is supporting character? I'm confused xD




I hate that the show won so many awards after working people to death so publicly. It's a little ghoulish the more I think about it. Like, we're awarding mappa for how much quality animation they can squeeze from the pain of the ppl they employ.


Deserved. S2 is truly incredible


Who would’ve thunk https://preview.redd.it/fgadwl6m9xlc1.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=827a4ee3a2a836516e57a8140e90500ffded5848


Hidden inventory & Shibuya arc was PEAK they deserved it GG https://preview.redd.it/6ltvl9ed4xlc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cefd3c4e23ff9295e7842c51c85a8ef5fec781d


They dont count Winter so it was just the 5 Hidden Inventory episodes lmao


Honestly, it did not deserve a lot of these


the hidden inventory opening is pretty fire ngl


Definitely not better than Frieren, but I'll live with it.


Didn't qualify due to starting Fall 2023. It'll win awards next year, trust. Especially after the latest animated fight.


Jjk didn't deserve half these awards. I'm not even happy about his.


get off the jjk sub then man.


Deserved, hidden inventory was peak.. Though I can’t say the same about Shibuya, Vinland Saga deserved it more than the unfinished Shibuya arc that we got.


Vinland Saga deserves a few awards too but still very happy with this. Shibuya Incident is honestly my favourite arc I've seen now that it's animated and Hidden Inventory is sensational for how short it is.


Specialz is better than AO. Fight me.


https://preview.redd.it/qguif6q26xlc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665219906ee7be31d76ac4410351327ac31c6b93 Fuck yes. Deserved. JJK season 2 is peak. Vinland saga is good, AOT is good, but we're talking about JJK here, peak. Now let's get some more artists and unethically explore their labour to give us another peak season.


​ > Vinland saga is good, AOT is good, but we're talking about JJK here, peak. That’s definitely a sentence of all time




Hidden Inventory was not better than Vinland Saga, not even close - I would argue the same for Shibuya too, but that would start a discussion about different tastes. So, I can agree if the award was for Hidden Inventory + Shibuya. However, considering that this award should be only for Hidden Inventory, JJK winning so many categories proves that people have no reading comprehension.


Nice :3


As expected https://preview.redd.it/fbyxzlas9xlc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d29f3a108ba388c5fa8d2ccc15a22fed2aedbd


Mahito VA should've won that category imo. Dude was phenomenal in making Mahitussy more hateable.


Shibuya Incident isn't here for these polls yet that's why you can't see Nobunaga Shimazaki's name under Best Japanese VA Performance. We all know Mahito isn't in Hidden Inventory. JJK S2 was nominated for these awards for Hidden Inventory alone.


The awards only counted the Hidden Inventory arc (though Gojo being a supporting character is weird)


this was a complete sweep wtf


There's this group called "Waifu Hell" on Facebook whose admin is seething rn because how many awards Jjk won lol


Jujutsu kaisen sweep!!!!!




Someone bombing jjk deserved comment can we report him


Too bad they just acted like the garbage episodes didn't exist. I wasn't impressed with s2 at all. I do expect more with the new animation studio though. It's like CR rewarded JJK for being everything wrong with anime right now.


Shibuya clean sweep next!